Monday, August 5, 2024


The reality is becoming an orphan; does not discriminate on the circumstances in life. People deal with each other, People find balance in adversity & human crises, some people can't beat the Vices, and some families sometimes don't bounce back from bridges broken. And life has revealed the Why, race, gender or age of any child or children is not exempt. Are either who will resume the protectors role. Once real life happens. 

According to the states requirement. Are either People refuge each other. In a fostered environment, of a long term & short term shelter. Exist of monitored or unmonitored conditions. Why, in this world people in life; get busy. So circumstances occur that are not alway's monitored; when we're vulnerable and left alone in this world. However, the plans we disregard to think through today. Will be the burden or reality of every one that is affected or expected. When these children are either dislocated. If not comfortably sheltered in love.

There is still hope in this beautiful world. How so, any human can become a widow, any child could become an orphan or victimize, any human could break in the mind. While the children or children will forever need love. Where there is this untimely absence of a human protector, gentle guardian or stable & loving parent or parents. Once we in humanity Think about the loss of life taken place in mankind. And how People of these villages are either prepared. Are non verbal, if not no longer here on earth. In this life of unexpected change. Of whom is willing to make human sacrifices; in patience to comfort each other. In humanity is adversity & struggles?

If we in humanity can honor; the Peace of protection & security of these children's interest. Without heinous human acts towards one to another. knowing why it takes a unified structured Village to raise a child. As we in the world of People. Look around  standing in villages. Is a world that exist these hearts of a lonely child.

It's the heart in mankind, that remains broken. Throughout time. So, we live vicariously through each other. Until figuring out. Happiness starts from within. Of what within we're willing to sacrifice of ourselves. To share the love with someone who is needing to feel back up. With a love; in themselves.

As in the world. Patience is Love in this eternal battle exist the worst to fight; is often the struggles from within ourselves. Turned outward into these Genocides, Wars & Homicides of each other. We continue to argue & debate; it's deeper. Until Illnesses, Vices, Addictions are Old age is called by Father Time. Throughout humanity. So, the stories of life is being written; of Human triumphs, human adversity, human pain, human loss & accomplishments. Why, the human suffering will reveal our human strengths. if not human weakness. In this human spirit, wr are tested in life. Even children carry the weight of life's hardships. How so, let's together diagnose the human interactions actions between each other. Because the truth of every life matter is; there exist the history of life. And what test the levees of our human differences. And the will; to live or the acceptance to no longer fight. We are still Humanity. Amongst those who are filled with compassion - sincere love. Of whom is not in All attached to the chaos in this world. Where there is still those that refuse to keep internal peace vs. compromising the value of any human life.

If any man on earth. Possess The original blue print plan created for human life. To settle our human differences on earth. Of what was taken from each other. Including life of another. Would peace finally heal in this land. To restore the hurt from the losses. Over the history; of All in mankind.


The confusion begins in not knowing; who is the paternal or maternal siblings..

See why, DNA is affiliated to the WHO..but often in this life; eventually it will resurface of the WHY, we were either not told. Are what we knew in All generations but did not properly and genuinely communicate the reasoning to each other.  On these Platforms eventually it Will make complicated or reasonable sense. Of what cohabitation in humanity; revealed in why these  hearts need time to properly heal. And those secrets that seem buried. Still exist awaiting to be communicated on earth. All it takes is one human disagreement. As we are the humans walking around. Tip toeing among. In the Living of human's on earth. 

Why, we are the births of life in these bloodlines of every ancestry. Rooted of a human being on earth, throughout humanity.

What happened in the world? Once the DNA genetics is requested & tested. In every creed of an age, race & gender.

If we avoid the Truth. Eventually whatever is done is the Dark will prevail into The Light. We all deserve the right of knowing who the Family is; that lives is the history in mankind. That will never be deleted. Of the blood lines that make up human history.

