Life is still good. Even if throughout the history of our human adversity. In love vs. hate. And why everytime we struggle; to hold onto each other. We fault each other. To excuse addressing the accountability in ourselves. To debate the who found the way to stay. Are who knew the reality of needing to leave.
It's our human patterns to lead US; back. Into emotionally with each initiate attempts without spite. To starting all over. With each other. As we birth another generation. of which we were destined to depart from. Without genuine love & communication who can survive. On waiting. Of what common sense, faith & hope. Leads us back to empathy and compassion. To fill us up. When our cups are emotionally; emptied.
In our selfish minds. We played a dangerous game. Depending on. Who would break. Knowing we desired of each other to be submissive. Over appreciating each other to; live and survive. Is acknowledging the why every knee shall; bow. Before God. How so, many will find Faith. And our inner strength to live. Once the world grew colder. And even more of showing each other; disrespect. Including towards the elders & children.
How so, by using every ounce of control. To negotiate. Our own faiths. Now we must cross of those bridges. That are totally dirranged. And it's inevitable on bridges. We will still must cross; paths. Why, betrayal in mankind has ripped a hole in our; human souls. And love is hated by words & actions.
If the respect and power. Is fear of what Prayer is capable of. This day would make sense. It was written for mankind. Not mankind written for the life of humanity.
So, We've accepted passing down what is or remained denied. Of the tearing; down of each other. Over how you suppose to love not one self. But of each other in this world. As we needed time to completely fill this human experience; in life. Therefore enough is enough. To figure out; the why. One must learn first; to love on. One self.
In some human hearts; neither one of us. Was ever prepared. To letting go. Why, some of us never had one intension; to hold on.
Why, we just needed a space to work on each other's; weakness & strengths. If not ourselves.
On earth to gain or appreciate what we do together; and accomplished. Are how did we individually succumb; to in these souls of man or woman. That decided to speak of 'life or death'. Is in the power of the tongues.
And on today, the swords & arrows are drawn; and positioned. With no where to hide on Earth. If these hearts & minds. Is the souls of US. In who we are & become. In these walls of skin. Throughout generations; humans procreated life through each others birth. In love, lust, and internal hate.
Who, How so, Heaven & Earth shall surely pass away. We just can't locate the exact time & date. But Time is of GOD that will remain.
Every where throughout the Universe. No one knew who would grow weary; first. To admit who is or was prepared. To say our final farewells.
On Earth.