All families bicker and fight. And some sometimes a family can
rectify disagreements that cause them to lose sleep at night. But when a family
member or members refuse to communicate it causes tensions and words that leave
us feeling heartbroken and lonely. Or for some people it's ok to disassociate from
further "HELL". And every now and then people swear their searching
or would like to know the truth. But the reality is they prefer for you to
accommodate their unwillingness to catch an attitude.
happens once we lose the head of a family? What happens when grandparents
step in to raise their children, small children? What happens when youth
disrespect the provider who you depend on and live with? What happens when we
turn against one another in these last days? And as far as we know, the
enemy now lives outside and in our homes.
I'm not implying
that I am without flaws because I myself had to endure a childhood of
madness due to someone’s insanity of insecurities. So therefore I don't expect
anything less or more from any kind of people we live amongst. Just keep in
mind; your main focus is your state of mind.
What happened to
Sunday dinners and family day? Because it seems everyone is scattered all over
the place, trying to keep up with the economic and emotional race. But
forgetting what may one day keep us sane "love and communication with the family".
Why do siblings feel that your accomplishments are an extension of
their entitlement? When they did not initiate sacrifices in places you
thought that you would break simply to feed, shelter and provide if not share
for the immediate family. At the funny part is; they often silently judge
on what they have no clue of.
Children born out of wedlock will force a responsible adult
to make a choice from the heart. So never question why
the disrespectful and selfish sibling will almost, always fall
on hard times. And what you struggle to leave these siblings or children
behind; will wither away in a millisecond of time.
No parent can possibly love their children the same. And the
reason why we try is because; where one brings joy we hope and pray for the other
to change. Who rebelliously brings on their extra struggles and pain?
Siblings are attached to the heart and they know how far to
go. But this younger generation feels "entitled" speak and act
of control. And if you're not careful you will lose your way of serving God to place
more value on what they want. And with all due respect some families
are well mannered. So therefore they are burned with what is going on in the
mind of this adult or kid.
Who does not appreciate a mom, dad and grandparents that will
sacrifice their last dime to post bail, initiate a mortgage
loan for college tuition? While pacing the floors at night trying to
figure out when there change will come.
There are families who fight but people will be the last to know
the struggles they manage to get through. There are siblings who will fight
till the end of their old life. No matter what title or association you do or
don't hold in this life. There are children and siblings who are plain out
disrespectful and angry about everything. Until you give into doing anything to
change their mood swing.
One more lesson I had to learn was to safe guard my heart from
those friends who have no family connection. And the reason why is you will
figure out what they will never allow themselves to return unto you "compassion
and understanding of what real love will make you do".
I think people share the truth of what is hindering the family. And
maybe we could change if we could allow ourselves to seek change.
Every person of age who complains, are feel entitled to something.
Is really responsible for pulling his or her, own weight. And therefore baby
food should be replaced to digest meat into a more mature space.
Again, I ask who has yet to struggle with famine, heartache and
pain. And dealt with having some or no money?