Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Journey

To a young black boy and girl this passage is written with you in mind. As you proceed on what will seem to be a “twisted journey in these questionable times. You will be challenged and tested but keep in mind the key to finding “balance” is managing your “attitude and time” so that situations don’t always determine you’re move in a society of unbalanced or balanced people, who are watching you.  
Today you will struggle to make the most important decisions of your lives “and it will determine whether you survive or die”. And I know this statement may be harsh to listen too. But society is in a fragile mood. And I’m not singling you out but I am making you aware of what has yet to be figured out; of fear and anger, people and politics. 

Today you will figure out what growing up is all about, you will be instructed by people, you will learn from other people, you will be driven by situations created by people that will test your wisdom and strength. Please think before you give into what people are situations will prompt you to do .

Today you will feel the anticipation in the atmosphere but before you allow things to escalate first “THINK” before making one choice. Today some of you will experience your ancestors past history but don’t be afraid these situations are meant for you to break. Simply acknowledge when you are physically on the verge of loosing it. Today some of you will complete high school, community college or attend the best colleges. Today you will remove your self's from the responsibility of someone else. Just don't stray to far from home  until you have learned the importance of utilizing wisdom.

Today you will be challenged with "motivated moves, negotiations and unequal rules". Today you will change your minds and manage your time wisely. And if you don't believe it now; watch what happens today, or tomorrow that will show you how.    

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Printed Paper Money

Life is too precious to give up on. But there are situations and things that people will either create or resist to see you not change.
Have you looked closely on a dollar bill to read what it say's? And I'm not talking about "In GOD We Trust" I'm referring to these two words 'Promissory Note" and if you are unmindful & mindful of what nonvalue and value means you will emotionally spend it on ungrateful children, entitled and non deserving people & unnecessary things.

Have you every spent money on things to accomodate another persons 'mistakes, visions and dreams' or just to feel validated about yourself too do major or minor things. Then later realized the investment or move you made was not that great!

Have you invested your money in any type of long or short term plan? Why, because people who are driven by money place their values intentionally not limited to who they will invest time and a plan into. Now the question is what is your Long or Short term plan just in case certain promises are delayed and who can you call on with "liquid assets" not borrowed credit, and debt. But a legit understanding of how "money and credit systematically works".

The barter system dates back to 6000 BC. The currency law has went into effect and the chances of the American dollar loosing it's value is a possibility not just another threat and some people admit it's been over due by 15 years. Every person does not have to obtain a college degree to understand the concept of analytical and methodical thinking. But investing in "Commodities" sounds like a plan just because resources said it is. Meanwhile bodies scramble throughout our branches of  government trying to figure out what could possibly take place with value for 'Printed Paper Money'. 

Some people may never look at life beyond what is taught in a book or what they can see of another person's investmentsWhich transitioned my thinking into logic and reasoning of how we are wired to believe what is programmed into our minds of placing value on money through a system designed which bargains with time by working on our precious minds.

And until this operation of transaction takes place value your life instead of stakes that are high to manage or sustain tangible things for "Printed Paper Money" attached with taxes, fees and strings. And if your curiosity is relaxed, you're financially broke or maybe feeling overly confident then why is there consistency in restructuring of welfare, unemployment and the intense need for people to have more or some access to money. A silent global threat of what is to come of, Next.

Until we understand ourselves how can we place value on what is a "Promissory Note" to you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Female Dilemma

To a female of any age who has been disappointed at any stage in her life but refuses to let go of a male ego who has moved on. First, consider this before you intensely seek an explanation out of any man who has demonstrated his truth by making life choices with out you. Ask your self the question why is this person of further significance in my life. And the reason why is most of the time Men do show you the truth to avoid not telling you what he plans to actually do. And  there are many women who will continue to intensely seek any explanation to further hold onto a man. Only to avoid the fear of not being in a relationship.

And maybe this scenario does not apply to you but any pattern of redundancy requires you to change to avoid the fear of being lonely. And it's ok if my readers take an adjustment in their attitudes then  maybe this will change "views" of what we think is ok to do. 

Women and girls comprehend there will always be a choice of woman for any man. Because every woman or girl does not mature at the same pace. So therefore a 'players game' is not subjective to change. Only the females it entertains. And before you play the game of Russian Roulett take some time to learn about the consequences behind a man and his 'options'.

Plan out your life before you choose to:
Think that having kids will keep a man, think again. Why, because any man or boy can have sex without an intention of commitment.

Separation from your kids and feeling the urge of loneliness because of a mans absence in your life. It's time for you to re-evaluate what is taking place. Because loss of focus will drive you insane from focusing on the most important people and other things.  
Secretly find yourself waiting around just to see if this man will call in to check on you. This might be a clue for you to occupy your time. And ease up on consuming this man in your mind.

