Friday, October 21, 2022


For generations, we are born, groomed, and.  instructed. Then acclimate to when,what, whom and how. Until one day we finally figure out when, and where do we process years of information. Unfortunately no one really ask if this information will be  conducive to the year's ahead. For life is destined to change; what we see, and how we individually feel. After our own l8fe experiences. 

We are the makeup of females & male's. Both human beings that think; but express our opinons because of differences. either we progress together or apart, groom in wisdom are remain in a state of neutral.

lf you can deny your own; guilt. The truth is manipulation is a behavior that anyone can fall into. thinking right is wrong. but wrong would mean acceptance has to occur.

Life is short, and until we mentally accept losing is ok. Just accept it. If it occurs in the same place. of the same type of mindset. then change the approach; not attempt to play other people. winning.

So as this puppet sits lifeless, its the master of attitude behind it.

Tomorrow is coming, and not one living being is invincible. whether you, us are them wake up to see what tomorrow holds.

Friday, October 14, 2022


 She is the makeup in all races and ages of this female; anatomy. This female of dimensional curves. sometimes "she"is soft spoken; this woman that is desired of.  sometimes "she" needs to be heard, often she yearns for attention "just to feel appreciated". But so does this male her companion created on earth..

She is often desired. She is sometimes unrecognized. She is of resistant passion and desire. She is also a student continuing of being educated while learning about herself; mentally and physically in this complexion of skin she wears. 

She was birth into this universe; to give life unto our sons  and daughters. This female created in the human flesh.  United with a male called man. This man the father, son and man of many titles. Born to also nurture, protect and provide u to this woman known as female who will add if not subtract. Life in one universe of All of life of 1breath in 1 mankind. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


The elephant is the room. Has been recognized in every space around each corner of the world. Of every generation. So if the myth is this elephant is always expected to appear. Then what is the end result to understand why the elephant; is always near.

We ask; why did this happen..

We ask; who could of done it.

We predict; but not underestimate our own predictions. 

We judge; but not judge the process.

We eliminate the threats; that may are not ever existed.

It's expected to occur. But no preparation has every been thorough. 

We enjoy entertainment. We feel disrespected by unannouncements. 

Who is We, Us are Them. If the Elephant is always expected to be an expected; guest. Then what is not to be expected in a world we question of what to expect by following, leading if not depending on of "trust the process".  

Monday, October 10, 2022


In life we ask each other for forgiveness. And more than often we deny "of asking forgiveness of ourselves. 

In life we make promises. Often the same promises or inevitable of being broken. Not always on purpose. It's life and circumstances that just happen.

In life we seek shelter, love and security in or from each other. It's those higher expectations we place not always on ourselves; just on one another.

In life it's inevitable we grow weary if not tired. It's obvious finding a peace of mind is work but priceless.

In life we assume our differences are a priority over each other's understanding; when all it takes is; a little time to initiate some communication, respect and patience.

In life we expose each other. And more than often accountability is this debate. So somehow we either remain divided in. If not end up of many platforms; the world is watching, listening and judging each other on.

In life we agree the children of all races do suffer the most. But if  we were to change the narrative in our own stories, struggles and differences; still there will be some people who would make the difference matter with no reservation, other's would debate the change to continue living in dysfunction. And the remainder would simply setback and be OK it's not affecting them "today".


What could possibily be at the end of the world. Another place of this world. Created in man's imagination. Of a world that only a few not many can exist; once the aftermath has taken place here on earth?

Religion is one's choice, science is this study of earth, mortality is found in the living. Life is for all and it's natural inhabitants on earth. And beyond any place in the atmosphere. Where is the last of Facts r paper work that human or any existence is the new beginning on Mars. From whom exist in the present. Of the last of morality in all existence on earth.

Time is the element no man can change. The universe is this space no man can control. Air is this one vent all of mortal existence; breathe's through. So what are we running from of each other over time. To find in this 1 space called life. To reincarnate of our own timely existence. Of another world human existence on mars. As we presently no longer respect the value of living here on earth. To humanly believe Compassion for one another; exist in another after life. That can now exist. Within 1 plan "for a few in humanity to live a longer life. Of human existance over many" on Mars.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


One day came again. Is when the sun will rise from another sunset. In this space called Life. And on this day in every corner of the world. 

Car engines roar, humming birds; sing. Coffee is brewing, orange juice if not apple juice is set on many tables around the world. As the bacon and eggs are shimmering in a hot pan. The toaster is about to blast off. As the children wiggle out of bed. There is an elder reading the paper in that comfy rocking chair. Are maybe someone he standing, outside. succulently consuming that morning brisk of fresh air. 

All around the world is the element called "time". And all around the world there is this existence of "life". 

One day a parent called; to a familiar voice. And the on the other end. This voice answered with excitement, and said "Good morning". One evening the exchange of this action of "communication" occurred. Where a mother and adult child ,"listened and shared", another life experience as the roles never differ.

"Today, Minnie me had a hiccup mom", the mother replied to her own adult child. "Baby no matter how old we are. In this life we're destined to have a hiccup more than once r twice". The child began to laugh in the background listening to the dad talk to his grandma,". Together they learned a valuable lesson that even adults also can a day with a hiccup. And because of this hiccup. This trio will never forget a moment in time. Where parents share, about their own children. And children feel comfortable to share about their own good and bad; life experiences; big or small. Even though, the child earned a Rainbow. Grandma, Dad & son will never forget; how a 🌈 Rainbow came after a hiccup" and how  they all shared 

Life is short. Listen more. Time is all we either have. Until we, are time is no longer..

