Friday, March 5, 2021

Oakcliff, Texas

 If we don't find a logic in reasoning to fight; we all loose for nothing. And the legacy we leave  our children behind, is industrialized poverty & homicides below that institutionalized boarder line of interstate 30. And Oak Cliff is affiliated to the dots on the map, now that you know better. What is your next move? Where equality vs. equity, continues to build up around. As the strategy is before you to see how we are facing self destruction in ourselves.  

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Criminal Justice Service

The challenges of Poverty is one challenge. But what crimes that cause another person's death. The system is clogged with poverty. However, taking a life is not equivalent to stealing milk, loaf of bread or any essential items. And the bail bonds being allowed in felony high profiled crimes are shown more courtesy; than a crime of imprisonment for food poverty. 

So how do we encourage non voters to vote, communities if you see it, say something. Are even respected for the marches in the streets for equal freedoms; of ourselves if not shed our own free blood for the oppressions of other people denied of same freedoms to breathe. If you calculate a repeat offenders felony bond is not equivalent to misdemeanors. The fact is the people know the stem of the problem exist, and to express that freedom of speech is demonstrated in marches. Allowing All voices to be heard. For the jail, prison are "I Can't Breathe, if not I can't eat victims if not hungry in America"? 

We are knowledgeable in the facts. That at end of that ink pen. Is the elected official and acknowledging council that is watching with anticipation the real reasoning in algorithms to why; this world could shut down on any day in genocides for homicides. Because of the stigmatization in this generation; oppression in confinement covers up the human greed and legal opportunities to stabilize inequality in systemic injustices. 

No, need to argue any further with debates; the history of man created the ingredients to one day serve us; so that we remain obscured if not economically distressed. To be prepared for the final results of distressed inequities. If not the final power's that struggle to govern a world of lost control; in its own people.

How can we trust ourselves in judgment; knowing the people around us are even more capable of heinous crimes of another person. And because of our undire love for them. Some people will even forfeit their own freedoms to be in jail; just to say I got your back or I been to jail, and just got released again. As the selected official stamps again another approval for release on the rooted  problematic issues.

How do you live with the truth; and fight to live for some one  else. Knowing inside if given  another opportunity; you would repeat the same heinous crimes. Again if not over again. 

Now answer why bonded out on murder charges or even violating a condition of the bond creating an eminent threat you either choose to do better or commit another crime. And bond out on the same conditions of that original bond of which a person if not persons; is bonded out on  murder. Are another heinous crime that caused this person mental & physical damages. And this time the bond was under 10% of the first 6 figure bonded amount. Of the crime in which one person takens another person life or is in the commission of another crime.

If we want to feel safe; change requires us to make the change. Until an individual wants to do better in themselves. Society will remain victims in jail of their own bodies. For fear is a factor in driving chaos and mass destruction.

This passage was relevant; because our CJS has too many immature excuses for creating the issues, that keep collecting fees to pay. Of not resolving a resiliency to drive the problems back into communities; and exposure into why there is so much crime without real accountability that starts with decisions based on the security of the people at the very top. Stamped and dated on every bail bonds. And if a reasonable response is asked it was due to a back log of data entry. Or the person's case is still pending. 

Where hope is loss; there is a bigger issue that is brewing in a world of challenges. And human mortality; is slowly fading with anger and disappointment. Even where good, decent and bad people exist. If there is no change in the decisive decision making; humanity will continue in more than repeat offenders in jails. We will all figure out the intention to "get the money, first", really put humanity last.

No justice, No peace. Dallas County if not the entire CJS has some accountability to its people who are suffering, if not leveraging a system for the commissions of revenue to remain existent with no real intent to resolve the people's systematic social injustices. Where money remains a barrier. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


One idealistic reality; is banking. On whom in society. Of All in humanity possess then uses; of common sense. But not many people, or limitations in race, gender are cultures, in any status of this world; in their own being utilizes it. 

The use of common sense is detrimental in an era of chaos and misrepresentations. And some of the greatest people are well aware they are in a compromising position; and time is of the essence. To change the structure in this world. Or else this generation is destined to genocide themselves.

