The highway's is filled with All types of moving vehicles. And amongst all types of these moving vehicles; is the damaged, new purchases, antiques, used, rented, motorcycles. The moral is for every vehicle on the road; that vehicle carries of a load.
As time fly's. Every human being has some place to arrive. Often at a slow, to rapid speed. In aggressive energy. While driving is the designated drivers. Who is the pilot of his or her; precious cargo. That sits to right & loaded in back; of passengers. In every race, age & gender.
So, the question is if we're all drivers & passengers on these busy roads & crowded streets. That would mean we All have a destination to reach. In a matter of Time. While rushing through life. To reach our final destinations.
And if this is accurate information. And today, tonight and tomorrow humans repeat the entire; same pattern. And trend. And time is the same element. We are All running back and forth; in. Of a world of people; in movement. That exist of the All these drivers & passengers. On the roads. Is of these moving vehicles throughout the world.
If there was only the vehicle to drive itself. Without any passengers. Then what direction would any vehicle reach of its own final destination?
And if we investigate into what is it. About needing more of Time. It would take time to look around the world. At what vehicles is being driven, needing passengers to exist. If we're all in this aggressive hurry. At different or the same Time. That dictates if we're ahead, late or behind.
If we rush to get to work. We would still wait for Time. To evolve around a weekly, bi-weekly are monthly payment schedule.
If we rush to give each other a response, statement are opinions. We would justify, debate are challenge. Each other over who is right or wrong. Without addressing the Narrative or topic.
If we rush to get to the next event or location. Then that would mean. Time is granted; to unwind.
If we rush to be the next in line; somewhere. We still will wait on each other. For a service to be rendered.
If we rush down the freeway's and highways of life. Including the neighborhoods. We still would not watch the signs. Run through the flashing lights. Dash through the cross walks. Swear at the pedestrians & middle finger point at every moving vehicles. And still park.
If we rush to address. Each other as human beings. We would still not meet each other's; human expectations. Why, until it has to happen again. It's just unbelievable what continues to happen. Every time it happens; dealing with human beings.
If we rush in or out of a situation. We would rush back to find company. To create a new situation.
If we rush to be ahead of each other. To save a milli-second of time. We would still find time. To find ourselves patient are complain. About waiting in the next line.
And if we arrive at the exact moment in Time; according to our perceptions. We would still wait for our names to be called. Whether to be seated. Are addressed of our questions, answers are concerns.
So, I ask a child what would be the final outcome. For All human beings. Are always in some fashionable; mindset, hurry hurry. Of being in a rush, are rushing to each other. To reach each other, to arrive some where in the presence of each other. To watch out. Are monitor each others movement. To reside with each other. Are to just pull up next to each other, park, lock up. Are turn in. Are out. Of a spot, doorway or exit. If not a new entrance.
The child responded, every human would realize. The rush was really managed All by the element of:
Time, in that hour, of a minute, & second.