Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Other Woman

Have you ever laid awake at night wondering if the man you crave is alright. Because the last words he expressed was he would call you back after the business has been dealt with. While you long for intimacy he lacks to express but promises to make up for all the things you desperately, missed.
Finally the cell phone rings pass midnight, you answer and he recognizes the anticipation in your voice as he calmly says "I know it's late, but or you ok". Immediately a soft voice says whose on the line is when your heart begins to beat a million times. Your concerns demand an immediate response to why is their another woman by your side. Keep in mind you allowed him massive space to justify not spending time with you to complete what he has yet to prove. And now your your conscious speaks loudly 'The signs were clear, but you my dear refuse to believe, your own reality'.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Growing Pains

On this tedious journey the heart and mind don’t always align, the decisions you make at times will cause you heartache, promises are meant to be broken so don't get bent out of shape. Once family and friends walk away. People will sometimes stir you the wrong way. Partners in relationships will test your patience and commitment. But if you will continue or start to focus and pray it will bring you out of places you fall into doubt. Where no man is capable of bringing you out.  And although growing up can be a pain if you are able to mentally grasp the fact of reaching the age over 21; you will find yourselves making more questionable mistakes than your teenage years of age. Before learning that real responsibilities don’t end, but begin with taking care of our ourselves. Before extending the responsibility of care for someone else. So when your dreams exceed reality of the life you breathe please remember to stay consistent of the plan because real disappointment will seem like it’s the beginning of the end.
The real purpose of wisdom is to help us understand how to transition through life circumstances dealt into our hands with one intention to process us from boys to men and girls to women as we seek resolutions in our questionable space it is in the lessons we must learn to be our best and allow the reminder of nonsense to be dismissed.  


Monday, November 3, 2014

Democrats & Republicans

The voter's have made their final choice of who will determine their faith. Congratulations on a race won but now it's time to reveal too the world who each and everyone of you really are. The morals and values 's you  posses of vanity has set the stage for PROPHECY to perform it's RAGE and for this particular SPIRITUAL WARFARE you chose to fight it WILL KEEP THE ENTIRE WORLD up at NIGHT.

I know many of you are mourning the evil deeds that continue to take place rather it's our own rebellion to be obedient of things we refuse to change; prophecy warned us for centuries of these false prophets without names but a face. So take cover in homes where there is produce on the land, be ready to leave your material things behind but not to follow Jim Jones this time, pray over your children and family regardless of their spiritual beliefs because time will not allow foolishness it has to immediately cease, live off the grid to avoid the calamity of self destruction and greed with the intentions to genocide human life but not by water only fire this time that burns the flesh from deep inside and the reason why; because of men's wicked minds in trouble times, fertile mothers plan for your pregnancy and read what  SEASON  reveals tribulations according to PROPHECY in Matthew:23:15-28, it may save you some pain and heartache.

Remember there are only two real titles that currently mean anything; Followers are Leaders and its time to board that train because our ENTIRE LIVES WERE DESTINED TO CHANGE.

This has been a Public Servant Announcement PAID IN FULL ON CALVARY MOUNTAIN!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


There comes a point in our lives where we feel above, controlled, misled or beneath some one else. And later to be labeled the misguided minds because of manipulation, rules created by man, persecution for religious beliefs, freedom to choose same sex marriages, violent wars, uncured diseases,worldly temptations, human trafficking, child pornography and greed are just a few tools used to navigate the way we subconsciously think of what the world has become; a common ground to do anything for everyone. Which is not necessarily true for what is planted in you, grows inside of you.

I saw a story the other day a Christian was detained in a far away  country for sharing his faith where a squared face leader stands with pride as he suppresses innocent lives. And many of you will say "that's nothing new" in the world today. But the following actions are why trials accompany this journey we must take, simply because "special people" do exist and their not always our precious special needs kids.

I found extra strength today and it was not approved by the FDA. It was at my finger tips in John 14:26.

Some people don't expect fortunes and fame, some people will destroy others just to make a name for themselves, some people inflict their own controversy, some people are mean spirited, some people are genuine stewardships, some people live to PLAY MIND GAMES. So whatever obstacles you face today whether it's in another Country or the USA remember never feel your lesser or above anyone else because time will test every person big or small and the reason why "our names are on the Roll Call".