One day we pondered with the problems in the world. And then had the audacity to ask; what is going on in this world of confusion. Where there is this denial. In what is the decision making. Of using common sense. 

We all have a story, and this is a general topic. For anyone to speak on it, deny it or accept of it. Where it does not matter if the college degrees  nailed on a wall, or status you hold in society. Are even an elected official to commission, are even people that are of any human decent; of any  associations to violence. Some will jump in to broadcast, it's because of the upbringing. Well in civilization news flash; Cohabitations & intentions will not disrespect of another person's choices. Why, humans. Will face life & survival. is knowing the element of reality & deception. in how every injustice holds our racial faith. On a ground level where our fragile feets in all mankind are stumbling.

We don't all use our common sense in every scenario or circumstances of Life. Why, pressure & desperate times. Where there is the use book sense, we lack street credibility of a makeup sense. Where we use this street sense; we lack the logic in the common sense. It's so rare as human beings we use all 3; collectively; at the same or any time in this life. To figure we got nothing but time to learn how to utilize Time. Where we are the real recipients in repeating our own tangled American History. if we accept the accountability in both of what is brewing & the hate to blame of on just Black History & American History. Over life history. Humans created All human history.

Signing In Black America

There is a difference in Black and White communications in America; and if we were to use reasoning in a world of blinded stigmatization of refusal to listen through the art of two-way channels in communicating. This stigma that separates the communicator and recipient is the decisive barrier in respecting the black language. And the communication style that is judged. Judged in  presentation of being misrepresented in the sign in of Black language.

The bottom line is we either find respect of one another's form of language. To accept our comprehension and deliverance is based on our filtered communications. From  the hopes of a White America and The Black History from generations it is this stigmatization embedded through both past and present history that continues to miscommunicate; the black expressions amongst a diverse class of people in all races of men that use; a style in their cultures of speaking universal  language.

I recall in college watching a film in Sociology class. In which still today I kept years of reference material. And I remember the educators in the film separated the black students from white students, these were innocent children. Then the educator educated these children in the presence of the entire class; of how white was better than black.

Monday, March 1, 2021


In unity we All survive; the oppositions and heated debates. Of the recession that is inevitable of what we are going to deal with of change. And without unity we function apart of one another in uncertainties. 

We can share our life experiences in one world that stems of our emotions. Those emotions that accelerate if not show resiliency in our unity. Around a unity of small children that are identifying with the impacted reality of Fear factors. A factor of fears; that merges in our nature's of anxiety, depression, drug abuse and alcoholism. If not the unreported tragedies of suicide during this Pandemic.

These children are watching what is occurring and they feel something is off in the atmosphere. As the world of people watches one another in confusion, hope, fear and infrastructure.

I mention children because of what is now normal to adults; is silenced in dysfunction to those children who are being acclimated in old conditions. If not new challenges. They are facing to figure out in their own miniature brilliant minds. If the adults struggle then how not a child?

Fear set a tone; by revealing in it the insecurities that were hidden, unaddressed and exposed; of who is wearing a face of it. While so much is changing since the beginning of mankind. Where one day we would read about biological warfare, we witnessed terrorism in other countries and then 911 happened, as we watched on the big movie screens;  family movies The Parents, Rwanda & Harriet reveal some education into how the oppression was created. And The Magnificent 7, sent us running in an era of purchasing ammunition off the shelves.  While The God Father is a rendition of our current war on drugs. As The Brief and Kidnap are surfacing online. The reality is court systems are booming in business if not convictions around the world. And Plagues to happen in The Book of Revelations; that surfaced then  silenced with spontaneous immunizations. We clam up at watching Contagion during a time that World War Z was seeking a vaccination.

We went to wars by playing one another in the video game Call of Duty and we were humbled by watching the 5 soilders in Fury, as homicides rised in The movie Colors and Purge. We debate the viewing locations of Black & Blue while witnessing Queen & Slim racially profiled. All around an era of the movie Brian Banks a young boy who fought the CJS for his freedom to return back for that scholarship; that was denied. Due to a false accusation in a sexual advancement that was rejected. A controversial situation that reveal the realities; of how young black men also face vulnerabilities. 

