Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The saying in the world is 'Pimping ain't easy'. But let's acknowledge under the influence; what is.

If anyone has to invest time to make up a reason. To keep you on a rope of hope. It's time to cut all ties. Unless you're more invested in. What you can't get out of.

Why, anytype of pressure is enough. To manage control. In a situation.

Therefore peep game. Of those who repeatedly appear to relapse; mentally. Back into a repeated; trans. Of a line that repeats itself. How so, if any grown up says. 'I don't have a choice'. Either recognize who is the puppet.  And who is the puppet's master.

See how holding in secrets; hinder the brain. Are not escaping the pressure of knowing; games are being played. It's enough to have a conversation. It's a challenge getting caught up. To find yourself walking around in; with your eyeballs; pushed out.

Where there is a pattern. And always a quick response. You can almost figure out; the head ring leader.

Low self esteem; is a dangerous state of being. Trust carries many burdens. How so, once it's broken.. humans don't heal well.

Jilted lover's; go on a rampage. Why, to accept the succumb in the mindset. I no longer possess a stronghold; over her or him. But not before time has been exhausted. Of what's no longer an interest to debate. The same topics; we go back & forth regarding life is hard. Which Includes what's the investment of posting another bails bond. Simply take a breath. And look around the room or the world. It's never to late. To push rewind. Then replay. While recalibrating in a state of a mental relaxation or a trance. Why, once you realize whose a part of playing the mind games; and with what. It's the getting played. That  appears. You were  the one; not being genuinely appreciated. 

It's ok. Life happens. To the best of US. just don't get caught up on; repeating the same steps. Different person. Also including the Opportunist. Be aware. Of the Hunter & Prey; first pray on it. If you like yes. Are slow to saying no. But maybe so.

How come, 

Early bird catches The worm.The pillow talkers are methodical. So, get some rest first. I promise you. Before picking up the line, email are text. If not a response to the unexpected messenger. 

Why, this human will invest time on a calendar date. To locate your ear. To plant a seed of a hustle. Right before bedtime. Earlier in the morning am. What about the daylight; those are the hustlers that are unfamiliar with your pattern. A true hustler is well aquatinted; of the right time. To align with a schedule to work on your vulnerability, matters of the heart & mind. We all know people. Who play the same mind games. Just different faces, familiar titles and Statuses. Playing a game that never changes. It's just a different day.

For The clout chaser. To entrer the stage. Always creating the ground work; to set up the Casper argument. That never really existed.

As  every viewer throughout the world watches. From a community. Is also the lookout. Whose position and roll is consumed of; always creeping around. Regardless of male are female. This individual will sale to anyone a; hook & line. For a small fee or object. In return of your; information & location. So, prepare to take the pill to accept the truth are deny it. Of what. The why, no human status is exempt are negotiable. Look how far we've come. To reach this moment.

Of  the silent instigator who plants every seed. This entity appears in rare form. Often if grace. Is of innocent & emotionally; concerned. But in the blink of an eye. Will play the victim. Unaware are why when are where; it will ever happen.

While the mute; sits in silence. And if you're not careful about the company kept. Not limited to one human title in this world.. It's time to keep your head on a swivel. Why, it's a reason it's Lonely At the Top. The presence of this individual. Is like existing in the Matrix. You just don't know who else has been called. To get involved. Therefore keep up. 'never pull up'. To make a point. Without first doing some homework. I'm figuring out who is scooping up All the info. On every anxious answered call or text. Then watch the channel; flip to an entire different station.

If life don't teach some of US, hard lessons. Walk away with respecting for every situation. Life is destined to shape us.

We're almost done. On earth nearer to the last episode. Before we retire from the Pimping in this world. And there could be some other areas: we chose to be left out. But here comes the detour out of the blue. The tricksters who reference the Biblical scriptures. To set up the extra stage; of Defamation of Character. If you don't know. You're going to learn today. How to watch the legal system. With your third eye; intuition. For this  attack. Either manipulation are a human feels emotionally damaged. Due to the cause of an action. But be mindful regarding the physical switch; watch for the slick smirk & switch off & on of tears. Why,  entertainment. Is for watching. How  human thinks inside of their own rendition of sincerity. If not a clever mindset. That they just made the ultimate chess move. In validating the character of themselves.

