Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Simplified; the way a culture stereotypes a  women in a dicriminatory way; in every corner of the world. 

So, how is. Are who are the electives that identifies a Culture; that separates the existence  of woman & men, boys, and females. Where both were created at the beginning of the world?

And what is Sex without a woman; to produce this child birth. And Sexism be the topic of this same woman. Are is it the "type of female", in a world that makes up the population. Amongst men & boys. Made from the DNA of this female & woman. 

What is it about each other; over generations people have managed to cohabitate together. Until people manage vehicles that implement the division; amongst each other.  

What could we have managed of survival & manifested in bloodlines without a woman. And how could we of multiplied without the seeds of a man's DNA. Judgement of each other. Does not erase the history together men & woman created.

Thursday, March 30, 2023


To a Black Girl, this morning when you rise up; look in the mirror.

Today you will be the topic of the universe, let know one in mankind lead you into mentally thinking any different. Why, if you every hear this word "bitter", it's this human emotion. We, us are them created of hardships  on ourselves. If not the hardships planted of seeds; for each other. 

Why, because of the DNA in bloodlines through out this makeup in history. And if you search in mankind "ask", a grandmother when her child also made choices & decisions in life. Why, some Grandmas chose to sow different seeds; based on them knowing human Past vs. Future history. Is in the truth you will figure out 'apathy'. That is destined to mentally challenge any mortal human being internally.

The reality is People change; no matter the title's. it's not limited to any race of man in human history. And one day you Black Girl will seek daddy's love and this action word "affection". Just know love is a genuine action. Beauty fades, but your natural Beauty is timeless; with one acception. In your own skin, makeup and those overnight bags; must contain these essentials of self love, self forgiveness and prayer.

Remember for every female in this life. Regardless of her skin color. This female will either give birth to a son by his paternal father. Are not give birth at all. And for those males birth into this life. Often there will be more than one female who is destined to feel this emotion of human attraction desiring one or many; sons. All its inevitable People will proclaim this word call "love". But until you understand your own human minds and body craven these human emotions. Every male son is breeded to hunt. Often more than 1. And in the end of this hunt; one female will be chosen if not; many over none. This is mankind's history. So shall you hunt for your own healing & peace of mind, that begins not from between your legs but starts within your own head. Continue to pray unto a higher Power above the sky's in heaven. To salvage yourself from; yourself & other people's judgment on earth. See there is another word that requires yourself to focus"accountability, is examining yourself. So you will identify  "manipulation, narcissism and self reflection". To avoid being misled, from a positive clearer path". 

It's in humanity this word call "submission", but not many will tell you your own self worth. Is knowing a lifetime; is attached to life changes. That you will accept or deny; as sheep amongst a world of wolves. Is  compromises that will change what is seen in the world we, us are them live in.

Love is not the walking tornado. It's what we walk away with; mentality & value of each other. Through every life experience. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


It's becoming more common around the world. Included is places that believe "this never happens, here". 

Any human act demonstrated in the demise of a preservation of another human life; impacts People's peace of mind. Because people don't feel safe tackling the course of change. While adapting to understanding or refraining; amongest each other's emotional build-up overtime.

In the last decade families, communities and public servicers, police officers have come to accept this is not acceptable of normalcy. But what can be done through Politics; to much time has been wasted over pointing the fingers at each other. In a life People are emotionally affected by each other's; human choices.

We know the history of mental illness. But in reality has there ever scientifically been a long term solution. We know physiologically our minds & bodies will adjust overtime and generations. Why, because we were genetically created to endure so much in this skin we cover up in. And age is not a factor; allow us, are them to acknowledge the accountability. Where mankind factors statistics based the probabilities on other's human life existence.

We know in New World Orders war's is destined to cover the Topic. And not exempt there is destined to be casualties in every race & age. Why, whatever is the controversial battle to figure out. We as a people continue to taunt; ourselves. Starting in our human mindsets. We can repeat debated history over propaganda, conspiracy theories, structured government and politics. But what is destined to affect many nations is the authority of who sustains control over power dictating; repetition has to repeat in movement; over history. 

