Saturday, April 24, 2021


The Documentary Crack. Tells the Gold Rush story from the 80's. Fast forward a generation of drug use; now facing.

It does not matter whether you are a good person r wealthy rich in the eyes of society. Are how well you financially take care of your kids; drugs is a glamour drug for a few and the  addiction of many; who entertain it. For drug usage will also set you back; in Stereotypes and Narratives.

Drugs get blame for every inhuman acts of crimonolgy in society. Even now in 2021. From the 80's. Why were the responses not designed to help people are our youth in any race of people. A different generation now in trouble, from then, and doomed if a handle is not on the movement". Promises were made for wealth for All. To stimulate a free market to help people in the inner cities & restoration of Hope. Also, Quoted in the 80's "together let us make this a new beginning, make America great again". If you watch documentary you will hear, reality in the making of Human History.

In the 80's we saw money flow. As we watched The Movie Wallstreet and the actor Gordon Greco quote "greed is good" but it was not crack from this statement. As the crack era changed the faces in America. And cocaine a social drug of the elite. As Fentanyl is silently creeping into the upper class bedrooms. And throughout the years drug usage has changed the faces in a world that continues to grow in movements of human illusions. People who could not afford cocaine one day figured out; how to gain access in every race of mankind. The movie Scarface  awesome performance. But Power is in the usage of all drugs; turned into a commodity. At a cost of All people in every age; neighborhood & category.

In 1982 it was the Highest rates of unemployment in the United States ever. And the minorities would suffer in every inner city. Of lack in equity and of knowledge. Two areas that will progress mass poverty.

Hard Stop; I'll allow you to weigh out the rest in this Documentary "Crack".. keep watch over what is perfomed in the presence of youth & children. 

The Children of Nations

This post is for All children. At this moment children around the world are in desperate need of our compassion, nurturing attention. And many are in a mental state of desperation if not anxiety and depression. In the blink of an eye on March 16, 2021. COVID-19 changed humanity in the blink of an eye.

Over the day's of man. Disobedience ruled man. Instead of men & woman; changing the behavior in their human act's of disobedience. myself even had to suffer in a blink of an eye through the death of my only son. Robbed of his heirs and revealed of my sins to choose & serve 1 master before all eyes of men. On the broadcastings for the world to see; through a focus on the words I would spoke in the Power of the tongue of my testimony. And the many that are still going unheard.

Now back to the story line. I heard a voice at 8:23am April 24, 2021. It revealed itself as writings on the Wall "for if all men would humble themselves, then will I hear from heaven and heal the land". 

I see the famine throughout the land; how so where there is more than 2 loaves & 5 fish. I'm watching mother's against daughters, father against son; how so Adam & Eve were punished under the tree of life in Genesis. I see the taxpayer in the scripture came to claim a child in exchange for the money. I see the Lots & Abrams fighting for their families. Hannah, Rebekkah & Essau; why is mother's sacrificing heirs from their bloodlines to make up for the father's who denied their birth rights in their own seeds. How is it the widow at the well had 1 penny, a child and no food was willing to share with ? and then die. Die to poverty she claim I will not live afterwards in my sharing. I'm protecting those children who are oppressed into maiden's labor as small children enslaved to other's in their age category if not smaller babies. As two mother's fight one yells to the King don't split him in half. And others in humanity are suffering while entertaining the roll playing in Sodom & Ghomorah. As the Good Samaritan's are running throughout the earth to show up in position. As the next Soul is being returned back to God from COVID-19. The roll is continuing to be called; in The Book Of Life around the globe.

I'll Hard STOP now. Because there is anger throughout the land. And some will deny even in Revelation of the 2nd death. There is No God to save you now. The reality is this was All a test. To see who would not loose the Faith.

I returned to my knees and prayed; master can I now have rest in the bosom of your breast.

#28. Ghost writer Dominique White, 1/15/20.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Who still believes in the old cliches its better to be carried by 6, than 2 be judged by 12. When it's our own fears, betrayal & lies. That we deny of ourselves to change in this life. Our our human choices.

Sad, so many young are dying. Too many babies are crying & others are too afraid to live for. Because of the fear; man created of his own human choices. To run run from or loose sleep at night. Over running from the shadows, that haunts his are her own conscious.

It's no longer about race. It's about fear. Man created this fear over generations for mankind. So sad we were not all built for what others are not afraid to fight for. A purpose to have been born. And a choice to not die for nothing. 




A father's love is priceless. It is motivating, secure and comforting. And to love your children; you are not obligated to appease any baby mother's woman are young girl. As young are old men that are paternal Father's. If not of men with love in heart for these children are child whose father's who chose to walk away & return, incarcerated are deceased; you are obligated to yourself, first as a human  being. Then in commitment to your blood children if not the children you have committed to love. 

And if you find yourself struggling to stay humble in this commitment. Due to the drama are any discrepancies that disrupt this relationship with the child are children. There are considerable choices to immediately be made. Whether you are the biological father are a man who took the time to care.

See men do hurt; and in relationships they do get attached to the children. So why do some females not respect when a man chooses to step up for the interest of the children. And not the drama this woman thrives on. If not accept of what she was not taught in parental guidance. If we could recognize our short comings  the children don't have to suffer.

In memory of All the fathers lost. The men who step up. And the families of both parties. Who have witnessed over generations to raise 1 child it requiries a village. Then do the math on several children who live the absence, are without the love of a father.

#28. #6.#8.#2.#4

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

George Floyd

The verdict is in. Black Lives Matter where we stand in Unity of All races..

There is no justice in the entirety of Law to keep our black men & son's safe in the United States of America.

But today our criminal justice system did not judge on our human frailties. But the discovery in the truths of behaviors of hurting one another. 

