Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Words can be uplifting. Words can be degrading. Words can determine the outcome. Words can be used to pick our; human battle's wisely. And alleviate or elevate; real wars.

And if you were to read, hear & even speak of. how  words; are used. It would are not be a significance in relevance. 

Why, ever hear the word Coward used. And realized. It's addressed towards another human. Who is no longer on earth. Are identify with a behavior that  deflects of their own behavioral actions. What about One human to another is not present to defend themselves. Are a post online for any if not one commentator; to chime in of a response. 

Well, let's diagnose what is the action a Coward; represents. Is it limited to a race, gender are age. Is it a flash word used to ignite; confrontation. It is a type of word  verbalized to describe bullying; amongst another human. By intimidating Are demonstrating an action. To absorb control. To gain submissive attention.

The moral is this there is Power in The Tongue. Words carry weight from a distance. And crossing each other's paths on this journey of life. It's just inevitable. We just don't know who may be the Good of those in Samaritans. who was judged are awaiting judgement. For a Coward act. 

When using harsh words. To blemish the integrity of each other. Never disregard the personal intension. If the mission is to discredit; another human being. Of breathing; in a human worth. on earth.

Why, not. Pride comes before the Fall. On Earth No life will be overlooked. In the hour judgement will run it's full course.


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...