One truth in this world, people will eventually confess; is we chose to birth life for the sake of bloodlines. Amongst what we chose to categorize of our identities is "judgment of our own individualilty". The makeup of people divides by cultured populations. We, us are them is the same humanity on earth. That allow if not to watch. In how all people impact each other. Through human devices of our own; decision making. Exposed over the existence of mankind; unjustified denial, to face the reality in how far did we come. To address in this moment where are we now of a human race?

Once we evaluate what is shifting the foundation in Family vs. Morals, Values & Beliefs. Education, Society, Economics vs. Politics. All title's of human body's broken down amongst; we, us are them. The sole representives. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023


What if the opposing party; disagrees to reach an ammicable agreement. Only to set the stage to manipulate access. In what the opposing party has of solely invested of a genuine interest. Now time & distance will test; any person's with a pulse rate and human patience.

The logic would make sense, if we, us are them. Knew the real intention that exist; and confessed our matters of the heart. Before life matters reached a higher interest. Once we, us are them recoup from the structured if not broken Algorithm. Either way no one really wins. This game played, of what we entertain of each other; of chess are maybe it's checkers. Are could it just be, generational cycle's that backfired into curses.

Whether our intentions are petty are genuine. Think outside of each other's reciprocity in mental thinking. Why, a piece of mind + Your freedom; is priceless. Once you've figured out the real faces behind every methodical thought with an intention. In this world for every cause there is the cause. And final outcome in what was, should are did actually happen; next.

Money definitely has yet to buy authentic human love r compassion in this life. So in all these human foot steps, approach every matter with caution. 

We live amongst generations of curses, that will only progress in the coming of full circles

And if you are not, a believer in anything. Continue to talk amongst mankind. And watch history expose of what have we done. To then pass on the next of who is running with the paton.

The reality is; time will be lost, every moment will count to restore relationships; that is, are were broken over good or bad intentions. Either way the truth will be exposed. Why, cause we, us are them knew the Truth.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Not one human being or animal is this universe will survive without; a human touch, water, shelter & nourishment. 

The saying is "the eyes is the windows to the soul".  But how can we, us are them. Ask, what do you see in me; that I have yet to see in myself?

The saying money makes the world go-around. But why are people struggling or running out of time to keep up with; the value of the dollar bill? Are make logic of the violence & wars.

The saying is hard-times is inevitable. So how is it all People exist in the living of denial? See, money can't buy 1 piece of mind. However, the access to it control's the livelihoods in All mankind. Under  influencing; a mindset. thinking I have or have not of it.

The perception is we can live without the physical in each other as a people; but the reality is we need each other to survive. No matter if we figure out; equality means establishing unity amongst ourselves. If not divided we evaporate; apart. 

The saying is Prostitution is the oldest profession in human history; but why is this profession labeled  high or low class?As many if not a few in humanity; still pay with cc, cash app, and even cash. For the company, of companionship in services throughout this entire world.

The slang talk is saying the struggle is real. Maybe the reality is we, us are them if not us; created the struggles over pass generations.

The demise of life, is not progessing just from projecting. It's the Narrative that is influencing; whatever is shaking every foundation.

There is this saying "don't speak on it", eventually pressure will cause a chain reaction. In People that will not procrastinate; to start talking about everything. 

If religion is still the gateway to argue & debate over an attempt to save. Then why, is SIN the topic and in this world we, us are them continue to watch. but internally the human acts cease to pause or just STOP. Knowing freewill is a Choice for US All to first respect; it's an Option.

If the future is ahead of  We, US are Them; then what is being rewritten of of change from All past history; no one in humanity is prepared to Face. Of whose yet taking accountability in the Human Race?