Wall Street

The streets amongst many streets across the World; indexes and algorithms. And every human is the consumer of an interest rate, alive or demised. The interest is inherited from one generation taxed unto the next  generation; in,😇 margins and fees. Fixed to credit, products and the demands. Of and in the Politics. Is the navigation that controls this entire world.

Fighting over money, eventually it revealed; every territory of division. In this world of opportunity; labouring  navigates every tool &  driver. Enforced through Policies & Protocols. But in these streets is real People & Familiarity. Of Walls covering System for the Peace of  Civilization knowing the WHY.  

'I figured it OUT'. Speak up without FEAR in your heart. Knowing what the life of bondage from one to another; has taught.

There is the emotions; of doubtors that move in FEAR. As the  driver in humanity of US All. Until the advisors communicate what is in humanity; debated that wins if not will RISE or FALL. Think in a mindset of living is not just limited to day to day survival. If Anything could possibly happen in this life. When did the reality of anything not happening; dawn in Civilization?

Today, is here from the economy of our past generations. And today in this generation. Whe in All are destined to; Cash or Crash. In a Stock Market that holds the wealth & poverty of the World's highest or lowest involvement in interest. 

Teach them the WHY. What does it not endorsed. Will occur in the World's economy; that eventually affects this entire World of humanity..

Online Platforms

 Online dating; just keep in mind. Of the pros & cons. Why, every age of gender and race is online. For their intentions is individually based on; a profile created in and on; a type of human interest. Included is Online gaming; it can be a past time. Are  it can be a lifestyle. Online communities can promote information to the entire world. And in today's time of social media vs. society. We are a human race. Still learning about one another, In evey second of a different day. 

I notice children are highly intelligent about the navigation in technology. I notice adults are excited about social media sharing information on platforms. I watch how the inventors have earned; streams of lucrative income. I see how society interacts on different levels of behavioral in communications. 

And what we also, as humans collectively see together is this; We're all interacting while searching and wandering around online. As we we also walk around each other on earth. Is the same place eventually we of humanity; scroll online to establish or re-establish a  type of relationship or communicate. With each other.

The Pros vs. Cons. Only in humanity have we figured out the entire difference.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Family Law

One of the biggest challenges in this entire world. Is case by case; of who in DNA; is accountable to respond. In reaching a long or short-term amicable agreement. Even if the biological parent is in incarceration. Are death is the absence of parents DNA. And it would behoove humanity. To figure out whose DNA has not been established. It's when the truth is hidden. And families get involved. Of what should be acknowledgement of facts in the cohabitation of People in this world. Not defamation of people's characters to establish agreed negotiations in conversations. Why, in life People agree according to their individual feelings in actions. However time will access. Of what was once an agreement. That will Reveal in this SKIN. Our characteristics & Behaviors of both  parties is made of DNA'S. So, often in the Family & Family Courts the natures of  mature is enough of a sincere concern. For who is the  paternal fathers. Why, not the mother's? The carrier is the mother's who gives birth through the canal of  a child or children. The world argument still stands on which carriers is the makeup in this entire Person. A small baby born of his or her in gende; of emotions & physics. Because the facts are not being DNA addressed. Once the cohabitation is evolving in this earth. 

In the delivery room, we're outside of invited guest in family & friends. Hospital staff and Doctors. Awaiting is still the DNA'S to be addressed. And whether the children were born on the history of an establishment of relationships & marriages. Are born during the cohabitations in life. Out of wedlock. Which is inevitable in All of human cohabitation, around the world. People interact with each other on earth.

The reality of human life; is People & children will suffer. According to the DNA testing. We're not in humanity All knowing; the DNA results. Verses children born into a state of being. Is the acknowledged of knowing & their own birthrights in DNA. This History repeats itself. In testing of the science. Will prove Not one act of cohabitation was one human involvement. Two humans demonstrated interactions. And Not one child born is without DNA. These  children are in our human choices. However, there is the one; accountability often overlooked in these Family or Family Courts; people change over a course of time. If not undermine each other. In their own human choices. Is one DNA test at deliverance. The paternal & maternal DNA can be sealed for history. And future generations..Could avoid the cost of suffering in mankind. To pay over the DNA cost over generations.

