Monday, March 3, 2025


In every generation. Humans possess a competitive; mentality & spirit. But what happens when Siblings in DNA are to young to figure out. What time requires of what took course of mental development. In the mindset of Adults. 

And over time it's a good or bad; seed to see of what has been down. In each other of; good are bad karma. 

So, Let's chat. And unloosen our nostrils & mouths. To make room for. What is of the Salt sown of seed in The Earth.

Domestication & Cohabitations. And we're not to leave one table. Unraveled by. Who left food on it. Are crumbs & why. 

Idea the story family. Is the pillar of our own existence. But what happens when the bloodline is mixed. And the fantasy frame work. Is no longer the idea picture frames; sold a shelf  for purchase. 

See one thing is inevitable in this idea mindset. Is human expectations. And what really occured. Will reflect in of what has been; breeded in mankind.

And if not one human being; confesses. To black balling each other. Through anytype of energy or if a siblings if not relationships. Towards each other on Earth. Be prepared to swallow a pill. Before we enter into the Peanut Gallery & Land of the Lost. Of what really occured in the life & births. During these days of; humans, Domestications & Cohabitations. With each other.

Let's start from the soul. Of these seeds in a female's womb. And without a males DNA. There will not be any bloodlines. To attach through having; anytype of Children. It's about to get gut wrenching in knowing the Why, you will never underestimate; the motivation in vanity. Are the algorithm of Time.

We all going to learn today. About who did what. To whom. And why it's deeper; down from the womb.

So, deep our GOD has allowed just enough of common sense of our entire minds; to be utilized at one time. When a child says that all the information I can contain. When a grown up child repeats. That's all I can process of transmitting this information at one time. You should be curious; to why. 

Before we can wrap our entire minds. Around people, time and human behaviors. Keep an eye on the clock. And try not to be lured by pursuasive; human behaviors.  To think inside a Box. Fight harder mentally to thinking outside of the Box. 

If a clock is battery operated. And humans feed off; time to collaborate, affixiated and project in. Of each other's weakness & strength. Better recognize a sheep in wolves clothing. If not a den of snakes. And children are the breed of the many seeds. 

Age is just numbers. Life is the breathe of air. Of those same numbers. We are what is of the Light. of In this entire world.

Whose getting chills. Knowing it's gets deeper. Than even what we can admit to ourselves.

My child, keep the conversations short are none at All. Why, what time can any clock on the wall; reflect. If the clock is; battery operated are removed from the space it was last coordinated. And why do humans operate in different time zones. In one space is; Earth. Over a course is; Time & Movement. Of how & what they; are repeating in through out this entire world is; human natures & history.

Stand on; digesting The obvious. But be wiser. In being; human but over confident.


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...