Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Good News

The nights are looking brighter. Because of the path ways are being litten- Up with a warmer path. I here we have some elders whose water pipes are frozen.

In the event you use social media; to help inform others. Here is a chance to address an elder with some knowledge. Are a family or friend if not a neighbor; who is experiencing the same water problems. 

But if your intentions are harmful; keep it moving. Life has in store for us All enough of some trials and triumphs. 

Once the weather lightens up. And the situation is eleviated off of our plates; never think life served only to you some problems. And left off situations on someone else's plate.

We can never be too busy in our pride; to eliminate the process in where someone else will take and run with the baton. In, during & After every storm. So we ask one another in silence, to God or out loud; forgive me for acting like a clown. Some have figured out how we needed one another in this horrific storm..

There are many questions to be answered. Politics played and behavior still unaccounted for. From Covid-19. To human behaviors, hate crimes, racial profiling, domestic violence, Poverty and children being rerouted from house to house or CPS representatives that are enforcing the by laws. As Cards still remain on our on tables; its time to deal with real situations that remain outstanding. 

The Good News is this was not intended  to a game of Checkers or Chess. This is The Matrix. And the right people stand in position to get some real answers if not make a move. On what needs overdue addressing. In our Accountability of what we all keep dismissing.


The number of  humans without power. As generation on the grids becomes available. However, further outages maybe a possibility. As 7 million are experiencing water lines are frozen. Do not attemp to "Tap" the gas. Or sit in cars located in confined garages. Call your gas company for assistance. Due to the dangers of Carbon Monoxide.

DCTA is offering free rides to Warming centers. Research before you call. Its possibly not long term surrounding the needs. Arlington has no plans to interrupt water usage. Keep an eye on your pipes. Dallas County will keep all updated. 

A few generations are online but several grids were lost in power again. In Texas Ercot is the owner of the grid and monitor in the count of wind generation. However, if there is a plan to establish more  relationships with other partners. To continue in supply of meeting a higher demand for energy. It could possibly be more cost affective in the end.

This could of been a castatrosphic domino event. If there us a conflicting strategy of formulation based upon sales  for a higher demand of the supply for purchase of who is located in length of this Grid. 

Our future decisions need to be corrected today! The grid operators are in control at this moment. And we are the race with options. Options that require us to pray, establish community unity and invest in plans that are more  secure for our future to live. 

This is a utility bill that is crucial to our survival and we the customers remain  economically & contractually binded in accountability for paying intothis energy. Even when this storm is over. Global Climate control is our final test. To determine if we of humanity chooses change are choose not to listen; and continue with this bandaid that requires changing.

Survival kits:

Clothes; anyone was has coats, gloves and hats. Gather all and distribute as a desperate need. In apartment complexes are smaller children. Reach out to a neighbor. Yes, my gc are blessed. All if your children are good. For the children who are lacking; all it takes is for us to do it for these kids.  With tact,  change and a higher regard for respect. 

If can borrow water ftom  neighbors. Attempt to do so  with empty jugs are bottles. 

Local law enforcements are delivering blankets and other necessities.

State officials are patroling the roads to ensure they are open and salt crews are out.

FEMA is offeing assistance. Research the website. Or local office of emergency organizations in your areas.

Texas also Provides. Out of State adjusters to work in Texas towards work on home damage claims. 

Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners:                           Austin Local Main: 512.936.5200 and Toll Free 800.845.6584 for complaints to go the Enforcement Dept.

 reasearch license plumbers And in the event if the plumber has not completed education. They are now allowed to assist. 

A list of phone numbers of people who are dependent; its time to lift up out of our prideful feelings.

Children need to know all their family members, favored people are great. But survival will call for all familiar bodies and different idea minds to get back involved.

Food; seek food banks in local areas beyong your community. If you are able to resource dry foods and snacks for the elders and kids. The weather man us predicying on Friday  to return to bright skies. But the womb lies wide open; at the surface and the bottom.

Emergency bags; medicines, clothes, shoes, socks and coats etc..