However, this world is the makeup of DNA's that continue to be born. And continues to be the cause of whether the breakdown is in courts for not establishing; the DNA & welfare of in All the children in this world. If we ourselves struggle with each other in being human. In internalizing life is filled with adversity. But at the same time being human beings in a crisis; to find out. The why, we as humans still lack of knowing. The DNA that paired in the procreated act of; our own identities.

In society it's inevitable to reason in what humans refuse or reconcile to do. Of negotiating; which bridges remain unsalvageable. How so, the world consist of People diversity & Traits & Characteristics. That is the internal Patterns of what types in Blood lines in between these 2 families. Each individual human belongs to. And the truth will be questions in generations to Why; my daddy don't love me. Or mommy abandoned me in this life. If this statement is false. Then why are the family courts really involved.

Uncertainty of human Belonging affects us in All; emotionally. Which could last emotionally in years of our individual lives to heal. 

It's this world of civilization we as humans are being tested in; to finally settle the entire missed, avoided, evaded, negotiated are established communication in. Even as adults we are still the birthrights to our own maternal mother's, and paternal fathers in DNA. Regardless of what occurs in this life. Are what we as humans decide.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


We are the blood in the history of life. Why, if you listen to People we all got an age and date. And a roll of names. 

If anyone judges each other, based on characters in this life. Pull in Slow to anger. Accelerate in Prayer. if you are not there in the spiritual world. Talking to man will clutter your mind. Why, we All really know what time/date it is. 

But If it's believable that Home is Where the human heart is. Live in this life of with a personal stronger purpose. Why, tomorrow is just unpredictable. Friends are far & near; of an enemy that idolize any type of attack.  Stay tune and in touch and knowing the ingredients to consistency. Is a loyal and royal move; in oneself. Why, Selfishness is meditated over time. As we as humans possess of many emotions & spirits that breathe life on this earth. Is why, Family fights &  struggle exist. However pure Love and unity; is the most Powerful gift. That surpass All life's adversity. In any types of Relationships. People feel emotionally entitled through an ownership. That is destined to either will fade away. On paper or even parenting relationships. Psalms are singled out. Why, we as humans either forget trying to understand; forgiveness starts in  ourselves. In order to grow up & mature; to understand,  in staying balanced. To  continue to find love for each other. Is simply a work in learning to respect each other; is Golden.

It's not just  the life circumstances, were All dealing with. While  finding a common space with each other in it. It's what some People don't want to change; about themselves. But attempt to expire or exchange; in someone else's. Regarding  themselves.

Therefore, just be mindful of being the best version of yourself. So, that even these children feel secure. In realizing their 'Old Souls'. Why, We all got to &  eventually grow up. in this life. Or be in a state of left mentally; behind.

We will continue to find Distress or Peace through context of contentment in our own individuality and identity. Why, because no one is not the weakest or the strongest; in of resilience or being broken. In this life. Freewill is human history. Flaw's will expose every human act in this world; of who will or has of SIN. Why, Religion is a choice in a civilization world of People. Where People will cohabitate all across the world. Over & over, again & again. Some will  Teach false doctrine, some will practice false doctrine, some are enablers; to the youth, babies are elders. In using false doctrine to live out their own lives. And to judge; and justify why their assumptions of God is not a Man. But how is it, man lives a life of SIN.

Grace & Mercy is bigger than Mankind. So, what stems from Hurt & Pain and lies. That's universal in mankind. In this world of wealth, joys, famine, headaches & pain? To All figure out Once the Inventory of life is present, packaged and sold to each other. Think hard about What & Who will stand then qualified to Judge on a Solid foundation on earth?

Race in generations. And still standing in the presence of Judgement of All my beloved's.

