Monday, January 27, 2025


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Why? It never happens. Until in real life; it's really happening. Over here, down there, up there. If not across the world. Of what is never or ever happens. Is Unbelievable, of happening in this world.

It's always good to laugh. Why, have we as humans not made one another cry enough. Until the unbelievable happens; for those who have experienced. It never happens here. Are with us.

Life is a mystery filled with beautiful details. Where people are not as challenging. Once Knowing what to look for. Of the trends & patterns. In the human characteristics - and behavioral patterns.

Ever knew why the entire time. A story teller eventually is dramatically invested in convincing another human. To remove themselves out of their own internal feelings.

Ever watch the World News. And everything is occuring. Throughout the world. Until it really happens. On the foundations human beings; stand, sleep and walk on. But it never happens here.

Ever been robbed of someone or someone precious if not the vue of appreciating real time. To realize it only took recalibration. To figuring it out. What the fuzzy gestures, misled promises, gargle and gossip; was implemented about.

Ever invested a consumption time, money. Included is physical & mental energy; in a repetitive narrative. If not involuntary or voluntary objective. Including another human being. That reflects the reasoning in why, the struggle with internal change is another level of accepting insanity is repetition in another level of accepting it. However, it's always justified in a reasoning to deflect. To; nobody cares. Are you deserve what you get. How so, even empathy has an expiration date. Why, the Bible reads if we are 'the Salt the of The Earth. Then what happened of the Savor planted in it. 

One day Time did an amazing turnaround. As in society humans educated each other. Regarding what really occured, what really occured. And what remains just Unbelievable.  But it's now a real reality.

To reason with the Believable in This World. So many promises made, and expectations misled.

Smile, life allowed a new day of this date and time. To Cry, if it's Unbelievable; the breathe of life still breathes. To embrace laughter. For what finally; came to the light. The Past in another generation of Civilization. Here on earth.

Live through ever season. With a driven responsibility; to address embracing the edification in accountability.


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...