Sunday, February 7, 2021


Father the hour has come; time is drawing near to complete the mission..

If we put aside ourselves. The mission is explanatory. What is faith without trials. What is life without purpose. What is truth without lies. What is a relationship without people. 

Our lives are linked together whether we accept it or deny each other in life or death.

What is the culture we live amongst. Who do we glorify in this culture. Who do we follow if not lead. Why do we agree to disagree? What is a "master plan" without Time on our hands. In all things gather understandings before dismantling knowledge. 

At 3am I had a vision. There was a multitude of people. Then there were faces in distress. In this moment I called for my gc to be returned. We all have plans but not many plans are prepared for Wars in a Spiritual Warfare. I saw a house of windows and doors wide open. I looked to the sky it said "In God We Trust", but it was the weeping of that crowd  that tune my ears to a different direction. I mention my son, families, friend and children. Because it was Hope. To fufill a vision with a purpose. Where Walls were established in a Garden that only required some attention. And because of the Denial to establish Unity for the shameful abuse of Power or Control. There will be greater suffering before trust is reestablished. Why did we design a borderline to separate our oppressions; for suffering of a Few is now exposed of All in the Domino affect across the boards of confusion.

My point is this stop listening & following the misguided instructions of any; and strengthen the relationship to follow in Gods planned direction. If not a more conducive plan to find peace in this land. For sometimes all it takes is the removal of 1 King are Queen if not of a People & Leadership's; to be exposed in every position we attempt of to conquer for control.

Salavation belongs to you in the living; no matter where you are in spirit or religion. Many will deny & reject the exposure because of the Writings on every Wall. In the end this is going to happen; a Greater Rise & Tremendous Falls.

1991-Jan 15, 2020 (8:10am)

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Prison Mentality

First of all we acknowledge; the African Americans who have been exonerated from the Criminal Justice System.

Prison was not created to rehabilitate.  Prison was created for a state of confinement. For acts in behaviors causing  violence towards another humam being, conspiracies that cause a threat to any lfe, terroristic act and not limited to money laundering. And the penalties weighout in the confined hours you will be sentenced in time out. At a Prison not created for  comfort are an extended layover.

I will touch on the topic lightly today; because humanity has the right to express and speak on  their own values, morals & beliefs.

In the acts of crime & gangs in any community; these men or woman if not adults belong to real people in every class & race of family. Now whether their behaviors demonstrated are not always tasteful in choices. Some one still favors this person or people who have been or repeated offenders to a state of incarceration.

We in humanity invest a multitude of time in judgment by pointing fingers; as others are tallying up the bottom line of the next guest in the Prison System.

People dont always die for unnecessary reasons in acts of violent deaths. In the streets if you are considered a God in the Valley; there is a chance greed will silence a community. Stay with me on this topic. Then we may get further ahead of what is creating Wars in places people are not prepared mentally to survive them.

In real life when Prison doors are open to release a guest. If the change has not saturated into the older mans or womans thinking. This old head will not demonstrate a mature behavior and speak with any common sense; so how can this old man lead younger men anywhere. And these young men create more babies with woman who refuse to change themselves. Where the mindset is stuck on systemic thinking. That will either bury or imPrison the next generation of all our young black men. Amongst a diversity in all races of young men & woman. Misguided in parenting if not mislead by old woman & men with Prison minded thinking. 

In Memory of Dominique White 1991-Jan.15.2020 

"if I a young black man can feed & clothe many in my hood with my bare hands. Then why can't we all live together in our own gardens"?


Goodmorning this is God & today I will be reaching out to you; through my grace & mercy to pull you through. But I waiting to understand why so many stir sway from reading my word. And avoiding the conversation of hate & sin on this earth..

I will not appear in my own image; however I will use the image in you that only I have created. 

I see the burdens you are carrying; in my word I told "you my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light", if all men shall bow and confess that I am God. Then I will heal the land and restore peace again.

I know that many of you are angry, hurt and fear of desparity. If you read my word and medidated on it in Psalms 50; for ever animal in the forest is mine; and every cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountain and creature in the fields. Then why so many of you in humanity deny "In God We Trust"? As you all have continued in your lives in the book of Sodom & Gomorrah? Before consulting myself "God". The Alpha & Omega.

