Monday, January 2, 2023


The word Security; can be described as an "action word". 

We seek the "Security", of each other. We seek financial security. We seek the "Security" to intervene. We invested in of a "Security", as a preventative measure. We added an extra layer of "Security", for a cost. We need "Security" to protect our own private personal "Interest". 

Once we are educated in why, "Words", navigate a story line if not change or exhaust an entire conversation. If not cause a physical "action". To address an "effect".  Because if the "Security: is not in place. Revolving doors open to "opportunities & opportunitist.  

Life teaches; in our individual  truths, actions & transactions. How we relate or disconnect over what is a learned, experienced are educated. And often there is the; miscommunication, ammicable communication are rebuttal to communicate. However, the actual occurences of what is a  personal "experience", still exist. No matter how we test the theory, anaylze the interaction or examine the "Cause & Effect".

The moral is this. We know Truth lies in between; two individual parties, and the real facts in  what really occurred. We know the stories of life are not far from the same in experiences. Life would be extra complicated if every individual person on earth; experienced that 1 specific life situation. We know what we are taught, listen and learn; does not always determine our final projection in who we become. We know life is not predictable. So how can "expectations", be expected to be predicted on each other. 

This word "Security", is without a doubt "Relevant". Why, without the action in place. There is no Protection over what is the real "Interest" in of what is "Secured". However, alway's ask. Take a moment and reflect on what is worthy of being "Secured & Protected". If we know that life is unpredictable "as we've experienced based on our personal lives & interactions". Then whom is sought of the"expectation". To "Secure" what needs to "Protected".

Exodus: 14:14

Saturday, December 31, 2022


When you feel as life has run it's  course. And you desire some much deserved relaxation. And it's considered the finances are shaky. First, research an affordable escape plan. Next, breathe out and then dial up some familiar "secure company". Of whom shares the same in Celebrating of each other; with genuine support, encouragement and love.

And, if your are in the neighborhood of complimenting your pallet; with a juicy steak surrounded around good vibes and laid back company.  Slide into the Knickerbocker Bar and Grill; for the two person Porter House meal. The Knickerbocker AKA "New York Nicks".  Research it's history.  Regarding the attire from the 1800's. Knickerbocker is located on University Avenue, Greenwich Village.

Aftwerwards, unwhind on the rooftop at The Knickerbocker Hotel, located in Time Square.

Are if you're still up for more attractions & smooth entertainment. Roll on over to the Quality Meat. A resteraunt near the Plaza Hotel.  

It's Natural to feel ontop of the World, even when it feels the World is sometimes on top of ourselves. But if we look at Life through a different lense. We would eventually figure out "anything is possible", and no place is impossible. If I can see it. Then I can believe it "why not me". Because I am deserving; of what is an opportunity to being a real possibility.

The moral of this entry is. It's the smallest things in life. We question & lose; each other about. If only those collaborations could of last for decades. Because of our tenacity to keeping the loyalty; sacred. The distances in life would only bring us back together; at any table. Just to break bread & continue in Celebrating each other.  

Happy New Year 2023!

Ghost Writer#28.


Full House


A House is built on the foundation; of it's originated blue print. 

There is this slang saying around the World "Yall playing Checkers, and We Playing Chess". The reality Time is revolutionary. And in it everyone has a part to play. Frozen in a bigger portrayed frame. How so, because it was written over the history of Time Of Every move made in mankind; if we could of only listened patiently. To grow more by understanding.

There is nothing new under the sun, that has not been  an inactmement of another Action. Are conversation.

Cheers to A "New Year 2023". The work is still plenty. The Harvest is still massive. However, there is the weary at ❤️.  Amongst an enlightened space of "Peace, Truth, Vision & Tranquility. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Face Value

What is the real "Value in Time", reality is results occur in a "liability or commodity". If  "Time is not appreciated by utilizing it wisely. Time does not discriminate or announces the inevitable of anytype of change in life.

Around the world, the"inflation is this rising Demand, increase of economic Cost and overall Expectations. To meet the projected consistency and management of "meeting the needs" in all 3 referenced categories. So what is the time line to cure "inflation"? The reality is Inflation has existed, over the history of mankind. And continues in every living being  of this history in humanity. I am so greatful to have been raised, in a history my great uncle's & aunt's, cousins and grandparents; taught me how to live in times of great demands and limited access to those essential goods. There was a time I also experienced hardships; mental is not limited. So, let's dive into mental health later on in the world. One day our people grew up in times of "Bartering". Whether the ammicable  conversations agreed to pay promissory notes or bill notes. Written or typed on a small piece of tablet size papers. However, as time progressed throughtout human history. The dialogue changed in our presentations. And due to a long term if not short projected forecast. The "dependancy" on these same basic needs; did not resolve itself. To sustain in a  movement of transporting, and delivery to providing the product to support the demand. In a world of franchisers, farmers, distributors, manufacturers. The words "Profits, profitable margins", soared based on "availability" of perishables and other resources. 