Is Ercot selling energy to other grids are they only really redirecting energy? They responded on the news its not a matter of exporting but importing the energy. We can temporarily dismantle a need and debate to wether this  is a black out; as we were sleep choices were made in a balance that did not generate energy are money. And from today moving forward Global Climate control and preparation of condervation of energy * water will be a highly discussed topic.

The bottom line is this is happening today; and no one was really in knowledge prepared. Of the brightest minds and most together people with a plan for a long term. Behind thin walls and fragile bolted doors. In a short time of water, food and electricity we have figured out why; sone energy works and other areas of waiting for Ercot to answer. The State Power Grid.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

American Skin

Not one story writes history. It's the real life stories; that makeup our history.
The false reality is that what was not seen r made up. never really happened. Assume everything that has happened in life; was a code the entire time. where it is estimated of time calculated in real life. Where our struggles in life existed prior to mankind's prediction of every move that would be made; over the history of mankind. Two types of titles exist leaders & followers, protectors and oppressors. From every beginning & ending of life. So what is it about education that is inevitable r feared in mankind. Incest in generations of  humanity that is being passed down. To next of all generations? In this skin we wear of every race of our human self's.

For generations it's the division that drive the argument over accountability & one's self truth; then for generations what is  humanity struggling with. Of what is chosen of to deny in what remains unchanged in the human naked eyes. 

To judge each other is not to judge one's self in accountability. Where we debate to show ourselves remorse. However, continue to shout out on platforms and society. We are the human race that exist in this life. We are the products of birth in all nations of people. In which our mothers and father's accross nations of mankind; cohabitated to breed life through birth. In a life we exposed our own angered aggression of what is inherited of our own human choices. Life did not promise permanent residency here on earth. Life did not promise people do not change. although Mankind was given options to prosper with each other on earth. Even in this moment humanity remains divided.

How has humanity gotten off course? And directed our own races of children to adults towards this argument over poverty & wealth of a mindset. When knowledge is the key to breaking the barrier; mankind insist to not share of knowledge. Which has exposed generations of lies & unremovable truth. Of why and who "could of, But chose not to teach many the differences". Not All human struggles are necessary to pass down to the next of generations. Why should the children carry on their small shoulder's at the date of their birthrights. To live in another generation justifying so much destruction, chaos,  incest, lies and death; in a life of what in reality remains broken in all humanity?

The day we fear one another as the threat. Is the day we struggle to " feel more empathy &  forgiveness". Where on this platform to who appears to communicate; in any form of respect..Of what is it we debate. Regarding ourselves in this human skin we stretch in. And our laws will expose its inadequate flaws. even in it's own judicial systems that. judge humanity in it's own existence. And no justice is not always fair. Or neither are the injustices reasonable once we kill each other. In genociding our own races of people.

Yes, my son was robbed of his life by a black man. In this life of "Sin, verses the prayers of Grace and Mercy". In the physical his children will bare a repeat of generations in past history. The absence of their birthright "dad, friend, a father". In an environment of arranged onlookers and associations. Establishing their own contradicting opinions, debated views. as in every community it's diluted and mentally sheltered of what is educated of truth verses false influences. To later in life find the balance in "one's self". That is destined to lead us all down an alternate path. Because of the personal experiences to bridge the gap of our individual understandings. And about what happens in real life. Remember being are not equally yoked; it's the real people that cohabitate in all of human history. Unfortunately this living human being, crossed paths with time over history. In an area that lacked years of physical leadership in support of the environment, interaction of police engagements in a community needing observation for growth. And appearances at schools educating how to reach "progression in growth". Where climate control, socialization and boundaries of economics & colorism affect the dynamics of youth in anytype of environment. This absence & diligence in security; to educate what is gang awareness. That has progressed in every environment. Of every race and age. And where economics is invested for infrastructure still no education are humanitarian relief in 2020. However, amongst  neighborhoods you can establish a sense of awareness in areas of organizations of community watchers. Occupied with real families of every racial decent. There is the working class established. And public servicers of community services. Also, is a culture classified in diversity of human accomplishments & human disparities. Why, to not resolve the issue, results into situations. Results in lack of communication, economics. Knowledge forms unity. If not shifts the balance in people. No matter the increments of money are social statuses. Specifically where there is a recorded history on record of repeated violence, insufficient equality to access  economics. Why, is access & knowledge detrimental. Why, is  understanding the checks & balances in politics crucial. The burden of proof is Jails, domestication of anytypes, can result violence. And intentional acts of noninvolvement does not grow, but hardens the structure in communities & divide families. However, providing the accessible tools to educate one's self if not the community. Is the mental wealth that is even bartered from our own growth. So, no one questions the WHY.  instead let's debate with each other. Because where there is a question of moral & confusion. The mental compass passes down to generations of it's own bondage. As violence continues to increase across our "structured" bordered lines. We remain titled "black people", in this country expected to not react to anytype of human violence even towards "ourselves", as other people react with perceptions & disrespect in force all over the world. On this Land of Free America, humanity all around the world watches the "Sin". And judges the mentality towards each other. And if any one challenges another person about the internal insanity we cohabitate in. First, research the controversial rhetorical history; created in mankind of how we debate, one Humanity. And two forms of human survival exist; either we surrender in submission to each other. Are fight each other. All over the world.