Im watching the good Samaritans. I see the Worshipers, I'm preparing Virtuous Woman, Im healing the sick and comforting the grieving; as the dying are leaving. Im still in the 2nd chance business; while I see many Cains killing their own blood brothers so as what happened with Abel. Im watching as mothers dispute over Children as in the book of Rebekah& Essau. Im restoring families that were broken in heart individually. My own son was betrayed by his brother Judah, as well. As Jesus was his birth name I called into Mary's womb. Who sat at the table with 12 assigned disciples. Until one day Judah sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. But not before he ate beside him &  plotted his death for no reasoning. I fed many with 2 loaves of bread & 5 fish. I threatened Pharoah to release my people from his slavery; even afterwards release; they still rebelled against God. I had my son to Pay It in Full of all humanities debt with his blood on Calvary. But not before Jesus was betrayed in this life. In which we both died in order for you to Live Life.

Now rise up & choose today; in whom will you choose to serve. Are deny of me God in this day of a; second chance.

But just incase you will continue to deny me; remember I am still God the Alpha & Omega "beginning & end".. 

In Memory of Dominique White 1991-Jan.15,2020

Friday, February 5, 2021


The definition is to be in a state of abscence or leave without notice.

In the military a leave of absence is granted for specific personal according to their situation. The time allows coverage for this solidier to return; after their acknowledged in appearance of an absence.

In the streets of every hood; its ocurring to happen right now. Wherever hands are extended and time is non valued. And fear is the greatest factor; during the immediate exit. 

In Wars the soldier does not retaliate immediately. Soldiers plan and are lead in appearances by leadership. To perform under pressure in order to survive the enemies plotted plans. And exit out to freedom.

Under every suit or dress; an effort is being put in motion. By the human being wearing it presented with a presentation. Prior to an exit; but not before  a conversation.

In this life to validate an effective form of communication; we must respect it is a 2 way setting. And in the event a confrontation occurs for a non-effective form of communication; be prepared or remain in a state of denial.  Of what we created around the  atmosphere; resulting in a conversation of AWOL in another setting. 

Small Children

Before there was the birth of babies; there was two types of human beings on earth. The Holy Bible described them at their births; by their names of Adam & Eve. In humanity our eyes relate to these types as male & female or man & woman.

In the beginning there was God & Angels including Satan. And under a tree stood this Adam & Eve. Until a stranger approached and deceived them both. By using Eve to lower this man to eat a piece of that forbidden fruit. Adam was already warned; the apple was filled with poison.

In the beginning there was no children. Until God called a fetus into this females womb. And no science throughout the history of man can prove in truth of how the creation of the internal organs came about into this female or male. However, before man was created there was the provision of commandments written in words to live bye in this world. These two male & female would be given instructions with a sense of knowledge to read them. And no man in history can prove where this understanding in knowledge was created. 

One day babies were conceived with the help of this male & female. Are how else can we explain or prove how these tiny human beings made it into the world. Science states studies based on synopsis and facts. But in reality who can show us in truth of how the world was created by the hands of man? 

If the life span of a male or woman is not for life. Then how can we debate or deny there is no God? Then who brought humanity into this world?

Our entire lives we have debated in heated discussions  the possibility & the limitations of mans hands and direction in leadership. Then whose hands could of performed the shape and images that fill the pattern of this designed world we live in. Knowing man or woman, male or female did not create themselves.

When I carried my son Dom in my womb. Science told me his birth gender. Inside my body this tiny human took form. Until one day Dom could not fit into my body any more. Overtime I talked with my baby & watched him stretch; into the size of an Adam.

One day our Adams mated with an Eve and concecrated. Then birth unto this earth their seeds planted inside of this woman.

One day life happened. And man & woman deceived one another. This time its was not under that Tree of Life that began with the creation of Adam & Eve. It was the story of that stranger whom appeared &  planted a conversation with cruel intentions. And if this really happened who can prove this stranger never existed. And why did Adam & Eve figure out they were both exposed; in their nakedness of the world.

I mention Small children; as we were once children ourselves born into a world innocent as sheep; guided by our Adams & Eves. Until one day a stranger appeared & deceived our entire families. 

When my sons life was taken. The truth was revealed about the craftsmanship of the evil works for the investment of over 14 years. The children were divided throughtout the story on both sides. During a transition of passing through Revelations; amongst chaos, rebellion, spite & silence. So as in the days of the stories of Rebekah, Sampson & Delilah, and in Kings 3:16 when both woman fought there will be 1 out of spite and the other who shows love, as Sodom & Ghommorah rebelled against God. And in the End Times of these Covid-19 Days it will be because of that betrayal between Judah & Jesus. Who exposed everything & ALL involved. So humanity will see there was a reasoning in the division of Adam & Eve a birth to this entire generation of their legacy.