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shattered Faith

Today I heard a young mother say because I have no money. I have no hope, no love, no faith. I said you lack all 3 because you have not invested your time to believe.

Today I witnessed an associate say I don't believe in monogamous relationships or God. But I have achieved earning a PHD, and you should also believe in scientific beliefs. I immediately replied why would I debate with a man who  invest years of his life to justify what is or not scientifically or spiritually right by using a scenario of death to challenge my faith. Immediately there was a break in our communication lines that I would not deny my spiritual binds!

I witnessed a laborer who surrendered years of his life to a company that did not think twice about referring him to the unemployment line where time is not on anyone's side and the remainder of your wages is suspect and randomly paid, bi-weekly, over one year of time. I spoke cautiously to say "hard times only pass to teach us to survive" where systems controlled by people manipulate our time to recalculate their bottom lines. Don't worry instead pray because your deliverance is next in LINE!

I received a called from a person interested in making fast cash. I simply replied "nothing fast ever last" so manage what you spend, but lack to have.

Today God demanded me to set something's free; a child, friend and family members who refuse to take on certain responsibilities of falling to their knees and praying to God for what they urgently need. And I will not deny it hurt me deep inside to hear the confusion in their voices but faith made sure a lesson was learned today; we can't always save  GROWN-UPS from their own choices and responsibilities.

Today I learned the true meaning of the word "No" and how it does not mean that people will lack in finding the  answers or resources they seek, it only teaches us that God is the only remedy, not money is what man would like us to believe.

I experienced several disturbing calls today. And some of the callers attempted to challenge my faith. But only from the company I chose to entertain. But this time there was an interruption on the communication line that hindered my "yes" to "no" this time simply because my situation has ran it's course and I have limited resources. So instead I decided to pray for "what is not alive in others. I refuse to let die in me". Thank God my faith is still alive. because if it were not for the time I spent investing listening to everyone else today. I would have missed the treasures buried inside myself; "compassion, courage, love and wisdom" allowed me to identify the difference between shattered faith and what man has no real power to do but hoping what God is really up too. John 7:37-38

Monday, October 20, 2014

Weight Loss/Cosmetic Surgery

There are several items approved by the FDA but what is really safe to take. Or is it that people have loss track of time to read and watch t.v. that advertises the warning signs.

There are several procedures that promise to slow down the process of aging and tummy tucks to restore our bodies back to it's youth. But if these procedures could really improve what time was meant to adjust then the question is why was there a price paid on calvary so we may live life accordingly. Which is to live young at heart before we transition to being old, wrinkle and gray a small reminder that time will not allow anyone to remain looking the same.

There is a new trend and money is pouring into what some would call paying a large price to end up with nothing at all "VANITY".
To every young girl, woman and man born naturally be blessed with what you have because the cost you pay to attract attention and fame in this world by injecting of your face and derriere could possibly be your pain and another person's financial gain.

There is a story some one has not taken the time to read about Sarah Baartman daughter of S. Africa who took a journey to Europe for fame but never returned home again because her NATURAL beauty was denied respect and now her remains lay placed in a jar for the entire world to see of what people destroyed of her NATURAL beauty.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Women are said to be from venus while men are from mars and the conflict of interaction begins with trying to please one another in expressing our emotional and sexual attractions. The two major components that either bond men and women together or apart. Because both species are wired to  comprehend the content of what is being expressed but confusion arises in what is not necessarily being met . We search for one another to fill specific voids and it seems that we constantly grow more controversial to understand the emotional and sexual progression of our individual thought's.

I specifically reiterated to a male species today why these two ingredients are vital to one another if you plan to invest the time of understanding any women's inside and how your role will be utilized of feeding into her "emotional and sexual" appetite is when you'll comprehend that an alternate tool used in place of your hands is only a sign that you the male species has not properly penetrated through her heart and mind with the  proper pipeline.

Family, Friends & Relationships

The challenge we face is accepting to change the things we do that either affect ourselves or hurt someone else. Because everyone seeks validation and the truth. But not everyone is ready to handle the transformation we must go through.