I have been asked to express "How angry am I". Before I answered the question I considered the "Sin in the world", then how I would respectfully respond, "with not a no r yes, this time". If you r given 1 opportunity in this life. Be truthful to one's self, regarding the world's truth. The biblical history of Adam & Eve. The history of Humanity. Is every behavioral act in life we contributed to as a people. And for decades on these same steps of where my only son's blood was shed; he grew up in this same neighborhood of families. And if we the people say "it takes a village", then who is harvesting the fruits we bare? So, I considered who perished of our own people. So we may feel mentally free in our talking on our freedoms. Our father's who serviced war's. Our mother's who kept the home on a solid foundations. Our grandparents who refuse to debate; our hidden internal history. Our uncle's and aunt's who lived through the story, to tell the real story. So intellectually we would speak on the ownership. That each and every person should own in this life; of their personal experiences.

In a new Generation of right now; children in all races of mankind is perishing. I considered every black & brown child & resident at home that early Wednesday morning "MLK day". The faces in that environment of community. faces that waivered. Why, and who is next to share what are we talking to each other; about. But definitive on who is leaving of a human legacy. I stood to tell the masses with no reservation of who my only son was. And about our real agape love, life struggles & human scars. Our history of facts in human stories. My son perished on Jan 15th, as a leader. He was raised surrounded in love. And to believe nothing is impossible where you apply yourself, regardless of life's hardhips. And regarding love; son's & daughters don't be naive. It's neither penitrated, vibrated are negotiated no matter the human title. He competed in chess, on record Young Arts Institute in Education, UNT Hampton Rd. This young black man, driven and raised to be self motivated. So intellectually he did not hesitate to speak his mind and showed "Accountability, across the lines". Slow to judge with silence, but fed many hungry for human compassion. "The Burden of Proof" is just our lives simplied by the relationships he respectfully protected in private. This extroverted young black man was an highly known acquaintance over his life span. In many community's he contributed his zest of compassion. Did this human being have faults, yes he was aware of his own. We live in a world of "Sin", not perfection. However, he was noted to speak outloud in observance as he  ministered; until that morning of his last breath. In the same places of society we watch each other. This son was taught to stay true to himself. Answer only to God, but "fear no man" in life. We teach our children to blend in the environment you are in, but it's life that will educate these same youth to adults. This is now your real world. In these streets people and things change in the blink of an eye. Life repeats itself in any environment. Now we know, about our own skin. And what it takes to feed a village of people. And why "wisdom is not limited to an entourage or associations, plaques and paper". In a life of every society we keep silencing by attempting plots to kill the truth. To stall growth is a freewill in ourselves. So who is raising our children? As we debate "Sin". Young black men are perishing, mother's of all races and ages also need mental support, a sense of security and provisional direction. And time is still needed to grasp. More understanding in how history continues repeating itself. As we curse one another over our own human ways. In the blink of an eye we devalue each other, about our own "human struggles, often we created. My son had a saying " people got issues with themselves, because we all don't get it at the same time". I would reply, "our human scars is not each other's burden to carry". In a world of strangers watching to judge "us all". Over generations to many continue this fight over who has, should of are not.  And in this generation so many young. This attitude in shrewd behaviors. And yes, it's debated of who is the makeup in every race. But the focus is on who is the minority. When we are losing father's, mother's, elders and children. Behind struggles that is a part of  all human history. However, we can educate what is inherited of our own struggles in life. Not encourage deceit, jealousy and spite. masking why nobody cared about if you lived are survive. No family members jury are judge can cure "abandonment and a history of lies". So what's ahead for the next generation; mankind's greatest nemesis; his r her own internal fears. 

