Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Answer The Phone

Answer the phone! Are else what? Why, you not answering the phone. Especially while you reading or just read  a text message. Are maybe the phone was away from your side. Patience before exploding. Why, people have been these  characters in playing mind games. Just Look around the world. Everyone you see has a phone or iPad if not texting in the wide open. So, please be patient with the needs of each other. Even children must learn the precious value in response time. As our individual priorities are not the same. However, the opportunity to connect is often  missed. If not retturned or promptly accepted.

People play mind games. However,  kids are are granted the acception. Why, they can only do so much of what they are; told, taught. If  teached of how to properly respond & communicate. And ensure children are educated on the usage of electronics. Why, camera's are a commodity. Records capture real time conversations. To share. However, if these children are not being properly educated about; privacy laws. The children are unaware of the heavy penalty. That could reflect on the guidance. That should be more aware  information is stored; every where. And It's the question mark. That stems of why would a adolescence in child collect; images & recorded information. And for who & what was the authoritative intention..

So, While sitting by the door hearing a knock at it. Or what about when you need some money, select who is an option to pick the kids up Are you a a ride. Just any random request; as long as a human being responds. However, how is it we're in All choosing not to pick up the phone.Of course it's funny. But not All life situations are the same. Think about it

One day life called Roll Call. And this person is forever unavailable.

One day a friend was told; pull up. One day that friend never returned; home to his or her own family if not including children.

One day an abuser manipulated their way into a secure or vulnerable place. However, the abuser had already completed the final blow. But 911 did a welfare check to late.

One day that elder; accepted. I don't expect anyone to come by are call. Why, the children are grown. The GC are busy. The neighbors spoke. While overtime this body grew old. And every now and then. I get random company. That will just sit  down with me.

One day 911 was overloaded with calls. Just not enough operators on board. So, some calls went into a que, other 911 calls we're delayed, in my case it was 20 minutes for an EMS and Official response time, on another call the children were still; home alone.

One day the parents disagreed. And in the blink of an eye; world's immediately collided.

Answer the phone.  It's not require the call be for All. But Not everyone needs something from you; that has sacrifice and given to you overtime. Maybe that call was a Prayer or a concern to check in. Because tomorrow is not promised to no human being. As we would like to think; it will never be me.

Once we remove the arrogance or just ensure our surroundings are stable. Never disregard Death teaches a valuable lesson. We've and even now live amongst each other. In a world of People on networks . But no one one ever heard or knows nothing. Unless the calls are dropped. And the truth is exposed. Of what was just a text or call. To hear a human voice; speaks out loud.


It's never just a certain Race around these Cultural identities. In what new statistics advertise to this world. In what people get married or divorced. If not continue in a multitude of People involvements & relationships. While the life experience exist; of a healthy, dysfunction or open ended relationships. It's humans trying to work on each other. Against Life Test & Time of not being Alone is this world to secure the balance. So people procreate. If not blend people together. To create this real life or pictures in a frame of; family. And attempt to work in unity. For we are not blind. The generations have passed US in All. Is now another generation. We find ourselves; in a struggle to correct each other. From what took place in the pass generations. To figure out this LOVE; is attainable but complicated. In All is the human freewill. That requires individual human patience. Why, experience is continuous work. The same work that is  Desperately required in our individual human selfs. 

A GC ask why did you not have anymore children; after his father untimely passing. First, our lives are Written in the Book of life; no human is exempt. I continued  to respond to this child; unknowledgeable about life and the feelings he will struggle with in his own human skin, As a young mother. I experienced a life with People. And took notes in my heart filled with life lessons. Of  people's struggle within themselves. The same struggle we tolerate with each other. And I decided as a young girl. My child deserve better than just another life story. For one day he would walk out into world. I could no longer protect of his heart or human choices. A repeat of human history. But on his journey; in his soul. He will know the depths of real love. However,  choices will drive him down a narrow path; of figuring out the Power in awareness. And in our lives finding strength is just human growth & development. Whether appreciated or not. Always work on being a  better version of the person; you find content and peace with. Meaning I was destined to being an unforgettable parent in his life. And when trials knocked at the door. And trials will eventually knock; in humanities doors. This human was aware; of consequences and accountability is an action. Therefore, he  knew  the Why, understanding life. Is more tolerable than trying to fix, accommodate & heal from People to Person. From. A person back to People.

