Friday, August 23, 2024


And on those days when it's not heart felt; between each other on earth. I AM Enough. 
And on those days I don't feel the love. I AM Enough. 
And once the adversity in life starts; to tear down those walls of confidence. I AM Enough. 
And when the walls are closing in, around a world filled with people. I AM still Enough.

Why, solely reflect on how much can we give or take; of ourselves. To pour into one another in this life. To eventually figure out. What is still missing or what is still needed. If 'I AM Enough for my self'. Or maybe we lose each other. Because it's just not Enough for one to over pour more. To complete in filling up; another.

When the sacrifices are no longer enough; for each other on earth. Then the best is become accomplished. To feel confident &comfortable in oneself. Is one step to moving in life; going forward.

Encourage someone today. In All ages of any gender & race. Why, there are times of not knowing why we're not nearer to being Enough to each other. To figuring this state of fulfilling Purposes. Is finally identifying with what Could make a world of difference. To face the WHY; I AM Enough. Even if it's means; for US. Are maybe amongst in All. Time requires independent work. A type of work that is alway's needed in oneself. Of that same ample time in work; spent of invested attempts to fully figuring each other out.

Ma, what is real love. We speak the words  'I got love for you', 'I love you', so freely to each other. In every type of cohabitated human way. Child one day our heart's each will feel broken. Why, because of this love we claim towards each other in this life. 

Why, a Love that is timid will not last through All these test; Over time. But a love of that is patient. Can sustain the endurance of these life test; that will nudge at our human angered temptations. These are the test we must endure because of  human adversity. No one person is exempt on this entire earth. But I promise to pour a love so deep into you. One day in those moments of disappointments you will understand the importance. In why 'I AM ENOUGH'.  No the matter the plans. In this LIFE, is a plan recorded for US in All. Of women & men.

Why, AM I AM ENOUGH? The concern is Are we Enough. In this Lifetime for each other?

Why, Word's Speak Volume. That stimulate Power, Purpose & Self Motivation.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gun Violence

We are humanity. The breathe of life. That speaks for the silence on earth.

As we hover over lines & laws. Of disciplinary actions. Told how to live in a world. Of behavioral acts. That contribute to creating a world filled with compassion, empathy and violence. We as a human race continue to advocate in the world. Gun violence does not only happen in wars. Gun violence of All types occurs; throughout this world during life. Is the violent behaviors. Including in All places exist is places of infrastructure is the hardships. Amongst All creed & cultures of People. Exist the vehicles that collide. Amongst our human adversity; is life.

So, no human is reformed or exempt. The truth of the matter is; Gun Violence in an emotional matter. To ever breathing human being. All over the world. But how do we as a human race; address this stigmatism is the cause of a culture. In a  world of many Nations.

In orders. We are given. What is taken or deprived if not governed by laws. Therefore, the removal of being in control of ownership. Is it being deprived of a human right. Rights that are not just limited to removal of guns. Rights of Privacy, Safety & Protection. A security that Allows humanity to feel a sense of being is knowing. Until humanity looks deeper into our human hearts. Of how can we live in peace. But approach each other. In awkward mannerism in the world?

So, that clarity is not limited. To them,  we, us, those are them. Once the Talk is against of who is the oppressed. Are of how the laws; are used to advocate, eradicate or to deny humans freedoms. 

Why, any type of human nature exist on this earth. We are 1 human race; seeking refuge, protection in All. Is our human right and human flaws. To figure out who and how to; manage the preservation of human life.

I am a mother, to a child( human being) whose life was lost to Gun Violence. In a society of human life. The same human lifestyles. We live in of cohabitation. Is civilization of societies. Of All types of infrastructure is the communities. Of the residency is family. The children & families that exist in a new world of Time & Violence. That may appear as if this is a new day of normalization. In a new world of descencitized; human relationships.

A world that functions. In a world of human rights. Human beliefs. Human values. The Humans titles that judge each other. Of our own human; existence. Is also our human needs vs. equivocal & unequivocal human rights to freedom's. 

The human challenges over generations. We stand in the lines because of this human right. To defend and protect. Is To be heard as it is over generations debated. Of what is old history that remains unfix. In the current unresolved History; of humanity.

Global Security, Environmental Safety, Food Insecurity, Health & Wellness, Freedom's & Global Prosperity; where is the future of mankind; headed? While at the mercy is our own; human decision makings. As the violence has no boundaries of a threshold; in every private or  public space. Throughout this entire place.