One day we maneuvered in a space of flexibility. And in a flash we were survivng in a week of rolling Black Outs, as generators hit in major profits.. During a food and water shortage in the Pandemic. As children, parents and educators struggled to find stability  in Virtual scool learning. Patience was tested and unity was crucial. And no 1 has really scientifically shared how the Covid-19 really spreaded amoung us.

Some say its just the flu. But where in the history of mankind has the flu demised over 500,000 thousand. And leave doctors wondering how the recovered is internally damaged? However we have been told eventually the dining doors will reopen, and we will resume swapping money in  business of our continuation to restore normalcy in a question mark of concerns. 

Time is valuable. It is the commodity that will determine how counter productive we managed to advance in a Climate of change; and people in seasons that don't look the same. 

In the event mask are no longer mandated, and the fear factor remains waging on the rebound of this economy. Of the least to the most impacted families that  remain without access in this of unknown accountability that has gained mass attention. We have managed to establish those unaddressed problems; under a bandaid that only fits temporarily.

In the unity we formed in the blink of an eye of March 2020. We figured out money could not fix the knowledge or rates needed to address the grid. So the question is are we really mentally prepared; for the next storm in another season?

investment 101

For the amount invested in those overwhelming needs to possess of material things; why not invest in an Insurance Policy & research the Cancer policy. If not an interest bearing account, are even a Land deed; residential or commercial. If one day "you, plan on going getting that money", lease a piece of land and place on it sand and gravel? So once life happens. We don't have to scatter if not figure out; what is left to those "heirs", per stirpes. Of someone else's; time, investments, plans and labor.

The reality is two things are destined to happen in this life, For all people in humanity of any title, race and age; Taxes will be due or forfeit all you own, and Death its inevitable we are not bionic and possess super natural powers.

In the event you are a single person; and wish to leave behind for your children underage. The free air to breathe; create a will. Handwritten or by an Appointed Attorney for a reasonable cost. There is nothing more priceless for these children to inherit a peace of mind to avoid dealing with; the overwhelming hands of gritty greed in the faces you would not be surprised to see. 

In the event you cohabitated it don't matter the amount of time invested. But did not abide by the State Law's to be witnessed in the presence of Holy Matrimony; you have nothing coming for yourself. However, those children, and listen closely to why blood children by paternity are entitled to social security benefits; first. And any other inheritance per stirpes, "read it" for better understanding. 

Life Insurance will save us ALL some matter of the mind, unless you invested wisely of your own money; to deal with in your own personal situations. Because no one knows the date death is going to call our names. And taxes will follow the living; even after the dead has been buried.

Lastly, look into burial policies, for all the kids 1-99 years of age. In the event someone is idolizing the clock and which coins and dollars to clutch onto; prior and after the services. Double check the math in how Funeral & Burial on the land that has been purchased in advance for sale to ALL of that cost that is  increasing over generations with Inflation; therefore expect to pay two separate contractual agreements, unless cremation is an option.  

I don't touch on Business Partnerships, Widows & Marital statuses. Why, if you are not educated. Its time re-evaluate your Investment, Relationships & Portfolios. 

I will not reach any further in my mind; lord knows for some of us we have invested nothing but Time into figuring out why unnecessary struggles is Insanity. If were all going to eat and have some material stuff and supplement if not supply our basic needs. While we are in the living flesh and for these children; it's going to take more accountability. In what & who we make Investments in of our own planning. 


Soul Ties


The soul is the essence of our presence. And in our souls we desire life if not death. Knowing both are inevitable of our souls we struggle in understanding of ourselves.

It is the soul in the melodies of the music; that heals or moves something in our souls. 

It is the caress in a human touch; that makes us feel needed, respected if not loved.

It is the desire to be loved in our Vulnerable hearts. And Of this we seek in one another to resolve; a soul in confusion. 

What human can deny his or herself human touch, communications, and attention in nurturing of the soul? Even the animals & birds nurture one another on this earth. Are how else would there be all types of reproduction in this world?

It is because of time; our souls seek rest. Because of this soul has chosen the will to die if not live. 