So, what if people never experience this event of audience watching each others vows; for a marriage. Or just experience a healthy engagement with People. Before the First, of all. Think about it. Are we All prepared for each other in this life? In these Experiences life is a cycle that rotates in stages with different types of behaviors in People. 

Once the dating, is finalized into an amicable established relationship. Where two people reach an agreement. On how to continue & approach. The next step in which cohabitation occurs. To figure out each other's; weaknesses & strengths. Good or bad habits. Or what is not still of happiness in themselves. We continue to attempt to figure out what is missing; in each other. If not ourselves.

I ask a mother, a friend. Listen to strangers of All creeds in races of All types of Religion & Political Statues & Laws of history based on People. Then to watch how children are; internally broken. In All ages. How, again it's People"s expressions. Of what Divorce is like. Relationships are unsettling or a great experience. I then ask, why. Try.  Because we invest & pour. All of ourselves into people and each other. That also need work in themselves. Accountability is learning the Why, To build together is just forever human work.

So, I ask my son. Knowing the Bible speaks to life. And marriage is no exemption. It's a ceremony to concentrate The relationship. In observation and assistance of The courts that require documented marriage certificates. And Families are either supportive or disregard any involvement of these human relationships. Why, because every human has a Freewill; to live with the choices they individually will make in this life. And you my child will figure the WHY out. We are not responsible to ensure the both of US are responsible. As we experience life. Is to evolve in growth & maturity. But from a boy to a man. What did you figure out about engaging with people in your life at this age of 28. Even if marriages is not in All of every human story. A ring is material. It's does not identify with human growth. And, include children. But also, there is children that may not always be a part in the decision making process. Why, Not all people marry for the same reasons & circumstances. But People  do choose. So as being your own man. Make wiser decisions. Understand the gift you possess in; knowing patience is love. Over time attention is consistently sought. He replied, I would have made 1 correction in this area of maturity in my lfe. Knowing why 'People also posses issues in themselves'. ' I'll keep that between myself & God. In respect of his absence on earth. But what he said the night before his passing over is this life. I thank God mom for years of patience & forgiveness. It was alway's God's unlimited plan, time, grace and love that has kept me. I made promises before I leave. Because we All have sinned & continue to Sin then Judge; each other. Thank you mom for loving me. Even  were people show disregard to appreciating; life. Knowing we need more time invested to work in ourselves. Than looking first for an action; from each other. Is  Knowing respect is earned. But the FEAR of being embarrassed & alone is more dangerous; in this world.

 Why, we in All; must reach an age. Of growing in ourselves. And identifying when to Walk away; for a peace mind. will alway's mend; the bridges of Life. The bridges we together will no longer cross. Tell them in All of Those still living on earth. There has & will be struggles and adversity. I seen a lot, listen a lot, fought for those who couldn't, lived  through the lonely nights knowing a lot of information. Then why, walk back into human relationships. The WHY, has to be fulfilled. Being single are with someone does not mean All involved with each other. Still struggle in what occurs in real marriages, unhealthy relationships are  divorces. The Bible reads no human can live off nothing. But this love has proven; building a solid foundation first, has to be laid. In order for a foundation to stand against Life's adversity.

And lastly, once the real work begins. After the cues & aws, gossip. And the music is silenced. A new chapter starts in the lives of Holy Matrimonials; till death do us part. And real people return back to their own lives; to figure it out. But these life stories does not alway's end in a tragedy storyline. Are another racial narrative. In who got a relationship, struggling to stain in a relationship, or just figured out time is precious. Is it always for the best interests of the kids. If the money is sought to create bridges of spite & hate. For Some marriages stand have proven in this life. To wither the Real test of Time. How so,  my mother & mate committed & communicated; in death to them part. In this life Some people just outgrow each other; it's life. Some people simply decide to never return. Some people just young in the mind. Some evil in the heart. Is why some people never heal properly in life. The life of adversity. Of Some divorces that destroy an entire family; over secrets & spite. How so, trust is earned. You can cover a wound. Are negotiate family secrets. But when bridges are completely broken in these hearts of mankind. These humans hearts don't always align; with the biblical scripture or human behaviors. So, what if The Bible is not a spiritual space; every human finds comfort in. Instead of growing cold; in a world that People either add  joy & pain to each other's life. We of All races of people still posses a Freewill to heal.