Please duely note; the introduction was introduced over generations. That elevated more strategic platforms of advertised services. Promoting our generations transitioning towards; transactional actions in "goods and services. within an "economical structured algorithm". Every wonder why learning the math & understanding the science is crucial? 

As we research "Supported by",  this physical need in a world. Of  sufficient amount of people to service each other. And yes, adequate pay is desired for the "essential worker's" around the real world we live in today. What is " checks & balances", in the working class of every society. This unchanged population over human history. Is not exempt to needing sufficient access; to goods & services. So, the raw tender called "bills, notes & cash money" changed not only the way we barter between one another in evey environment. It began a new world wide revolution. Along with the tallied allocation of votes. on of who is the elected over countries & conservatories, stocks, bonds. And the word "knowledge" is 1 key to open many doors. Into who controls of municipalities, credit approvals based on creditabilty. To satisfy the contractual agreements between the lenders and borrowers; of these necessities, land deeds, and municipalities. To dictate what is resolved of "legalities", in the event an objection over Breaches of Contracts; stem over staggering uncontrolled access.  

A multitude of words based upon actions of "Access, Debt, Management and the Relief", determining factoring the truths. Of what action is taking course to sustainability to this "adequate" preservation of life. See obtaining anything in this life.  requires a nature of an action. But management of anything, also requires the course of an human action. To continue down the paths of "restoration, respirations", to cure what is not resolved of disportionate revenues. If not this educated conversation acclimated in ourselves, of being apart of many diversified class of wordings. every human beings seeks of a "Security", of some type. However, it's the structures set in place. We often unfold even in our own debates. And our indifferences elevated; on a less than secured platform. Of lured attention to question our own human justified "judgments".

How it is so properly or inappropriately managed (money)? For generations the security of basic needs never ceased; security by access of the money, shelter, food, water, gas, healthcare, and lights (etc). But also, including physical and mental health care. As the world rapidly changes due to Global Climate control, People population. Growing in concerns of Food insecurities around this entire World. And the increase of infrastructures in overpass, building roads and bridges, escalations in toll fees. To secure the earths top surface; financially. Not beneath the core of it for future (sustainability).

The reality is our future is destined to shift. Life has a course. Of people based on the foundations of behaviors to find a balance in it. In our Global relationships to building a new and disciplinary in management. Of what we are already in of control of. By investing in of ammicable communications Around this entire world. Whether it start's in all communities of societies, residential homesteads, commercial properties, negotiators of public if not  private sectors. In anytype of entities. For this generation to hold in "Tact". A more conditioned proposal in planning, is a "freewill". For the future is based on the projection of what is demonstrated in this generation; to fulfill the future of expectations. In what is really next to be the prophecy of everyday events. If only it we could of, should of but debated over; of the cure in this history. Of a time-line of events "witnessed" of our own personal & publicized affairs.

Friday, December 23, 2022


Affirmation, for every cause there is the affect. And for every action; is an attitude of this representative; in this skin we wear.

Life is unpredictable; knowing we are well aware;

Half of our lives, we are groomed to think and function; in a state of mind. The other Half of our lives; we stretch into this skin of whom we become; in this life. 

Life; whatever is spoken in the Power of the Tongue.

Beauty is; what is looked at in every mirror.  

Opinions; every human being has the freewill to speak on.

Family; is not negotiated. It's the birthright to a bloodline. 

Friends; a long or short term investment.

Pain is; an internal decision to heal from.

Joy is; Is what is selected to wear of, one's attitude.  

Love is a first choice; if not second of an accepted position. 

Lonliness; it's optional. Not a life sentence.

Faith is what is chosen of; to fight in every battle on earth.

Silence is my BFF; over orchestrated conflict & mental confusion. 

Hardships; is powerful Motivation. 

Snitching; is a technique to"Gas Lighting fear", for eternity.

Loyalty; is a human action.

Judgement; is self reflection.

Lies; is repeated history.

Jealousy; is mental castration.

Opportunity; is synchronized space & calculated Time.

Position; is a state of mind in any "condition of life".

Prosperity; silently plant seeds. Then Prepare to manage; wisely.

Lifestyles; imagine life changes. And so will our Visions.

Wars; are created. Peace talks is negotiated. And Humanitarian relief; throughout the history of mankind is Allocated amongst a  world of "catastrophic events".

The Conclusion; is whatever happens next in this life. It will be dissected then recited. For every Cause & Effect on earth, is written of an "Affirmation".

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Grief, no matter how our love one's departed this life. Remember, those times they needed that well deserved rest. Well, one day God knew their precious bodies needed it.

