Tuesday, September 5, 2023


It grooms in All races. But is it a traited behavior. if not influenced type of behavior? 

So, knowing we are destined to feel a wave of emotional anger. What needs to be done. Before it grows into rage & hate in All human life forms? Which get's out of control; in any race, gender & age, accross the world? 

Why, do we ask "how angry are you"?

The logic would be, what are we not angered by in hearing, accepting, if not reciprocating.

The reality is the test in life is inevitable. And so is being tried in our human tempered patience by  People.

So, therefore carry this survival mindset. We're angered by different results, circumstances, or the games people play. If maybe just within ourselves; for knowing the choices we make or made.

If there is not one person u can change in this life. Continue to do a Work in ourself's. Knowing at some point; letting go. Is a peace of mind. To focus on and plan for what really matters in this life.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Human Affair

Born into life. In All of a human race.

The story began with; motiving, educating, jealousy turned into hate. Led by human judgements; on earth. Divided mankind by racial decents & morality. 

One day mankind was called into a womb for  life on earth. To multiply on this earth; together. Until these actions were taken throughout the history in mankind; of being stolen from birthrights, sold for labor, traded  for dollars & cents then shipped separated accross nations. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023


One day every human being will respond to a lease expiration on earth. Unfortunately no government funding will rescue or recover; the occurence. 

In the meantime know the Protocol & Read through the blurred & grey area's in line. For every Step begins with investigating the WHY? The world is going to change for every community; around the clock. And no lease will remain undocumented.

Always, Research the property, developers zoning in what areas. The agent who greets in the front offices, the issuer, the insurer, the firm, the accredicated representative. For the silent investors. Including the property management company. Could be the investors. Search where the public data base consist of a governed website in information. For Who is investing in the doors & walls Of access.  And, most importantly understand what is a Tenant's & Human right in print, verbal conversation or eluding act to undermind fufilling anytype of transaction. It's ok. Because time is on the line. And the world is low in capacity for over filling this space; with humanity. 

We all hold an acountability.  In business agreements with risk. And although the Ethics of what is advertised. Will not always align; with the behaviors. These Behaviors we just can't mask & quit! So, it's common to settle debates challenged in the Civil Courts. Are anytype  of orchestrated created hostile environments. Where human being's will need a mediator before a judge. 

To disect & judge this term "distress". Again, Why? We are in humanity people in All races & in countries divided by our understandings over statutory laws, economics, freedom of speeches, and Power that drive us together; sometime in a good, bad are in a dysfunctional state of mannerism. Is when we experience the culture shocks. What does not have to be a negative Impact. If humanity was not living in a state; of Fear and Anxiety. But educated & allow ourselves a peace of mind. In how we in  humanity adjust; in a world of cultural differences.

And what is The dictatorship built on. In All of humanity. Is the structure of manmade Laws; that we over human life have debated of our opinions & beliefs.  

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


One day it will all make sense. Even to our youngest of babes of children.

When we think about; the cause in the state of a condition. Let's also include education, environment, structure, mental health. And economic statuses. 

What if we we're all born into wealth. According to the mindest of human thinking. Then who  would committ to laboring, and maintain the legacy of the family fortunes? Are service one another in humanity.

What if we all pass down the investments to support our generation to the next. How many would boldly step up then step IN, and show interest to make a sacrifice. In earning the next level in life's higher education? The Why.

What if we all controlled what is to be built in infrastructure. Would we work together. Are build the biggest of houses, are create employment & fund more for education in those disportionate communities.

What if every employed, non labored, are physically disabled person could pay the bills on time; before the next billing cycle occured. 

What if no human being; lied, expired the other, cheated and stole, from another. Would we no longer justify "hate, hate crimes, jealousy, envy, hate for the poor or hate on any other human being"? For what we knew ourselves, could of been resolved. Simply with accountability & reflection in the mirror. 

What if the welfare system did not exist. Would half in humanity die from hungry; mentally? As most debate, point fingers, advertise the statistics in the physical. Of who has or has not; in all races, genders, age category.

What if the Criminal Justice Systems could alleviate so many redundant Ransome Attacks & Bail Bonds. Before real trial dates is finally appointed. To properly secure vital evidence & protection of witnesses. To avoid a society of redundant repeated violence & history? (the sad news is, so many lives are being lost). As another human being; is suffering hardships.