Financially support a grown man before taking care of your own children to accommodate them to stay. Never wonder why things are always stressful in your life. And just incase you are one of those people who think that money can buy anything. Then why can't money buy LOVE which is free. 

Sleeping around with another woman's man is not a guarantee he will walk away from his family or heart felt responsibilities. 

Ladies and gentlemen our younger generation is watching the choices we make. And it's pititful to think some of us are ok with the way we think. Because of what a man and woman think they have figured out without GOD. Which is how to jump on one page of accepting what the other is about. Until one persons insecurities shows of what the other person can no longer control. Why, because time will allow people to do a few things in this life. But “repeats” of the same things is not a bargaining option with time.   

Monday, May 25, 2015

Young Girls Do Get Weary

A young girl gets weary, very weary waiting around for a young boy to turn her frown upside down. A mother molds her boys into gentlemen and a father grooms his sons to be wise men. So when this young girl gets weary show some tenderness and she will never let you regret it.

This world is not a simple place where love is an emotion expressed freely everyday. And the consumption of another person will get you hooked to where you can't let go of what you become addicted too. So young girls be careful of being disrespectful in this life; first in yourself. Because the people who you think will be by your side, will only prove to you 'it is that deep' now that you have surrendered your heart and soul into their control. So listen closely to what I have to say, so that you may value yourself after being disappointed for falling in love with someone else.

Promises are meant to be broken and it's ok just make sure you don't continue in making the same mistakes. And once your body feels overwhelming with anxiety take sometime to figure out what's going on in your heart and discuss what's lingering on your mind. Because a young boy can identify a young girl's eagerness to experience something different. But making babies and having sex does not establish a real relationship. And what I mean is that even a young boy listens to what a young girl has to say regarding her 'dreams & fantasies'. But what she really needs is the experience and comparison.

One day in my young adult age I'm not ashamed to say I thought it was love with a young man but had no one else to compare him with. So I experienced broken heartedness. But it was not my mother's fault for not teaching me certain things. It was my inexperienced young girl weary way's that got me caught up with this young man's selfish way's.
To a young girl who may be wondering why has love hurt me so badly or why did this boy or man leave me with kids? The answer is women were born nurturers at birth so we were predestined to love whole heartedly on this earth. And once that boy or man decides to walk away allow them room to either change or make the same choices in their Weary Way's.

Young girl's the truth of the matter is; you may or not see it right now but there is a properly raised young boy or man searching to hold onto your heart in his hands.

Friday, May 22, 2015

"LL" Love Lessons

The warning signs are clear to see if a woman or girl would like to know the truth to why her  heart  is not being fully satisfied but denied the LOVE from a man who really has no real intentions of making her a part of his plan. Because no woman was created without the idea of a man involved to replenish the earth and share her life with. But the reality is some men choose to pleasure themselves in any type of relationship. Which leaves some women broken hearted.  And this may not apply to all women but there is a reason why; some girls and women choose the other side, and confide in other women about there intimate lives.

Women are nurturers born at birth but often forget their worth. Women are quick to sacrifice for a man but often fail to receive the same in return. Some women pray for a man while others prey on a man. Women will root their faith and fight for a man until the dual end. But often deal with not forgiving themselves in knowing this man has no intentions of “changing” who he really is.  
Celibacy is a gift. Courage is not being afraid to wait, loneliness is only a opportunity to evaluate what is a mandatory requirement in your life including standards and expectations to starting off with proper communication. Because no one is capable of 100% in a life of  occasional disappointments.

Women just incase a man chooses a younger  mate count your blessings because life will not allow women or men to physically remain the same. Simply stay on top of “your game” because one man’s lack of visiĆ³n and performance is another man’s Harvest.   
A good girl can be turned bad in many ways. A bad girl can turn good in many ways. Simply remember how MEN HUNT THEIR PREY!

Women there are men who will shower you with no intentions just one mission. And it's up to you in showing this man how you appreciate the things he will do to earn your trust with trips, gifts and more stuff.

A mans multitude of excuses does not equal to; what he makes of a promise to change for you.

A woman can have a man who finds time to do what is on his mind. But a woman who sets her expectations in place is almost destined to conceal that man’s heart and space.  
A man is capable in identifying his family or a woman's need. So therefore this man does not require a lead to proceed in providing for the obvious things.  

A man knows exactly what to say; at any given moment on any given day. And he does not require you to prompt him on what to do to persuade you into the groove. In all due respect of  song writer "R Kelly” he mastered a technique with little words to speak . Therefore watch closely to see what a man has to say; but never finds a way.
A woman can birth a child. But a mother takes responsibility of ensuring that child has a solid environment and family. So when a man requires a portion of your parental time it’s time to re-evaluate what will eventually cause you heartache. 

