Friday, March 8, 2024


There is many around this entire world. Some are decorated, designed, deteriorating are kept as heirlooms.

And at every table you will find out; whose & what memories were created at breakfast, lunch, brunch and dinner time. And over time; late night snacks are still being consumed over conversations.

Now that we in All the world have established the Table; etiqutte, conversations, and manners. Let's dive into a dish. We in All humanity can relate to. If not establish; of what & who comes with a dish or conversation on every table.

Why, no one in humanity is exempt. Of what is brought up & placed of on a dish. Set at these tables;  throughout life. A life of currants. And lets not forget about those empty seats. That were once filled with someone who is continuosly & desperately missed.

See when life happens; these tables are inevitable; of a shift on Earth.


When the act of sex is involved. It's not limited to a human mistake, planned out life, personal are recognized status. Neither of societies & communities, family, friends, siblings of any race, age and genders. There is a state of; the possibility, probability & percentages of rational involved. Where cohabitation is the make UP of this entire World. 

The rational of child birth, STD transmissions are possible. Also is the emotional breakdown. Amongst that still exist in a World of discovered healthy relationships. But not always is the statistics; revealed. Where emotions form between two or more. And in every pair; there is at least; one human. That Feels filled or non fulfilled. 

Being fulfilled is not limited from one to another. Let's dive deeper. If one human could fulfill themselves; emotionally & physically in this life. Then why are we these same emotional human beings. That in each other; seek of love, security, protection & human affection.

The real cases of life is humanity's; Reality. Cases of human emotions. That has proven; we depend and need one another; to heal mentally & physically in this life. A life of people simply trying or resisting; to figure themselves out. If not each other out. 

No one person is meant to be alone. So we indulge in this emotional act. To not feel; in a world of isolated confusion. It's natural in this skin. Unfortunately in this skin; we are required to manage our restraints from one to another. In discipline.

What time is IT in mankind? And who can tell it All about the stories of life? Of what we in humanity celebrate of many born over life in this light of the World. Of what the darkness that attempts to cover over this place. Of where the children; should be safe. Families are continuously working on unity, bonds are hidden skeletons. In their, those, our & of them in bloodline of roots. As human hearts; struggle to heal through hope.

So, what really happen in this World of Life. We don't are fear to really talk about?

"I was taught to know the WHY. We just individually needed time to figure OUT; Why it's the fear of knowing it.

Rest my child.

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Throughout generations; we've heard this name cried out in All ages & races. And talks surround the practices of what & who serves  in a Religion. 

Many will view; lets not judge each other in discussions. However, the laws of the land in this life; cannot refrain from any argument over the WHY. Religion is used to justify what has always existed; throughout generations of All races in mankind.

We're invited guest on platforms. Platforms we are allowed the freedom to express. Of what we've witnessed; who, are not finds fault. And in All of mankind; it's often debated of who or what is defending or opposing; Religion.

The take away is this. What are we in humanity asking or not asking of God. That has occured in humanity continued choices  If the truth and a Lie can both exist. Then what is the humanities argument?

If good & evil can both exist in this life. Then what is mankind judging; in another. About him or herself.

If SIN causes destruction in this World of humanity. Then who decides Love cannot heal; the same humanity in a world of SIN?

Time has allowed humanity; rest by night. And a path of light by sun. For the relationship on earth to form; was Love from one to another. In this skin we've communicated the need for a human touch. The same Human emotions we desire of one to another. Seeking in each other of comfort, companionship, protection and trust.

Until SIN disrupted our lives. And rambled our forms of human capatability & communication. To physically & mentally feel vulnerable seeking each other's comfort, to feel safe. To trust. Turned into feelings of unprotected emotions towards one to another. 

So, it's redundantly asked. How angry can a human feel? Once the denial, disappointment, neglect and betrayal; sets any human being mentally back. In a reverse motion.

And why is this comment in humanity repeated. Why would GOD allow children & people to suffer. However, No, one really has asked or addressed; the SIN in the world. And how does this same SIN affect the way we in humanity; Live? Of what we mentally make of the same human choices.

The word on the streets is 'don't speak on it'. The reality of the world is it's Already being seen, for it was already written for 'time'. Throughout every generation. If only we continuously were not of fearful people. As we are the same people living by; what's talked about, taught, and.what was & is. In the next of the previous generation. 

If understanding is Right but Wrong. The same writing has always existed; on the WALLS, we in humanity together witness amongst All.


The reality is its increasing All over the world. The perception is what's not making the news; we can only assume. 

The concern lingers around. Is their enough of bodies throughout the world of agencies & political powers. To spread enough security; around the world.

It's written in American Skin prior to that date of a life changing moment. If there is no respect & limited lack of empathy. Who do we as humanity become? By not speaking on it is a world silenced. This bridge over the history of life. that still remains; unstable & dismantled in areas  over time?

1 moment; as we continue to figure it All out..

Monday, March 4, 2024


 Over generations the seeds were planted in the soil of the earth. However, over the seasons of life; a course took change. 

A change where some of the crops grew, somewhere the ground sinked. As some of the tree branches reached towards the sky. Some of the tree trunks were no longer cared for. 