To all awaiting justice; stand steadfast. Educate our children on racism if not at least of 9 minutes a day.. Throughout this entire World. 

700 Club

The Russia & Ukraine leaders are in the midst of differences. To complex to discuss are judge. However peace is now gearing towards silence in wars. Wars we hope for the children in lands of All nations. And America is not prepared to intervene in other wars and debates. Until we cure our own due process of reconciliations and debates that will last, in of our unity, respect & peace. 

We the people seek to our leadership; for direction, service & protection. However, If we never respect our indifferences in peace are with alternative reform of resources through resolutions. We will  figure out the reasoning in why it is our unity; that hinders the prosperity across All growth in our own countries. On those principles that were vowed to. And before trust in which the people hoped for change. 

In respect of our differences. So we may live in peace as many Nations.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

60 Minutes

 Psalms 5:11 

Tonight's episode focus on African American desparities. And there are 3 tiers that affect the livespan of the 20-25 year gap. Of health and what is the determining factors of survival; regardless of education, income and demographics.

Black People are most likely to deal with enormous amounts of stresses including unequal attention. And unequivocal healthcare than White Americans. And compassion has nothing to do with the strategy of the equal opportunities & protection of Black American's in America History.

Also, on 60 minutes spoke was Professor Williams who created 25years ago; a scale to determine how African Americans can identify with how they have been discriminated on a daily basis in society. 

In order to understand why the African American resilience is strong. First, as a nation we must accept in knowing why accountability is resistant to accept of what and who is still implementing the oppressed. For if we as people face our own truths. It would be a world changing in its own creations of prejudices and self inflicted racism's.

Racism It's not a word we learn out the womb. It's a behavior taught over a period of time. And the compassion stems from the recipient of being the oppressed to deal with the wounds that remain wide open. Generation 2 Generation.

We are not entitled to one another. However we have blind folded our eyes to the accountability of how we continue to operate in habitations of the oppressions. Reprimanded in humanity and wity by-laws to justify the actions.

To respect one another. We must first respect the way we treat each other. And in the event there are those who can sleep at night on knowing the  oppression of inequality is fair. Then we as a people in every nation across the Globe; are destined for a journey that will end; no where.


In growing & waiting; bare great patience. For this is a season of greater labour pains for us bridesmaids. So keep those lanterns with Oil. The bridegroom is planning to return at any moment. But know man in any nation can validate the time are hour of the return. Do not be deceived; stay focused and  vigilant to not miss the coming.

Sovereignty, Grace and Chestisement. Is part of the plan; we must be ready at all moments.



The emotion last for so long. But so much is compromised in the time; anger an human emotion that feels overwhelming.

This morning count your blessings. You rose up out of bed. You can hold onto your children. Children count your blessings if you know deep down in your heart; it was anger that caused you to rebel.

Families be more grateful today. If you can reassemble and break cold or hot bread. Cause through the Pandemic & Epidemic of love, poverty, homicides, greed, natural causes and racial hate 550k + more lives did not make it. To be amongst the living today.

I'm not saying this warfare or evil days of behaviors is over. What I'm sharing of my and many other's of a testimony is this;

It's a blessing people are reading this blog. Why, time is limited here on earth. However, Forgiveness; allows us All a second chance to write our wrongs. 

And I know the wounds are to deep to bounce back emotionally. Pray for those people who have caused u mental and physical distress. Burden you down with incest, domestic violence, betrayal and separation from your family and friends. If not lied, stole and robbed you blind. 

This moment find refuge in the word of God, are whom ever you choose the freewill to serve. It will change a soul; lost, broken r seeking. Attempt to be shown how forgiveness requires initiation. And entitlement is not an action of respect.. where a person shows you an act of kindness. For in reality we are NOT entitled to 1 thing are each other. However, God showed up with some grace and mercy here on earth. Now restore that Faith & Hope. Cause man did not Possess any power; only emotions through behaviors. We choose to forgive, trust are end up angry & broken. If not trustworthy and back in unity with love.

The word says no man knows the hour of my return. And the dead shall rise; as in the day's of Lazarus. However, many have grown impatient.  Not knowing God will take us in the blink of an eye, in the state we are in. And afterwards the Book of Life will be fulfilled. There will be no negotiations of the soul r no more snitching on what God is watched over generations..

In memory of our Son's & Daughters lost. Grandchildren separated from us. And the future of where this world will find peace through All races of Humanity. 


Friday, April 16, 2021

Red Lining

When selling are purchasing a home; consider both factors.  Crime & Home Value, Investors  and Raw Tender.

The reality is the residential & commercial market is clustered. Bank Loans are closely being denied if not approving all customers with Great Credit ratings & Raw Tender. In a market consumers are bidding double just to get acknowledged for there is less than 6 months of housing inventory. In a high demand of Land locks; new home builder's are in a race on the clock.. But the Red Lining will determine whose value is Appreciated if not Devalued due to criminal activity & low income and lack if new build in infrastructure. 

If you are planning on making a grand entrance. It will behoove you in all races to place intense value; in your next financial move if not simply the demographics. 

When you take worldly notes, conversate around the world. Listen to what is rising up. Watching what is not new in infrastructure but accessibility to move around rapidly. Time is your greatest enemy. And Fear will determine your final destiny. And what we plan to leave our children of legacy's.

#28. Communities in unity together, draws attentive value in mass numbers. 

Mass Shooting

Our prayers go UP; again this time in Indianapolis. Eight family's impacted for life in the blink of an eye. Other families in a panic to get onsite. And hold onto their loved one's. 

Minutes changed our lives across the world. Where bullets inside of guns. Consciously used in behavoriors. That continue in the use of gun violence. Across the World. 


Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...