Ladies once a man say's he requires time out from your relationship or he is not happy in a present relationship. Understand exactly what is being said; not what you would like to hear in your head.

A woman's intuition notices the change in her man. Especially the little things like “acknowledging birthday’s, holidays, compliments and love making”. So when a man fails to recognize what is of importance of making a sparkle in your eyes; it’s time to accept the truth in what this man has no intention to do.
Woman and men will get lonely even with someone by their side. And the reason why is because it does not mean everything is  GOING “all right”.

A female is limited to time in a small space. A woman of interest is carefully planned to fellowship with family and friends. And casual sex is just a booty call which really means dont get relaxed with confidence.

Finally, women and young girls be careful of envying women who are always engaged but never married. And women who brag about their 3rd or 4th marriage. 

Experience is the reason why I can testify to burying what was dead of "brokeness". So now I clearly see how a man will either initiate you in his plan or leave you wondering; where and why, do I or not, stand in your life.  

Isaiah 4:1 Reads “In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Money Riddles

The intent and motive in having money does transition people for the good or bad. Because money allows all people to develop and survive in real life situations.

The riddle is clear to see how a human being can aggressively or escalate transformation in change with some or no money. And someone will find confusion in any statement of what takes place in this human race. Move on and proceed with what you have to say because time is not on our side to debate 'reality'.

The intent and motive behind money is the key in unlocking what humanity desires of controlling money and in some situations; Aka 'GREED' depending on the space you're in with intention and motives.

Today was a normal business at the company  which brought another extended opportunity. The invitation was made to 1 dress due to overwhelming acknowledgment of a brand in Office etiquette. To dine amongst 20 Foreign and American suites collaborating on their next global investment move to blend their millions for more billions.

Today my wisdom allowed me to humbly embrace the signifigance in knowing the difference of what it means and takes to be content, struggle, powerful and rich.

Today I invested something authentic with one intention.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Breaking the Chains

The short passages written in “Breaking the Yolk, Turning You Around” shares real testimonials about where we were and where we are now.

The President of America Barack Obama made an interesting observation in a statement which said “how can we expect a black child to understand macroeconomics if all he has ever witnessed is his mom being beaten” and have daddy run away to another state. Only to avoid what should not be a fear of to pay or a father and son relationship.
And I’m not implying every black man avoids his responsibility because that would leave out all men of any nationality that chose or chooses to walk away, over taking accountability, of raising their sons responsibly. So why is the black child “condemned” because of situations inflicted on his life and “targeted by “interest” because of his birth right? A question no one has ever answered to without losing their cool. Why because “internal hate” does not evaporate.       
The concept of logical thinking is crucial right here in the USA where all children of color learn, live, laugh and play. So how can a black child be cast out of society but labeled with a “failure identity” and judged for his infirmities, blocked of a fair opportunity to obtain “economic accessibility” beyond systematic gadgets set in place to limit his black mobility.
It’s strange how people in this new day and age continue to focus on black poverty, the single black mother, the 1.5 million missing black men in America. With no accountability for the synchronized transition to intentionally penetrate one state of mind in the black race. Which is a “controlled state” a frame of mind that will determine how they will maneuver and progress throughout time.   
If this does not apply to you still consider there are many ways that still remain to sustain.
To a child of color pull up your pants, deal with the issues of your heart, love your black self before bearing the burden of anyone else, respect your black woman and children, pick up a book and read, flip the hustle into an investment plan and prove to yourself your “stronger and better” than a screwed up situation. Regardless if you’re the born black product of a premarital or marital relationship you were destined to a life of “reform” and leadership. One reason why "chains have been broken from your lives” now comprehend why and how your Black History is the contributed makeup of American History.   






Monday, May 11, 2015


Cancer is a topic to be approached on a positive note with clear understanding of its cause and effect due to an “Abnormal Mammogram or Pap Test”.

Cancer does not discriminate. It can occur at any age but with early detection lives can be saved. So what are some of the risk if you miss detecting it by ignoring the warning signs your body will not hide?

Rest my youngest beloved cousin, Jameisha '2024', you have endured this race.

 “Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. Cancer is always named for the part of the body where it starts, even if it spreads to other body parts”.
There are several types but the most common are rarely identified. Why, because of the fear of what is growing inside.
Breast Cancer stages is usually expressed as a number on a scale of 0 through IV — with stage 0 describing non-invasive cancers that remain within their original location and stage IV describing invasive cancers that have spread outside the breast to other parts of the body.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is a different virus than HIV( and HSV( (herpes). HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. But there are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening.