Friday, August 2, 2024


In humanity we've all said & heard the words 'Single & Singles'. Just not categorized in the same statement, phrase of comments. Are state of being in this entire world. 

We heard females, struggle to raise good boys. We've watched good men denied a chance. 

We created a stereotypes in life. We're birthing generations of generations at one place in time.

We're judged by each other. for being single father's and mother's. If not just single people. Yet it take 2 DNA's to procreate the birth of a new identity. 

We celebrate being single, cashing in on singles, tossing singles. But if we were in humanity to put 1 single with another; it produces a pair.

We read & debate statistics.

We watch a society in Civilization.

We, point out fingers amongst each other.

We suggest those types of People.

We attempt to isolate from the Culture.

We will go the ends of the earth; to claim a click or status.

We, are quick to click bait each other. in  'What we going to do,  What we decided, what & who we're going to get to do somethings, first without asking. And lastly, what we got together knowing we were once without.

What we are still in another day of is 'what you gone do'? The one time we don't agree in 'Whe, Whe'. That same When now has turned into; it's all about myself or you. 

In light of our differences in civilization. I ask a child. Name this place. The reply was; earth. Now what lives on earth. The reply was; people of civilization. Next, I ask who has a heart on earth. The child replied the animals, birds and People. and what is one kind of People on earth. The child replied Humanity. So, who decides what People choose for another Person of a Freewill in life or death. Knowing you understand life is the makeup of People of 1 mankind. The child replied GOD. And why, do you think people choose their own choices. The child replied God created life with a human heart. But sometimes people; show selfish behaviors. 

I ask The child have ever witnessed an adult speak whatever was on their mind. But I implied specifically; do you know the difference in kindness, disrespect and making a point. The child was silent as registering the question, to shortly respond. Then replied in all ages I've witnessed these types of emotions. Now my child this communication was from the heart. Do you know why? The child replied yes. Because you love me & care. So when happens at any given moment. Remember you're a beautiful mind. In a world of types of People in civilization, that possess life. And now you are growing in your own skin..and will know how to process & identify. 

One more question, human, religion is a personal choice & livelihood practice; if not a human decides to not choose a religion. Therefore Who created this Entire world. And another part of the question your experience in understanding of who is God, overall. The reply, God is the creator of the heaven & earth. And the reason why, the heart is important. Is so that everyone as a human will live..

My point is this. We as humans can treat each other; as we like on earth. But never underestimate the Souls of who is thinking about; the real Value of Life.

As I close this blog. Experience is Powerful. As we, we in civilization walk pass one another in this life. Listen to what other's or even ourselves; are experiencing. Some people will express it was like an outer body experience; dealing with each other. Some people will describe other people's appearance exposed as Neanderthals, or Narcissistic Personalities. So, one day abroad in life. Eventually the story of life will make more sense. Because of the behaviors in humanity. We though we All figured out about each other. Didn't just describe one person. We as people interact with All people; in every human nature. The narrative of this story is sole based on the entire characteristics of who we are as person or people. revealed in a place of civilization..

Thursday, August 1, 2024

School Daze

Back to school. All around the world. And tax free weekend; is here once again.

Be kind to one another; as the anxiety sits on pause. The children are anticipating a new year of friendships & academic awards. So, how can we as a people help. To relieve some tension on the reality of our payroll check's & debits. 

First, remember school returns after every summer break. School is in session in every season of Life.

And for some reason we're all busy in this life. So, why is this To Do list for over generations is still out of control. Just be mindful these Government, Social & Public services; are not intended to get any human hooked. Why, not what will be left of it in the services. For this generation and already the future of our kids.

Breathe, if there are children in this world. There is the title of a guardian as well. And no one human is exempt. It's takes a village to raise 1 child. We live in an entire world; filled with them.

Donate, Volunteer pull together for once without who does what. And make it about the children who are the future. But if the adults can't get along; then what type of future have we created; for the children.

