Thursday, February 11, 2021


Stay safe, Be Informed and Secure all is of priorities around you.

Safety is a precautionary measure taken; in the event we are not warned what is ahead of us; in man's or life's plan.

Information is vital; and we must be opened minded to listening or either follow trained instructions.

Security of ones self is crucial in the world; but also is securing the little people, elders and the space we share. 

In the event we, you are them is separated. Share * Secure some Informative information to stay Secure. Until we are in one anothers arms; again.

Hazardous Road Conditions

The weather reported this morning; the roads are icy and dangerous. So please take a moment to reflect on what is most important. After this morning we watched live as the Fed-Ex truck flipped over a Wall on interstate 35W in Fort Worth.

We pray for the families involved who are going to receive a call; the call they were not expecting at all. And we can all relate the bills are due, kids are out of class and our feelings are on the edge. Because the bills are due and the plan for survival is slow in motion are unclear. However, rest in knowing bills will be around long after the customer is gone. And our families will mourn the horrific cause. So once again, make preparations for this week by slowwwing down for once. Tomorrow is not promised are neither is the next moment. 


Wednesday, February 10, 2021


So many mothers are wearing black dresses these days, and no its not for dinner parties or a cultural event. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Italian or Jewish, Muslim and all mothers. Mothers are laying to rest their babies of all ages. 

I began singing at the age of 2. My son knew how to dress himself, prepare his own plate and could determine hot & cold water to bathe by the age of 2. Because this young mother at the age of 22 worked a night shift at the postal service. And sometimes Dominique did not want to wake me up. But as I slept I dreamed of him knowing he had slipped out of my arms; and immediately I would awake to finding my terrible 2 taking care of me. By allowing mom to rest. And even in death I stand committed to him.

Its not how we lived our lives; in the eyes of someone else. It's how we loved on each other, our children, family, mates and a few good friends; if there are any living of those true friends who appreciated the idea of change. And share the true story behind the journey of those at rest; footprints. 

Tonight I was thinking to myself as I prepared my son to rest. It was 2 days before we talked about a life for his children. It was the night before we would say I love you for the last time. And the next morning his life was robbed. If only I had one more day to say again; its impossible to do Gods work. And love on people that are incapable to respect, communicate and love you back no matter what you give.

We assume to no one another. But no one knows a child; like his or her mother. And even if we fuss & disagree. A son will always seek his mother for love, truth and understanding.

If you never had a bond with your child or children. Love is not dressing them in fancy clothes. "Yelling to the top of your lungs, in bullying a child to hurry in grow up". Are neither is cohabitation a confirmation you own someone. Love is not arguing in a relationship and creating animosity for someone who is willing to give more of; what you are willing to take in the end. And distrust is not loyalty in a friendship.

This song gives me comfort. Someone is in need of comfort as well. Even if you have not lost a child. The idea of losing a child should encourage you to change if not build on that relationship. 

Our race & struggles maybe disputed & segregated. But  heartache is a state no race of man can escape. You Just Don't Know.

In memory of our Sons & Daughters. 


In 2020 A List of Fortune 500; there were only 5 Black CEO's. And when the cycle of money is broken; what financial window will open? And when we can no longer communicate and respect one another’s sacrifices and lending hands. Who then can we lean on for sincere financial directions. For the children in this generation if not near or closer to struggling without knowledge? And in some situations for no reasoning; but fear to change an attitude and vision.  

Wealth is not always what another person leaves at death, it is not a promissory note to ensure you live your best lives of good fortunes with someone else. Or neither is wealth passed on if there is no financial knowledge to invest in its growth. So why do some people turn into savages with resentment of entitlement for money that was either worked for by someone else. To ensure a mature person establishes the next generation to receive wealth?  

When we are attempting to assist other people who are not money savvy there are things to be considered. Before the trail of endless giving; first establish the understanding with respect of the persons situation and then provide to them guidance in the event they will listen; because some people will allow their circumstances to become your long term obligations. Unrealistic expectations.

And what many of us have learned is this we cannot all live in a mindset of Fantasy Island; where Mr. Roark is not a real person in our real life situations.  

We can all share our work experiences. As for myself a young girl at the age of 13 years of age I worked in the community with many elders; and what it taught me was to mentally prepare my mind for a shift to occur financially in this new generation. And after my only child deceased he had plans to intervene; where greed would turn into rage, spite and present envy.

We can fall behind getting caught up in the $ sign, before investing patience, knowledge and time in educating ourselves on how pennies turn into dollars, and nickels turn into dimes. And for every fifty dollar bill tucked away its closer to reaching a $100 dollar bill on any given day. Because some people are planning around the reality of taking short cuts, plotting, scheming and establishing blind commitments. With the wrong intentions to gain money out of entitlements.  

This may not apply to you today; but do not be surprised once someone is in need of your financial assistance. Are you one day fall short of understanding by investing the money you are holding; was taken for granted. 