As we approach the Holidays end. And prepare to enter into a New Year. It's ok to love on ourselves, and sometimes  silence; allow's the mind to find clarity in comfort. But let's not forget that family and close friends who are grieving with us.

Remember the reason for this season. It was love that brought us together in this life. And love will meet us all, after the Grief is ended.

Grief has it's own process, time and plan. Grief appears in several stages. But consider we're not all expressive about our emotions. So, don't feel overwhelmed about how other's might appear; to feel lesser than more of an emotional connection.

1. Shock

2. Denial 

3. Depression

4. Blame

5. Anger

6. Bargaining stage of the; Anticipatory .

Last step is; the acceptance and hope. And believe it or not the Grief ministry, counseling and support is even more affective. If not attempting to process in Grief; individually. Grief teaches; our finished business on earth. was really fulfilled before we were called in our mother's womb. And in a father's heart.

Often it's hard to accept in this life; how we are dying in the land of the living. As our love one's are at comfort in rest. This place of peace of mind, for eternity. If only we could just "Believe".

Beloved "1991-2020, 8:15am". Our ❤️ is forever .


There is two types of human energy "good & bad, positive and negative". And the reality is everything or person's is destined to change. So what is the secret to "why not speak on it". In the world we chatter about any, everbody & everything. And in every environment of questioning the behavior, the type and who was the sacrifice. Whether the behavior's is a Practice, Cult, Rebellion or Religious belief. The reality is in every inhuman act; a type of evil exist, symbolized, motivated & with the direct intention.

The history of mankind's existence is written. And we know the world has differences of opinions. Regarding Religion, Religious beliefs and finally "sacrificing".

What is alluring is the word "money", and "teachings". What is addictive,? over indulgence in "drug's, alcohol and sometimes each other". What is attracting in the world? each other's "validation". What is sought of each other is "love". What is a life struggle?  finding in one's self "self love". So, yes it happens in all ages.

As we watch on platforms and exchange "conversations". Either you, us are them "agree, if not disagree", about the type of physical interactions we are caught in of Cohabitation. And the actual types of direct communications. 

In life comes a moment, silence is the most Powerful weapon. To tone down the audiences, speculators, watchers and the "perception". Because no one really knows from the outside looking in; what is the motive if not real intention. However, someone is aware of what is being "Gas lighted, educated and communicated", to each other. Lead are follower.

Society, is the makeup of all mankind. It's our division of the behavior in our "Good & Bad" actions and attractions; demonstrated. And decision making is a combination of collaborations, negotiations, followed by, if not excepting of.

To think for yourself, is a challenge sometimes. No one has all the real answers. But allowing other's to think for us; is mental castration .

So we are left probing each other's minds. Digging for information. Investing human time to configure out; how much information has surfaced to the Top.

History of personal experiences in any age of children, young adults and the old. has not changed many psychologically.  it's whether we agree independently are collectively. about the Red flags, we witness in the physical. But in the environment in which the act takes place. Will expose the rhetorical history. 

It appears spirituality & the practices and human beliefs is a sensitive topic. Just recall Sin and the way we cohabitate, existed over generations. Is when Grace & Mercy stepped in, and ask for the accountability; in mandkind's Sin.

Monday, December 19, 2022


The next time you are out, take a moment to grab those necessary receipts and essentials. And don't forget to follow-up on those pending charges.

Around January of every new year. There is excitement, tension if not anxiety in the air. Why, it's income tax time. And either we're expected to; cutback on our luxuries, payback our debtors. If not just, call it even.

It's not uncommon we're in a hurry, to get to the next destination in life. The reality is , who does not have an agenda & priorities. Honestly, it's the small details we honestly, if not moving sporadically "miss". That will set us back. All due to not being alert, focus and aware.

Timestamps, dates, collaborations, routes and locations. ask this question 'if I took a moment to breathe, exhale and recount' those final footsteps.

Personal experience teaches many lessons. If you're willing to learn. And it's unfortunate there is these 'human attitudes, that separate us, whomever if not them'. for in every business opportunity, decisions to be  attendance, work or class, if not slacking to do a home project. Are for whatever life has instore for 'us, you and them'. Did you know we can train each other to function in a 'lazy state of mindset'.

Age is factored. Where Time is either our greatest commodity. If not our greatest nemesis. In repeating the "repetition".


The gift of life is a blessing; thank goodness for the children. And why, is love essential. In our human emotions is this universal love language's; we shift. Of this magnet of Human vs. Human in attractions. 

So, why is this statement significant. Well, let's do the math. Children were conceived where the two of opposites that attract. And one day we will all travel a path; on a journey exploring each other, sometimes before even exploring ourselves. 

I heard a child speak to another "everybody, has a mother and father". And in observation of their communication in interactions and physical expressions. We can learn from a child, as an adult. Of what we are communicating to them; of ourselves.