If every human was to be married on earth; to each other. In this life. Could we maximize ourselves; to be worthier people to be enough. Are be even better people for each other. To be loved for life; by each other. Now who is going to teach this generation about what type of LOVE. Conquers the hurt we continue to cause each other. That stems from our own individuality & human experiences with one another. Once those human expectations keep Targeting each other. To talk about it; in another generation. Is what humans do; from one to another.

Either we're fighting in a ring together. Are fighting in a ring; against ourselves and the bridges that separates US from finding ourselves..

Monday, July 29, 2024

Visitation & Visitors

Security, is the Top Priority in Awareness & Advocacy on this Platform. Through the observation is the human state of being; is a free will. And in knowing perfection is what individuality acknowledges. Is where the types of gestures is being judged based on Awareness. Of whom is not limited in status or human services on earth. But how we as humans progress or address. Each other  in our human spaces; of diverse behaviors. Because one day people are destined to evolve; amongst who will be left behind in this world. To grow. Means to walk amongst each other. In who remains; in the living.

What, happen on that day. The system is destined to judge in a window of time frame. However, society and the cohabitation in mankind; will continue to write the entire life stories in All.

Once life calls roll. People disregard  the cohabitations & relationships. In all types involved is who if not All of Them. Of the recycling story that continues; in every visitation here on earth.Why, it's these human scars that will eventually breakdown what is going to be revealed. In who is still hurting vs. Who is healed. Or in a transition of this human Skin. Still struggling or managing in their own physiological state; of being.

I notice children amongst adults. And how there is the relationship in the presence of everyone to getting along.  However, the Divided or Unified. Where children are involved. There is this space of spite & deception; harbored underneath the human skin. And the truth will reveal.  These humans created relationships. And no side is ever; is victorious. Where this state of mind; advicates environments of breeding Victims. Because both sides will argue to continue; a roll. Including case law to justify the behavior. Included invited guest. Now the guest is now even a victim; based on their initiated involvement. Where is the boundaries; advocated, eradicated and resolved. Where disrespect & deflamation of character. Exist entirely amongst All Society. Spilled into the court systems of various numbered documented cases. In revolving rooms; is generations of burning bridges. Amongst in All.

And most people in society will acknowledge; this environment of dysfunction in interaction. So justice is not always in light of the; youngest or the repeated Gaslighting techniques. However, The push is for the court systems to indirectly become involved. The problem is the verbal argument vs. The documented & undocumented information. Exposes the the vile facts. Of in All the internal human wiring. Of conflict or stable balance that mentally exist.

On any Supervised or Unsupervised visitation. First, account being aware. of that judgment in direction of being invited or voluntarily proceeding into an unstable territory. Why, life has it's own recorded sessions. And the playback will reveal; who and what. Really happened  In real time. Exist of every conflicted affair. Or settled if not accepted of these interactions. In humanity we created. Of what may or is in the now; of cycles. And chaos not broken; down.

People or not in relationships with each other; for life. Some relationships are built on the historic records of People & the history; together created. And if these Kids are involved, it's in the money, disagreements and who is entitled. In every storyline. That either is this secret. Or what makes the real news. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Children of Children

In every culture, community and family. A child is being born. Into a DNA of it's own blood lines.

In light of every child that is born on this earth. It's a continuance of another cycle of life. Included is death. As we search the scrolls & patterns of life. It's the authentication of history. That restores of what was never; a secret or mystery.

Time is an element no human can deflect from. Or neither debate and win. Why, no matter what is or not. The effect will reveal it All. For a lifetime there will forever; exist of the established & establishment. And let's not get lost. In self assessments & assumptions. Amongst forms of types in boundaries. Exist the division of the marker's. Until a request for the test. 

If we only knew; in whom. And who & what. We were destined to learn from. And deal with in our human ways. How would we have or still can better prepare. Steady relationship. Are just establish; respect is earned. For there is destined to be leaders & leadership. Amongst our own is the protectors & oppressor's. Guardians & Guardianship. Of who we become; as one. If not of how much do we know of our individual self's. To either respect or show in disrespect of each other. 

