Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Studying Society

Most will earn College Degrees , Some will earn the knowledge based on personal Life experiences. Some will piece together the pieces; to the puzzle. Some will seek endless validation from others. Some will submerge or survive on internal instinct; to adapt around one to another. As we scramble to put together. The pieces of Life's puzzle.

Why, the world is under a microscope. When God is also; omnipresent. Including where the Planets we are taught about. Searching for life on. If not researched for ourselves. Knowledge over Power. I saw it for myself. As the message walked amongst the foundation of the earth.

If any human ask; questions. Then respect the why should anyone respond. To what we keep repeating & taught. To not speak on. 

See, in every community. In every brand of leadership. In every voice of Advocating. One day Change will tell it All. And if the world's pockets is falling out of the bottom. Then what over generations; has been invested in the earths infrastructure. To speak to each other; about. Again, including what is invested by who or for themselves. 

Well, why does anyone knows those types of people. Just let the world know Cohabitation & Association over generations. Wrote the entire story; for the World.

Who is The GOAT. Let's not be candied. About What we Know.


It's the behavior; to whom owns of it. Through an human act; that is activated.

Be aware in society. Why, every one is watching. Be aware of of these homesteads. Why, company presents itself in individuals & pairs. Be aware of relationships; the misconception is. We've figured it All out. What each other is All about.

Spite the Emotional reaction. Changes the dynamics in human attractions. Why, and How so? What changed in the way we interact with each other. Where I see you. And You see me. And now how we approach in seeing; each other.

Time is All we need for US; to figure out what is changed & challenging; in ourselves. Now apply this analogy poured into the Entire World.

If knowing seasons are scheduled to change. Then why not Human Beings?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Whether it's a long-term stay, short visit or open return date. Consider the world will continue to evolve in change. Once we've figured out Prison is not limited to sentencing in time. To a number, cell, cot, and walls.

If we in All claim to know. What is figured out. About how the system works. Then why is the system to blame, for the choices that we make. Then judge in making towards one to another. Life is important. Why, no one throughout this entire earth. Contains the knowledge of revolution in the original doctrine; written. To decide who resides; where on earth. Knowing We are quik to remind one of another. What to eliminate. and  who is accountable for the choices throughout life that is or have been made.

There are instances human choices are not a fault. And what I'm saying is this; society, environments, challenges and by design. The sophisticated approach to speak on. Is we don't in humanity alway's get it right. And neither does our systems catch up in real time.

One day a mistake or choice and decision will decide our faiths. God on that date and time have mercy. Where man cast his or her judgement. For its these fragile minds & trouble hearts. That you see more of in love. And on that questioning hour of time. On the day, of a morning, evening and night. Let there be the Light that shines bright.

Even where and why we prefer to argue & debate. The judgment that awaits on earth. The truth is Time has been so patient & generous to All in this world.

How so, when there is so much suffering. And religion is still favored. Then tell the truth about who was here in the beginning of the world. When the world was silent & perfectly created. So the question still awaits; for an answer we in humanity cannot debate, judge are hide in our tongues of secrets told on and from; one to another.  The question is in the beginning of Time. What is to be spoken on. That happened once life allowed; of the first breath on earth. 

The First heartbeat In mankind. That walked & still lives. On this beautiful foundation. Created of nature for mankind. To prosper & manage the earth. For the duration of life. Until Time decides. Not mankind.


This morning another life & lives were & will continue to be shattered. Why, someone is still dealing with; finding their self identity, through the internal hurt, deceit & abandonment.

The reality is hurt is hurt. And no human in this earth is exempt. And neither will live an attire life. Are leave this life without experiencing or exposure to; who, what, when, where in why. The hurt is a breakdown in Generations of Roots & Bloodlines.

Why, we as humans need to process. Without Rage flowing deep down is the Emotional Intelligence. Help in the Emotional support, Emotional breakdown. Emotional Healthcare Management. Advocating self care to each other. Through resources of Mental Awareness. As it's on the rise in every race of humanity. As these life occurrences continue to affect everything or person in humanity. With  breath of life here on earth.

The Struggles are Real in this life. Why,  no one wants to be left alone & abandonment. In an extension of being and feeling a state of denied. Even by a Parent or Through Parenting types in this life. Why, eventually genetically Children will grow up into Adults. And Adults one day do become Children in their minds, is fragility. That changes also in the physical body. Why, Because of Time. If we knew the secrets to sustain life more abundantly. The attempts to silence life. Did not bury the hurt. People carry in these fragile mind & hearts.

