Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

First, Thank you my Heavenly Father. God In you, of you and through you God. I acknowledge my only dearest son. And it's ok to not believe. It's our Birthrights & Freewill as humans beings. 

However, my real life story remains the same; as most people of real life experience Uncharted & Unchanged. This is my history of my son. Who now resides in Heaven. In the Father's Arm, is where he is protected and free to breathe for a love over eternity. And to the men over my life span. who serviced this country of my own father, cousins, uncle's, great uncles and grandfather; who stepped up and raised my grandmother his daughter. Your love runs deep in my blood on so many levels. And everyday your sacrifices for love, loyalty & commitments are missed. And every Fathers Day ❤️💐. You continue to be the men remembered.

To every father, who is still here on earth in the physical. Are for every child who is still hurting, behind a legacy of Father. Through their love you carry on that Father's history of men and baby boys including baby girls. Because of a Dad who not fear a forever friendship, protector, provider; that carries you. And carried you on his chest. At one time in the history on this Earth. So, that one day you would birth & become of his greatest in SON's & Daughters. Prince & Princesses.

Happy Father's Day! to the Dad whose plan was for to be with you forever. And for you to know; without reservations. No matter what Life has in-store of Burdens, pain and if Joy. This Love I created in you & for you. A gift you to will carry on. And one day tell the real story. WHY, our Love 💖 story. Breathes life through you; throughout and until the End of Time.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pride Month

On every calendar celebrations are acknowledged for the world to prepare. In every culture, gender and race. Of every religious belief, self expression in freedoms, are freedoms of social racial injustices. 

Why, because of in humanities is the generations of Morals, Values & Beliefs in every race of people.

The reality is we're All of one Human Race. And in our Emotional Intelligence, Physical Appearances and Personal Beliefs. Life reflects our differences. Even if we celebrate the acknowledgements in the streets of parades, on platforms, and holidays and acknowledgements printed on calendars; once in every year.

And for every year, humanity is represented by a symbolic calendar.  used for the occurrences in dates and time for All Mankind. 

To All acknowledge it's own history occured overtime. And a reminder of who & what is a acknowledgement. once a month per year calendar year, of human history.

But if we we're to research Pride; over generations births occured from one generation to the next. Is where we as a human race exist.

Because of Life is an everyday celebration, death is reminder; we're still here of the human history made over generations.

Friday, June 14, 2024



If life would of given more Time. To grow us up; individually. To find that path to bring Us in All back together as one. Then how would we in humanity of known. What to figure out;  sooner that what we needed more of Time. In this vapor of a life. To really find out. Who we are apart. To embrace finding our own purpose in this  life.

So, what happens now. Yesterday, is behind us in Time. But someone is left cheated of a continuous life with someone who is gone. In these hearts that remain unspoken on. Of what it feels deep down; inside. But having no human  control of; time to make it right.

If only respect for love; was taught if not learned & talked about later on ilife.  The expectations may have been lesser. To carry over a life. In our fragile hearts. 

We're not All equipped to carry each other; a lifetime. Only temporarily to show each other; if you work on yourself, and I work on myself. We'll get it figured out. What this life is really about.

Time, if you're giving 2nd chances in this life at this date & time. And a few are still standing. Start in our hearts & minds; that don't always stay in aligned. With the natural course of what Time is destined. To reveal & end of. In our life stories. About who we really were & still are.

I love you more, but until you embrace the WHY. And  idea of LOVE. The word we speak fast & often. Is just this four letter word. That's repeated over, and over again.

Beloveds life is just not the same without you in it. So, today to the Beloveds who are still here on earth. Until Time plays out it's last melody. Throughout it's own breathe. I'll work on me, as Time allows US in of All. To figure it All out; what the 'WHY & IF only'. Was really about in this life.

Emotional Intelligence

 First, step. Focus. On how does it or not; affect us in. Of All. Why, cohabitation & relationships is the thread that stitches the pattern in this entire world.

Then how in a world is it possible to manage each other; until we in Us. Have learned to individually, trust we know enough about ourselves.

I often asked; past tense. Of my only son. How do you feel, what are your thoughts? Verses it's not All about me as the parent. In reality I must even manage my own thoughts. Being human as a parent; I knew my child needed to independently comprehend & understand; As human development requires growth. And the time to naturally nurture & mature in alignment. With thoughts & physical growth in one's own; body, mind & soul.

The key to any type of human contact; remains to be surrounded by RESPECT. 

One example, is Grief & Stress. The two emotions interact. Jealousy & Anger. So, in a world of people. How are, if not who can feel one emotion; and control the both from crossing an emotional path? Without control; we're just out of control. Now apply this analogy into this entire human world.