We dont have to believe in one another. We dont owe each other anything. However, we owe ourselves the truth in all the lies we have covered up over generations; of whom we will serve if not in God "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" even in the midst of Satans betrayal and Mans denials. 

Ghost Writer-Dominique White, 1991-Jan.15.2020.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


The enduring legacy of The Fatal Friendship by Malcom X. throughout the history of our blood brothers & sisters read it. And if you decide to take a moment to read the pages of  The Choron; walk away with an open state of mind. And If you have not read the KJV or the NIV in the Holy Bible walk away with a non chisled heart; then apply it to the real life we are living in.

We speak of brotherhood around the world and in our communities amongst our own; but in our bosom we hide the guilt if not lies in arrogance of the shedding of our own brothers blood. 

The brother Malcom X knew the adversity that was growing against him. Malcom X spoke to the world about the troubles that impacted our freedoms to bond us up in a generation of struggles. Malcom exposed the truths through groomed knowledge. However; in knowing this knowledge remains unacceptable in the presence of the principes of those Powers & Controls. Malcom continued to speak outloud in the presence of all the world. Until his life was assassinated. Malcom X did not allow the faces that surrounded him before his death; to defeat a vision filled with purpose. To lead the following of those worn to weary; unto a place of knowledge, courage, strength & understandings.

Our stories are not different; our stories are threatened by the act in threats to silence our bodies. Until these stories rise up over generations; as humanity travels the same journey. We find ourselves  fighting battles with one another. Instead of preparing for the Wars coming against our own. Of freedoms, inequality & unfair justices.

We are bound by division for the lack in our human understanding resulting in actions. To resist arranging  these conversations to hold a mature meeting of the minds. If not with our own other brothers & sisters; addressing the accountability & obligations.

To Respecting the Religion; is also to respect the believer who chooses; his own journey & knowledge in understanding to walk away. It's not a disrespect. It's a human choice for the sake of sanity.

To not hate on your own brothers Rise if You are Falling off. It was yelled throughout history "I am my brothers keeper". If so then who, why and where is my brothers blood shedding. From his keepers hands?

To face up to a Legacy of A Friendship; comes with a gripping grief. Because of the Greatest Regrets was the behavior demonstrated in the betrayal; of one brother or sister to another in this life.

If I cannot share with my brothers & sisters new knowledge. Then how can my own brother or sister educate me on how to follow? In the direction of his or her own knowledge.

In memory of 1991-Jan. 15, 2020.


An act of favor or punishment. 

In times of despair; we ask for restoration.

In times of good fortunes; we seek more of favor.

But in times of hardships & violence; we grow weary, worn and angry. And the punishment for questioning the  accountability in behaviors; either in others are in ourselves. We punish one another in areas of our vulnerability.

If nothing ever changes in our real life situations; then nothing will ever grow. Is this an injustice we inflict of pain in ourselves? And if knowing to stop growth could mean dying; then why deny another person the option to live where they are trying. 

One day we woke up to decisions to make for our children, families or either ourselves. And in those decisions & choices we either chose to live with a purpose. Or die in our own silence. 

And you will find that living for some people is like; misery. Where death is company. To escape favor which only required time & opportunity to change. So now what if justice never serves us enough of favor. Or what if the punishment is our final justice; for ignoring our own opportunities to taking time; to writing our wrongs to rights?

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


We were not created to perform 1 task. We were carefully molded to perform multiple roles in this life.

A man was not created to just perform one role. This man has a multitude of titles to fufill. 

As a father is the hero & role model. He is the provider and protector. This man of the house ensures it bears good fruit & bread. In order that his his family continues in being fed. 

The man is a best friend to his spouse and children, first. And to his mother he is her first love. Because dad is both their Knight and shining armor. 

The mothers roles requires different hats; as well as skillz. And often some Queens must be reminded of the heavy load they tend to carry all by themselves; Can be shared with that King who never hesitates to offer his Time and Hands just to be in her presence.

The children even contribute a significant role, they are the glue that bonds the entirety of a family; to love in unity. 

See we did not choose our family. Because God knew the plans for our lives not to just turn us up side down; but to turn us right side up. 

And in the event your life encountered a different story; maybe its time to unpack that old baggage & renew your mind. To fill back up a new bag with a new perspective. 