Money is tight. But if we are amongst, the uncivil & distress. In of these is the People of those who have & have nots. And of  People of categories People title is also those types in People who alienate  each other; is when nothing gets resolved. Then we in civilization ask; what is missing in this world of human compassion. This year Fill those empty back packs with love & patience. Eventually another season is slowly approaching. In another year of Winter that will require warmth; and human respect around structure. Is what keeps peace revolving in this world. Of our human attitudes. And to maintain these human relationships.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gang Initiates

The word created of alphabets. It's the associations attached to the name and it's history. And if we are those without human SIN. Continue to Contest the Biblical history, including man. And in All grasp a clearer understandings. To why, there is destined to be the hardened of hearts in People. Is spiritual gang stalking, be mindful of the convicted victim. And on earth is he Gangs of peoples; really is those associations. In unlawful services negotiated & established. Between each other no exemption in titles this is history. In every fact is the family, friends, invited guest & string affiliations in associates. In every community & society. Amongst All is the Gang Affiliations & Politics. In this world is Civilization.

We all got a story. And if humans  investigated these stories collectively. And then judge independently. The Skeletons will consume this entire earth. The dead will be summon to rise. WHY, humanity would then have serviced the blood shed in this earth. For it's own plead for Justice, is up for it's final judgement.

In humanity we must remember. There is no we're to run or hide. From the SIN in this world. The Bible reminds SIN will prevail the adversity & trials. Humanity will forever endure in this life. To save themselves is finding Salvation. Once this world of mankind has destroyed the pureness in it. Of a Freewill; is human life. So we in humanity compromise ones self in these desperate attempts to; initiate the participation in street justices. Where there is the advocating of silence. In between People from one to another. And unfortunately the flaws of these courts of laws. Sits of the same cohabitation in the streets. Of a mentality is behaviors in characters. People are known to defame each other. Which creates the platform  of profit to sell 'unfinished business'. Is really about scrambling to hinder those of being exposed of real truth. To remain hidden behind a world debated negative narrative. For the history of recorded lies. Is embedded history Real people procreated & continue to talk to each other about.

So, now people play with grief. knowing clarity eventually clears up; the grey answers of unanswered questions ❓ 

See, we're all exposed to All scenarios of Life's problems and situations. Whirlwind in the streets; regardless of our established human titles. And delegated human roles. It going to happen. Over there, over here, basically over time. It's going to happen every where accross the world. Relax and simply think Priority & truth, about what is now revealed of the World. And How so, many people procreate through cohabitation in Life. In our children, is these relationships, churches, community's of businesses, funding, amendments & rights, education, council members, hospitals, county courts, commissioners, commissioning, voting. We are humanity made up of these same obstacles and evolving relationships in life. We are judged by each other. Harassed by each other; over each other verbally & physically. In every race. Including our own races then; stereotyped by the culture. Then repeat in what gets debated; of humans ordeals with each other. To retain, buy back, trade & sell. Of one to each other. In All types in products & services even in these streets. Of is the official platforms in networking. People even market explicit interactions between humanity, knowing the penalty is negotiated for confinement, a plea if not release. Included is every gender and race.  Including is impact on these children being negotiated. For a short or long term residency or select care. And in the background is the system created in place. For the legalities of people is  mediation to reach Ammicable agreements. There is the money being exchanged. If not illegally commingled of services; legally or awaiting the judgement of what is rendered. As we live in a world of human exploitation. There is sexual trafficking in all ages, legalized prostitution in gender all creeds; aired is the packaging in advertising. Exposed in homesteads, commercial properties and All types of entities. While there is an attempt to fight for the cure; peace. By measures of surveillance to halt if not end the violence of homicides, poverty vs wealth, birth control, DV, CA and hate crimes All over. In every nation of Mankind. Is Political rally's, street marches advocating in  debating. Pay wages and mechanical malfunction. Is the argument over infrastructure, insurance rates, sink holes.. theses broken bridges amongst one another. All Over ownership while on top of this Earth's foundation. Generations of life has died for the human right & freedoms. To ensure generations of All life. Possess passage through the gates. To enter into access. Of human privileges. We live amongst violated privacy rights between each other, taxations, and breached contract & credit lines is this street hustle. We have witnessed people in tears & sweat. To  fight with normalcy & eradicate violence. So, What is, are Who is managing control. If this world checks & balances. For the People. Is the same People lives that depend on each other; to sustain Hope. As the wait for Justice piles up. In the history of reference quotes and statues of limitations. In manmade Laws in The Criminal & Federal Courts. Is civilization rationalization of Religion. Is the public threat of these future Ransome Software threats. Another generation is already the next generation. Of unprotected systems. That will not exclude the equality of the treats; that will include. The process of human judgment in mankind's information. While this preservation of a longevity in life. human live in anxiety for their own change.

