Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ann Frank

Books are on shelves in every corner of the world, in almost every household. Including private and public schools, institutions and law libraries. 

As a young girl, I recall being enlightened about Ann Frank's movie, then I proceeded to read her story of  this experience of human adversity. I also remember reading Hellen Keller. I recall a holocaust elder once visited the elementary school, I asked to touch the branding on this persons arm. I heard real people talk about their own  personal life journey. As a child of color, how could I even relate to knowing this type of tragedy of their stories through experiences. Until I was able to relate feeling this pain of my own history in life adversity. I feared for children would bare the burdens of our own history in mankind. And wars would spread in genocide. And why I watch with my own eyes, and understand their reasonings verses our reasoning to why books must remain if not being removed.  not just from shelves. From a different shelf in our generations of timing during rumors and actions in wars. This is our history in mankind that ties real events over history together. The history is still one's real life journey. However mentally in society we as human beings still share this state of mental confinement amongst ourselves in what is being removed of human history and folks talking to debate history. To deny one's right to read for ourselves. But instead listen to each other in why it can exist,  this may or of happened. Denies any the freewill right to educate and read for themselves. If our morals, values and beliefs were all the same in human history. Then our real human experiences in stories would not have made it in books, platforms and documentaries. Where real people through generations in bloodlines contribute to these pages of books. About our human adversity and victories in life. 

But what is printed on these blank pages that has Mankind gravitates in strong debating over what is being read to this  world of adults and children?  

If we talk about it in person, if we hear about it through people, if we have lived are living through it, are even if we can relate through bloodlines in the history of it. Does it ever change the real story of our lives? If there were no books on shelves Including the the most Powerful Book of All "The Holy Bible". What history of fiction or non fiction would mankind share of his or her own teachings to each other in this world?

Reality is humans is always looking, whether it be in a book are talking to each other. About what is or not been written, about Philosophical stories, their own human identity wrapped up in the History of mankind of many stories. We are the Authors of our own truths. We are the people who live over generations. In the generations we are living in right now. 

So who will share in clear clarity of context to the many nations in our generations about the real life history of our own life experiences; its inevitable we makeup humanity as contributors in writing our own life stories. 

Monday, August 22, 2022


In a past state; ever find one's self overwhelmed in reminiscing about a Nostalgic thought?

And whose to say permission is needed. To lose one's self. In a sporadic moment of one's non selfish thoughts. Are maybe a physical state of yearning about a pastime event. It's this stimulating emotion that tingles and  for a desired touch. In place of sacredness mesmirized in a mindset of peace, tranquility & calmness. 

Internal Peace awaits in one's self. As we are the influencers over our own human bodies and human thoughts. We Allow ourselves the freedom to share power through energy over each other. We breathe independently. But grasp for air separately. We release of toxic and restrained energy on each other. We operate this body like a moving vehicle. We are mentally hungry; to be fed through each other's tongued pallets of conversation. We control the motion of our eye lids to open and rest. We possess the power to reflect on every crevice of one's self. We rise up to this heart beat of an alarm clock. We are of contrast in many colors of this skin we; cover up in. We posses these pair of hands to pamper and caress each other. We are filled with many but the same human emotion. This blood of one color red runs deep in our human bodies. 

So what in comparison seperates us in being human. Is it in those Nostalgic stares and thoughts; we share in common of one human desire. The 1 emotion between each other as female and male. A woman and man. Is to feel desired because we are the  natural curves and physics that makeup this beauty in humanity. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022


Let's find this balance together in mankind of every race of gender and sex.  And what is the possibility we could agree collectively; about who created humanity. And why some females can give birth and others cannot, and no matter what a male chromosome is part of the reproduction process. As humanity debates the Bible to Find the Word to challenge the name of God. Our constitution rest in this same Bible. And if all people are not believers in humanity. Then how is God the argument in each other. When Satan can also exist in a human act of faith is when humanity challenges each other of a chosen belief in faith.

Pansexual, Omnisexual, Heterosexual. We in humanity will never all agree; collectly. Freewill is optional 

Where in humanity can man reference that man was the creator of another human being in the reproductive organs. Are even the entire body created by man him self. Then humanity challenges the same mankind in humanity for the physical acts of behaviors to each other of what is penetrated in the  human flesh of  our own human skin.

So why over the history of mankind can any human being honestly respond in any  human debate to why same sex exist in all races of humanity; stir back to unresolved argumentive conversations from one human to another for being human. 