I lived in an apartment most of my independent young adult life. We all noticed who moved to & fro. On the concrete pavements, and lived behind doors. In multitudes of people for shelter. I remember being raised in a family home. Until one day I ventured out in life. And witnessed a culture shock. Now we creep around "friends, neighbor's, opps & foes. From watching who was & now moving what, during transactions, verbal & contractual agreements. And nothing is going to remain the same. Are neither did empathy, truth & compassion. As some of the people ran as they waived goodbye, and never returned. Why, Some still reside throughout generations, in the same state of "being". While some negotiated another renewal or established mortgages. 

Life is funny, one day time crept in. And finally the calculation revealed the bounty on every human head. As we witnessed each other moving in this life. And who and what brought on the greed & proscrastination during Covid 19, in 2020. It would be years later, some will still figure out. Why, late pays but payed is still like a shadow.

Over a lifetime in humanity we have witnessed who is living in a state of "normalcy & dysfunction". Not to say we all planned on settling for "temporary". But time requires; unity, committment, and real plans. Even temporarily or longterm of living in a state of physical confinement. Has proven the WHY, education is a "gold mind".

We live on a world of right now, greed, entitlement, selfishness, and control. And what I saw then. Was reality for the future for my own child, "now in heaven". How should i be so confident? What is a gold mind"? Once its been figured out, the Knowing by watching in curiosity at a such a young age. To never live in a mindset of "fear, it paralizes". To stop piecing the puzzle together. As He matured in this life as a babe, so much wisdom to maintain at an age. Because of his own life experiences overtime time. That Synched the knowledge; together. To shine light on the WHY. It's a choice that every human will face in the living alone, living together or apart. To live is a choice. To survive, the Affairs of this changing Life. Therefore the world will eventually change. And so will people. Why, life upsets the algorithm created by man for mankind. And Humanity will figure out the Biggest "WHY". Where life teaches us we're not in full control. Including control of each other. But not before a work is done in our individual self's. Is when our minds will broaden to see the biggest of the BIG picture.

See, several things could of, should of and will eventually change. Because of "Sin", carries occurances around this space in life. So could our circumstances change. If our mindsets would change as well.

-Angela L

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Behind this desk; is the Librarian.

This identity attached to an authentic person (aka source). That sits, supervises and manages thorough direction. In a space of a quite state.

There is many books, pillars, rocks, stones & scrolls around this world. Of multiple expressions through literature "for all ages in mankind of culture & race". Is millions of authors  writing human non-fiction & fiction stories.  trademarked, bloggers and newspaper editors. For every headline is tagged to a story are current event. Even being spoken on. In a dialect of languages.

The moral is this. What is the truth coming in the future. Well, look at the lives in past history. That is writing in this state of humanity. Of WHY we may not walk away; from a place or page written throughout time. Of that print if not verbal spoken words. With the same understandings. However, how we advocate, educate then communicate in All humanity. To draw the attention & intentions. Is  the Authors & Readers of our own visions & life filled written mysteries.

-Angel L.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


No matter in whose hands, are spoken from  the mouth's in mandkind.

Time is this element. During courses of human actions.

Therefore, If Lies happen to adequately control some time. There should be no suprise when the Truth exposes it all. In what & who the world now can see in it. And knows.

Tell the children, the time is near. Of those genuine Protectors. Move in silence to Safeguard the innocence. In maturity, logic, clarity & wisdom.

Why, the Truth finally caught UP with Time. And no intention, objections, content are fabrications. Around any plan  orchestrated in secret. Went left; uncovered. 

The sky is wide open. But who really knows WHY? if our entire lives, we haved lived beneath it, the heavens. Above the bottom of the core structure. Is this place on earth? 

Monday, August 21, 2023


This state of differences in either the same race of people, or against a people of culture & diversity. In every homestead, communuity, business, origin, country, state, school, profession and religion. So, where is the Power in Love; evident. To heal what we together in humanity continue breaking?

So, WHY do the Beef's start. Well, Let's deep dive in and research the history of where the original debated beef began.

Was it the beginning after the creation of life in mankind. One day they spoke on each others  flaws. Then judged; but of not one self. Is when mankind created a state of division amongst themselves. Is where the creatures in the living on earth, were also caughtup. And over time this shift; in humanity navigated this algorithm to work mentally towards each other. Which motivated the state of predators & hunters. Amongst the innocent.

It's often examined how do the two adapt. It's a myth to why animalistic traits reveal the state of survivalistic traits. In all of the living movement on earth.

This one word Beef, has proven where the state of pain, famine & division is beating at a high pulse rate. But no one are thing is surviving in a natural peace of mind in state.