The Cycles of life birth, homicide, control and death. Will impact the mind & physical body; over time. The question is who is anyone that's human can judge; yet we're all accountable & guilty. Of desires to contain complete control of one over another. 

If we're All human by design. And for the world to see is the body made up of;  Anatomy.

Who has ever said you're'out of control, can't be handled'. Who, is in humanity in control at All times in this life. So, what is the Emotional Intelligence level; in each other. If it's not been figured out. In how individually do we as human beings possess complete control of our own; human emotions.

If we one day figure out the WHY, the story line will complete it's life mission because of Time. Know one gets left behind. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 In All mankind it runs deep. Of the blood types in

O negative

O positive 

A negative

A positive 

B negative 

B positive 

AB negative 

AB positive.

So, where does the Rage, flow in?

Hmm! How much of the truth do we really need to know. Or vague should your question be, to keep secrets a secret. While being prepped to answer 'Yes, or No.

One day, time declared test. On every; body in this life. So, when does the Rage unleash. Remember bloodlines flow deep.

'i don't have no problem with you'. However, rage will occur on any date. At anytime. If not patience runs even deeper to figure it All out.

Monday, June 10, 2024


In the streets; it's called non revolving credibility. Why, in society and the frame of the Peoples fiduciary's. Of the Peoples in Humanity's Judicial systems commonly rationalization is that Real Credit is either algorithms of Revolving in Lines or Installment Payments over a period of time 

'I figured The Why, Out'. What? Speak up,  what matters are stirring on your heart. And bonding with your mind'. And No worries, those matters will not stir you off your natural focus. Just Remember on the Walls. What was the Lesson brought. Stories told. And what will remain overtime. Why? Learning is process over many courses. Humanity All must stretch. Then grow over a life span.  And most importantly never forget who you Belong to. Be your best or worst critique. Is when finding out. Your own  purpose was destined to take you throughout timeless days. And chanted beauty in those nights. Of many places  and faces. Around different types of People. Here on earth. Until Time calls roll; once again. But not yet for All in mankind.

One day, the Why was destined to come out. Even if fear in many, was of it. Are for the ones no longer here. Why,  death surrounds US in All. In many physical & spiritual if not ritual forms. Knowing Wisdom continues to breathes Life. So, whomever attempts to speak of Power in the 'tongue' death smites the spirit on Earth'. Think again. And research in the Garden were several Rooted Plants &  Trees were created. To multiply the earth. For a Purpose & Plan. The Tree of Knowledge to grow seeds throughout generation to generations.

Now go tell the Walls & Doors of Pavements & Any type of Floors. The Inheritance was a Legacy for All. If only Loyalty & Obedience was taught; as a first priority. As Love will be an action vaguely misrepresented. Why, Weakness & Strengths dwells from within. However, divided of US in All. In this human Skin, we're created in.

Until the Why, gets credible answers. The GOAT still reins. With no exemptions in just of You, in Us amongst Those and Them. To figure  the Why in US. Time will teach 1 Lesson. 

Repetition is taught, therefore the Inheritance is not All lost. Forgiveness is a freewill choice. Change is a freewill in taking accountability in one self. So what is  pending human approval. From what is Spoken on to be factual history of; every occurrence that has or is actually taken place. From The Pages in The Book of Life.

Question, what are We in US. Are Them of Those types of people. Or types folks really talking about, cause we're one human race? And who knows what Time will really do; next.


Today, the morning spoke life. From a restful peace of sleep, last night; 'for everybody'. 

On yesterday, we in humanity attended some type of services. Whether it was in take a moment to be by ourselves, Church or a type of Communion with each other.

See, why Religion is not really an argument; unless one needs to be of in existence. In a world we're just all going here or there. And money is just this object used for different avenues. Of  usage to obtain personal, material things. If not an option to use for a multitude; in spiritual & Volunteering of things to do. From what was of once a blank canvas. It's written in the message of Hosea.  spoken clearly of why, The Lack of Knowledge will reveal. That started at the Beginning of Time. And that lives out the story of Humanity. In the Beginning of Life Why, was The Earth perfect at that particular Time?

I taught a passage regarding the first human on earth. I learned to read where it read 'to shed any humans or animals blood comes with severe consequences'. Yet there is blood on hands. Of from the earth bodies are buried'. Which stem from why there will be judgement throughout the earth. I learned through teaching; legacies or not just what we leave; behind. The legacy was the one Gift given to All in mankind. At the Beginning of Time. Before life was this breathe turned into a Vapor.

Today, the I looked around at a multitude of Trees. And Life on another page, date and time. For appointments in All walks of Mankind. And no one in age or race; was ever exempt. Mankind just disregarded to tell the truth. About what really occured. During Alpha & Omega. In how the creation of Life; really began. The signs and eventually how it will END, again.