Time is of the Essence. When relationships of any type in this life are no longer successful; and the bridges are fragile. It's time to be honest & genuine in Our life conversations. Why, one real conversation can heal the broken in spirit and disconnected in the minds & hearts. Time is desperately needed to mend the broken in spirit. Of generations.

Rest, because the work is plenty. Why, because the work has yet to be completed; in ourselves.

1991-2020. LIFE 

Monday, July 1, 2024


 In this life it's going down. But never give up on yourself. In every race of mankind. We've traveled the same road. In figuring out what this LOVE is about. Again, in  every race of a face. In All we will or had the feeling of; being Jaded around the world.

Why, if the depths of LOVE, was taught out of A book. Are expressions poured out from the depths of our Souls. Some would read the Book of Love; triple times of every line. Of that Arthur's printed page. A few would inquire about what was said of the pages others took time to read. And many would wander around this entire world; passing by each other on these streets To reach out on Social media pages; just to set up a date. And time to get more acquainted. But almost for every Affair of these fragile hearts. No one is really prepared to accept the other's truth. Why, People outgrow each other in life; everyday if not in a Blink or Wink of the Eye. Why, because life carries many matters of the heart. When maturity & growth is the FEAR of possessing it. That is destined to set US of All in this life; back together or further farrr apart.

Baby girl's and Woman in age, love is something else. Why, because of the weight we bare alone. We also bare of this same weight. Carried of someone or other material things; involved. In or around others if not our own in seeking to finding validation, ones  own identity and a  love that will last forever. Baby boy's until you're responsible in understanding yourself. Place structural boundaries to safeguard yourself. That Allows those baby girl's or any types of Woman in this world. In all ages or races to continue to do a renovation in herself & themselves. Why, we're not Destined to be alone in this life. We  just need more time in ourselves; to understand patience requires time to grow. 

Son, chose one are non at All. Daughters same choice. In chosing one are non at All. Why, and how is this even possible. We're not All invested in long or short term ideas, times and dates. We just find out for ourselves; of what do we really possess. To be invested. Knowing overtime what we really both needed was to heal internally, grow, communicate and respect when to stay or walk away. And figure out what we're really prepared to do. In standing in the ring; together to fight through.

Thank you mom, I know you will End this real life story on the right melody with respect and love for the transformation. Is was God's Plan that carried US in All. In our footprints created in the earths sand. Why, Eventually We in humanity will learn from each other. Eventually, I finally figured the WHY out. And on that date & time life called my precious name in silence. For it was time needed. For me to learn for myself. What being human and growing into my own understanding was about. As a person of interest on my own experience. In this life journey. It Was really About '🪽'.  How I learned to find. And left behind. In this life was not a '? mark'. But a final statement in my last breath. 'I don't have no problem with you, are you'. But before I close my eyes  in this world. There is a struggle in life. Where accountability of ones own problems to figure out'. And even if I'm gone; in the physical temporarily. The Book Of Life will continue the story.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Support System

In every age. In this lifetime we in humanity. Will need someone to depend on. And where there is lack. Or sufficientcy of money. It's not as consoling; as the emotional support from each other. Is the physical attachment of needing human attention. Why, do we need to care and show each other. A human form of affection? The reality is no one person; has been obedient in this life. Therefore, who really has all of our life answers. With the fullest of knowledge. In our own human heads. To express. Of one to another genuine & honesty in providing life answers.

Son, the heart has to be pure. You did it better than US. How so, I also made some mistakes in my own life. Yes, we are all figuring out 'how to accept our own truths. If not rewrite or own wrongs in this life'. Thank you mom for loving my kids. I love you my only son. So you know for yourself. No one on this earth is the Gatekeeper over our own choices. Even when we judge of one to another. But your acknowledgement has matured you in growth; as it will for US who will accept of it. In All. So, never let anyone discourage you or make a fool of you. Because, we know the truth. In finding hope we know as a people; requires accountability. For the renovations of work is deeply needed in the roots. Of our individual selves.

We in humanity will need to decifer even between one to another; who is mentally & physically capable. To lead & who to follow. To ensure that our own livelihoods are secure & guarded in protection. No matter If we're one day together. Are tomorrow separated apart.

The Sandwich Generation. Is now the new generations of unequivocal; care takers, care givers, care providers & consistentcy in Protectors. Why, babysitting is a temporary assignment. And long term care will require of these villages; around shifts.

In this world of change; a lot of people are walking & talking. But not so much mutual respect of effective communications. Is being inherited.

Why, texting is not good. Where understanding is ignored & blurred. And If the bickering between one to another continues in going back & forth on earth; between each other of races in mankind of every color. 