In this generation we are no longer living just a sandwich generation. Huh? We are the blended children, young adults and elders. Seeking each in other's identities and identify. For direction, affection and some form of physical attachment to belong. In a world of cohabitation. Is the labor pains of new life. Happening in this moment. Another birth guarantees the the next generation is now occuring. But not mature to lead. In this current  generation. Of Two generations within one. Is the generations that continue to depart earth.

Ever faced; the reality in understanding why one's health. Is either personal and in it valuable wealth. Are being educated on what's long-term wealth. That individually is knowing enough about ourselves. Why, what occurs? Any physical or mechanical thing. eventually breaks down. As the Why, is collectively  resuming in movement of Time. Is humanity predicting the plans for each other on earth.

What happens when the Paton is lingering in the Air. Between all these of the last,  middle and the future generation of births. That is not as prepared. Because somewhere 'its all figured out, of what's still not working out'. As the last generation is current. In this generations personal affairs. The debates; of each others Affairs of Life. Reveals the Lack of Life's Knowledge. Is passing over; another generation. 

'mom don't worry, I'll figure it out'. And my dearest son. Once you grasp the WHY around People, Yourself in Life. I'll always be ontime. If you promise to never give up on yourself. Cause even the generations before you. left a work; undone on earth. Therefore remember my child your Progression is self pace. Not a priority in meeting; any deadlines in expectations. That brings you disappointments & pain.

Generations of Children

On yesterday, history was made; again. Why, For a new generation to rewrite the old text. For a new generation. And we're all accountable from generation to generation; in what we do or not know. That lives and breathe in the history mankind created for itself. 

Son's and Daughters of all creeds in mankind, have lived, living and perished. Dismantling education is ground zero. How so, Over Generations over a lifetime; education is not limited to just classroom. Education is it's history of what led up to People's; history. So, what is left behind for this generations coming forward. A life filled with adversity & test. Not just standardized testing. But real life test in this generation; individuality & identity. Against People's weakness & strengths. During peril times is struggles. Of joy, hate, division, love, democracy and families.

If you believe in a system that is built on the projection of a human beings faith. Then the progression in mankind's perception will be reoccurring judgement. How so, division feeds chaos into one category. Judged in mankind by All. 

The moral is this; no human has did the impossible. What,  Created 1 plan for a human race to change & maintain a balance collectively in this life. Where those freedoms were fought over & died for. For the generations coming After the cause. To deal with the generational effect; is currently humanity's challenges to fix.

When you sit down today, think about the price that has been paid. Not just what People leave of material things. Are not after the grave markers have been permanent. Let's straight speak on the Politics. For every human that has or is making a statement. The Truth is alway's a challenge. Knowing it reveals the grunt work that has been for generations; left undone. So, being proactive still means. Some people still fight the Battles in many of these Personal & Life circumstances. Is the anticipated need to spiral into fights; of  spiritual warfare vs  physical warfare on earth.

This last Covenant; promised it will not destroy civilization this time. Even if it's passage is ignored. Or even blasphemy; will be humbled. When, and how so? Keep living, the Biblical history will never go void. As Peace is not an offering in whether we decide. For a person or People who need one another's permission; to possess a peace of mind. In every and all types of Cohabitation on earth. Peace is a given. Unto All in humanity of A Freewill. 

SON, education is deep. Why, you must continue to seek understanding in your own life. And in every opportunity seek in yourself; internal Peace. Never settle into entertainment. Of beeing bamboozled. Is to wait on anyone else. To figure out what time is it? For themselves. Lay those seeds of life; planted on your chest. Why, before a new day rises. We are in All destined to take a step. But Alway's remember as you address the conditions of these human hearts; alone. Walk in integrity. Speak what's on your mind; humble with authority. Respect is earned. But fear is a threat that sits in silence. understand who often walks alone. On these rocks & stones in life. Once you learn Self Love, Acceptance. Is Knowing Who you are. At anytime in this changing World; of Revelations. Only in many. Of a few; really want each other to know. About the truth.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Throughout the world. This is a dialogue that's tainted & compromised in this world. Why, it's been occuring throughout generations overtime. In an insecure space. Humans avoid to communicate. Why, the vulnerability & emotions will reveal the secrets. Into the lives of those who are still affected by another. In another generation of people. And creed, race and religion. Unfortunately is not exempt.