In every case of race, culture and social injustices. The Facts are presented. Evidence exhibited. And verdicts rendered. However as black men and woman there is a perception that has shadowed our people for generations. But unaddressed is the oppression that continues in stalking us. 

The reality is juries don't speak. Snitches is a name created to align a delegate to sustain mental fear in place. In humanity of the people in societies. Who is talking to each other; about each other's own tyranny. As the jury of 12 pay closer attention in silence. The 6 still carry caskets. For if we speak on each other at any level in this life. We next must also speak on ourselves. Until a verdict is rendered, then the statistics reflect the crime is repeated history. But what is unraveling is this of people in every race of mankind, has contributed in an act of human violence. Even in violation of a woman's rights "1919, 1920", were in the millennium and debating human rights, human worth & pay checks. As abortion because of rape is progressing in every age.

We, us and them who are left behind. In a society of those who are not fearful of being the bias onlookers, the grieving of all mother's, father's and families; need US to stay alive, ready & focused. In order to share the real stories. And write the final ending in how it all really occurred.

History is our greatest teacher of this beast. We created every movement in it. Because we are crucified for being free in our Freedom of Speech. Blinded by internal social racism. And not every criminal case is a review for exoneration. But not every metal vest has a justifiable reasoning of shooting in fairness over impartiality. Are neither can politics avoid the resolution for funding for "mental health".

The rap industry has crossed over colored  generations. The lyrics remain in high demand. However, there is debate of what is Blasphemy & discriminatory. In theories of humanity who listens; and emulates the uncensored performances in society. Again, any race of mankind has a freewill to appropriate the record sales. But yet we are still systematically separated by color when violence occurs. victims are confronted about the allegations. And the truth is in who remains distressed. The narcissist. If not being racist.  

If we do not restructure our own homes. Educate our own people & children. if not show each other "there's no loyalty in a world of obstacles, human darkness & disloyalty". There is this unsettling air in compassion where bullying is an action, no truth in a liars tongue. Where we are offended in the roles we're elected by each other. Disrespected in communities seeking protection from each other, manipulated by our protectors of each other. To be oppressed in our own societies. Then be disregarded in our own human skin. And chastised over who taught the morals, values & religious beliefs. One day there will be no resolution to save humanity from itself.

We were not born perfect people. Just born into a perfect 🌎 amongst people. Where sin awaited our final birth. Is when the shift of cohabitations started in mankind. That rose up of a rebellious history of many nations, of faces. The biblical history in mankind. 

What is death; I am aware and conscious of "sin". At times we reference the society, and encourage the "sin". In every trenches. Of every culture it's in our birthright to live out the history in mankind.  However, it's the mental barriers we judge of "acquaintances" with each other. It's our fears of facing what we are capable of in being human. Which confines our minds from finding "internal  peace, outside of each other's mental confusion". 

On 1 hand we defend ourselves. On the other seek validation from each other. We argue in heated debates with each other; about our inability to resolve conflict in peace. On massive platforms of what we have advertised of ourselves. However the expectations of support is diluted in human responses.

The burdens we passover in life. In the physical of being human. Whether we're judged "about the state of mind", unfairness to who is being manipulative in questioning our stages of grief. And who is watching the process of our own rehabilitations. Of what is the stem of this pain. If not our own internal awareness. Because it's inevitable of our own human weaknesses & strength; to deal silently with the struggles in ourselves. While living in a world of Sin? As we are guilty of judging each other. It's the case law of every act in mankind; that repeats history. When death is the final judgement on earth. Once knowing life is a "Freewill" for all in Humanity. To place more value in one's self.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Dark Spot

The good news is that; the black out will not last for very long. The bad news is we must have patience to better prepare for a backup plan. In the days ahead. And if we can find laughter in this; most of us would of never thought to invest in a generator. Are even place 1 call. Not because a few people won't answer your call. It's because All people including the ones in our space young & old. Are trying to come to grips; with being confined to temporarily living off the Grid.