Our freedoms are no longer; opportunities. Our Freedoms is now a fight; for the freedoms to exist. Is finding how we as humans can sync. Why, it's the weapons used towards one another; less of the accountability. Used in types of violent approaches; is destined to destroy generations of each other. If not not working towards this time. To figure out if there is a human policy; to vote on. For Balance to balance out the world. 

If we never gather enough facts; to support the history made in mankind. How can mankind move forward in history. To fix what's next to maintain our freewill to understand freedom is not bound to LAW. Freedom it's how to find a harmony; amongst one another to just live; amongst our human differences. 


First, what are the requirements. What is the task. Who, is qualified to any type of work ethics. Of hiring the employed; to complete a mission. or start the case load. That continues is on earth; non resolved?

One day, I was taught what was required to maintain & sustain a work mentality. One day I was tested in areas of my self. But before I respected; and passed down the mindset of possessing the title leadership. It had to be first understood there is this adversity In test. That will prove what is in our blood; we're made of. That will determine; how preparation. Does not mean some will remain a follower; to never being a lead. Why, It's just a test. To see what is in us; growth & maturity. that's makes us resilient. Then to be qualified. Of how  we are secure in ourselves; to lead. If not continue to follow each other.  

The moral this. We All would like to believe in charge. Is qualified over; someone or something. The problem is not everyone is born to be a follower; or neither continue to lead forever. because of father time. And the changes of life. Will require either of US that could lead. But where are we leading each other to pass on the paton. Beyond this mental space; of human territorial thinking.

Speak up my son. We're living in sorrow days. And on borrowed times. What's on your mind. Before I led. I figured out the Why, I followed.  For it is in our state of existence. To follow each other. Until life test teaches the WHY. Confidence is in oneself; in figuring out what is built individually within ourselves. Of this  weight that is destined to be carried; is was never about. What we didn't get right or how we could of acknowledge of the wrong. That remains unfinished business in our lives. It's always deeper Once it's figured out. 

The work is plenty in any state or condition of being human in this world. However, the worker's are mentally drained. For physically; working amongst themselves. Who is Awaiting and who will lead US next. Of the leaders who chose to carry the weight of our own thinking; on their minds & in these human heart's. For generations we have ridden the backs of each other to get to a position; we either lead, follow pass the Paton. Are do nothing at All.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Inner Man

The word 'Man' & 'Mankind'. Of his or her; inner self. 

There is these Broken pieces; in our lives. The pieces broken down; from  relationships, life & time. And no one can find the balance in figuring out the real Why. Of how do we piece your's back together; first. As I of Us and Them. Remain in these same broken pieces within ourselves.

Healing is an emotional process. In man or mankind. That will require; recalibration in our individual self's. Why, we in Humanity all got a story to tell. As everybody needs something from someone else in this life. 

The issue is figuring out; why, when, who & what. Can we accomplish if not together. In the midst of dealing with our own inner self; is these broken pieces. We scramble to find peace. While figuring out how to piece back together, of what is or is continuing of being broken 💔 down.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Body Shaming

The good news is everyone has a  human physic in these natural bodies. The shaming is that People mock; the way each other's body is or not. Of perfection.

And it's ok to admit; attempting to fix. What you were naturally born in wiring with. But the reality still remains. Of the authentic you. Is the layers of skin each human; is born of natural beauty. How so? We're not All cloned. just different patterns structured in this body. We edify of who we naturally are.

I tell my loved ones, to wear your beauty inside. Why, sometimes the adversity in life. Will make you feel uncomfortable within yourself. But if you work from your inner soul. The outside will alway's GLOW.

Every day, a human struggles with self confidence & appearances. And it does not matter of any humans; status, relationships are associates. Or access to money. Being human we're all dealing with something internal. And therefore somewhere in life. There is those in this life. That will alway's intense of find time. For judging other's; before  standing in their own mirrors. And Judge. Of what is it do they see. In this image of their own flaws. Is being human. Of what we see in each other. on the outside. 

Real beauty is rooted from within.

Encourage, our children. As we encourage ourselves. Because one day life's adversity; is destined to change how we look in the mirror. Not at each other. But look deeper inside of our human self's.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Men Talk

Today men were having another general discussion. And the topic was 'a woman's independence'. 

We'll what is this females role. From the time she is of a child groomed by a mother & father. Or maybe a single parent through being an adolescence, youth and then adult. Now switch the rolls. What is this males role. From the time he is a child, adolescence to a boy, young man into adulthood. Groomed by his mother & father or a single parent? Over generations both male & female face a life filled with challenges; of even figuring out themselves. We were not born with internal manuals. We learn from each other. And over this lifetime. We will All  figure out. What did our parents, guardians, environment, or life experiences; actually taught us about real life.