Candid, is Overtime there is still something moving unstable in this world. And I'm not referencing who did what. I'm covering the entire platform. In humanity of knowing it is still occuring.

There are many avenues to advocate. There are many ways to intervene. There is an amicable approach to dissolve these precedent battles for life. There is only 1 bridge to cross. To start the healing process. But it will require the secrets to be disseminated to All. Until then there is the faces in many; hidden with scars. 

Let's get together & discuss it in All. In the living. If a child feels unloved, are hurt. If not silenced to share what's on their minds. What do People assume or don't care about. When these children are now mature in age. But struggling mentally. To find comfort in being the world. As an Adult now.

Change don't automatically dial up and happen. Cause people say it, or don't be saying nothing. Change happens when we're invested of being proactive. 

We debate types of relationships & cohabitation on earth. One lesson I learned as a human then as mother. How do we protect ourselves to protect our children in this world. Alway's let our  Sons & Daughters, be acquainted to know their own bloodlines. And never be impartial to speak up when you feel uncomfortable in any environment. Or internally experience being violated; through words or physically being touched. Hurt is a feeling of emotions we All will experience in this life. But being misguided or told to not speak on it. Can be heard & corrected in a secure space. There is always going to be an open ear to listen. No matter what's a big or small concern. Every human voice matters. No matter what age you are in this lifetime. People just never stop demonstrating weird behavior. And we must be built for time. By reminding ourselves we All carry this weight of accountability. Why, as humans we are carrying each other. And included is those of innocence in this world. That need to feel secure of who is by default or fault. Of who is. Or not going to give up on you. Why, If you are every hurting in this life. Then the change is going to occur in the Blink of An Eye. Because these children have not reached a level in mental maturity. To identify with the games being played in life. 

This word Love comes with some hardships in this life. The weight carriers Depend on who is involved in our lives; capable of carrying what is in their own hearts & minds. And I'm not saying life deals us in All. The Good or Bad of hands. What is deep in the souls of what a human carries in this heart; determines how we together will live. Amongst life trials that either protect Us from each other. Are tear us emotionally; apart. Just because we're human with these titles & rolls. It's the Experience that is this lethal weapon. We're not All built in preparation to break away. In these trenches. Of real life Affairs & Human Fears.

If nobody knows or cares; about what affects each other in this life. Remember adults, Guardians, Courts Systems any child or children. Including grandchildren of every race or creed, gender & age. Someone out there has genuine interest in love, prayer & care for you. Why, For we we're born as innocence of babes into this world, of pure in heart. Is also the innocence. It's exhausting of the why Some of these children are carrying this weight of each other; in silence. As we Watch & Judge amongst each other; is we as a People. In All of Citizens, status & conversations. Alway's remember the innocent is watching, living it and listening amongst Us in All. 

Protect your hearts. The mind has enough to think about; around the clock in every environment on earth. Why, humans are peculiar by nature; of these hidden or open behaviors. The sadness in this cycle of life. Is history of the Statutory & Case Law; human history. Human's created in this World.

One day, at any moment this type of misconduct being done in the Dark. Will come full circle into the Light; and the burden of knowing. Is amongst whom  knew the entire time.

Monday, July 22, 2024


We are not bound to each other's created strategy's. Or by any false representation  construing Laws. However in this life; the goal is to gain the guarantee. Where there will also exist the arguments & debate. Over the conversations held; in public, open or in privacy. And if the possibility of an acknowledgement could be used. In the art of persuasion to debate there is are was a negotiation, compromise are bartered deal. In an equal or unequivocal exchange. Between are amongst people. That appears some form of physical if not impropriety in verbal mutual interaction took place. With another Person or People on earth. And there is no limitations in what People will or not communicate to get things finalized. Then walk away with a mutual or separate understandings. We must be more practical & interpret what is it we're really talking to each other; about. To later deal with what was taken from a incomplete or thorough conversation. Why, at anytime People feel they should alway's get other People in extra involved. Throughout this entire world. As people are talking to each other everyday. Just not in using the Effectiveness of two-way communications. And what is beeing discovered is how People create if not twist a dialogue. By communicating to one to another. If you approach the conversation or Person like this. You can or could get the same result's. The problem is the entire truth is not alway's presented; first.