Lord help, we got some real issues. And testimonials, prepared; to share down here. In earth. 

And lastly, we do possess emotions.  Sometimes not; I  love you. Is when we figure out; good old faithful delegate. By the parents of those guardianships. You know who sat & watch hostage; the children. And once released from their appointed duties. Return to sender. What? Remember this a game. And on the cool if you are humble. The story teller will admit; by extending an Oliver branch. Off the record. To witnessing the questionable; human nature s. No pun intended. No humans on earth is perfect. SIN is pressure. And no there is exemptions. Why, would we  loose our entire minds; over who has or not the Power in money. Are who is getting possession of the kids. Well, everybody has to validate themselves. On who is are not is part of; each other's plans. Including politics. Circle back to the preservation of the kids life. And let's include the generations who travel with a pack. In the drama. That eventually appears; the outbreak of tempter tantrums. Could occur at any moment. Of any location. In a space or room. Are platform.

Why, it gets weird. Regarding what is really happening in All these; mental state of the world.. Good & Bad. We all possess a human roll title & position. It's the master minded missions. That gets old. How so, every human has skeletons. And if money is the narrative, let's be real. Do we really demonstrate maturity is the best of our; behaviors. While there is world concerns. And human affairs. That is occurring in every environment. Some prefer; others to sit in silence. As others speak out loud. Saying whatever..Until things get out of hand. Are we humans don't agree; who should of, could of but even if someone does. it will not accommodate; Peace in Earth.

Now how is this behavior about; the balance in the world. For the next generation of children. Is the best of interest. And let's be honest. Not All people are involved. Hands on. Are hiding out in the background. Of the ones who pull up mentally. To  invest in. Of the insecurity are negotiable arrangements. What plans are in place.. In the event of a life changing; state. Look around how many children are left in a world. A beautiful world in chaos; over who has or not. It's human feelings arguing between another human emotions; payback. Therefore it's going to take respect of the time. We should All get some mental rest. And never ever wonder why, eventually what's done the dark. will be revealed in the light. To alleviate this added stress. Why, doing the most. On Rogue & Buck wild. Of All the Yelling, and running back at forth. That created our current situations to justify. I did not get something from another human. To still remain; in oneself. the same of a human in being.

Again, pray over All the children. Pray over ourselves. Pray for the existence of Peace to calm this world. Stay alert and mindful. Get some rest for tomorrow; humans will resume.. To doing. Take an emotional break. Until we as human beings figure out. What condition is of world; we together are divided in humanity. Will work in respect.. of each other. To rebuild are tear apart. The remaining ingredients in our human relationships. Needing is of; patience, love, prayer and Trust.

Eventually the headliners will display another transparent are a rig title. But before click bait. Remember why the Life Experience is the fact holder. Not so much of what is said and heard. Without facts & evidence. For the vehicles to drive Anxiety & Panic Attacks; only move if passengers are onboard. On a different day, same humans. Of different emotional channels.  Regarding the same type of crimes are theft; jilted lover's, financial gains, losses and profits. Poverty & Wealth. Infrastructure. Politics & Religion and no checks & balances. As another bail bonds company; inherits wealth. While the dismantling is occurring amongst the entire world. Is Civilization; human titles & associations.. is Unbelievable. Until we're forced to digest. The Believable of each other's; human emotions.

Throughout Civilization. Life is what you make it. It will be some adversity in this life. It's time that allows US in all to laugh. Are cry buckets of tears. Pray or not. Eventually we All get the feeling of being victorious. If not defeated.

Why,  Pimping ain't never been easy. If we're going to tell the truth to each other. In who really playing with; who.

Pick your battles wisely in this life. Select your company with a strong pic. According to what you can later. Can mentally process in who and what your dealing with. Then sit back to watch. In another shift. Of Pimping that has already; started.


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...