Shall we proceed to understanding if not respecting the access in credit and raw tender? Since the Covid-19 has impacted the world financially. Inflation escalated, jobs are being furloughed if not lost, pensions are being replaced with 401k’s, mortgages and rents collapsed, credit lines dropped if not closed with balances that remain in promissory notes of balances still owed. And those welfare benefits will not accommodate the beginning of the domino affect; let’s proceed in doing the math.   

In the event the plans occurs in July, 2021. The question in the meantime is what plans have we made on your own. This example was significant because someone is banking only of this 1yr government plan.  

3600/12=$300 month

The average single parent receiving welfare with at least 3kids under 6yrs of age=$900 month.

3000/12=$250 month multiplied by children under 18years of age.

The purpose of the video; is for us to fix the immature understanding at this level. In order to make it to a new level. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Humpday Wednesday

I shared this info on Feb. 9th. Incase a few were of you were running through time.

Feb. 10, 2021

Rise and shine the race is on this morning you will need to be ready & focused. To use your fingers when selecting a county. And if you are encountering trouble on the website; proceed to setup an account on line.

On March 1. Collin county will be opening up a link to assist with qualifying recipients with rents. Again, you must seek the information for yourself. Now you have been provided the resource.

CVS: 70 Pharmacy locations across Texas will start scheduling online Thursday Feb. 11th.

Sam's Club: 

  • Yes, through this partnership, Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies can now accept and administer federal allocations of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Walmart and Sam’s Club are working with the federal government to help increase access to COVID-19 vaccines at select pharmacies in 22 states once vaccine doses are available, starting Thursday, February 11.   The beginning phase of the program is designed to engage the system in a limited way to ensure the infrastructure is ready for large scale implementation when vaccine supply increases.  

These locations have been advertised to be administering the Covid-19 vaccinations. If the links are still hard coded keep trying somethings will change in the blink of an eye. Depending on the County that link could default back to a different page with an adjustment in change of availability. It would behoove you to continue in keeping watch. Because time slots will quickly fill-up. In a Time that shows ALL in humanity; the window is small for our reservation to live in convenience. So now we have an obligation. To ourselves & elders for the generations they carried us All. And even in their old age they will comfort us in their fragile arms. So its our duties to see they are here.

Qualifications will require for the general public 65 & up with or w/out underlying conditions.  Its your responsibility to read the fine printed. This is not a competition to compare our instincts in knowledge. Now that we have been provided  some clarity in direction. 

We can never be 2 invested with busy; too see the writings on The Walls. Only we can save ourselves. If you choose to be vaccinated or not. Then be safe & responsible if not in respect of others; then what about to yourselves.

Peace & Blessings 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Children Encouragements

Being a loner; does not mean you have to be alone. Once you discover the things that you enjoy about yourself. Other children will recognize and approach you with a hand of friendship.

Most children are not taught how to extend an olive branch; and what I mean is this. Acts of kindness develop in the smallest of children.

I emphasize the feelings of  children, because their feelings count because these children are a blessing. And one day these children will mature in physical & mental development of their own personalities. But not without a personal experience of processing lifes challenges. So we take the time wisely to invest in our children who will one day; mirror us the adults in our choices, rebellious decisions and many mistakes. So the proper guidance is required of a Village to raise all our children.

In reality we cannot denie; some children never grow up. And the generation they lead will struggle. Because of the denial to address our own personal attitudes and issues we could of corrected to save our own children.

One day time allowed us moments with one another. Another day we watched one another grow. And overtime we either invested or wasted the time we could did more with our children.

Hug, kisses and appearance; is encouraging in the childs presence .

Clothes and materials things are nice. But time is pricesless with a child.


In the process of communicating a translation of information three things must occur; clarity, tone and informative direction.

We are customers to one another on given weekday; we either create a pleasant atmosphere to communicate. Are we either end up on redundant calls if not a lost call. 

Business is a part of humanities lifestyle; and without a concierge in business neither product or demand would depart are arrive in neither of  anothers hands. No matter the type of business you are dealing in.

Monday-Friday several calls will occur; and several of these call are inquiring about the dates/times a basic need of survival will be met. And the most horrific experience the caller being the recipient can expect; is no one has any motivation or clarity in direction on the other end of a service representative.

Unless on the other end of this call is the representative; of a human being with compassion. We can relate to one another in our personal business circumstances. Or we can deal with our own negative attitudes. At the end of everyday we remain a customer to be serviced by a supplier for more than 90% of our basic needs to survive.

Information is free, knowledge is power but low moral will devour our business relationships. And it does not inquire or matter who is the customer or dealer, retailer or Governmental organization. Money is not the root of all evil. Its our attitudes for the money first; and respect of one another second..

Ghost Writer -Dominique White 1991-Jan.15,2020

Morning Monday

The circumstances may look bleak. But if you try God are continue in trusting in Gods word; the situation will break loose.

In this life we decided to trust in one another. We have decided to depend on each other. And sometimes we fall short in disappointing each other. In the second chance if not allowing one another to a 3rd chance. Resulting in years of conversations, arguments developing into a gap in division of Unity. Because of our chances to one another resulting in circumstances we deny ourselves to find peace & mend our differences if not just find closure in our understandings..