If used responsibly a generator will be a good investment. If appreciated a good friend or family member will not hesitate to slide your way. And if the generator or call to another person is not an option. Take a breather as we All should push pause & then rewind. For the next season; is awaiting for us to take our next appointed journey. 

If money can do all things. And even with some people they will invest time in going the extra mile to invite themselves to your possessions; for a future of happiness if not much wealth, power and access. Then why did money not buy enough energy. So that we are not limited to use off this grid? 

This is not intended to be surreptitious. Many of us are in a cold place of a mini crisis. And If money is the real answer to all of our wants in material things & problems. Then how did so many basic needs go outstanding. And where is this money being invested. Of what we should be possessing in more of an established  prepared position?

Yes, while sitting in this cold moment of a dark space. No warm food, no coziness & fuzzy feelings. We can agree or not. To whether we have what is needed to survive. In our everday stuff of petty little wants. To say I don't need nothing are anybody today. However, today how prepared were we. To live temporarily off this Grid?

The priority is to always plan preventative measures ahead. In the event somethings go missing. Once we settle down to sum things up; those petty  wants cannot warm us up. To those needs that remain; outstanding.

If you got your family, life and health, are you good. If you still making questionable choices. It's ok most of us were not prepared for it either.  More than often we must check in with ourselves; before the next Blackout. Will occur short or long term. 


This term can be used in past or present tense. For example to exploit a skill or reference a gamble, wager or bet. And in slang terms it is defined; to party with someone and lay up afterwards. 

However, a term is selected. Its how we use it to define  ourselves in a human behavior projected.

While in a state of being Parlay today; we wait in patience as mother nature runs her course. As we allow ourselves to resignate over our spoken words & mental thoughts. If not physically move about in the space we find ourselves situated in. For seasons are going to change; with or without us. And the question is why does this matter. Well a lot of things should be considered. Therefore it matters when the problem returns in every season. Due to several elements. And one element is a failure to launch mentally & physically in our own personal concerns.

Once a problem exist; it can only progress and generate into a bigger situation with a timeline of no expiration. 

My family & friends often say "you think ahead", my son always listened in silence. My gc talk to their dad, and after his death they then talk to me in private. And when they finished the reply was "nana this is all the information I could hold in my head", I then replied its between us & God. Now continue enjoy being children in our house. Your moms are still alive but always remember even our separation your dad's love is in us. See we may Parlay in real time but our future is soaking up mentally what we are in denial of seeing in our own behaviors; of issues that turn into problems then bigger situations.

So today parlay in whatever setting you select; just be prepared for the next surge in any unannounced moment. If not tomorrow then still prepare for down the line. Time is closer than near in the seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. But if we manage ourselves where we are right now. There will be room for more harvest & growth later or down the line. For us to communicate and jump on a 1 page. 

For every season there is a Time. And we all can appreciate in this moment; how Time is of the essence. To compartmentalize what we have learned or parlayed on in the past and present. Of what has adjusted our mental for the next Season coming in challenges of unrecognizable changes. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021


We are facing a profound Global Climate weather crisis; and the economy is wedging on time against it. 

I will be short spoken on this entry; due to the knowledge in which I am researching thus far starting tonight with Anderson Cooper on this crises around the Globe. That is going to happen as our leaders are in position of a productive measure through science. And economics to boost the economy that will even affect; US as the consumers. It is the positions our farmers face in the successors of production, distribution & what measures in  transportations will continue to move to ensure we  ALL are supplied; around the world.  

To much information is not a fear factor to leave you hopeless are in a state of panic; but to possess lesser information of what is more conducive in the survival of life. Will be more of an impact than waiting around chattering in unclear directions.