Gangs, stop talking to each other. Gangs have been in existence range in All formations of mankind. And in society children are exposed as early as of day 1. We in humanity would like to sell. We're not involved. However, if knowledge is the fear. Of  knowing how we are living. And Education is being Denied in All sorts of resources & walks in life; even in homesteads. Why, once the Why is exposed. The Association in All unfolds in this generation. That is breeding a mindset to birth the next generation; in the same state of being.

As we humans advocate for this future life. So, what really happened during the course of Time. Of our own human history. Of sons & daughters. I will no longer be enslaved in my mind & heart. Through intimidating behaviors. In acknowledging the human act that ignites generations in ignorance. Check the comments, conversations, the environments, text messages, emails are changed cell phone records. If not referencing the court reporting systems. The adversity in this world. Where there is human intelligence is a freewill in humanity. In every age in all races of birthrights in mankind. Luke 10:19. Stop the violence of existence in a state of; human denial. And listen to deal with conflict resolution between each other. It's human history of mankind, during human cohabitation. But If we're to judge; each other in this human skin. Look deeper into the SIN we as humans in the world committed within ourselves; then passed down committing the same SIN with each other. GANG mentality is a history inherited. Based on human behaviors. Advertised throughout the human history; sold as a Culture. The setback of revenge;  it birth right back into the next generation.

No life story will change. Even in death My life story 'stop talking to All of Them', his life story will not change the facts in it. Neither will humanity's life stories lived. Because Alpha & Omega is spiritual based on The Book of Life. For All in Humanity, no human posses the Power to change.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Answer The Phone

Answer the phone! Are else what? Why, you not answering the phone. Especially while you reading or just read  a text message. Are maybe the phone was away from your side. Patience before exploding. Why, people have been these  characters in playing mind games. Just Look around the world. Everyone you see has a phone or iPad if not texting in the wide open. So, please be patient with the needs of each other. Even children must learn the precious value in response time. As our individual priorities are not the same. However, the opportunity to connect is often  missed. If not retturned or promptly accepted.

People play mind games. However,  kids are are granted the acception. Why, they can only do so much of what they are; told, taught. If  teached of how to properly respond & communicate. And ensure children are educated on the usage of electronics. Why, camera's are a commodity. Records capture real time conversations. To share. However, if these children are not being properly educated about; privacy laws. The children are unaware of the heavy penalty. That could reflect on the guidance. That should be more aware  information is stored; every where. And It's the question mark. That stems of why would a adolescence in child collect; images & recorded information. And for who & what was the authoritative intention..

So, While sitting by the door hearing a knock at it. Or what about when you need some money, select who is an option to pick the kids up Are you a a ride. Just any random request; as long as a human being responds. However, how is it we're in All choosing not to pick up the phone.Of course it's funny. But not All life situations are the same. Think about it

One day life called Roll Call. And this person is forever unavailable.

One day a friend was told; pull up. One day that friend never returned; home to his or her own family if not including children.

