Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Lover's Prayer

When I fall to my knees and look to the sky

I pray our love will be all right.

I pray we do not refuse to accept one another’s apologies when admitting our wrongs. I pray we are mature enough to dismiss our egos and move on.

I pray our children will possess our morals of life and courage if challenged to a fight.

I pray in our storms one will remain with strong arms.

I pray our trust supersedes the turmoil of lies.

I pray we will hold on tight through this rocky road called life.

I pray we supply one another’s emotional, physical and most important, “spiritual needs”.

I pray even now that God has destroyed our enemies. 


A Good Man

Is not hard to find it only takes patience of understanding his;     
Mind- Listen and allow him to make mistakes he is not always required to fix things allow them to break.                                
Heart-Understand when he is feeling low why no one can process what he is going through, sometimes a man’s pride and ego will shine through. Allow him to fall to his knees and release it to a higher power who can supply his needs.  
Hands- Teach him it is ok to cry, disappointments are part of his plan and if you did not believe in him you would not be there to hold his hand.
Feet -Teach him why he does not have to walk alone truth is in the scripture his father carries him through his storms.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...