Read into Green House Energy & Irrigation; fertilizer-irrigation systems and farmers. building-material for these businesses and the owners who are affected. Because of the pricing that will affect the economies inflation. And then step into the demand for cement and steele that makeup 16% of carbon monoxide. And if the the climates continues to change it will set the economy back in rebuilding about 40 years. The Biden administration is working diligently on a plan. But it will take our initiation to be more educated if not allow our children the respect and chance. This pandemic is the opportunity to figure out; some of us are sleep walking because of what we have been halted in limitations to do. No disrespect It's time to think out the box.  By stepping up and looking around to see what is going in up prices; as things are going down. 

Check with your local energy providers depending on your state. During the blizzards and snow storms. As for Encore (888.313.4747) it is encouraging its customers to preserve more energy in these low temperature days. Due to  rollouts that could possibly occur on the Power Grid; the 1st occurred at 2:20am-2:32am & 3:02-3:14am, Ercot has advised lowering thermostats to 68degrees and unplug items to save energy. Again it only takes a split second for us all to do our small parts this cold weather will be around hopefully not longer. As our leaders figure out how to save mother earth.  

There is reasoning in why; I pray for all these children and even my own gc who are separated but note they are loved. As we all consider to humbling ourselves; during a time we continue to stress in questioning during a pandemic of several epidemics; when the next of more stimulus checks will be deposited. 



Youth Adult Life

One day change is going to knock; and it will not allow the time for any of US to prepare for it. 

"John: 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?"

As a young girl in my twenties; I remember praying to God about my flesh burning. I had given birth to my son Dominique. But I wanted to be married without the understanding of what marriage required, although I was surrounded in a family of marriages. And living now in this generation of adultery & cohabitation; I look back on this time as a life filled with lessons. This person was not equally yoked to be my husband or neither was I to be his wife”. However, I refused to raise Dominique as the victim in my behavior to accept “dysfunction because of my rebellion”, so I returned to God asking for change in my heart. Eventually windows opened into broader Visions of Wisdom with a limited life of stressors.

All because of rebellion I realized a journey is only long; without God. Which lead me to a place of growth in confidence to identify with my own weakness & strenths and most importantly my own purpose. As the narrator of my own chapters. If not guided by life’s permissions of what we collectively have of experiences; by sharing our real life journey's regardless of race are sexuality. We are beyond this point in addressing the issues we face. Continue on young girl to do the right things in exploring your internal desire to upgrade in change. Don’t be afraid to let go in some areas; you are weak to not be strong. And remain open minded to learn from the space you were not taught, if not too late to return back to someone with knowledge and wisdom. And in the event that person has expired in your life. Share with your sisters or brother in the living how Momma and Daddy won't always be around. To protect and stretch out our arms and legs to remain little girls if not boys. More than often it’s the children we created in this world that suffer until their existence mature us into; stronger Mothers and Greater Dad’s. If not our wise in elders, uncles & aunts who step up and put in mental work.

If we remove the frowned face in our own disposition and accept perfection is non-existent we can begin removing the victim stigmatism out of the way of owning up to we made our own choices. And the color of our own skin barriers as young or grown woman, boys and men is not limited to accepting it was the lack of proper direction provided in our lives are simply human choices we can do better if not change.


Locating comfort may not fit us all. In fasting with God makes us spiritually weak, but emotionally strong. And if are not a believer in God; we are in the flesh but not here on this page to judge. Time is of the essence. However freewill is a preference in your own comfort.(

                            The Apostle said to Timothy; be calm, cool and steady. When

“Love without GOD in a world of HOPELESSNESS will attract evil that exist in different appearances. And Comfort with God is priceless, than seeking out in man “sinful pleasure” & double minded answers; to entertain a human feeling of harbored emotions.     

Intimacy and Comfort without God in it; is uncomfortable if not impossible; no matter what manipulative ideas or games we play with another person in this life.  

Time is Comforting; but when time is used by ourselves irresponsibly we tend to allow even interference of man. To creep in with temptations and detour our focus in Times plan”.

Angry people accept finding comfort in processing; a good person is not here to fight every battle created, entertain every negative conversation motivated into an argument, figure out a solution to a similar repeated problem, and water down every fire that grew because of self-procrastination.   

                                                          To Kill Evil; do it in kindness

Nice people accept finding comfort in; selfish people are human beings, and the entitlement & manipulation is a patterned behavior, although all humanity is at fault for seeking shortcuts in life. Continue to not allow kindness to be taken as weakness.   