One day an abuser manipulated their way into a secure or vulnerable place. However, the abuser had already completed the final blow. But 911 did a welfare check to late.

One day that elder; accepted. I don't expect anyone to come by are call. Why, the children are grown. The GC are busy. The neighbors spoke. While overtime this body grew old. And every now and then. I get random company. That will just sit  down with me.

One day 911 was overloaded with calls. Just not enough operators on board. So, some calls went into a que, other 911 calls we're delayed, in my case it was 20 minutes for an EMS and Official response time, on another call the children were still; home alone.

One day the parents disagreed. And in the blink of an eye; world's immediately collided.

Answer the phone.  It's not require the call be for All. But Not everyone needs something from you; that has sacrifice and given to you overtime. Maybe that call was a Prayer or a concern to check in. Because tomorrow is not promised to no human being. As we would like to think; it will never be me.

Once we remove the arrogance or just ensure our surroundings are stable. Never disregard Death teaches a valuable lesson. We've and even now live amongst each other. In a world of People on networks . But no one one ever heard or knows nothing. Unless the calls are dropped. And the truth is exposed. Of what was just a text or call. To hear a human voice; speaks out loud.


It's never just a certain Race around these Cultural identities. In what new statistics advertise to this world. In what people get married or divorced. If not continue in a multitude of People involvements & relationships. While the life experience exist; of a healthy, dysfunction or open ended relationships. It's humans trying to work on each other. Against Life Test & Time of not being Alone is this world to secure the balance. So people procreate. If not blend people together. To create this real life or pictures in a frame of; family. And attempt to work in unity. For we are not blind. The generations have passed US in All. Is now another generation. We find ourselves; in a struggle to correct each other. From what took place in the pass generations. To figure out this LOVE; is attainable but complicated. In All is the human freewill. That requires individual human patience. Why, experience is continuous work. The same work that is  Desperately required in our individual human selfs. 

A GC ask why did you not have anymore children; after his father untimely passing. First, our lives are Written in the Book of life; no human is exempt. I continued  to respond to this child; unknowledgeable about life and the feelings he will struggle with in his own human skin, As a young mother. I experienced a life with People. And took notes in my heart filled with life lessons. Of  people's struggle within themselves. The same struggle we tolerate with each other. And I decided as a young girl. My child deserve better than just another life story. For one day he would walk out into world. I could no longer protect of his heart or human choices. A repeat of human history. But on his journey; in his soul. He will know the depths of real love. However,  choices will drive him down a narrow path; of figuring out the Power in awareness. And in our lives finding strength is just human growth & development. Whether appreciated or not. Always work on being a  better version of the person; you find content and peace with. Meaning I was destined to being an unforgettable parent in his life. And when trials knocked at the door. And trials will eventually knock; in humanities doors. This human was aware; of consequences and accountability is an action. Therefore, he  knew  the Why, understanding life. Is more tolerable than trying to fix, accommodate & heal from People to Person. From. A person back to People.

So, what if people never experience this event of audience watching each others vows; for a marriage. Or just experience a healthy engagement with People. Before the First, of all. Think about it. Are we All prepared for each other in this life? In these Experiences life is a cycle that rotates in stages with different types of behaviors in People. 

Once the dating, is finalized into an amicable established relationship. Where two people reach an agreement. On how to continue & approach. The next step in which cohabitation occurs. To figure out each other's; weaknesses & strengths. Good or bad habits. Or what is not still of happiness in themselves. We continue to attempt to figure out what is missing; in each other. If not ourselves.

I ask a mother, a friend. Listen to strangers of All creeds in races of All types of Religion & Political Statues & Laws of history based on People. Then to watch how children are; internally broken. In All ages. How, again it's People"s expressions. Of what Divorce is like. Relationships are unsettling or a great experience. I then ask, why. Try.  Because we invest & pour. All of ourselves into people and each other. That also need work in themselves. Accountability is learning the Why, To build together is just forever human work.

