Friday, February 21, 2025

Rebellious Spirit

Life is this space. And trials are heavy in weight. Often Times are good & bad. In every season. But through the stretch. We either grow, struggle are discover the changes needed in ourselves, both together. Are if we've reached a boiling point; of feeling a passion to separating ourselves. To recalibrate alone. To figure the Why, out.

Not every human is built. To be intentionally; heart broken. For another humans selfish intentions.

Love remains the Greatest Gift of All. In this world we're just realizing. The Why, not every human has  matured enough and grown. To experience each other in this life. To authentically find; a Peace of Mind. 

Look at every way Human beings have lived in Cohabitations on earth. Who has not suffered are struggle from each other's oppression, addictions, mental illness famine, heartache & pain. Who has not thought into a mental setback. Regarding who to payback, setup, smite, duped, anger, sorrow, grief. Who, has not of human emotions. Desired and searched for some human intimacy, human companionship and forever type of love; from each other? And yet it's the same humans. The first to cast at each other; judgment of the 10 commandments. And whose SIN. is covered, a secret, idolized are condemn. In this skin is being human.

One day the love for money; bought temporary time for Human pleasures to remain unfulfilled. Until time again out lasted the human expectations. Once the money was undesirable of exchange in human hands. But barted with for the next mindset of more brainstorming ideas. And that overjoy of being in love; no longer met each other's human expectations. Is when life shifted in Civilization. That started a new chapter in another generation. The events of Biblical Prophecy is priceless. For Grace & Mercy. Is still the  favor shown on earth.

How so?

Today, did the Sun rise again? Tonight, did the sun set? And before we debate each other in pettiness. Democrats are Republicans did not hang the moon are the stars in the sky. The day & night depends on the corner of the earth; we either reside, accross the world.

This week people ended hrs. In working shifts. Children completed their studies at school with teachers, associations, activities friends. Every where around the world finally the weekend is here.

Today, a voice whispered I feel lonely in my heart. Today someone released 40 pounds off their chest & from their mouths. Today a child is bullied, on  punishment, are sitting in idle in in isolation. But in a beautiful world, filled with chaos. Where does it All end of warfare in the spirit. And love begins. 

However, the root of the deeper problem. Still is the extension; of a recycling environment. Why, behaviors All over this earth. And let's not assume. In every village. Are in every environment. All humans involved. Are shedding the light on the truth. How so, some of us are alway's proactive in the ideas of involved. Until we don't get involved anymore. Once it's time for change; to break the cycles, trend & patterns.

In the world, we're all going through adversity. We All at a point feel emotionally punished & vulnerable. Including children. Its life circumstances, it's not just Christianity. We are of All  religions. And chose what to acknowledge of our own human choices. Including the decisions of our lives. Manmade Laws & Higher powers. Every argument is mentally invested. In how the world will end. 

The reality is We're all affected; in the world because of behaviors. We All possess basic human needs. And no amount of money will exempt the human side of our physical needs to survive. That someone else; posses of a control over choices through authority. And dictates; with money & what religion in what we as humans beings serve. Are to accept of each others decisions of the style of being a Christian. So we lose respect for each other. And the objective to service the earth. Is now the major root of  Civilians problem.

Life requires human beings; to individually emotionally feel. In a collective space; earth. And it's odd we have lived as one humanity. To rationalize of an entire mindset; to dismantle an area of Beliefs over ones own freewill of Religion.  The same humans. That no longer need to hide behind; what is released on earth. 

Why, to be disconnected at this point of Time in life. Is the devil's playground. Some kept knocking and invited All hell in. To entertain accepting. And support of a state of Broken in Spirit has to exist. To repeat; the manic cycles. Of a mental state in hopelessness of the spirit.

So, when humans express; burnout. In dealing with life itself. And just dealing with understanding meeting the expectations of each other. It's just inevitable we find respect; in the why. we're humans. Not battery operated. Without emotions. Including is children. Recall how we humans Cohabitated in creating the fruits of life; of All races on earth. A man shall not bare his own seed. Without the companion is the womb inside of the woman.

Think why, so much broken, is broke in life. And why is it always something. In our lives that is a cause root that stems from Religion & Politics. Circling back to addressing GOD. And a Biblical pattern. That applies  back into Society.

The world is at full Attention. Watching who is doing all this yelling. Back & Forth. Forth & Back in all public spaces that discipline demanded society to; abide to & respect. Amongst All human history is the real lives of every genocide that  has occurred on this planet earth. The ground of souls. Including my only child. Also buried with humans throughout generations. And it's the discouraging to know. Time is nearer. As the Drawing of themselves is the same in the audience. The point is we're all dealing with life & self internally. The reality is not one human on earth desires to deal with themselves; alone. Are the same types of one human classes in humanity will not exist; of one type alone. In this entire world. Why, GODS entire earth, and GODS entire Plan. So, whose plan was invested for All. In the love for money; for some. To shed light on what is ruling the events. That will shut down it never happens; here. 

What, about Religion? Believe it or not. It's going to happen all over the world. What, do you predict or think could occur in this world without it Religion. 

How does in one world. Of one type of race in people. Of one mindset; going in  One direction for All in humanity to follow. By manmade choices. Would exist. If there was no human compassion & forgiveness. But we operated of All hardened hearts. That lack human anytype of brotherly love. With love we're able to express; understanding, kindness & after pain & deceit. We find a way to forgive of each other. So, where does the abuse, hate, oppression and violence fit. Into love, respect & forgiveness? 

What is about, greed, vanity, arrogance, envy. And I know you're thinking. If I come into the agreement of a covenant of this world; to get some money are stuff. I can still harbor are express. Because we exist in a world of evil is good. Then the covenant can only exist of good knowing  evil has hurts others. And if hate is what needs to exist in this world. Then who is of a pure heart in the living to exist in love? And if money is this object to cure every human soul. Then where does Salvation & Religion apply; after this life. If the Bible and Christianity is always the argument in Politics & Society.

Something about mimicking; each other in this world. It's peculiar the types of engagements. Of human behaviors that replay over generations. We've all portrayed. It appears to resurface in every generation of time & age. And in ever environment. We're just humans; responding, and reacting to each other's human behaviors. Emotionally; dealing in ourselves. In a physical  & mental space. In which we All do not assume it's normal. Are ok. When we identify with how life situations; has a personal effect. Spiritual warfare is real. And why we as humans in this skin. Deny or Accept the way we approach dealing with internal struggles; and change in ourselves.

In addition to life. Why is Politics & Religion a scape goat conversation. Blaming each other. About ourselves; in these titles attached to people. People who we define by the weight of carrying our destiny. Of their own design. Knowing we're All born first as babies. Until development & transformation matures in these human minds. No human being is exempt. We are, who we are. Of human identities. 

The Bible reads of how self destruction in humanity; will occur in this generation on earth. And the life experiences is this great mentor. 

In Humanity we teached each other what to believed of each other. Of our own Power. Of implemented authority. And it's we delegated the crowning of each other in titles. Through this human Freewill. But it's the oppression we struggle with for a lifetime. To believe in oneself to be lesser of  a whole human. Unless we're identifying who is recognized and acknowledged of being equivocal of human existence. No one must lack of confidence in him or her self. When were punishing each other. As reminder to be told this is normal. Of treatment. As if one should live in; mental isolation throughout generations. Of submissive behaviors. In a state of conformity. As the Bible reads no one is physically conformed to this world, only of this world. 

As of the structure of the world. Remains in tact. Of its own form of existence. Was the beginning Alpha, before mankind. And the ending Omega, after humanity has fulfilled it's time. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...