Families of all races deal with discrepancies. Because of so many elements involved; favoritism between children, death, incest, money, marriages or someone's contribution of excessive responsibilities. And this twist of fate can result in a family dispute turned into a family feud.

Friendships require commitment, patience and loyalty but what I have discovered is not everyone is committed to initiating the truth. And the reason could possibly be; that friend is the self-infliction of  what they refuse to believe of " insanity". And this twist of fate can break a bond because people candidly want to see if you will mentally entertain what they may not be willing to necessarily change.

Married people is a mirror of what a finalized commitment should be. But take a deeper look inside their eyes individually not collectively. You will see the joy or pain of what their fairy tale actually reads, in reality. There is work involved in any relationship but prayer must come first so no person is left behind to struggle mentally in hard times.

Relationships are rare to find but once someone initiates quality time to reveal themselves to you don't be so quick to alter your original plans. Instead search for clarity so that your both on the same page. And if there are children involved make sure you have spent quality time to love them yourself, before sharing them with someone else.

Short testimonials created to salvage a weary mind. Because we can either agree or disagree that people are guilty of desiring to posses wants over God given needs in a mission to sustain some form of  Peace, Unity and their Sanity.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Interview

Life does not require people to entertain or compromise one another. Life has many lessons and eventually every human being will play a part. Life is like an interview and maybe the reason why we're always trying to sale or prove ourselves to some 1 else.


What are you searching for in a relationship? Remember what you say and what you mean are two different things.

The opportunity has arrived to deliver a 3 minute elevator speech. What do you say to blow the masses away?

If you won the lottery today, name 1 council you would call, 1 person you can trust with your life. And 3 area's of interest you would invest to make a difference.

If you were to mentor children in distress how prepared are you to share values, morals and beliefs in which you built your family?

If you could speak globally on human rights and trafficking, genocide and poverty what truth would bring tears to the eyes of all leaders that bargain innocent lives? Then why do people decide not to vote on what may restore our hope. With knowing the exception of red tape; that has taken some Voters rights away.

If someone propositioned you to compromise your values due to unexpected circumstances that forced your hand. What will you sacrifice to not struggle in this life? Because some people will trade their children away for a temporary relief; money.

If delays, denials and rejection lowers your self-esteem, do you continue to pray or give up by walking away?

If love takes time what are the chances it's online?
Love is a gentle emotion but anger is an aggressive expression that hurts another person. By physical and mental abuse. Which is a message that person is not extending compassion and love to you. No person was meant to live or die alone in this life. So why do we mistreat one another while there is still time; to get it right.

Life is like an interview so dress your best, focus and be prepared to perform for multiple test.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Calling all investors into the loop there is a prospective candidate in search of you. To invest in a diverse avenue which will read extraordinary and new.

The fear of not  knowing what to innovate of something new can be intimidating but simply resolved by finding a purpose and use for us all.

"God's going to put somebody's mind who's in a positive place to restore", what's been lost.

Now run on and keep the faith!

Engineers of the future generation Chemical, Civil, Industrial, Mechanical & Electrical etc...

Friday, October 10, 2014


Re: Domestic Abuse r Child Abuse 

To all the victims of domestic violence I would love to share my encouraging experience with you.  As a child I witnessed the pain, fear and abuse you are currently going through and please understand even as a child I had to believe some where, someone else really cared to remove us from the nightmare that kept us running scared. And the truth of the matter was there was help waiting on the other side to heal our hearts and rebuild our lives.

This person who has shattered your dreams, violated your trust, filled your heart with pain leaving you with low self-esteem has no real control over the hell you've really manage to get through. So in this moment were ever you are please  find a reason to fight so your children, family or even someone else may have a future with you in their lives, to live, laugh and love again, but this time expect things to be different.

Our legal system has penalties for violating a person's preservation of life through restraining orders, petitions and felonies reprimanded for acts of domestic violence to be later released and in some cases this abuser is guilty of continuing to prey on the same victim who seeks refuge from systems set in place that should  properly communicate new protocols collectively to ensure the victims rights from domestic violence are not violated twice. Because we the people are governed by laws that should value every individuals freedom, protection and right to live life.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...