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


There is one mankind on this entire earth. However, there is many types of people & animals created of physical features in a male & female. Throughout the universe. 

And for the sake of an argumentive statement; consider the reasoning in why, there is some of many people in this life. who have not experienced genuine human affection, living freewill if not traveling abroad.

And no matter what we disagree, team up together in of collaborations. If not  agree overall and individually or collectively. Nothing will change the natures of law, inhabitants in our relationships, are neither our life stories.

On earth watch how there is this immediate natural human extraction between a female & male. And it's not rare any gender cohabitates with it's own. Also, it's funny how age is not exempt. Even babies posses a male's scent because mom is the first scent that baby identifies with. Therefore we're drawn to one another by our natural human instinct; see why a child of any age will seek their maternal & paternal parents. So what is it about this genetic pattern in being humans. We live in our own human practices; of morals,values and beliefs. Then search in each other to figuring out the individuality ourselves. Not excluding understanding what is sexuality about? Of raging hormones. However as humans were not fearless in experiencing each other; physically and emotionally. Then in our own behaviors asking or not of human knowledge through explanations of what is it about myself; the others judge if not what makes me feel so different. Everyone is asking what has been taught if not being  teachings to each other around this world. And what is occurring in the cycles of life. Knowing it's were all human; therefore the answer's already exist in ourselves. As we struggle internally figuring out; emotionally & physically our human needs; is not far from the same, in ourselves.

If we are to understand each other in this life. Would it be more significant to learn more about ourselves. As children are born every minute around the world. Some idea thought; is  people population should be minimized. Only if we were to openly admit; life is going to happen, and people will panic. Therefore there is no limit to educating. what is "needed" in a revolving world; no Power can control.

What is this emotion call denial. And if we are talking on to ourselves about internal fears. Remember for every child that is born; our history is being taught to them.

"Mom, everyone does not get it All at the same time". I know son the lesson to learn for US All is one day maybe our minds will be open to learning more about oneself. Empathy & flowing compassion for each other will occur. And regarding Love; people fall in and out every day. In God we Trust; remove it from access to money and the world is destined to change. But this immortal word "entitlement" is a selfish human act of placing expectations on each other not oneself. Causing Wars, snd multiple Threats. Over the innocent for non ammicable negotiations. And disrespect of human life. Is where people shut down on each other to communicate. Knowing for generations we are bonded for life; because of our cohabitations in this life.

If you give birth to a child. That child will seek over their lifetime; support in comfort & emotional attachment. If you have had a sexual encounter with another human; it does not matter the gender are race. Either you feel a type of human attraction. If you desire or fantasize to be wealthly & powerful; reality is we as humans depend on each other to fufill this void.     

❤️ 1991-2020. It's inevitable "mom" for generations our feet stumble over each other's in this life. Our emotions has caused us to react in uncontrollable & controlled behaviors towards each other. But everyday we must learn to live in a state of peace from within. And the moment there is no peace of mind. The battle I figured out eventually comes Full Circle; battles that result in internal Wars. Due to our relationships here on earth. For every start is the beginning which ends in this life. And negativity & positive is a choice. In our lifetime; it's how we work on ourselves then breed together. To see the finishing product of our human Relationships. That progress, end in every human demise. Or that is still being written; in humanities lifetime.

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Allegedly, based on anytype of presented verbal, mental or physical disagreement causing emotional challenges. Awaiting for what is Pending to prove if not provided of validation of an allegation. Being brought forward by either interest of families divided in parties. And time is crucial for the mental state of these children. Of what is factual in the evidence that supports now of a justifiable reason to ask out legal questions. Or expose a fabricated intention. Based on any scenario to falsely or prove. Of what has been a purposeful documented CPS case, are undocumented inhuman acts in our own natures; over generations. Is every cohabitations in a family history. For any human act that possibly existed of anytype of occurences, are non at all. It would take a lifetime to investigate Us, them are They in All.