Then over again, in another season of change. Is when humanity noticed. Of all the seeds we've planted in each other; some grew, some withered away. While the remainder just faded away. However, the 4 seasons of life; has yet to change. Of it's appearance over generations of TIME.

I've been asked 'are you ok', only after I requested somethings must change. Is when I looked at the seasons in this life. And came to this conclusion "To not respond the same OLD way".

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The ending is still being written. Although it's taking time. We in humanity speculate; in predicting. The end may or never happen.

No one really knows. Even why death is a part of life. And yet no one of the greatest intelligence, creators are even science. Can predict the date in humanity.

We've All witnessed despair & joy in this entire world. But yet we remain of many understandings & beliefs; of how we are made up of individual People. And how this world should be.


In the begining Darkness said to the Light; there will not be any path  visible on earth. The light suggested maybe your darkness will eventually teach them there has to be light. The darkness replied in darkness there is no light.

The light replied, the path will always be lit and will for an eternity  "exist". Even if the path is covered in darkness. There will be signs & visions; then clear & sublinal messages. There will always be witnesses. That arise even in the darkest of days & nights. And then there is of those amongst US All deeply asleep. As the winds speaks as seasons change. There exist the state of wandering towards wondering the WHY.  Can I hear such a voice; this loud and clear. For All these bodies must find a state of temporary rest on earth. As the eyes lids eventually shut & relax. The silence of darkness & movement in light; continues to  evolve because of Time..

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


The transactions are being spread throughtout this entire space on earth. Some may benefit, some may pay a price, some may not care, some may deal with the losses & profits. 

The Point is Out of Sale. Why, if the POS is being calculated on the point of acceptance. The non acceptance; is leveraged on a small balance. 

Accountability; owning it is not an option. It's a human requirement..

Monday, February 26, 2024

Demonic Spirits

We just don't know; what force will drive the next episode. By accesss of text message, monitoring spirits not limited to anytype of post, phone call or indirect communication is enforced. To spread valid or falsified information. To affect or resolve the issues in and for US All..

Just becautious of the broken in spirit, angered aggression are retaliation. Why, the lives of  innocence; has no particuliar address, race, age or gender on earth.

If we only knew are timely warned of how to prepare for what storms held inside of it. The storms of life Money can not barter. No conspiracy are plot could STOP it. Would we, us are them forcasted a better attitude; to shelter ourself's. From the calamity & debree of forecoming of shattered human energy.

Time has really shown grace & favor in every generation of humanity. Even in mankinds self assertive ways. While during the sunrise & sunset in every corner of this planet. We've all labored to doing some type of good & bad things to one another in this life. A life that has proven we're not in control of each other. Are in control of what LiFE is going to fufill.  

Sunday, February 25, 2024


Angels are Amongst; us day & night. During this evil hunting season seeking dominion on earth for only a short period of Time.

Therefore the destruction in behaviors will occur; causing the souls to spiritually fight in overtime. In hope that peace give up. And genuine love exist no more.   Remember if you choose to believe are not in the Power of Hope & Love. Return those cruel intentions of acts that is the wheels turning in cycles in life. From working overtime. Return the drivers Back to the sender. Galatians 6:7". 

In acknowledgement & respect of the tools & drivers detouring those in search of a path. It's the gift of life that restores hope. That every person on earth; internally can feel & knows. Why any of Us in All has the possession of A Free Will. In to make a choice. 

A Peace of mind is optional. Where using the vehicles of darkness is a negative force to break hope. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Eventually there will be ammicable conversions; around every space in this entire world. Voluntary are Involuntary; temporary, permanent or over debated solutions. But in the meantime; our individual attitudes will determine. Who of what vehicles are used for tools to navigate a type of change.

Again WHY, 

Change affects the way we think, about the choices that will continue in or not of our own individual efforts to being or not made. But in reality even if change does not prompt all in of A reaction. The state of being will force every human to acknowledge; change is inevitable. 

What we witness in birth & in  babies to children & elders; is a sense of mental & physical codependency.

What we fear is; lack & control in ourselfs. If not over each other.

What  we personally learn as a children is; instincts of fear & survival.

What we personally learn as an adults; is instincts to adapt, control each other. Or operate in isolation by ourselfs.

What we attempt to bury. Is those internal secrets. That continue to breathe life on Earth in the living.

What we can feel. But not hide behind is as human beings; a cycle in waves of unprotected, exposed are control of; human emotions.

The reason in why Truth hurts, for one the Truth has always existed. And the Truth affects the state. Of its reality in all human existence. 

There is nothing new under the SUN or neither A Galaxy in this entire Universe, that mankind has not acknowledged of its existence. And there is no rumors in gossip are authentic facts. That has not been discussed or attempts to permanently hide it. In this entire race of humanity.

"Then How can we in All of humanity stand on Truth to judge of each other, Knowing the history we've created is based in humanity of how we've treated; one to another". 

The Truth is; some really don't care. The truth is real.

So, Why, do People think or dwell on the Truth will never be figured out. When everything must Change & Time will cover & unmask the Truth in All.

One day every life will adjust; because of the Truth that eventually has to address Time. And broke our hearts if not mend our state of being in Peace; over Trust in one to another that will come full circle.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...