And let's not assume All men are having this conversation. In a derogatory mindset. Allow these men to brief amongst themselves. In their own manly conversations. Then maybe the perception about this male & female role. Could be re-evaluated by them both. According to what the both of them have learned; about being individual humans. And what each is capable of. In bringing into an Adult relationship.

Our young people. And even children are breeded into idea relationships with each other. But until we work on ourselves. There will be test. Once we both discover who is independent or codependant; amongst each other. Verses our weakness & strengths. As humans deal with our uncharted human emotions. And if we're both; mature enough to build alone. Then what is keeping a male & female from; building with each other. And age is a concern. In this life of cohabitations. 

Once the physical attractions and time for compassionship; gears in neutral, drive are park. Because it's in our Individuality that sparked; the immediate human interest in our eyes for each other. Before the thoughts in our minds & hearts; became each other's real life challenge.

Think about being human; who as a human being will need more or less of; physical touch, protection, a sense of security. And an emotional attachment to feel a human belonging; to each other.

Being human we're not destined to live in a state of physical loneliness. Man's greatest fear is REJECTION. Of not being accepted by a man or woman; in all age categories. According to our individual human state of demonstrated independence. Knowing we've lived over a history in generations. Of All being single. And in cohabitations. Of this male & female role. Regardless of our human status pro quo. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


We don't inherit habits. We create our individual habits. Which identify our self differences. It All starts playing out in our mental thoughts of how we do live. In a life of diverse beliefs.

Turning from the victim aka the reaper, into the Villain. We're victims by our human idolized choices. Until we're the Villians in our own individual lives. We accept telling the truth to ourselves; first. To finally stand up to each other;  to stand on. What needs desperate change about these cohabitations. We live in of our own life situations.

The moral is; there is safety in a multitude of council (religion). We are born into a life of many sacrifices. We plead forgiveness from one to the other. From of each other. But disregard forgiveness of ourselves. Including waking up to each other. And advocating normalizing living in a world of walking with the enemy. Is not this unfamiliar face we see. It's the actual faces of what & who we made of the history. In how do humans. Of All People interact with one another on earth. Even in self worshiping each other; and of ourselves. We're addicted to each other's personal emotions. Gravity to knowing of our human differences. So, we internally feel entitled to judge the Cultural Expectations; of each other in a world we struggle.

It's always deeper than what some hide behind of; behavior modification. Is also those who do not believe in religion. Why, in humanity we just don't have to believe in anything. But never question the Why, evil deeds; on earth occur.

Our 1st Amendment rights justify in mankind the validations;  of who possess a Freewill to speak freely in mankind. To live the way we want to live. However, what is taught, lived and  practiced in our own personal lives. Will prove what happens in our Cohabitation. Is our own choices of unchangeable or choice in change; of what is in our individual human natures.

Mom, yes my beloved. Why are you afraid. I don't live in fear. Son, it's the thoughts in this mindset in how we as humans think; to live. Mom you taught me about God, Almighty & All Powerful beyond All humanity in this world. And I figured out the WHY. So, Stay Encouraged in this World.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Assignment

What Time is it?

One day in humanity, collectively we will witness the reason to the WHY.

It All has to happen. At the right date & time. 

One day during time. While humans were busy bodies planning for each other. In our own human ways. Was not what the Real Assignment would reveal in the Days.

The Assignment Humans were originally created to on earth fulfill.

With the gifts, in which we as human beings were born with at birth. The gifts of our own birth rights. To sow of seeds back into the earth.

There will continue to be advocating of rumors, gossip & secrets. Writing wrongs to right. But hidden lin the bosom. Of this world. The real names will not be; hidden under one stone. left unturned. Why, the truth was never hidden history. It was alway's hidden in FEAR. Of what eventually would be spoken on. In the Days of the Living. Of what mankind ever did in the darkness of this world. Is now in The World of mankind. Of attempting to stop. Of what's now; the light in This World of human flaw's.

But this is not how the story will End  Time. This time The Stories will reveal of what was All involved; during the Days of All mankind.

Everyone is facing some form of Fear, differently. Everyone either chooses to make their mends or not. Of what is being done in this lifetime.

Home Buyer

First time buyers still possess a chance. To be a first time home owner. All you need is the access or purchase; on the selection of Lot & Land. 

Factory Housing has made the news. Build in factory & Ship. Check into the comps, ask questions. To satisfy your home buyer's; curiosity. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


If in All humanity is the negotiation, entertainment & fellowship. In and out of these human relationships. Knowing the rage of fire brews in the hearts of those who possess silence Envy-Jealousy. Then who decides enough is enough; for one day. It will end over the Jealousy; in death on earth.