There is an old cliché  "grandchildren is a blessing, not a responsibility". Well, it depends on our love language and communication. And what is passed down to the children. To later be expected; of a human expectation(accountability, and knowledge that stems from life experiences & guidance). 

Relationship experts, establish platforms for people in search of "companionship", marry couple's its not rare they seek counseling outside of their matrimonial vows. And in cohabitations are  established relationships, even single; people do struggle with finding balance in real life. could it be safe to say "progression really means, work in our individual selves". Until we communicate how to express our language's to working with each other.

For generations males have  expressed their love language through romantic gestures and conversations. Vice versa the female has allured the male with physical attributes & toned conversations. 

Who has not experienced an explosive emotion of human attraction? It's inevitable, the law of natural existence in this body we call skin. Again, what does this statement reference? Without each other's love language and contributions of our physical interactions & emotions. In the preservation of life we would search to find in each other, outside of our own human natures; the "acceptance", the "affection" if not the "validation". We need one another to survive..

Emotions, we all possess the human ability to see,touch, taste and hear. Then what is self love, self preservation. If we have not experienced enough in ourselves. To bond in love language's; with someone else?

Sunday, December 18, 2022


The "Process", whether we agree to disagree are not. The description reads for all people "subsidized relief to supplement a "temporary" economic relief. If the debate is ongoing about who of us are them is configuring this a 'legacy plan" for our children's future generations. For many  food through foodstamps. Is used to cover this basic human need in anytype of financial hardship are physical impaired disabilities. And let's be clear about the credentials to meet the fine print of from the requestor. "low income families, is not exempt in any race of person's seeking humanitarian aid. But if we were to historically reference the poverty lines. For every statistic; real people is the evidence reported of all people. In all nations of man. Cleary there is history over mankind of hardships. War's that create catastrophic environments. Incarceration is not rehabilitation for any state of well being. But neither is homicides that destroys families, future growth in economics for the restoration in those communities of recorded and witnessed of rethorical violence. where the argument is the state and conditions of "indigenous population", but if we research around the world, the sea saw is flipping upside down. there is also a history of "economic wealth". so how can people grow economically where there is a history of division between indigenous, incarceration, education and wealth, around politics & accessibility to economic growth. 

Whether people eat are starve. Children is the outcome of what turns the conversation towards any platform with "outrage, cries if not a long term resolution about this word. Behind this word "indigenous". Is real people of all colors not discriminatory, just categorized. So it's entertained to blow the flame towards to who chose a political vote. If not the state of the condition of  in every culture. 

In sociology it teaches diversity in economic statuses, environment, society and groups. And in psychology  it teaches behaviors. Again, knowledge is a state of understanding that is not discriminatory on who elevates are progresses at any pace.

These "systems were systematically designed by our forefathers. In it's own algorithm for the people by the people". However, society has the acknowledgement in determining "how the system benefits them". The flip side is  "the system is rhetorical information of recorded history of whomever utilizes it". Even in other countries people makeup mankind. So now the question is "who holds accountability" of the real statistics; around the world. 

People are human beings. And wether we are ,"projected to perform, exempt if not exempt. We are the human race on record in the systems", the reality is for every birth on earth. A system was created by the people, for the people". Of projections, rational's and statistics. 

Basic needs is for human survival, so how can a human justify what another human can lack, of a human need. To fully survive. Without acknowledging what is accessible are not to cure or meet the "temporary", assistance.

Money is raw tender. Assets can be converted into raw tender. Land deeds is ownership in history recordings, earth is not recorded as a surveyed property. Life is this space of; the inevitable. Around circumstances that result into a state of human existence. So  taking inventory, is reasoning to question; of what we are "approved of. If not denied", by whom is going to later judge; accross the boarders and fine printed lines.

Saturday, December 17, 2022


As we approach Christmas. And ending of this year, 2022. With gifts, egg nog; sometime spiked. as we listen or sing to music collaborations, laughter, tears and so much peace in sharing another holiday with cheer. Remember to take a moment in silence. To honor our angels who are now resting in peace this Holiday. For their seats will appear to be empty. And our hearts may feel faint. Remember their spirit lives within us and around us; in the living, for eternity. 

As we gather around the Christmas decor, to unwrap those gifts, to plant another kiss under the mistle toe. Also, remember those tables that remain empty, the laughter that no longer echoes of children and youth. In those homes of mom's and dads. In all communities of grandparents uncle's and aunts. To families around the world. Where the sounds of cheer and music is silent; if not softly heard; dimly in the background..

Greatful, greatful! No matter what life"s course. Thankful for it because of life a Savior born; we can sing or say. If not pray; I am grateful for every moment in this life. To have taken the opportunity to appreciate, Time.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...