First, seek knowledge in knowing the legal facts of what is a legal statute of the rights in a paternal or maternal bloodline suite. And it will reveal the authencity of the families that is the makeup in every DNA recorded over human history.

Second, the cohabitations in this life. Is the reality in the makeup of when two types of chromosomes from a male & female is combined. In this natural consecretation of what developes of an egg in the fallopian tube of a female. Here is where the development of where the fetus in a female's  womb; begins the cycle of life. And if we were to study the human anatomy. The progression of estrogen (menstrual cycle's). Could begin as early for any race of female's in the age of 9 year's old. Based on the reproduction of this human beings individual; body. I was educated because my family ensured I knew my resources existed of A Planned Parenthood Clinic at a time in my own community. The reasoning to why I started at an early age mentally to physically make responsible choices with my own body. And no child is a mistake; once any human being are parent acknowledges; individual accountability. 

Once a female gives birth. This human life known as a baby. Becomes an individual person; a birthright to both that  male & female chromosomes and DNA of their bloodlines.

As we diagnose our own families bloodlines and history; genetically a  scientific pattern exist.  that connects us in of our own genetics. Reasoning to why we must know our families mental, physiological & physical history. If we are to seek the truth of any concerns even those of who will inherit a bloodline right; research the law under "per stirpes". There is birthrights in family  legacies; passed down. And matrimonial's whether divorced or not. It will behoove you to obtain a State License Attorney for knowledge.

Before appearing in Family Courts; if we could deal with this "self denial". When we seek to be respected of whom we need to Blasphemy other people for validation. This act of correction means finding balance in ourselves. To be honest people have spoken to each about their own family problems becauseof domestication & cohabitations. Before appearing in the judges chamber to judge. the character or parental guidance of each other. We must be mindful of our own selections in choices in our daily lives & families involvement. We will never agree on the individuality, morals and values in our familes upbringings. What could separate us if God created every human being the same. However, every bloodline has it's individual idea of what family; represents. And divorces are not inevitable. It's not within our control to change each other. either married people work together are real people separate apart; even in domestication it's  inevitable people continue to Cohabitate; regardless of the nature's of law. But no one will never know what is physiologically based on the truth in each other's minds. In acknowledging it's this freewill that allows US, They are Them ALL to think & operate based upon our own morality. And those choices will be detrimental in impacting the lives of All children involved. And it's sad to say of "all ages". It's proven in people's history that people cause each other; emotional & physical distress. could it be for not dealing with those unresolved human issues in themselves or ourselves? No race of person or types of grief or parental title is exempt. If we had every correct answer in life. Then why is the Family Courts; involved where families pay for validation to exist. And prove to argue but not always in an ammicable resolution in stability for the kids.

In Family Court; allegations are destined to be revealed. If not who is materially going to gain or financially based on who established paternal custody. For the blame. And every allegation should be investigated. Under the statutory laws if not a reference in case law. Of every potential human act that could of existed to cause any child anytype of physical emotional distress; and neglect from either family member or parents biological or non biological parents is not exempt in any state of an environment. Reality it's our human choices that brought us here. And in any race of humanity; life choices carry's a burden. And it's a fact that greed & grief if not entitlement causes severanceof children's kindredness in  bloodlines. Included is extended to kindredness in all families mixed relationships. And if anytype of circumstance involves a demise of life. Watch what type of accusations and questions that finally appear and who is asking. knowing the truth is or not truthly buried just with the demise. Of what is Based on facts in what is still of history in the living of life. But who is willing to expose the truth about themselves. Life is a mystery, but in respect of each other. We created the mysteries in life.