The wounded will deny themselves; healing. The hurt will question the pain for an eternity of time, the healed will surrender in all places, and the broken will unravel in bitter pieces at any moment. So many souls twisted in a space  and time of finding a true reasoning to live, if not wrestling one's self into a comforted zone of infinite silence.

I will admit, outside of loving my own blood. I never had the opportunity; to touch a soul that was not in a state of confusion. Love & compassion has to be in the soul. For the soul to appreciate the total experience. 

Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desparately sick; who can  know it? And if the mind is weak then who is accountable in nurturing the soul? We seek of in each others soul; to heal in a World of  Confusion.


Sunday, February 28, 2021


As I prepared for a pleasant of  night rest. This calming feeling came upon my chest. So I wanted to encourage a few if not many.

To let you know; until God says you're done. There is still a harvest for you to work towards.And in the event you think this life is over for you, and this is it. As I said everything thing is going to happen ontime. But not without God in it at the right time. 

I can testify last Jan. I lost my only child. To a homocide then told lies where his body laid. I been broke but not broken. I been hurt but not left bitter. I lived through watching domestic violence in them good old day's. As we survived in those trenches of trying times. I also saw my mother talk to God, married a good man who protected and provided for All her children. So I grew up before enjoying my years of childhood. I had to get my weight up at 5'1. I learned my mental & physical strength, as an adolescent. So my son would never suffer unnecessary pain & fear no man, but God. #28"Prince".🥰.

Which brings me to this Point. Hardships are part of the journey. And if you have not suffered enough try believing in God. Because death is inevitable, life is a blessing. And people will change you, challenge you, mislead you if not encourage you. 

Today in Sunday School a sister ask what is about addressing the truth with family are people in general?

I answered most people will accept a lie; faster than they really want of the truth. She then ask what about family? I responded most people avoid the conversation with their family. To avoid the confrontation with the family. Truth is we possess the idea of wanting the truth. The reality is the truth will challenge us; to address the lies we accept to avoid facing the truth in ourselves. Hey! dont ask a question; if you are not looking for the answers.

"BIG", always look abroad; even when your circumstances make you feel small..

Saturday, February 27, 2021


If we  have not had the conversation. Arrange for the family a gathering of the minds; in either the front or back yard. To discuss "Bullying", and how do we begin this topic with our own family and children. So once life happens everyone of them is in upright position. 

Many of us are comfortable; in  our locations. And in these days fist fights are not an option. In a generation of genocides by the hands of gun violence. Do you recall back in the day we either threw  blows, are took one for the team. Which brings me to this story. I spoke with a girlfriend who needed "my hood insight". As if I stayed accustomed to being about living in that life.  See it does not matter what pair of hands you assume to have my sonson stood a beast at 5"11 with no hesitation; sometimes you learn to survive until you come up with an exit plan. So, I said to my girlfriend "a new zip code" does not exempt real folks from the bullying, racial profiling & violence. 

In real talk we discuss our own life experiences if not judgement of opinions towards others. So yes, I do write in light of our historical moments, factual experiences and out of the blue life circumstances, we are going to face them; because these things are going to happen.  

The reality is we are all trying to escape one another in the same space during Covid-19.  Seeking diligently to adjust our zip codes in a real greedy world; where  real estate is motivated by performance and demand and the economy is the trenches to survive in. As those who delay and parlay await to be up rooted from their community and hood areas. And its going to happen without proper notice. As we listen to why it was allowed to be stated on live television “weed causes people to be violent, and not fully competent” of their actions. But yet the government has legalized weed amongst other items for medical purposes, and the drug dealers now face higher competition, if not bail bonds, if not strike down one another. As we residences of the masses are trying to comprehend; how the statistics did not include ALL other zip codes.

There is a high tenacity around the globe in pursuing bullying on ordinary people including the Asian community. Some of it stems from ignorance, identity crises and gang associations; and on the gang population let me share a secret all people are the roots of other people in all ages; that keep it their personal lives on idle. Of the eyes that are watching behind those french blinds that remain close to facing the truth in how; we will never share the same views. We will not all agree not even about corruption. However we will disagree to agree, about what affects us in our own zip codes. Which makes a statistic “accurate, or inaccurate” to why life happens for some of us and not others? So in order to process what some people have experienced or not; it will happen in any zipcode. Until we stretch not to fit in compartmentalized boxes. There is a radius of zip codes of human behaviors and non addressed of accountability that stems from the Bullying. 