Where there is any type of human interests involved. It's precautionary accountability; also needed to continue in being involved. To reaching resolved. 

Read between the lines. Is the Statutory Law of Limitations. It would behoove US in All. While a representative speaks out Louder than independent representation. Why, People and their private & public interactions. Eventually creates this state of Affairs. In All types with people and their personal business. Throughout the entire world.

Leave no stone or page unturned. Why, We are not bound to each other's confetti in this life. We are the genetic traits in bloodlines. We are not just family based on institutions or self intuitions. Are neither negotiations are types in cohabitation. We are the makeup in this world of families rights in bloodlines. Because of the procreation brought out of the cohabitation. And in today's world it's imperative to figure out; our old and new business affairs. And what is invested. To protect our individual identity. Of these traits under this layer of skin. We in humanity All cover up in.

The moral is this; there is pressure & anxiety eager awaiting to be addressed. Because of affixiations, associations is aired out by the associative press. This word Wealth. Even in the streets people talk. Not just for a chance to gain the  access to Power, success and the money. It's emotionally deeper than that. When the intent is to be affiliated with the People.. wealth has no density. Of what is found in the associations & cohabitations of DNA. Evolving around All People in statuses; claimed. Why, until we figure out what's happening in the universe. Not limited to what is it about the status of each other. Establishing any type of Relationship requires trust, time & patience. But it's easier to draw bees to Jars of honey, than 1 bowl of vinegar. 

 What is the dialogue we've created? That is the driver for obtaining status around Wealth, Heirships & DNA. That will determine whose debts & ties. Don't lie in these bloodlines.

Now who is next. To pass this old script off; to the New Generation. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024


The seduction is not always about sexual contact or content. The seduction it's this expressions of exuberant feelings. The temptation is in one's self. That lewers in energy, between one to another. Whether it be non verbal or verbal. Physical or a premonition, not always in the bad. But not always good. While during the stages of the fantasy. Is the world of make belief. Of a scenario of ideals; playing out in the mindset. Before the behavioral act is or not activated.

Insecurity some identify this state of being; a human weakness. Awaiting the opportunity to evade. A restless & vulnerable space. And we All know that any type of Life circumstances will punch US in All. With a heavier blow. As the audience in life. Of the People watchers is observing the next move. However, no what is already a setup in the room of life. And what boundaries will work for one's self; no matter what your focused on.

The laws of attraction in mankind. It rest in the souls of All human natures. Internally is areas we are in or out of control; emotionally. While feeling cencitized. But also descencitized; naturally. The seduction is attracting. With no boundaries in limitations; for a specific matter or species. Therefore be mindful. Of it's conjuring universal conversation. Through communication or body language. 

The point is this. Blogging is a compilation of written words. Various types of Language is used in universal communications. As we eat, love, pray and prey. In a world of class & diversified human natures. Is a society gap of the innocence & vile natures. As we were sure about those Comfort zones occured in familiarity. As it's the mystic of meeting stranger's off the text, public or acquaintance. Was the rapport is I've been here before. Amongst the Roaming around on earth's; axile. We're even closer now to knowing & watching; what is it. We're really searching for. While collaborating behind these open wide eye lids. Is the clear window to dive deeper; into the windows of the soul.

Constitutional Rights

We the people are Guaranteed of many rights to we the people; the citizen's. Including those rights of the 10 amendments. Known as the Bill of Rights. And creed, race & age is nonexempt. Read in depth independently. For one's informative understanding. 

All Citizens are guaranteed the right. To exercise of a given; in protection & liberty's. Why, is this blog entry relevant. It's what humanity makes relevant or not. As Time is evolving. So is the next Generation. Is being groomed as a People we live our lives, day to day. Through the state of interactions. Over & over again. Amongst a people is these populations. Of people revolving in a movement. But the reality is; in this world of people. We're not All thinking at the same time, talking on the same topic, of the same thoughts. Were not all sleeping at the same time, however there is movement abroad. In different places and faces. But  neither is people All standing still. In the same space & time in this world. And Although time is constantly evolving during change. It's the days & nights that also; transition in motion. Around the world. 

