What about feeling alone, At the Top. Really is saying from one's own self examination. Once I have accomplished meeting a level of personal goals. I feel is of my achievement; not yours. I never expected. To look by my side; and the people I held close in my heart. Would physically & mentally be standing so far off. If only those repeated prayers in the dark valley's were really about; how we would make it through together. In the real storms of life.
One day you'll look up. From a place your head was held; low. Standing in a crowded world; of familiar and stranger people. But the anxiety will humble whatever is in these human hearts. To process why without the people that we're expected to remain in a mindset of celebrating the US. In how far we came; together if not faded apart. Because of our personal growth. We were to never leave out the genuine love & emotional support to protect of each other. Because life happens to All humans. Even if our accomplishments are not the same; it's what emotionally for each other changed. No matter who succeeded in what. A dream is inspired in All humans. It's the reality of reaching the dreams. And figuring out; who endured the real struggles with each other. The real personal struggles in life.
Time is a journey every human will take. Some people will relapse, some people will make a tight come back. Some people will whine & plot, consuming every emotional interaction. they can to persuade of another human. To believe no matter what they give of themselves. It will never, never be consumed of enough is enough. Son, I see the disappointment in your eyes. We are just People. It will never be enough between People & our human expectations. Why, silent regrets, it takes an entire mindset to not give up on; oneself. And where envy & jealousy rents residence in these human minds & hearts. Any human can feel hurt. And cause internal damage to another. And for the record no human title is exempt, not a one. But GOD forgives the SINNER, and judges the SIN. Therefore the exhausted respect the power in repentance. To see the better version in you is of me; my seed. Even if we don't always as humans. Agree to Disagree. In this human judgement we as humans cast on one to another. You my child figured your life out; and it was on earth. You my son my only child. found your soul inner purpose through faith. And praying to GOD.
Remember every human emotionally hurts. And humans heal or hurt by the actions of US All in being humans. Even if we deny what is Received of a Gift out of love. And whether People of any race believe in a higher power GOD are not. Son, everyday I will make it my personal mission. To Keep a planted seed in your mindset; to keep praying and taking to GOD. For every human birth was given an assignment on earth. Because of this gift of Life. Human beings will it figure out. What to value first in; oneself. If not every human will feel; the state of being devalued & smited of life; and cast their judgement on another. In the Blink of An Eye. In this one world. Called Life.
The day started off; I spoke with a woman of diverse color. She sat with her small children. In a time of a new generation. I replied allow the child to sat near you. I understand the why, they move around with happy feet in the world. Until one day I experienced a shift in Life. my only child; was gone from earth. In the Blink of An Eye. Is when I recalled the gift left in this world. One day you will also see from a different eye lense. Your tiny children will eventually blend in the world. She replied how so. One day they will grow in size of these tiny feet. And eventually birth a new generation. Of an even better version of the generations before them. is of you & me. Her eyes grew wide & she smiled. I never looked at life through that lense. I said we're all children to Mothers & Father's. But one day this life is destined to show humanity; it's favor. Eventually we will all see as human beings. What version of US remains in All the children. Did we produce in the mental & physical as boys & girls, men & woman. And it will reflect in these human hearts of this present; small version. We're still; growing up. Around a world; of each other.
Eventually our human feet. Will cross paths. And more seeds will be sown in this entire world. Whether we grow, are not together. Growing & Maturing is part of the human breathing process.