In Humanity we've already figured it out. What was not All About the main priority in this life. Finding companionship. And peace of mind in ourselves. What is being revealed is who really is feeling entitled. Who is or not accountable. Who is or not dependable. Who is the person I want to see do certain things; when in reality it should be the person who feels no shame. The reality is something could & can still possibly; change in our individual circumstances. And change in ourselves. As we wait on the change in someone else.

Time is destined to keep it moving forward. As suffering & loss in this life. Is not exempting none of any in this world. Of both Good & Evil.

If I paid you to love me. How long will the loyalty last. If it never began. If I accepted all your flaws & faults. Will you one day accept you're not entitled to me or my personal life change. The changes you're not willing to even adjust in yourself. But prideful to expect of change in someone else.

So, Who really cares? Some really don't. Anyone or many of Us in All of the world should. As a few do. And the reality is there are in those of mankind. Who are stuck in there own mental state of conflict & organized confusion. How so? Someone owes me, are need to accept of me. In what I keep chosing of my own insanity.

Life is precious. And there is still Peace to be found in life. And if respect was a responsibility; everyone of US in All. Of humanity could accept our own accountability. In possession of it; belongs to me. The accountability.

Tell the children, they are not doing anything wrong; love is deeper than who and what we of US emotionally;  want vs. need from one to another. As we hug and release the elders. Let them know. We appreciate the generations of every history. Lived of in their own human mysteries of dealing with their own; right & wrongs. And if anyone or person left is it has been left. With the ill feeling in this fragile mind & heart. But is no longer here on earth; let it go! Why, it's History that is telling us. Humanity is Repeating in historic formation. We're the authors & the makeup we wear. In the presence of one to another. On this journey of life. As we attempt to figure out; each other.

We often struggle in how to find the purpose in ourselves.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Targeted of in; a soft or hard state of awareness. The state of being, state of Affairs, state of grief, state singleness, state of trusting, physical appearance of the young or old, being of age. If not the mental state of under educated & educated in or about life experiences. Why? Vulnerability, Race, Generation & Gender is no longer the factor. Opportunity & Opportunist roam  

In every Society, Community, Online & even in Homesteads. Why? people are people watching each other. On the clock and include every process of transmission in records. Seeking opportunities. To do what? Whatever, time they utilize productively. If not exhaust of themselves, mentally. In Preying on a soft or hard managed Target. To be honest what is respected of security anymore in this entire world.

Kid zones created for children. In these places & spaces of boundaries & markers. In every event center, street & pavement stationed of signs. In locations of facilities, zones, placed in the world by government agencies. But if we were to detect our own control. In environment of surroundings in this world; time would appear we're moving in a fast , steady or slow flow. However, Listen & Look closer. To watch who is, keeping Boundaries or Preying on the wide open. So, as I sat in silence. In alignment of these moving footprints. I noticed one movement stuck in an obscure pattern. That violated some personal space. Let's be clear no verbal communication took place. Only this pattern of physical movement in seconds being made. As the view intensified in narrowed down space. Also, did the open room in specific space quickly became; quaint. Why, those bodies were eye contacted. And coordinating in movement. In Prison the space is built by design for capacity of  an pair or pairing of bodies. In the world the space is wide open; however in place is boundaries of land markers. Stay focused on the packaging. In the silence moving is a message.

The moral is this. One day life called; on another. With trials & adversity. Moving US All into a moment of calls for change. That caused the immediate exchange. As a caller & callers, acted in pursuit. On an exact time & date. With pursuing instructions to follow for further details. Alway's remain mentally viligiant not emotionally invested. Why, remember any of one in All. Is created by design. And in US of All. Existence natural predators, blended in human natures. Wired of it's own natures of laws. Including familiar or unfamiliarity; we assume it's relevant who knows who are chooses to not say or speak on what. Why, Security & Wisdom is an intimidating gift. Why, it's confidence of knowing the value built in place of one self. Why, material things is replaceable. The Book is Life is Written, disregarded but remains; revolutionary, for All. And non verbal and verbal communication is a set of patterns found throughout human traited behaviors. Why, or How so? Existence in mankind. The Makeup of this world filled in Cohabitation, Associations, Affiliations and everyday in another day. For over generations of human interactions.

Until Time & Mother natures tolerance in votality wears. Revealing what was always real underneath. In the State of  Human Affairs. In this entire 'core' of  every corner of The Entire World.