This point was asked; then why do same sex people in relationships adopt children out of foster care.  The same concern should be then why do people in humanity of any state of cohabitation make a choice to engage in an act that would penetrate if not contribute in a state to procreate another human life. And choose to or engage in same sex cohabitation in any society. if not the physical act of human attractions. To reverse back into the same flesh of one's human self. Mentally & Physically no human is exempt.

In every generation children of any age will learn the truth, grow up into young and old adults; about their own humam existence in the skin they were born in from a females organs. Expect in any society of human beings in the world of debated reality. to agree or disagree. Will confuse humanity all mentally. If we in humanity do not accept it's what we practice, teach and  experiment in ourselves and with each other. This skin we are stretched  of ourselves. Then judged of each other; about ourselves.

The reality is our own truth, is it really about religion. God and Satan. Where in life we are humanity that's dealing to find our own self identity's in this skin; of being human. Seeking self are each other's ❤ love. 

Monday, August 15, 2022


 When life feels more than half of the time unfair. Ask yourself am I " meaning one's self: programmed to my own pain. Of accepting disappointment that only occurs  in the creation of my own mind. Every time  my own feet step over each other. In my own personal space. 

By feeding on drama, creating this level of anxiety in my own life. I feel this urge for attention to be this victim. No matter if I'm alone or with someone else.  When do I reconcile within myself. Through self examination to ask; is it my mind or a some else. 

The reality is maybe it's a possibility it's in this skin call me; human confusion. Of my own denial of every opportunity I myself create of negative energy. If not manipulative behavior. To start a conversation that will navigate attention turned into a debate; with whomever human that will entertain me about my own mental condition, unchanged, changed if not selfish ways.  

Grief is an emotional mental process. 

Mental Illness is a mental state.

Selfishness is a human behavior.

Rebellion is an behavior. Of this emotional attitude, filled with emotions in one's self.

And anger is manageable in area's or situations you, us or them is accountable for of controlling our own emotions.

As reservoirs is rescindinding; around the world. Global Climate Control is reshifting the balance that humanity is leaning towards. 

Sunday, August 14, 2022


In humanity we wear it in all races of mankind. And what's interesting about this Pride is this; pride will humble the greatest living in humanity in every way. Why, because we are the characters in this real story of Life. 

On any given day, second of time. Who we are is bound to be exposed. As we wear this skin made up of pigmentation. We are called people in the flesh and with bones. While in the living humanity is born through a birth canal. And through development we are stretched into our real self's.

In memory of Freedom..

Friday, August 12, 2022

Beauty & The BEAST

The saying is Love can conquer all things in humanity.  However, it is proven that human Fears has yet to conquer the fear of knowing death; is coming. And no one in humanity is exempt. 

So why not live life, as if tomorrow the sun will still rise and set. 

So why, not tell the truth. That's liar and lies will exist in every generation. 

So why not acknowledge the truth that systems control the access are denial for any person's that find themselves in a state of being. Of human confusion if not contentment are logic. But who is capable of  defining why a human expresses emotions in different stages of logic, contentment if not insanity? Where in this space called life; humanity remains to cohabitate in every way; of every human behavior.

So why not ask Why. If nothing is impossible and People change from minute to seconds over any time period. To question each other what is it that has humanity on repeat of human created history.  

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Human Affairs

We can reference the title Forign Affairs; eventually all Affairs turn into human affairs globally. And to write in respect of time; around this entire world of many nations. There is this turbulence of conversations spilling over into intense verbal communications and texting. 

Where the Policy and Process has taken if not will take place of a toll in distress for all in humanity. Why, Human decisions vs. Human choices. 

We are the human beings that coexist in this entire world. It is the creation of rules and processes created by mankind. that has controlled over generations. If not changed the world we of humanity are seeking to find the structure in. Of algorithm in the checks and balances. Where control is forced into unscrambled talks of wars. War's that create a domino affect; human famine. That will dictate wealth. i

How does s Power influence Structure? And who is of humanity on any platform. In attendance and attention. Seeking answers of raw concerns & unavoidable tensions, around this entire world. As the state of existence is weight on dynamics. That affect every human life in this space call life.

Our body languages is universal. And our behaviors & conversation. Is destined to affect the entire world. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022


There is fire escalating in every corner around the world. There is  fear of droughts and famine; no one in mankind can control. There is doubt due to climate control. There is extreme anxiety in mediations around every; household table and behind close  doors. 