" ma stop worrying it's a SIN. Those who acknowledge the assignment

 The assignment that was already written before man. So stop talking to harden hearts. They will not understand'. Why, God then? Well, the argument is over The Book of Life. And is still fulfilling All it's Prophesy. Even if whoever does not listen, and reveal but hide the secrets in 'The Burdens of A Heavy Heart'. Life's stories lived then wrote. Eventually time has been recording us All. In real time, when Salvation will be sought. Where rejection of The Tree of Life & Knowledge; will ask to the earth. What happened of many walking in darkness. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Double Jeopardy

 "Bad company corrupts, good character". Even if you're a forgiver. As in All persons we possess human flaws.

It's the extent some will go. To prove the flaws in another; to vindicate themselves in another's successful or unsuccess to a downfall.

Why, Character & Charismatic is two different levels of behavioral patterns. Where one is the natural design in one self. And the other is a misrepresented or representation of an image to pursue; another person. The reality is mastering the art of pursuasion; also has a Domino affect.

Example, the opportunitist. Will only expose to you. A character that lurks on any opportunity of relaxed vulnerability. Which is "Trust & Loyalty". Remember trust is earned not given; to nobody is the exception. However, there are times we lean on our own human thinking with our hearts; which tells our minds. To let guards down this one time. Is when boundaries are wide open for the opportunity to figure out; those human weaknesses & strengths.

What is learned about life is this. Every person & situation eventually changes. Therefore Relationships are established in All forms of a connect. What we walk away with in understanding; of why  boundaries are destined to be tested. So, trust that boundaries will be crossed by even the closet. And no character in title or associations, is limited. In of. Who &  When will in the Test is going to happen.

🛑28, talking. Then closely watch as listening. Why, It's never to late. When Time already has its own Plan; for every move, motive & intention.


Thursday, June 6, 2024


Is WAR about; deception? Why, deception occurs in All forms and in every walk of life. And if so, or not. How did WAR begin? Then where is the real scars behind every real struggles; that lays asleep from within?

When we think about Collateral Damage and;  resulting from the stem of WARs. Include the tally for human losses, material losses, financial losses. For the generations who will inherit every one of these losses. Is the next Generation to rebuild on; of finding an equal balance in Trust. 

Yesterday, left a question mark for the entire World to see. Even if their is lesser; respect & belief. That has sparked the attention in All. To question Today on what just happened on yesterday. For or That Will eventually fulfill another; moment in human history of change.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Real Life & Love

"I Love You". We've spoken, expressed and searched in each other; around the world. For a type of love. That will last throughout an eternity. A type of Love that is not disappointing. A love that endures any trial of life. A love that will make an acception to cherish all our flaws. A type of Love that will survive any type of affair through time. A love that does test Us to limits. Then leaves one empty,  and questioning. If not abandoned, secure or insecure. A love that stands still even in confusion. During Life storms; when the currants and depth becomes to deep. For either of our emotions. That run high & low. In Our patience running hot & cold. We thirst for a forgiving type of love. In every moment to grasp our own breath. To still have that type of Love that does not wither away. But continues to; mature & grow. 

Why, because of Life's Test. It was our loyalty we searched to find in one Another on this Earth. Is how history was made & repeats itself. Based on the historic facts. Of our own real life Struggles, Love & Experience.

A child ask, what is love? "it's patient". 

An adult ask, do you still love me, or do you care to love me anymore? If we can learn, what we love more about our inner self's. Maybe we can work together towards loving more about; what is the pattern built in one to another.

Anyone can feel lonely. So, why is it. Someone feels love is not real. If not understand love requires patience and time. To mature & heal. To identify with what is fake & properly handle what is now Real.


What is the purpose of permission. And without it. Who approves or summons another person or child. In what or what not; to speak on, act in, or think about?

In what type of world life situations; frustrated & configuring. How have we in All. Found ourselves wrapped; up in each other's emotions & obligations. To speak on, act in or think about. If not do neither of the above. Then question one another; in silence or out loud in the world?

Again, if we All had the same level of human intelligence. What would separate US as a people in our own individuality.

The moral is this; since the beginning of life. Mankind has obsessed over generations. With how of whom to control of another's; human emotions & existence in this life. 

Why is a question? Regret is an emotion. In a world of patterns & behaviors we just can't hide even in of. From ourselves. Under microscopes; is the rationalization of who did and does what. As we are openly stand in the presence of each other; mirroring ourselves.

Today, good or bad. Mankind learned something new. Something that has never been Spoken on. Tailored then Talked about. Researched & Cured. Before the Why, revealed to the World; who knew what would be next. In a moment of Life shining light down on; Permission & The real value of appreciating Time on Earth.


In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the...