So, I ask my son. Knowing the Bible speaks to life. And marriage is no exemption. It's a ceremony to concentrate The relationship. In observation and assistance of The courts that require documented marriage certificates. And Families are either supportive or disregard any involvement of these human relationships. Why, because every human has a Freewill; to live with the choices they individually will make in this life. And you my child will figure the WHY out. We are not responsible to ensure the both of US are responsible. As we experience life. Is to evolve in growth & maturity. But from a boy to a man. What did you figure out about engaging with people in your life at this age of 28. Even if marriages is not in All of every human story. A ring is material. It's does not identify with human growth. And, include children. But also, there is children that may not always be a part in the decision making process. Why, Not all people marry for the same reasons & circumstances. But People  do choose. So as being your own man. Make wiser decisions. Understand the gift you possess in; knowing patience is love. Over time attention is consistently sought. He replied, I would have made 1 correction in this area of maturity in my lfe. Knowing why 'People also posses issues in themselves'. ' I'll keep that between myself & God. In respect of his absence on earth. But what he said the night before his passing over is this life. I thank God mom for years of patience & forgiveness. It was alway's God's unlimited plan, time, grace and love that has kept me. I made promises before I leave. Because we All have sinned & continue to Sin then Judge; each other. Thank you mom for loving me. Even  were people show disregard to appreciating; life. Knowing we need more time invested to work in ourselves. Than looking first for an action; from each other. Is  Knowing respect is earned. But the FEAR of being embarrassed & alone is more dangerous; in this world.

 Why, we in All; must reach an age. Of growing in ourselves. And identifying when to Walk away; for a peace mind. will alway's mend; the bridges of Life. The bridges we together will no longer cross. Tell them in All of Those still living on earth. There has & will be struggles and adversity. I seen a lot, listen a lot, fought for those who couldn't, lived  through the lonely nights knowing a lot of information. Then why, walk back into human relationships. The WHY, has to be fulfilled. Being single are with someone does not mean All involved with each other. Still struggle in what occurs in real marriages, unhealthy relationships are  divorces. The Bible reads no human can live off nothing. But this love has proven; building a solid foundation first, has to be laid. In order for a foundation to stand against Life's adversity.

And lastly, once the real work begins. After the cues & aws, gossip. And the music is silenced. A new chapter starts in the lives of Holy Matrimonials; till death do us part. And real people return back to their own lives; to figure it out. But these life stories does not alway's end in a tragedy storyline. Are another racial narrative. In who got a relationship, struggling to stain in a relationship, or just figured out time is precious. Is it always for the best interests of the kids. If the money is sought to create bridges of spite & hate. For Some marriages stand have proven in this life. To wither the Real test of Time. How so,  my mother & mate committed & communicated; in death to them part. In this life Some people just outgrow each other; it's life. Some people simply decide to never return. Some people just young in the mind. Some evil in the heart. Is why some people never heal properly in life. The life of adversity. Of Some divorces that destroy an entire family; over secrets & spite. How so, trust is earned. You can cover a wound. Are negotiate family secrets. But when bridges are completely broken in these hearts of mankind. These humans hearts don't always align; with the biblical scripture or human behaviors. So, what if The Bible is not a spiritual space; every human finds comfort in. Instead of growing cold; in a world that People either add  joy & pain to each other's life. We of All races of people still posses a Freewill to heal.

If every human was to be married on earth; to each other. In this life. Could we maximize ourselves; to be worthier people to be enough. Are be even better people for each other. To be loved for life; by each other. Now who is going to teach this generation about what type of LOVE. Conquers the hurt we continue to cause each other. That stems from our own individuality & human experiences with one another. Once those human expectations keep Targeting each other. To talk about it; in another generation. Is what humans do; from one to another.

Either we're fighting in a ring together. Are fighting in a ring; against ourselves and the bridges that separates US from finding ourselves..


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...