There is talks of the inevitable around economics. There is a scale unbalanced. Weighing in around losing hope for seeing restoration. Due to the escalated violence. The temperatures is rising around the world.

One day the sunshined. One day the rain  showers cooled us down. One day every  country of mankind harvested in his or her own yards, fields and land. One day every race of mankind bartered goods and services. Until one moment in time hesitated the algorithm of checks on balances in everything. That finally slowed down mankind. One day education rolled back generations during Covid-19. One day prosperity was not enough to cure the tsunami of poverty. One day communications shut down technology. Is when the grid rolled black outs around the world. One day the 911 calls were dropped and guns were accessible to every race and age in mankind, according to the Constitutional laws.

One day the concrete was covered with new developments and high rises of new infrastructure. Around those no longer able to afford shelter. As all races of children experience mental hardships; over the globe.

So we ask ourselves what is going on in the world we see changing; right now? But we never admit that Time finally caught up with mankind. For once to take accountability for the choices; we either did or not make to appreciate each other. Our freedoms and preservation of life. In the living; here on this beautiful earth.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


We've heard the old cliche "A peace of Mind" is priceless". So how is it in humanity we find ourselves forfeiting a "Peace of mind of our own free will", in the living. By adding confusion to debate it. Through all nations of mankind about what is not appreciated of a human"Peace of Mind"? 

My only son often said "people got issues within themselves, and I can stand firm on what I'm syaing. Because I myself deal with the man in the mirror in my own life. I have been blessed to breathe in another day of life. It was my only son untimely death. That I found in my own mind & soul; peace and rest. 

So beyond any human reservation breathe the fresh air, live in every moment without permission of any human being. Smile for no reason. Cry in every season. Doubt in places people have proven to you and you have even proven to yourself in silence; nothing is promissed to be perfect. Are neither is the choices we will be forced are independently make. Whether those choices be productive if not a logical move. 

It's often spoken who is playing checkers r chess. The reality is both is a critical thinking game; no matter who sits in the revolving chair; next. 

Oh! in times of human trials, remember who you are, whom you belong to of a higher power than mankind. Who is sitting around in your space. But above all; who is watching every move. You make in your own freewill to mentally think. Or not physically delegate who moves in rotation of their owm meditated intentions. Good or bad, all in humanity will answer to each other. If not a higher power above mankind; at any moment.

The definition of Insanity it to repeat a rhetorical step, made over in the history of every generation of mankind. And the word "delusional is a mental state no matter what human being it is referencing; if not being judged.

In life finding "Peace comes in large or small increments".      

Monday, July 11, 2022


It's no longer a rumor. Around the world there is trembling concerns. When will peace settle in humanity. 

The Bible was written based on humanity. The rumors are not far from humanity's reality. So why, should fear overwhelm the concerns. When the world was not created by mankind. Bullying is even in the smallest of ages to the eldest in all races. In a common space of life Mankind found him & her self in their own skin. Inside a world of nature and inhabitants. Of all things growing, expanding if not no longer in existence. 

Life is precious, people are comforting and beauty is what we see in this humongous life. If not what we search for of companionship in one another of a commom space. Of shared debates over our own freewills; about faith, love, hope and hate.

Thursday, July 7, 2022


In this era of Ukrane and Russia. There is no denying we share one narrative accross the entire World "Global attention", where all nations in mankind has this opportunity to not argue and debate, but maturely communicate. And learn from each other. What we have not enough time to debate between mankind "Global change, and respect of life's knowledge". 

To be discrete without disrespect to any nation of mankind. We as humanity cannot deny; the spike in food, fuel, fertilizer pricess, cost of living and human patience; is pushing countries around 1 World  into 1 Global humanitarian crises.

Over generations we humanity figured out "ammicable", is collectively what we possess of Freewill to "agree to disagree" about. And either we "respect are disrespect" each other. As human beings in "knowing we know enough, about the Global and self truth of who are not is taking accountability". And why the "emotion FEAR" can possess control over what divides all humanity. In Nations and Generations of one space; cohabitating in the Human race.

Time is this element, and opportunity is a Human beings FREEWILL to utilize the time. Whether we change our views about ourselves, are each other. In this World structured around 1 alogorithm of "checks and balances".  The reality is it's the "state of mind'. Where change begins, and communication is implemented. To rewrite the "narrative" of the Day's of Our Lives.   


In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the...