But the good news is detecting any type of CANCER does not mean it’s the end of your life. No matter if you’re a young girl, young lady or woman. Less stress, lifestyle change and a Diagnosis of the warning signs simply means you took the accountability of understanding the importance of “Loving your Body”.
To my youngest SISTER sometimes we may view things differently in this life. But remember I will forever STAND, RUN AND FIGHT wherever and whenever you need me in this LIFE.

Our inspiration is because of the women in our lives who chose to “FIGHT AGAINST CANCER” with PASSION and THE STRONG WILL TO SURVIVE!


Friday, May 8, 2015


Legal guardians, who love and take the responsibility of sheltering, clothing, feeding and providing security. To a child, young adult or children the following topic is detrimental to humanity but needs to be addressed accordingly with an open mind and maturity. So please understand the real issues at hand:
A parent should never have to bury a child unless they are terminally sick; not due to disobedience or homicidal evidence

A parent should never fear their children; and accommodate them with being their friend.
A parent should know where there teenage or young adult children roam; and age has no relevance when they act and show signs of; immaturity, sneakiness and failure to report in.  

A parent should know their children’s friend at any age; just in case they are caught up in a situation where friends can’t benefit them.
A parent should never be disrespected in their own home; but remember respect is earned not given back if the parents are demonstrating questionable acts.

A parent can be heart broken and broken down; only if they allow their grown or children to run interference in their lives by creating situations to eat up their minds and money over time.
A parent is not entitled to spoil their kids at any age; but once you decide emotionally to give your kids what they have not earned; do expect some disappointment that will test your patience in that parent and child relationship.

Parents ungratefulness is not acceptable if you run your household.

Parents “MARRIAGE” and having babies is a beautiful thing. But so is being on the same sheet of music which means two people traveling in the same direction, committed to one another at the same time, growing with the same intension to accomplish one goal “building a life” side by side. But what we fail to accept and realize is that People will change over time.

No WOMAN, CHILD OR MAN should possess enough power to selfishly take advantage of someone else who loves them enough to ensure the choices they make; won’t cost them a life filled with ‘HEARTAHCE”.

Good Morning it’s time to wake up.




Thursday, May 7, 2015


Once a seed is released into a woman’s womb progression takes place and within those 9 months a life is born. And if we apply logic to development the measurements of human life can only progresses in stages over time.                

Reference Jeremiah 1:5

One day a male species will implant a seed into a woman species womb and within trimesters this seed will progressively grow until there is no more space in the mother’s womb to grow. Which is when conception will take its course and life with be revealed from inside of growing in moms hive.  Is when the developmental pattern begins never to return into moms womb again.  

A newborn has his or her first taste of life once they realize there is light and lay upon a mother’s breast to be fed which reciprocates the rest of what will happen next in the early stages of child development. Eventually this newborn grows into an infant stumbling to take his or her first steps with less or no desire of the feedings from mommy’s breast. Next is the adolescent stage of  puberty and figuring out what independency is all about. Is when this child will begin to recognize their fullest potential of using their "hands, feet,  mouth, ears and eyes. And the last stage is "ADULT" years. So what is the possibility that medicine can reverse the maturity of child birth? None, and the reason why is woman and man were created with time to replenish the earth with new life.
And just incase any child, woman or man feel as if you can go against mother nature's plan with your own GROWN UP PLAN "THINK AGAIN" because growth progresses at a rapid pace once you're conceived from mommy's space. 

Growing Up Can Be a Pain but if you're so grown; why not leave the breast milk alone.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Folk Tales

Today I took account of my own environment before referencing global differences. Immediately one topic caught my eye  religious beliefs which was “Christianity is not a religion it’s a life style” so what can also be associated with Government, Corporations, Brotherhood, Gangs, Ministry, Music and Private “Associations” in which we blend our “Attitudes” with societies mood.

People interact throughout the world everyday with the “free will” of “Attitude” identifying ourselves through what we know of “FOLK TALES” and if you’re not candid, careful and knowledgeable about your association within any type of “people organization” trust that “Temptation” will lead your soul under “another’s control”. And strength and weaknesses will be bargain with.    

Communication through media has a sophisticated way of keeping the world informed of what is or has yet to come, Government was formed with people in mind throughout the duration of time, Religion is an extension of peoples personal belief and church is a building they meet to congregate in sharing their faith, Corporations monitor product and demand by consumption, Brotherhood is a bonded relationship identified with a symbol that bares secrets, Gangs are organized with people who seek refuge from their own lives, The Music Industry has created years of beats and some people have experienced a dark side where the “arch angel hides” and the Private Associations is a formation of relationships bonded in society that symbolizes humanity; where people depend on other people to manage or survive in this Folk Tale life.     

The title Folk Tales identifies with the truth that lies somewhere in between Associations, Attitudes & Identities.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...