The recorded history of every allegation of an human act is the recorded history that is sealed, still being reported, in between what is or not thoroughly investigated. And CPS is not exempt of it's legal duties; regardless if it's history is countless of questionable authoritive reporting in every State in the interests of the children; finding stability in housing, financial stability and a loving family foundation. Time is crucial where allegations are produced. We must involve our selves both physically and mentally. this is not a competition of who pulls rank in authority. If not  eventually things will be exposed because of every human nature is in our  behaviors. And the stem behind the real aggressive anger, in narcissistic behaviors. Towards each other that will incriminate our families over generations. To find out why normalcy is a challenge in this life. Now who will support & who will protect Us all from each other? If The sole interests really based on the sole interest; of children. Where in  history it's birth that validates a per stirpes in bloodlines. Of our own human cohabitations.

Cohabitations it's in every society, and family, friends, church associations in every environment. The reality is the "connectivity" still  exist. However for generations it is proven in facts; evidence that support a history that repeats itself. Of mental illness, incest, divorce, abandonment, dv, marriages, cohabitations, addictions, neglect is a possibility in every domestication of cohabitation. We have a choice to work together in finding a balance. And often when emotional neglect occurs in children. Why or not could the neglect start at the foundations with the families in adults who are emotionally withdrawn from each other. To identify the support of what is being neglected but unsupervised are denied in every family or type of domestication.

Families is the bloodlines that holds family in order together. Children is the legacies of their birthrights through DNA. 

History is repeating itself. Of what hold's truth in the exposure of Evidence. That is exhibited or being disregarded. We are not all accountable for each other's human behaviors. But we are aware in accountability for  knowing the credentials of each other. And in conclusion The Family Courts is the mediator for both parties to not degrade the other's characteristics. Based on the history of our individual human Cohabitation; with each other. Of every birth of life. And to respect and acknowledge every baby born in this life. Was because of the DNA of a maternal mother & paternal father. Whether we agree to what could of, should of are who might not be relieved of value in material things. Are maybe we as humans will never change ourselves to meet each other's; human expectations in this life. Eventually Children grow up into Adults & deserved to know by Families & because of Law written for human history; birthrights is ties to family legacies.


Monday, March 6, 2023


The act of taking another human being regardless of age, race and gender. The act of kidnapping a person against respect of their; human life and freedwill to freedom. And no title of any human being is exempt. Freedom is a freewill to all living of a human being.

In today's society what is fostering the Criminal Justice System from not just identifying; the criminal activities. And who is responsible  for protecting the innocent. This type of protection for All victims in race, age and gender. But not to exempt proper education is including the person's of self initiatives. And what is a human concern; is what is a freewill verses freedom in advertising; to a world of strangers, on-lookers & sin.

If we were all victims; based on our individual human choices. Inside of our own human acceptance of the environments in which we create then become a victim by associations of being acclimated; in our own societies and habitat. Are could we judge the rebellious behaviors we, us are them acknowledged over generations. In knowing the reckless mindsets have always existed. Only to repeat repetitive attempts; to correct this internal collateral damage. That's inevitable to being judged. Then written in case law's.

The truth of the future holds, the key to every human being's past history. The Conclusion is what is still to be written of humanity's forthcoming history.

If death can reign on earth. People grasp for validation & attention in each other. No one is exempt. Then who is credible in the living that can prove Heaven is not a real place? While everyone in the living is searching to find; a type of support. And the truth, sought of in the lies covered for each other.

Eventually time will reveal the light, in every place or space; darkness has hidden a real face. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023


There is flowing conversations because of the rumors buzzing in the air. Of heated temperatures that is at the TIP; of it's boiling point. 

There is blood on humans hands of the buried that remain temporary; at rest in every gravesite. That mankind currently is hidden on, walking around if not running to and fro. Because of the blood that remains warm; in every vein in the living of mankind. 

There is compounded evidence, of what's creating the pressure in between every pipe. if not human mental space. But do not speculate we could be only referencing areas beneath the ground. There is the infrastructure on top; and physical bodies are still creeping in movement back & forth. 