The statistics share the race of violent behavior, how about the root of issues that stem from the bullying. Believe it or not the laws are even more intimidating; because of the injustices, inadequate information and racial profiling, now in almost every zip code. Of domestic abuse;  mental and physical that make up real statistics. In all zip codes happening now in occurrences; of ALL races and ages, around the world.

Lastly, there is a behavior of thugged out mentality dressed up in debated “oppositions & opinions” exposed in zip codes. Bullying behind bolted doors, skylines and zip codes around the world. Of human jealousy in societies of Homicides that make up the statistics; of untrained hit men and woman, if not acquaintances, and random strangers seeking a mind gripping purpose to be of existent. As we sat in of brewing Wars, none of us are even the bully's are prepared to fight in every community around the world. 
In a perfect world the word "crazy" would not make common sense. However, we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in world of imperfect people. And the hardest part for us all to stand with our families in a circle; in our own front or back yards. And grasp the realization of this “box”, humanity created then gripped onto "of The Haves, and Have Nots". Collecting profiled data of statistics in humanity as we figure out how to adjust in a world of diversity; attached to social security numbers, credit scores and allocated zip codes. Of Bullying behaviors, we can no longer run away from each other. Are behind another zip code if not location.  

Ephesians: 6:22

The answer is no. I do not smoke are partake in drug activity. Because I do not desire to survive; being bullied and blindsided. In a free world of which some deny themselves.
#28, In Memory of Love.



I purchased my first pair of diamond earrings in 2011, this took place shortly after my grandmother passed away, one of my most elegant diamonds. I would share as a young girl on summer nights, secrets this diamond took to her grave. So did my young #28 Prince, rest in 2020. As a black girl I never purchased a Black Diamond; myself. However,  I surrounded myself with people of knowledge & wisdom. And they taught me to always be treasured as a Black Diamond. 

When you look into the mirror; what do you see Black Woman. Do you surround yourself in value? In your skin there is a revelation in Generations that has passed down of your beautiful; caramel, almond, roasted black are red bone skin tone. That continues to blossom. Your beauty rest timeless in the deepest oceans where infinite divers hunt anxiously for the “Black Diamonds” carved to perfection. A symbolic formation of elegance packaged in the finest of silk and satin. Once sold throughout the mankind of history for the world later to hold until eternity.   

-Angel L. Black Girl hold your head high, and wear your crown. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Cash For Ashes

We all read it, if not heard "Yall playing checkers, we playing chess", but what players are on the Poker Table?

For every game; sits a table of Players. And for every hand There is a Full House, waiting to be played.  
Woman we must be mindful of what we advertise; in a wall street world of snake moves and wolves. Therefore I will not dip into any line of mixture in inhibitions. However, it will be behoove you to watch out for your assets. In an environment of high risk, moderate and low investors. 

Gentlemen  suit up for the tables are hitting, and every player wants to be the BIG FISH. The issue is for every hand is being watched. But for every table there is only 1 dealer. It will behoove to be aware of the extractions and the next of players to resume an old game; with new poker faces.    

One day the hustle got real. The stakes were higher, and everybody wanted a piece of the Apple Pie. But not everyone was prepared; to accept the cards shuffled from the dealers hand. 

Be mindful ladies, of the cards you play. Remember they are the same cards that were just shuffled in that dealers hands. And a few players will fold, others will bet on the house, as a few will watch around the poker table of real players.    

Be smart young men; in the games you entertain, not every bet is going to pay. 

The idea is to grab the stash; by any means necessary. But not all players are focused on what's around the table. For every bet is not always the players win; against a steady Poker hand. 

Cash for Ashes; there are few hands that beat flush poker, the player who holds the full house in silence.   

If only more players; could of played Poker. 

Romans 8:11, don't count God out. In every hand bet him in.

28" "Prince"


In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the...