Black History Month

We honor our Black History for life. And in the month of February for 28 Days American History shares the stories of the first famous black; leaders, poets, actors & actresses, trail blazers, educators, innovators and pioneers. That graciously superseded in their successes beyond the years of tyranny, social injustices, hardships & oppressions. 

The Black History of these ancestors; open doors that were not meant to be opened for generations. Contested unconstitutional favoritism against them. And for our generations it was because of our ancestors sacrifices & gracious talented works. Black History remains the makeup of our African Kings & Queens who continue in their footprints to leave our legacies; that breathe throughout this American History.

We honor: 

Emmitt Till; his life was cut short; taken and beaten severely in the midnight hours. For being a young black man at the right place in the presence of hate in black history. In memory of all our black boys & girls; who impacted every area of our struggle.

 "In memory of Dominique White Jul. 1991-Jan.15, 2020" the day they plotted on your body; was the date they also recorded your story in History. For your legacy & the world would one day read.

MLK; for allowing our voices to be heard as those dogs were headed our way. If a man has not found something he is willing to die for; he is not fit to live. 

Madam C. J. Walker; first self made millionaire. A boss of elegance and style. Walker represented by exposing natural & pure black beauty through America History. 

Rosa Parks; allowing us to take a seat at the front; no longer the back of that bus. To allow our black people to rest their worn feet that labored throughout Black History.  

WEB Dubois; teaches us knowledge is a lethal weapon.

Sarah Baartman; sold as a young girl around the world. Her story is unique it was her voluptuous beauty that gain the attention; of those who betrayed her in vanity. Then sold her beauty in a jar; in a museum for viewing around the world.

Malcom X; his courage, and quest to challenge himself. And not fear the challenges he would soon be forced to face. By standing in the mist of betrayal, adversity and silent fights to end; a vision he shared with the fearful for life. 

Mandela; I hear you been looking for me. And even if you confine my body behind these jail bars. My mind remains free; of the chains set in place to bound me & my black people.

Harriet; broke the chains around our mental thinking in Black History. And ran for her life to return back in slavery to set us free; to breathe in American History.

Angela Davis; I refuse to allow you to drag my body through the streets of  our bloody history. And even if you imprison my King. I will continue to speak as a free Black Queen. 


During this pandemic has really been a setback in more than 1 area of our lives. Its seems like  everything & time is out of whack. But still we must remember to smile & laugh. 

Before March the 16, 2020 our lives were filled with; joy, trials contentment, and more plans. Until life interrupted us without a single warning. 

Again another lesson has been learned. Pay closer attention to continue in planning for tomorrow. As if we were going to be around for that 2 to 5 year plan. And just incase some strange circumstances occur; be prepared for what life is about to expose of the time we no longer have. Of being our best friend are greatest enemy here on earth.

An analogy does not always have to be presented in a long winded sentence. Sometimes its the reality in life that relates back to the analogy. 

One day we said to one another goodnight; the next morning our entire world changed. 

Yesterday our plans were sought out; and today those plans required an adjustment.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Domino Affect

Whether you, us or them is the player, watcher are opponent; remember the game in any house is either stacked are spread out. With rules attached to abide by. It's up to us, we or them to respect the plays that are about to be made. And it does not matter who gets eliminated in the games being played. The games will still continue as of yesterday, and today. And in the event tomorrow is promised by God, another hand will be dealt and played; once again.

I signed my son up for chess. The purpose for it; was to ensure he was thinking. Not so much as what was around him. But first focus on the player against him. 

In life if we do not seek knowledge for ourselves with more depth of understanding; it will be provided to us in an unnatural course. If not rationed in portions. There is no such thing "you can think to much", unless it benefits someone or something else.   

On this journey you will gain & loose. Now what is the value in it; that is determined by you. Not every fight deserves acknowledgement, not every immature act deserves any attention. And not every human being is entitled to your time. However, we should respect one another in our presentations to avoid negative energy. Where our feet will stumble over rocks & stones, and our hands will rise-up if not calmly fold. 

We have reached a heightened point in this Covid-19 pandemic, to figure out what is affective or non-productive; as we bunch up together on a tight journey seeking unity where there is a spreading of division. And until we realize how People will always notice the change in our Attitude towards them. But they will never notice it's their Behaviors that made us Change. In the mist of life's current circumstances. You, us or them did not see coming  

Love & Hugs to my gc. Follow my footprints. 


Before reading this entry. Breathe before the final Ending of the usage of our Crayola boxes. Has no further usage to blasphemy over what co...