Monday, February 17, 2025


In the beginning was Heaven & Earth. Throughout the beginning & ending. It has been documented. Of the life span of history. The History that remains filled with mysteries. 

Then there is the conspiracy theories verbalized by the creation of every human being. Is the breathe of life. With All our human options. Still we lack in how to barter through funding. In funding a state of Peace on Earth 

Whether verbalizing are audible transmission. We as humans have questioned & blamed one another for what was created by whom on earth. At the beginning of Time. And throughout the History is also documented of the entire in Civilization.

Of the Wars & rumors of Wars. Centuries of Biblical Prophecy. But there is not one secret  hidden in these human minds & hearts. That prove any truth is enough. Regarding; the cycle of Life the Dash & Death on earth.  Amongst the Capitalism & Racism. Is the; state of Fear & Resilience in mankind. throughout the entirety is the state of infrastructure of the Earth.

How is history made? Knowing All races of man. We're the creation of one Humanity. How did history work in creating itself. If  it were not for the entirety of Mankind involvement. Of which man is crafty towards attempting to adjust the human history; it created of of itself. One humanity. So, How is history believable in being erased; is denied of unbelievable. In what has - is the entirety of the presence.  Is the faces of the extension of what many did over the course of one humanity. 

If one race of man was created for the entire history of mankind on earth from a biblical standpoint. Then what is history about. If Mankind initiated oppression upon each other. And why was the Prophecy documented. Of how following a Religion has it's own history. In humanity that coexist of the flesh is internal emotions of Love & Hate. is the heart & brains. 

If we research independently through our own Human Intelligence of Books & Verbalized communication with each other in being human. As we know what is of a spirit in identifying with GOD & Satan. Evil. & Good. We could agree there is good in evil.  Without the physical presence of man; conflicted involvement. Then what in the spirits of mankind would eventually transform.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...