We are the breathe of life. According to the Book of Life. Is the story of Saul's heart. That pumped in rage. Over the Jealousy of David becoming King. A man who was dearly loved. Even by the children of Saul.who silently watched in envy; as his own children stood on behalf of David. Sauls heart grew deeper for David. In pure Jealousy.

Let people talk, Let people walk. Sometimes cry out in the dark. And if you're not a believer. For the a believer understand why you're never alone; there are signs. We're Just not all equally yoked. Even if our Associations or Cohabitations are neutral. When you are loved as human being. The respect will align. According to God's plan for your personal purpose. Not under the standards of mankind's contradicting conditions; to use you. Only for or your God given purpose. To continue in SIN and then be judged by it.

               'I wanna do my own thing'.                 The way you treat me. Ain't the same. The message is now for the World to see. The Why, it's overdue in time. To place a higher stake; in priority of permanent personal change.

To much Jealousy is on a compass.. trembling in the foundation of the world. If only we knew exactly who was prepared; to under mind Time. Right up under our own noises. As the red flags are waving in the presence of each other. But for some human reasonings; we are the gravity to bondage. Attempting to save. If not change these mechanicals. In one another. 

Encourage yourself, pray over yourself and shut it All down. Once in the spirit life speaks unto death. You have outstayed in my mind & heart; your entire welcome.

Evil Acts

Once it's promoted, heart felt and emotionally processed. We can mock the tyranny. To accept we're All now on Alert. About each other in being human. We in humanity can choose continuance. Of a plan or not. Is one step closer to that preservation in a quality of life. Is internally restoration in a peace of mind. we're just humans,  living in a state of; being judged as living Neanderthals. As the Advocation of Awareness is accepting how in civilization. We coexist, but not always do humans; live in the same mindset of this world.

How, to advocate this type of message? Ever notice of what we do know, but when judgement is presented. It's in those types of human behaviors.  committing  the❓. Amongst to each other; of what is it was the mental capacity. 

We all require human maintenance of working in ourselves. As we growl to the world. About respect from one to another. We possess this entitlement; you owe me something for my feelings. Knowing we're all guilty by some human flaw or fault. We makeup this diversity. Of All nations in this entire World.

In civilization we've become condensed in our own space. Then identified by subjects  in multiple forms of advertised  communication. In respect not all is Collectively acknowledging their is the cultural differences that remain in this World. Included is the evil deeds in life; is this human nature of Acts. Of which we in humanity. Continue in affixiations of an attempt to physically fix. The twist  is what's in the internal wiring; from one human to another human being. And no human is exempt of a title or roll, parents, Guardians are official's. Some  humans choice is living in a mental state; of their own denial. As other humans just figure out. When boundaries are worn down. If not crossed out; because of what occured. In our human communication & approaches. We no now. Of who is a possible person or persons. That invest in orchestrating. Of the next evil deed. Of not Respecting one dynamic. Will alway's bring attention. If what is affecting each other; on earth.

Evil is packaged human disguises. That's the Someone is looking for clout & clicks. Someone is Fueled to Rowl up unnecessary heated debates. Someone is had not found a life purpose. Some get pleasure in grooming children or families. If not the associations in People encourage each other; to be the lead of followers. Its the ignition to maintain  human division. Orchestrated chaos is madness. Insanity is watching it in each other, of pointing fingers. Of whom is next. To crash out. Has to be a delegated roll. For the judgement will be exploited; and the who exposed. In this world.

If we only knew; what day its prepared to happen. The betrayal in mankind. Although it's written in Biblical terms. Not everyone is Religious. Not All are Believers. And not many influences will change All people. We live the way we want to live; in Cohabitation.

Fear of knowing, Evil exist. Increases the Anxiety of controlling the Good. For this Evil used in methods; to destroy oneself. if not execute each other in the world.

Every human is not Racist are neither non Religious. Not Everyone is looking to be saved through Salvation. Or is every human act; intentional. But Keep in mind living life. Is taking inventory of oneself. The algorithm will check the balances on who is accountable for the Cohabitation on earth. We live in space of SIN; and people judgement. In our human Associations is the same People on earth. However, it will not change the dynamics of the damages; evil in humanity is completing of works.

If we in Humanity stop asking what happened with each other. And listen To life. Before attempting to reconcile; our human differences. The challenge still exists; of life's adversity. once it happens; Silence is Golden & Wisdom, Priceless. For the knowing the difference. Love on yourself. Life will work out.

Ghost Writer~DW


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...