Common thoughts, whatever or whoever is writting from behind the power behind a pushed;  pencil or pen. What is being spoken on. Then planted of split seeds. In the ground or people. See our thoughts will never align; with each other. Point is our perspectives are not alway's adjusted on 1 page in humanity. So, stop wondering why or who; orchestrated WAR'S. We know that history existed before this generation of the same insanity. Designed to incarcerate a few. Unfortunately, it's castration is not exempting; any class, age or race of people.

Consider in every decision that is made; out of immature behaviors & closed minded thoughts. Truth is catching UP. Where Lies have been underestimated. In when, why and how the algorithm behind it, was destined to be released; Of real faces.

People are amazing. The state of Slavery played it's part; in history by exposing Hate. However, eventually Life is the Final outcome. In truth to be Told. What is Affecting; US ALL?

🌹 roses 


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Pillow Talks

The time & dates is scheduled. And the location & space is confirmed. All that's needed is the; audience, a group if not two or more individuals.

See, conversations are still in existence, throughtout this entire world. Regardless of the revolving r closed if not denied access through doors. The original meeting locations & previous pillow talks still remains in unfinished; business and negotiations. Around every Street, Ave, conferenced space and residential or commercial Block. Allow, us, them are those people to open our minds. and not be restricted by egos, vanity in Power & Lust. For it's because of those quivering handshakes, Greed & Envy, clacking of feet, around those squeaky beds of thread counts, cotton & silk linens. Complimented with pillow cases. 

There is nothing new Said if not Repeated in a conversation and negotiation. Under the sun of mankind. And either is there nothing that can be hidden above the earth's core of many feet in humanity.  Of races & culture no one is exempt. 

Records, videos, text,  documents, books, life experiences, including finger prints & DNA. We live in a cluster of bloodlines in birthrights of our own identities. Only to figure out; there is nothing we kept well hidden from each other; that would not soon resurface. In places that would eventually be searched. And found; in wars, debated adversity & diversified chaos.

Life is beautiful, if we can share in telling Truth. Because every Lie is destined to reveal it All.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Justice for All

In American Skin, the literature, panelist and interviews is actual. Not fictional human experiences. And for respect of time & life; allow us to remove the egos. To diagnose why the human suffering will progress. 

February is observed as Black History Month. To acknowledge the accomplishments of the human beings that complimented the elevation in human history. This month many races of all nations & people will join hands. In solidarity and acknowledge; how far have we come. if not how far; are we still fallen behind.

In this life there has been a tremendous impact of the preservation of life in death. there is been ongoing candid conversations of what is approved to be collaborated, celebrated & tolerated. And we as the people posses our individual "Freewills", to engage, watch, if not protest outloud are silently; march.

At the end Of everyday in this life. Cherish your freedoms, and continue the education of knowing your rights. We are All human beings on earth. Even if you feel strengthless to fight. With knowledge or hands up to surrender to weapons in mass disguises. Be keen in your thinking, expressions & conversations. Speaking on the devalue; of human life. No matter the race are room filled r silent. The system is just a structure implemented in place. To purposely justify division not people in unity. In every corner of the world & local and long distances in space.

"Any man that attempts to save his own life; will surely die. And any man who is willing to die; that life shall be saved". Matt 16:25

The Book of Life  & The Book of Case Law's is Written. The deceit is to pursue them All; to serve each other on earth. And doubt change can every exist. So, we, us are them will not find "comfort in Peace", even in our own personal cohabitations with each other on earth. Why, because they will believe in mankind; and turn against each other; for their own Law's they have written. 

Why can't The Book Of Life exist. The Books of Case Law sit on a shelf as well. Both book's no man can erase of history on many pages..

-SLAVERY, is being acknowledged today as modern day SLAVERY. Pursuaded through Speaking Life & Death in the Power of the Tongue; in many. Today all humanity will proclaim & confess; the behaviors is the access to justify injustices. And there is no threshold to Greed being exposed. In this Unortodox world in Doctrine written of, for and by; we the people.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...