This Rainbow; symbolizes what we share under it. In life of our own personal human journey's. And one we will share; the outcome after one, two or maybe three  hiccups. 

In memory of my beloved ♥️ 1991-2020. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Gas Light

1944 Film "Gas Light.

In a manipulated technique used. On another person; through their own mental space. Where the seed is planted. And the manipulation is taking place.

In the mind is a strong or fragile place. It's time and uncertainty that wears in any human state.

How can it be, we can manipulate each other; through a form of communication. To possess this physcological control. Of a freewill soul. to question; their own human ability. To think, speak are act in a manner of their own mindset.

The old saying is "blind, leading the blind". Vulnerability and insecurities is a dangerous place. So what happens when you are aware of one's self. This whole individual person. That is connected in this skin of which you wear. As another human being without a sense of touch. But through conversation detered you into questioning your own self. Remember in the brain is a strong or fragile; place. Protect your sanctuary in a small space. That only you control of your own individual thinking. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


What is life. In a society of  a mindset groomed for captivity. 

How do we in humanity change our old history. If we in humanity, keep history on repeat.

It's often stated "our Fore Father's", came together with this plan. For the future of generations. to pass onto new Generations lead or to be led.

Often wondered if those same Fore Father's saw into the future of mankind's existence. To leave this generation without progression of knowledge. For possession of another generation. If we have not figured this pattern of process out. Then there is this unsettling reality of how, who and what is dividing all in mankind. Of what we are facing of a future in doubt..

Monday, September 26, 2022


In many nations of mankind. We are more humbled by earth's signs. As scientists and astrology is the world's topic. The sun is warming the earth as ice glaciers are melting. Mudslides are subsiding and floods are growing rapid; in a millisecond. As leaders are attempting to resolve unresolved history.

As the world we know is shifting in it's natural course. Time is of the essence to preserve one foundation; earth.

Division is not always about humanity. It's the disconnect in the connectivity. Whether we agree or not. The earth is shifting under our fragile; feet.

As wars and nukes, economics and health care takes a toll on health and well being. The mind is this covered tissue, that is bodyguarded in this skin we wear. As male and female on earth. And let's not exempt every breathing creature; of bird, mamal and animal that is paired in it's own existence.

If life was intended for one existence in mankind. One state of mindset. One form of nature. Then why was mankind created in it's form in life, of one state of human existence because of "breath". There is many forms in pairs of two. Mankind and its companion. Amongst the inhabitants on 1 earth. 

Earth, provides to humanity it's own natural nature. So who is the gatekeepers here on earth. To preserve a life that mankind was created not by each other. But for a higher purpose..

In the event you are not a believer in freewill. It's the freedom of knowing everything exist. Including life and death.

Saturday, September 24, 2022


It's history in mankind. And no form of structure; is exempt in gentrification. All races of mankind has suffered a significant loss in genocide for power and debates of  mental struggles in this life.

In this world made is concrete streets. Pavements and boardwalks. Our human feet are destined to cross. As we watch gun violence memorialize every birth that was given the human right; it is debated whether who are what is the cause. Where shooters are active and mercenaries are watching. Families of all nations is under unmanaged distress. Making decisions on what subdivisions & areas is safe. Have we considered there is 1 mankind in a Human Race. But division is what is separating the future of our own existence in this life. 

The drug's epidemic is mankind's biggest threat in history. But also in observation of mental illness and human rebellion. The conspiracies; mankind created the plots and stereotypes. For every suspect is their own victim. No matter the crime are human act. The system defines those fine lines between boundaries and non boundaries; to be violated over & over; again. To vacate, justify if not grant a human their birth rights. In those same justices if not non justice. 

We can debate the behaviors in mankind. But there is no scientific guess, ink, or case law to prove beyond a reasonable doubt; of what is in this human flesh of skin. Of every human being that exposes us. Is our nature of physical attractions that brings out; emotions of rage, obsession insanity, lust or agape love after we figure out. To morally say " bring me your weary, worn, etc". And for All "Liberty & Justice". Without the action in formation of brotherly love. For every race in mankind how do we answer for the Era and space we are standing in right now.

Every race of man on earth; has fought, faced carried & created some type of  adversity. For all collectively. How so, suffering has no prejudices. When & Where pain occurs. It does not discriminate across the board.

In mankind our many secrets are still being passed down. Through generations. But what mankind has yet to be in compatible about. Is that a secret is not the only fear we face in humanity. It's in humanity that hides behind knowing why; the secrets exist. To cover up our own human history over life. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022


Throughout the universe is this existence of human form called life, abroad diverse nature. And in it we can see through the lense of the naked eye; is every pair of creature and animal right here on earth. Of flowing rivers, hummingbirds, pastures and rolling hillsides. The universe is filled with this existence called; life. 

Love is such a pleasant word to hear; when spoken to the ear. And the experience in knowing how it feels is beyond metamorphic. However, the words spoken is not often the action we expect. When the expression of love is misrepresented if not misleading in one's physical action to another. In a place we often loose ourselves. To search for love in each other. Here on earth. 


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...