The truth is comfort does not always fit each person. Whether we have suffered great losses and face stronger expectations; of earthly giving gifts, financial, physical and mental support in any type of relationships. Respect & communication is required. Always be prepared to choose every Comfort Zone wisely.


Jeremiah: 7 8-11, Predicted the rebellion of Comfort in
this Generation. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 A muscular organ the size of a fist. In reality the heart is a working component that keeps us alive; and there are main functions this heart of ours is responsible for (1) receiving deoxygenated blood, (2) recycling it through the lungs, and (3) supplying oxygenated blood to the body. Of  (4) four inner chambers; two atria and two ventricles. 

As we approach Valentine's Day it is not required for us ALL to celebrate this day. Some are no longer in the present to celebrate the future. So we could or should encourage one another to celebrate this day; everyday with a gift, kind word are just show more appreciation for each other. The truth is many hearts are either; broken don't overlook in children, LONELY, abandoned, bitter if not betrayed. But some of us still possess a heart of Joy & Passion. So if we can allow our minds to view this day from a different perspective. We could start out with tiny baby steps;  

Going forward by taking a few steps back; to allow our hearts more room to heal with patience. To show our children and one another; what is it about this love we understand in ourselves. Before we drastically bombard another person with expecting this love back; ASAP. It’s amazing how a child loves without limitations. But still cares for the other person who hurts them. And yet we are mature enough to know the difference as adults. To not expect Love until we have learned in Love of who we are. Then some of us may figure out we really never knew or experienced real love at ALL. Are even  taught how to sincerely show love; at ALL.

So when people jump off the ledge in finding HOPE in Love; and open up the doors to their lives. We must be more cautious of what is it about this LOVE we have not figured out; of what we first love in our children if not ourselves. And once the word Love is said so freely; it will leave people bitter, cold and angry. When its Love that should leave US feeling; priceless. 

When Dominique deceased on Jan 15, 2020 (8:15am); it was weird people assumed LOVE was the word of the day. Everybody wanted to be loved on. And said it as if it meant more on this day, than the last 364 days in a year. No offense to any young man, adult  or woman who ask out of the BLUE “you don’t won’t nobody”? I said to both, it took for me to grow out of those Cinderella dreams and raised my only son. I watched him 28years accept the real value is being responsible & accountable. As a young man to transitioning into the man & stand in the life of your children. So the day when he says “love”, and once a woman thinks she understands the word and value of wanting to have this LOVE. Its going to happen for love is not successful around arguments & arrogance for anyone; So here is my answer at the same timeline "of all these configurations about love without the actual action". I will answer back with I had to work and sacrifice to grow into this body of a woman I became; from once being that young girl & mother. So no I don’t need any type of man especially a broken hearted person. And it takes time to identify with and respect people who have been tarnished if not broken. That need in SNAP CHAT moment or a circumstance of convenience of wanting something out of somebody. And real people who have accepted I need somebody, not just limited to a physical BODY to grow with and figure out how to establish communications and build on that; first. Now we are working towards a solid foundation.  Age is not a factor until you figure out at the early stages its not about one's self; creating obligations before committing to the journey will cause animosity and heartache. So every Valentine's Day is a special day. If we work through the prior 364 days out a year; on ourselves first. 


During this cold * flu season be sure to stack up on vitamin C & D. While being safe grab some for the kids. 

And just in case you are in a galiant mood sliding accross the icy roads or dashing through the winds of Jack Frost,  summer traffic or maybe snatching as many items as you can off the grocery shelf; consider for a second to check in on that neighbor. Or a single parent with small children going stir crazy. Are just maybe an elder; someone or your own. To ask or say I thought of you or your family while I was driving bye. Im sure this is something you may need. If not today maybe tomorrow. Now stay safe and keep warm in these unprecedented times we are destined to pass one another again; or on another journey that is meant for either me or you to sew a seed just because.

We use the phrase; uncertainties throughtout our conversations. Whether we cross each other in passing or watch someone saying it on television. If not seeing the concern in people's eyes. This uncertainty is being broadcasted all around the world.

