Today tell the Children & Grandchildren we have a journey before US. To continue in. But don't be discouraged about what you see. Be encouraged through how you feel. In your birthrights is the choice of self understanding of the Religion & a Human Freewill.
And if any human being. Regardless of their human title are delegated role over you. Intentionally continues to deny you of any type of mental freedom. You continue to rise up. On your tiny are growing feet. We as humans all walk on them. And look up higher, beyond their human chest & heads. And search higher beyond the sky. In prayer. That change has to occur.
Why, we did not respect on earth. In how to treat each other with Respect. Is appreciating even our own; human history. Humans created with each other. So, yes my children and even to my beloved son. There will be human adversity. Because of the struggles we will forever; sustain in to one day Overcome.
One day children & grandchildren. You will feel a presence in your heart; of disparity if not pain, confidence & Joy. You will forever desire what's missing in your life. Including death. This inkling in your mind & heart. Is a gift only from GOD. To feel human emotions. And in these feelings. Is human intuitions. To evaluate spiritual & real life in the physical messages. in every environment. That the breath of life. either encourages you. Are restrains your mind. Of chain thinking about each other & life.
How do we know so much are even less of knowledge. The Book of Hosea 4:6. As children it's our parents instructions that will lead us for more understanding in Proverbs 22:6. But if one denied his or her self. Over self preservation. Then one is capable to judge; cast the first stone unto others.
So, yes beloveds. The work has always been plenty. But of the believers in GODs Prophecy to work in Faith. Is not of many of the world we live in today.
But let me & other's share with you, in the living. The stories have not All been told. Of its Truth. Your history carries weight. The weight you eventually will carry on your own shoulders. Just remember in these tiny moments of your life. Who was in the world are a room. You did not know who was telling of the truth. As you needed time to grow. And in yourself search for; peace, truth and love.
Surely it was & is. Time on Earth. To change the way we think about how we personally live. And impeding on the living to choose; of deciding whom grows and or mentally progresses.
Why, we all received a title. And accountability first to ourselves. And then to be taught is to each other.
But where there is internal hate in these hearts; race is the least. of our human issues. As we adjust to existing. In the State of this world.
There are those who are still here. That will declare it. As I agree for my only reasons is to plant a growing seed. Towards one day it won't alway's be this way; humans antagonizing each other. So, its only the favor of GOD. today a Declaration and Promise to you. As long as breathe is Gods main priority in of life. As human beings. We will. Are some will; purposely Implement a seed of encouragement. For seeds of denial. In you. To avoid shining light on themselves. Hindrance for you in figuring out your own Truth. Of sooner that latter of finding Hope, agape Love, unity of Family & convenant in Faith. Over the preservation of our personal life choices. Are if any other human in your life continues in making choices & decisions. While justifying; their own self preservation. Is knowing from life events - human relationships is from our experiences. That a change has to come. Why, the world is going to one day change. The way we as human beings; cast judgement, love & hate. And struggle to protect each other. In are without the substance of Hope, Prayer & Faith.