Food, but before we digest all the description. Let's collectively; pause for one millisecond. Of what has broaden our cravings of food; the type of food. That is preserved to be allocated, divided are an option to; afford.
Now allow US in All to do some homework. In identifying determining The Books definition. 'Any nutritious substance that people are animals eat or drink'. Are that plants absorb in the sunlight. In order to maintain life. And growth. Along with water, nurturing, seeds & supplements.
Now the quiz is who in being a human or animal, does not need of the earth production of food Vice versa why not the animals are earth need; human attention for growth and food sustainability.
If we All see life from one human perspective. Which is our own intentions for each other in being human. Then what will the other humans in life; depend on. Of the resources to survive?
From a human beings definition of Food. We All need substance for development & growth. We All need something from the Soil Animals and of The Earth.
'Have you not heard, Have you not seen Have not known'.
I remember as a children hearing the roosters and chickens at the early dawn. And how supper always appeared on my family's table in between generations. Throughout family reunions.
Now the final question is; whom are what. Can benefit from a seed. Planted of; common sense alone. To deal mental with life experiences Experience. The personal experience is the root in our inner connection. In any & All of dealing with each other. In this state of the world. Is the state of any environment on earth. We live through a a mindset of; human intuition. As we all are researching throughout life; talking to each other. Why, not one self? Well let's ask If any human possess All the knowledge in the entire world. Then why would one person even need any human contact; with another human. of its own common sense. Exempt of street & book sense.
Until we are pushed beyond mental & physical boundaries. To simply appreciate; existing the breathe in life. We will first learn; it's adversity that motivates; surviving. Throughout a life we are the human beings; completely dependant. Not just in each other. But helplessly dependent on Earth's; entire resources.