In Humanity it's in real time. That is constantly revolving. And the point is this? If nothing on a page changes it form. But any type of communication changes the understandings. Of what is or read on the same pages. Does anything really remain the same. While physically the movement is constantly evolving.

State of The World

The state of this world. In all due respect of Time. Is a People's State of Affairs throughout this entire World.

How, so. Is the State of A condition. And once witnessed. In the entirety of humanity. Of every creed & type in People. The Entire status of This World; is the same state of people; segregated, divided & subjects in titles. As negotiating is universal. Evolving is the state of creed, race, age, gender & remedies. 

We know not all people think alike; even in DNA. In this entire world. Of All People that live in a World of civilization is cohabitation. In every Society made up of every culture; and creed in every nation. In this world of Political Powers, Religion, and Money. there is the cause for ALL actions. To determine & acknowledge the effect. By all People collectively. Just not for All people down the same avenue. Why, the effect hits home differently. 

One major concern. In a State of People Affairs; is clarity sought through decision makers. Protectors in any environment and. The markers of division. To define what is or not often equally allocated, or unequivocally divided. Of consideration is humanity. That makes up the world. And who is chosen of leads. If not followers. To determine the impact; good or bad.

The conversations remain to be expected. Of those in the physical & mental being of humanity. Inadequately divided. Collectively judge. Not limited to  characteristics in individuality. But as one 'culture' amongst human beings.

The State of being; acclimated are accustomed to. In any type of society or environment. Of associations included is the cohabitations. We are socially connected in All. Of what is accoladed, acceptable or non acceptable. Why, we need each other of every internal human design. To survive & evolve.

If everyone in this life. Possess the same  physical & material things. With different levels of mental understandings.  What would the argument be about. If not the next in judgment! 

This word is attached to an human emotion; entitlement. Can also be a powerful weapon. How, used even in breaking each other in the physical spirit. And either we can disclose what is chosen to decline or accept; in one's mental acknowledgement. Is the word denial. Denial Of how we need each others; dependence. More than often admittedly. Desire each other's independence; permanently. Why, we promote the verbal communication. However is the acceptance of the actual state of releasing into real freedom. Is relinquishment of physical ties; from one to each other. Now apply this analogy in life. And for every person to person, person seeking assistance. Is also a human need. 

What is the real Purpose of Life? And what facts support of the details; we are taught, learned hear about. If not discovered in experience. To understand Figuring out the Why. It's naturally we are either; stirring in a direction of right or wrong. Whether together, still standing; united or apart.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


What happens when we no longer; are in love, are just endure the patience to love one another?

How do we set each other free; without spite & animosity? 

How dare we threaten and place our hands on one another. And think love will stay neutral?

How can we not show selfishness. Where there is still genuine love in this world. If it's really for the best interests of the both of our moving forward. If not for the children. If you can't even stand to watch; who made a personal choice. To mature in themselves. If not appear to continue showing up in the lives of those whose heart is pure and needs real love. Without the animosity; but for the sake of peace of mind in this life of the human hearts.

Who can judge why love does not discriminate. How we attempt to love each other. Sometimes we feel good or low. Sometimes we out grow if not grow with each other. Eventually time Will reveal. whose heart; is healed. If not whose heart; remains shattered, empty & broken.

Even in death. Genuine love is longed for. As even in life their is the same love on earth. But also is the same hardened hearts; lurking for it. The funny part is when you're no longer here on earth. Are you're in this life filled people. But feeling all alone. Watching people who cherish the love. Everyone wants to tell your story. But never share the dialogue in theirs.

'Sons' is a blog dialogued in real time. If your still searching for answers in this world; for genuine love. We're find out promises and disappointments do exist. In all types of People. Why, it's hard to accept when the love is really gone. To Know the time has come; in our own minds & hearts. When to Walk away, work together, if not chose to stay. At the end of the day. We're the Authors of our own growth. And destiny. To either repeat or stop the rhetoric insanity. And People's status is non negotiable. Where we realize time is not to be longer compromised. Not even for each other to be appreciated.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...