PEON defined as being unskilled. The lesser of not being of more. And what's discouraging is. Whether it's spoken to. Spoken on. Are Of what is spoken from the Power of one's own; Tongue.
One day life existed without a human form. On earth. Then one day the stars were hung shimmering over the earth. The light in the sky shine so bright throughout the world. Until the sunset covered with darkness. For the night to cover at different times; throughout the universe.
This word PEON has been exalted from the tongues of the past & presence history in mankind. Of One breath; in Civilization is life on earth.
On earth was created in the images of existence male & female. In All forms of animals & humans to exist. For the sole occupancy on earth. To remain in it's own tact. As special assignments were allocated to each and every breathing form of life. Is when every breathing creature. And humans on earth. Procreated together throughout generations. Was the experience in mating. That extended a world of; life. Filled with the First names of humans called babies; by humans. But before each human were identified by gender & race. Including every creature created for earth. Of a pair to exist in one breath of; life. As the both were assigned the names; we know of each other. Of human titles & roles is every mother & father. To identify with their own genetic traits, tribes, gender, race. Including is animals & human identities. 1 Samuel 16:7
So, the main point is this. Every living Human being possess some; knowledge. Implementing of Using Words; expressions. Humans usage that reflect Powerful impacts. Impacts that are even hurtful from one human to another. And it's been occurring over the lifetime of humanity. But not All humans are emotionally submissive; to each other's tyranny. Which circles back to this Trivia. Of Twisted; behaviors. Is acknowledging our human responses. And amongst US in All is dealing with how individually. Do we as human beings; emotionally feel. To figure out. Who we are; in a sense of being rejected or accepted by each other. In being human. For over a lifeline what have we really teached each other about emotional interaction s, learned from one to another; identifying with each other's; physical appearances. And repeated to each other. About every human act; that mentally set us back. To accept & to acknowledge what is happening is these human bodies. During our own transformation. As humanity remains. Of every date of our human birth rights. Until the final dash is completed down here; on earth. It's figuring out how to manage of the accountability; not in each other. But in figuring out; the emotional ownership is to know what is it about finding our self 'Purpose'. In a state of being a part of the Human Affairs on earth. As time has to run it's natural course. For the Law's of Nature. Even for children require their entire lives; For personal growth. We're all just a breathe of life in this Skin. That is going to age in these bodies & minds. During time. Of one life. Is every long or short life span on earth.
Therefore, how can one another in being human; possess so much power over each other. To delegate another human being. Of a human purpose during life. In one's life span. If the same life span and growth is required of every human in this entire world. The earth needs our immediate; human attention.
If We All knew why humans are not the Creator of each other. Then there is no argument. As every human insist to contest each other's; 1st -27th Amendment Rights.
The Original Creator still reigns. Even in the Omnipresent of mankind on earth. The creator is of every Masterpiece positioned gently on earth; of humanity. Filled gently with one whisper to breathe of life. Throughout the history of mankind.
The Gatekeeper of Life is Time. How so, it's The element of Time that challenges change during The Breathe of Life in the world. This Power humans desire to control. As in finding Wisdom is a human state transitioning of figuring out mentally; the Purpose of one's own life. And If anyone being human speaks from one's own human tongue to another human tongue. Of what is identifiable of; a double edged sword. Of what is spoken of who can attest. The Biblical Prophecy of why any human created on earth. Is 'lessor', of being an entire person.
Knowledge is impactful. And Wisdom is Powerful. How so, for every attempt made to remove the state of existence. By exempting the human mechanicals here on earth. Reveals of what; Prophecy continues to Prevail. Regardless if the truth is denied. For the unbelievable to exist. The balance on earth; is shifted.