Examine Infrastructure, what is really built on top. For US in All. Then only Imagine Why, What and Will reveal what is built in US of All. In Time of this entire Surface & Crevice in the World.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Disrespect In Generations

Yes, it's going to happen. Entitlement will devour this planet. At a rapid pace. And yes, there will be in every race, gender and age. The 'Gnashing of Teeth', and pivotal outburst of RAGE.

Why, it's been brewing over generations. And for every secret hidden in one generation. It births back a new generation of life; here on earth. 

Some will claim it's Gang related and age was not a factor. Moving forward was and is Gang Stalking, Gang Politics, Gang of Families breeding the behavioral patterns. Gangs of Social Status, Gangs of Economical Status, Gangs of Secret Societies. Gang up of Nations forming Together. Gang of Institutions, Gang of manmade Systems, Gang of Trained Assassins. Gang of Community Watchers, Gang of Banking Systems, Gang of  a variety in types of Corruption, And it will repeat it's own history in every generation. 

We can claim the streets, without proof of any type of land deeds of ownership Titled Planet Earth. We can claim each other, until our levees in humans emotions. Are bruised & broken. If not bent. We can claim & represent in a box of descencitize emotions. Which will one day be disrespected on every human level. As We can choose what we think is a. Move to ride or die. But we can almost not out think Life & Time.

My dearest son. If I leave nothing of material things. The thief  has stalked to  steal. I sew a seed of Wisdom in your  mind, and a Love so deep. Even Time will tell eventually tell. The real Story of what really; happened.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Some people in Society chant 'I get it from my momma'. But what about 'daddy'? No matter the odds, tricks, old, sold, new & folk tails; told. The truth is we're All traits. That track back to two sets of DNA.

Mother's & Father's have debated it, staged it, talked around and proudly shared. Watch the choices you make with whom. And of what you have grown to learn to repeat of behaviors. Passed down to do in another generation. Of Us in Those & Them.

Why, In this world of mysterious ways. The same Twitch exist. In every breath of existence.


No, judgement is greater, than the SIN committed. By any in the living on earth.

Thrust into the Light. No sin can no longer be denied. Why, The SIN will not cease in this life. Because of it's Darkness in Appetite. 

So, why do we judge of what SIN is greater or lesser in one of another. 

Attempt to cast judgement on earth. And watch what Sinner will say; I did not sin by myself. In fact I committed a SIN with someone else.

I read a coin left on a headstone that read of The 10 Commandments. If anyone has read. You then have acknowledged what is written. The Ten Commandments was for All of sin. Of Race, Creed, Religion, Sex are human status was not exempted.

Here on earth, of many feet will shake and stumble if not Rumble upon rocks & stones. But who, shall cast the first stone? And deny themselves of carrying; of one thrown?

Beloved, Time is an element no one controls.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Street Talk

The reality of life is this. Any type of people can connect; in pillow talking or fact gathering of non concluded if not eluded information. For the state of mind. Is what predators prey on. Is the state and will to survive. If not exist in a state of; whatever has to be done.

A statement was shared one day on this journey. 'if your intention is to ride on the back of another, be polite to not drag your feet'. What, stemm from this statement? Repetition of a type of behavior in humanity.

However, in street talking all over this world. The stereotypes in reality is anyone can be a representative; misleading. Starting in conversations. Or cohersion to fit in. And fill in a conversation. With the intention to gain by gaslighting for some type of information. And you would think. In these streets. There is nothing said that has not been recorded, replayed, re raised, repeated, re-represented, reused & abused. 

Why, Life continues to teach Us in All; be Cautious of whom is invited guest. In our own hearts, conversations, minds & houses.

So, what happens when it's destined to setup the stage of the final act. For an outcome of reality? And no human being is exempt; time is of the essence; where there is the consumption in lack of human patience. And not one human in titles, rolls are relationships is the exempt. Why, humanity knows the streets talk back. How so, jealousy, spite, envy who knows. As everybody's if not some watch, stand & hover; while judging & listening to each other. Even if the statement is 'nobody saw & seen nothing'. The Profiling & Hovering rolls on; from generation to generation. Reference the history of life, Case & Statutory Law. 

Over, and Over again. Time teaches 1 Lesson. There is nothing new done, that happens under the Sun of The Son. That defeats; the date of Karma & The Book of Life's Judgement for US in All.

Never argue with a state of mental confusion. Why, with it in the confusion. We in All stay in orchestrated chaos. Until the song ends. To figure each other; out. Eventually sooner than later. Truth will deal with the Plan, of failed attempts. To destroy Life's Purpose.

'stop talking to All of them'. Why, eventually it will surface; in Time. what & who. They we're taking to each other about.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...