Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content.
Believe in anything. Are human being. If nothing are neither of the two; at All.Why, to accept anything. something has to be implemented. Are even to justify one's own belief of denial. Still is acknowledging; Believable is just Unbelievable.
What if we knew. What would of happened between Mankind. In this skin if of his & her own existence. Over the life of humanity. Male-Female. It took the two. In Cohabitations; if creating the life of us, those, them, you and I. We are of one humanity.
But what if one person has all the knowledge. But no ability to fix the human relationships on earth. And if money is the answer to all human resources. Then why will humans justify usage of the money; to idolize each other. How so, life is not living. If we as Humans need an excuse to cause a justifiable right. To control by oppression. Of the breathe of human life.
If you took the color out of the world. Are even remove the identifier of colors from a Crayola box. What is of the Crayola to be called. And if humans were not invested in heart felt anger towards the color of ones; skin of human. Remove color. The. how would humans next identify each other. Are humans even themselves; of a color. If the color does not exist.
According to only one human who possess All the knowledge; of the existence of man. Then what would humans hate are love; about each other's ethnicity. Without a pigmentation of color?
We would most likely be pink inside. Once we removed our shin tones. We most likely would bleed red. According to the wiring in these human bodies.
Moving on. What if oppression. And what is validated to oppress. Any human by another human
What would human history; of been. Without oppression colorism and racism.
In a world We desired to write our own human history; is of ourselves & life. And then who dictates what knowledge is to be taught unto world. Are would one way of human intelligence still be the obsession sought of to control; the people. Threat we face in this hour; worldly possessions. And human emotions. For all humans; possess some type of religious practice & life knowledge; on earth.
By now humans would of figured it out. Of what. Where we are now. The human state with each other. In the Affairs in the world. Because of life & the experience; it began and will end with humans. So, what has manifested. Into the seeds planted in the world. Of such an amazing surprise. In what humans; is unraveling in of worldly things on earth. And once we stop faulting Religion & hurting each other. Idolizing world possession. And practicing darkness in Religion. To determine what is destined to occur next;
Again in Civilization Life, The Dash & Death. Another human Birth. As the cycle of Life repeats itself.
What if our entire lives. We have just accepted. The inevitable was really not possible. Until humans behaviors proved; anything is possible. That has already been done. Until the Sun.
What is slavery. Who determines who answers to who in being submissive to each other. And for what; suffering, famine and debates. Of who over who believes; of what is determined of each other's Faith.
Life on Earth. What is anger & hurt. The anger that has exposed this inner rage in mankind; the race that has existed for over generations & decades. But for some reason we chose to think; people will adjust to change; in equality. Be careful inequality has proven that love & hate. Brings out; human emotions. A clear reflection; of reality. In what we as human beings together. Created amongst one another. The reality is Humans is not accustomed to accept. One are the another. In all due of respect.
Time has progressed. We're in another generation. And nothing new has progressed. That was not turned back the hands in mankind on earth..
How so, every generation we give of birth. Changes in a challenging behavior. In adjusting. To the old behaviors. Of the previous; generation moving forward.
In this tight fit of this skin. How is it humans need one another. But bare a grim grin; and gnashing of the teeth. Without acknowledging; every human filters in the process. Is of life, the Dash & death. Once their time is welcomed then expired here on Earth.
So much aggressive natures. Over words that define 2 parties of Government. However, no one debates; what was the good in evil. By mankind created on Earth. Of what we now decide the faiths of each other.
And once we're done drifting. In and out of our human natures. Then who finally decides. The entirety of the faith of the World. And in it is the worldly gains. That will wither away. But it's life & the souls of mankind. That will lastly be judged. And determined; by one GOD.