Saturday, February 8, 2025


If the RIP is occured. Really In Process. What is re circling in another shift of humans. Down here on earth.

If one day is of Time for humans. Then what is the actual time. Of  accuracy from yesterday. of the last in All human history.

If we're told to not expect life to happen. Ever ask why the calendar once published certain dates. The same published info is now Removed of certain historical events. That emotionally will not be; revoked. Why, humans live it. 

If RIP continue in producing profits. Figure out aftermarket classes. In whom has suffered a bloodline & generations in losses.

We just can't make the behaviors & attitudes up. Regarding what is going on with humans. In the world. If We are living it. Then who decides what is erased of it. Money is an object. Through Power is human an action attached. But human lived history will just one day out of blue; be deleted? We lived it already. And living in of what was it's history of humans past .

Moving forward; The Tea while the Tea Kettles are boiling. And the coffee cups are flowing.  On every tables in every culture of human history. Is one story; All history.

If the souls in Mankind are experiencing an internal shift. Of what in the next generation will Really In Process; be handed down. From the State in this condition of this World. Will  anything be left of empathy also be physically are manually removed. In these human bodies is the veins & blood that functions to the heard of man. Any new idea of dealing with how humanity feels emotionally towards what is being adjusted in the wiring of our mentality. Fir so many generations the pain still exist. Inside of this skin.

If love is the objective to justify an action of every  human indiscretion. Then what is Really In Process; to minimize human existence on earth. Is to damage how humans feel internally. And who really has the tools to undo the wiring in every human being. 

Freewill, is a Freedom of declaration in one's individual decision making. As State of the World validates how every human reacts & thinks.

If money is the entire process. Then is Really In Process; destroy the respect of investing in it.

Now we're passed the drama. Pull up on the history and mark it. It's been said History repeats itself. The raw face is History was written by man. For how man; could be managed on earth to live.

Now we're all feeding into the Anxiety of Fear. It once was only about; the money. Used in improper ways. Beyond the arrogance of humanity. But what about the poor in spirit. While balance out the checks & balances. Including is the Banking & Criminal Justice Systems. Not yet excluded is every system man created. Of another people in mankind that were told not how without flaws. But what to build on. For the future generations of themselves.

Let sip the Tea, and Fall back. Put the human tongue in Silent. And think about All the directors & directions set up for mankind. Of every Life-Dash-Death. In Mankind. For every Power used of Laws created in State relied on Religion to represent itself. 

Until Time shifted what was already present in this entire world.

These Humans Intentions & Human Interactions throughout these Cohabitations of Relationships in which humans breeded; a world of Offsprings. Thinking one day by State & Religion; the master plans for division would then add up. To what is an action in being subtracted & rooted by it's own numbers. Is humans version of the final sum of what we teach of State Prophecy. But the Algorithm broke down the infrastructure & science of the earth.  Mother Nature remains the birth of seasons in joy &pain. Death silences blood lines. But why is Life a threat. If no human is capable enough to predict.

Earth's existence of Earth's next revolution; for the days, nights and minutes remain. As huma beings dismantle the emotional side between; the hope of what is in the physical to see.

Really In Process; To attempt to Assassinate Human History. For the dispute is man's own human beliefs of State. To argue with how to exempt  Biblical Religion. Without removing its own Doctrine. That has to coexist. For the State of The World. Is of how humans; mentally & physically. Choose in what is to follow; Man or GOD.

State is of Design in Doctrine written by man for mankind. Biblical Doctrine introduced the way mankind lived out through chosen Religio. No one explained whose religion & GOD is. of what is taught & lived; of morals, values and beliefs in All mankind. Is the Church of a physical building. Physically built by humans. The same humans of a People that fill the buildings in All infrastructure, that visit locations aroused the earth, that Cohabitate under shelter is humans with each other; boundaries are respectful if not dismantled. The Occupancy of this entire earth; is of humanity. People that exchange the human emotions; in human natures is our human behaviors in bad or good. The tool of money is for humans resources; to live if not survive on. Attached to human these Emotions that handle; on what is State of Humans. And the Doctrine of The Bible. Why, can not one human rewrite The Biblical Prophecy. We have never lived in the Previous years. So, how did man write it's own version for the World of Mankind to live. Based on it's hand to hand. Everywhere on earth is the living & breathing of Air. 

Stop asking what happened. The story is the writing on every walking human. It's been said to  humans. What is history. At the beginning of the creation of man for the Earth. And how did Power work in Man & State vs. GOD & Religion.

Let's simmer down. Why, it's Tea Time througout the world. And I'll sip on Clementine. While The conversation flowed in every corner of the world. 'What if everything we been taught regarding the life our parents lived over generations. And passed down as those same Adults. Into seeds mentally planted about State & Religion. That concluded SIN an action that still exist in this human skin. Spread throughout these hearts. In one world. As the eyes of every human shifted. And every voice trembles. What is spoken on. Is also the next question is 'what are you going to believe', from the tongues verses the life experience. If it was then and is of now.

Then who can be trusted. Verses what has or is being; done.

Before releasing the energy on this Tongue. Think about what humans; already lived & done.

Nothing, absolutely nothing. New under the Sun.


'I Am, Who I Am, Doctrine.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...