It's going to happen in humanity. Over a course of debates & time. But not before man & beast cohabitate in an unnatural state. Of it's self existence on earth. Some project it will fall. That is a fall of humanity. Due to Global Climate Control(mother nature, is always had control). That influxes the famine, greed, fire & disease. So, what is individually a reality? In humanity we either agree to disagree. While collectively witnessing the calamity. And to find peace is a state of physical & mental silence. The state of harmony has to co-exist with self discipline & communication with respect. Where this state of disobedience & disrespect was birth for the sole purpose throughout the human history of Life. To forfill the BEEF's that is destined to expose. We can question the Why "tension is rising". As the final Endings In writing our rights from wrongs; unfortunately & fortunately for US All.

Sunday, August 20, 2023


The Prophecy will forfill the details of itself. And there will be these Prophets; talking, doing demonstrations and making broad moves around the world.

The good is past & present is going to occur. The bad news is to what extreme no on really knows. And the even deeper acceptance is no race, age or gender is exempt.

Wonder when we find our purpose if not religious beliefs. Its as if our eyes are wide open. But not limited in judging while watching each other.

American Skin covers a time line of past, previous & current history of mankind.

So, what matters to any of us. Not limited to all at the same time? Could be little, could be a non effected emotion. If nothing at all. Just keep  listening closely with keen ears, broader comprehension, and gravitate to platform were who is found, lost and balance is argumentive. Then watch US in ALL as Prophecy is filled.

Friday, August 18, 2023


The science is gathering facts; in the near future. To how & why the human population is destined to face an enormous influcuation.

So, what does this statement really mean. Well, look around the world. As the climate, politics & double minded thinkers. In All environments is aggressively changing. So, is the way humanity  sustains in it.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Big Picture

Allegedly it was based off love for one another. That began a domino course of emotions. 

So, to complete our story lines. We agreed the Children is the life in our forever; blood lines. 

Birth throughout generations. To pass on these genes & diversity over a history in our families. To lead on in legacies. 

Time is always this element. That will not be bartered with. Time is this movement of which we in humanity gather of in every race; internally is destined to change, our thinking, mature if not elevate.

The moral is who is the Protectors? And then in  what demographics, isolated mindsets & "Why" is The Oppression demantling generations in legacies, of innocence. Innocence A birth right to All races in mankind. Included is babies, youth & children in this life?

What is this statement. "Don't talk, about it", and who is making the threats? And what is Don't tell my business, if someone if not a few already is witnessing it. If not, don't speak on what's occuring in this or that household". Did we, us are them not realize; fear is our greatest nemesis in this real place call Life. As their is the innocence amongst Wolves. Knowing why security should be allegedly structured. But not always the Security is set then built on; solid foundations. Around this entire world.

I knew thee, before I formed thee, in the womb. As our human eyes awaited, our hearts anticipated. The arrivals inside & out of every delivery room; or space and a room.

One day, we all heard "a light spanking, followed by a loud or silent cry". Then immediately; tears rolled down, joy filled the silent rooms & laughter carried out. And our biggest fears; would one day be the lack of "Protectors & Security", in this world.

Good Morning, its time the sun has risen. From last night; as the moon hung high in the darkness; across the sky.

-Angel L.

Sunday, August 6, 2023


It All starts with an interest. Either it be an emotional desire are an  economic generational concern; in all races of mankind. Until those of US are them, turns a thought into a profit. Are just grind hard enough to make things happen.

Ever wonder what is the thought process "to only wanting to be a millionaire". As millions is exhausted everyday. And disease, mental illness, famine & education needs resources right now; all over the world. For this generation to consistently pass down. To the next of this generation we are continuing to give birth & educating. 

See, the difference between "greed & honesty". Is there has to exist empathy in a sale of reality. Or a motivated intent to profit on the dream; itself. Not excluding jealousy is always this domino affect. That crash & burn all involved in the entire mission. 

If only I had millions. With no anticipated move to earn l, grind or motivate just enough to invest in of trust; the process. Next, We are destined to figure out. Who is at the tables that has configured out the math. That manages a few if not more than less. Breaking down the created Algorithm.

A source shared be careful of sharing those gems. The bible reads "we are to bare one another's burdens. A child spoke on it "I plan to invest wisely. And in humanity it was Wall Street that said, this is what's being sold & traded. As humanity planned a long & short term in & out. Life exposes who are the players on the board of Checkers & Chess.

The moral is this; we All have a personal purpose, not so much the same Plans & in the same direction. Where lack of respect the communication to process better understanding. However, an investment of where you, us are them has invested of our individuality; in Ties & Boundaries, Patience & Time. Is destined to reveal A Powerful Revelation.

Ghost Writer 28. 

-Angel L., trademarked.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...