If you sacrifice for someone else during these uncomfortable cold or hot summer days; you might be surprised on another day. The seeds you sew will come back to you. 

If we work in fear we question our faith and God's almighty power. And if we deny faith and believe in man we live in fear of questioning the uncertainties in every minute on the hour. And if you have made a bad decision and found yourself disconnected from a giving source; forgive yourself and then make the right call. But if you are the initiator of a call in response to a desperate concern or behavior in reckless choices. Talk to God if not someone else who knows the real reasoning in the business in knowing why our eyes are blinded. Where the truth hurts regarding  the rebellious in heart. You will always find denial of whoever operates or encourages A state of blindness.

Psalm: 71


The sound is so encouraging; although it is very early this morning. I can hear small children laugh. A sign they are loved and happy.

My grandmother always told me, to continue smiling. And the world will smile back at you. I said that its possible. How does this make since?

My grandmother said happiness and peace comes from within. And try to not allow situations and people rob you of your joy. Because God can change anything or anyone. I said what if some people are non-believers, bitter & broken. She said thats not your issue. Pray for them and keep it moving. God did not intend for us to fix people. But if you continue to do the right things; continue to encourage a few by talking to a multitude.

My son always started a text or phone call with "mom", I knew something was up. I said son what is today. He said I want to get my Princess 1 last special item for Christmas. I said son its Xmas eve swing by Target; kids are most interested in your appearance not so much of Gifts. Its our parental teachings and expectations we place upon them. He proceeded to say what about everyone else. I said son focus on what you have. Christmas is only 1 day a year. You give in redundancy including your mental energy to all around you. And since we made this day about receiving; share with people of what they keep choosing of not to sacrific of 364 days a year. So when they have no money or anything tangible gift to give in this life. We can appreciate one another with love & respect then Laugh about it later. But for the children go all out with no regrets. I remember he laughed to the top of his lungs my son Dominique saying "mom" you crazy. I responded Lord did not allow me to bare bad fruit in crying & sacrificing in those required seasons of my entire life. That you also are the image of responsibilities and a father that is a loving man. So in the end there will not be one reason you are these children will have to beg for bread. For the same God will allow us to bare good fruit in this life; and much Laughter at the end of it. 

After my sons death. I immediately gathered his children, and cousins. It was 7 in all. I even invited the mothers to join in our family gatherings as well. And on Wednesday nights I started out with all children a welcome to do homework with pizza and laughter. So know one is my Arthur. For years this is how my family operates. As a mother with many hats our motto is no child in this family; gets left behind. Because in this life of every season it will involve; a personal change & many sacrifices. And no family is exempt from the shift.

One morning on our staycations. And for the record not all people who are willing to make a sacrifice. Will do it in the form of money. It seems we must be reminded of our previous situations before placing higher expectations on anyone else. Are else the blessing will be missed. Moving forward. I had the baby girls cooking breakfast. Of course I prepped so they don't burn up my kitchen. Baby boy likes to sweep with a broom taller than him. The other two kingsman love electronics so I hide them. The boy cousins I call them my minnie genius. They love the kids in a smaller package. As they watch over each other. While they gather their clothes and blankets to fold & brush their teeth, and grease their mugs. And all through the house are images on the walls. Of daddy holding all these angels. His belongings flow in every room. So these children never have to miss knowing their father was loved; and so are they. So one day the oldest was eye balling me run around playful with all the kids is when he said to me "nana you are my big toy". I said son where is my battery today "nana need a super charge today". He said as he watched a tear drop from my eye. You know your son belong to God, first. I say touche minnie Dominique. And one day you will again be separated from me. Of course for adult reasonings. But in this season remember how I said God will never leave us in a moment without Laughter. This is when we must possess faith in Trusting The process. For in every time there is a season & purpose under the sun. If it were not so then why are we still here.

If you have not connected with Laughter today. Talk to God if not someone who does not mind; sharing with you in this season of uncertain times. For a tree is known by the fruit it bares. While Man creates an atmosphere of animosity. But wisdom is spoken from the mouth of babes. I seek laughter even when there is silence. And this morning those children laughing was God alarming me to RISE; again. 



The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...