Why not God. With God our circumstances will change, the load gets lighter over time. Our attitudes adjust. We learn more patience and understanding. God did not promise no trials in this life. Without trials we would assume we are always right and without fault; acting out in our behaviors of arrogance as if we were God.

Satan did not reveal an image in who he or she is. If not a spirit of satanic behaviors. Satan never promised hope, satan will not save our relationships and show any interest in mending our brokenness.. Satan did not allow his Son to Die on Calvary so we humanity could have life.  Satan dont allow 2nd chances. Satan allows a life and enternity of hell and problematic situations. And through it all  the Hell Satan rewards is to grant; all the desires of your heart. And deny to All the truth about the fire in hell.

But we all still posses A Freewill to choose; in whom we will serve Hell or Heaven. Now lets rise Up and Shine. The harvest is still plenty but the workers are few. Encourage yourself to not disappoint You. 

1991- Jan. 15, 2020. Prov 3:21-22 In Memory of Dominique & protection over his children. Thank God he knew his heart was bigger than his situation. And a few nonsenical people who attempted to hide his footprints. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021


The previous entries were the introduction to this final conclusion. Written of our stories in The Book of Life. Of what has not been done under the sun and left unrecorded. Cain & Abel, Judah and Jesus. 

There is a dual personality of evil acts; one is murder if not spite to another in this life. 

There is the person who murders and the person who denies another person good fortunes by other actions of betrayal & spite. And only God knows if the remorse is sincere or not.

There is a shattering in the since of safety once a human life is disrupted. Of a fear that fills the entire atmosphere around us. Why, because the threat is still loose. But not the threat that is locked up behind bars.

When a life is conspired in a plot. It's the level of violence in the behavior of people or persons that are involved; hidden by families and friends nearer to innocence. And the sad part is we speak amongst one another regarding the truth. But we hide behind a denial of our own fears to address the ugly truth. 

The reality is we will never hold our families and friends again. However, If we are going to live amongst one another it will require we stop lying to ourselves if not to each other. Or just accepting accountability of our own behaviors is a part of the problem. In the evil amongst us. As the world is watching in Judgment of Race. And the Evil. That's not going to cure; itself.

One day our people chose to continue a life in change. One day a love one spoke with God in writing their wrongs.  One day our love one's were gone; forever 

Tha 4 Corners

In every 4 corners of the world; an establishment in conversation is being held. 

What we do know about the truth is this; rejection and intention to create conflict in conversation. Results end up in a negative reaction.

What we can respect about communication is this; in an established understanding we regulate our position. Which is the position each communicator is presenting; in.

What cannot be denied and hidden; is for every cause there is an effect; (+) if not (-).

One day a popup, of an appointment confirmed. Are either a walk up occured in a state of  conversation. Once acknowledged both parties will exit out of 4 corners. With or without respect of the conversation; held of each party involved.

Remember there is no streets without a movement. And no leader without the heart  & knowledge of a beast to keep it empowered.

You can communicate more effectively to other people in 4 corners of the world; than they are willing to elaborate and respect the conversation repeatedly r finally held.

The Power is the Tongue. If not the message sealed. 


Father the hour has come; time is drawing near to complete the mission..

If we put aside ourselves. The mission is explanatory. What is faith without trials. What is life without purpose. What is truth without lies. What is a relationship without people. 

Our lives are linked together whether we accept it or deny each other in life or death.

What is the culture we live amongst. Who do we glorify in this culture. Who do we follow if not lead. Why do we agree to disagree? What is a "master plan" without Time on our hands. In all things gather understandings before dismantling knowledge. 

At 3am I had a vision. There was a multitude of people. Then there were faces in distress. In this moment I called for my gc to be returned. We all have plans but not many plans are prepared for Wars in a Spiritual Warfare. I saw a house of windows and doors wide open. I looked to the sky it said "In God We Trust", but it was the weeping of that crowd  that tune my ears to a different direction. I mention my son, families, friend and children. Because it was Hope. To fufill a vision with a purpose. Where Walls were established in a Garden that only required some attention. And because of the Denial to establish Unity for the shameful abuse of Power or Control. There will be greater suffering before trust is reestablished. Why did we design a borderline to separate our oppressions; for suffering of a Few is now exposed of All in the Domino affect across the boards of confusion.

My point is this stop listening & following the misguided instructions of any; and strengthen the relationship to follow in Gods planned direction. If not a more conducive plan to find peace in this land. For sometimes all it takes is the removal of 1 King are Queen if not of a People & Leadership's; to be exposed in every position we attempt of to conquer for control.

Salavation belongs to you in the living; no matter where you are in spirit or religion. Many will deny & reject the exposure because of the Writings on every Wall. In the end this is going to happen; a Greater Rise & Tremendous Falls.

1991-Jan 15, 2020 (8:10am)

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...