Thursday, December 19, 2024


In Texas State Mandated Test. For Students is The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.

Encourage All children. With endless support. And we may not All hold  math degrees or influential studies We in civilization can relate; why math is a huge challenge. As the work has proven with caring educators; anything is a possibility. And if funding tutoring tuition could be that one opportunity. To assist All children in an opportunity to narrow down. What they find to understand. Are is an extended challenge in math..

I won't deny it is was my son his freshman year that encouraged me to not give up. My mother was in education. My father was a scholar & grandmother was valedictorian. Along my villages of extended Bloodlines. Did they also deal & sacrifice during life adversity. Yes, we're humans that exist on Earth. But it's the Scholars in our lives; some who have passed on to Glory. Because of Time. But during life. It is still. Are was the attentive support systems in the Valley & Village. Of the  supervision that encourages; to not give up. How do you tell a child how to not deal with what they face of challenges. Without showing up on their behalf. If we're human alway's pay close attention. To the questions & concerns. And regarding math I was often reminded why to remember every step is the same. It's the formulas & steps. It's being stuck a grey area. When asked to Apply a step in the math. Teaches us also to  apply; our intuition into the world.

So, when we see & intuitively listen more to the children who feel their own humans concern. We're all children to parents throughout the world. And our children do not All learn the same. But by voicing they're own opinions. Of not bringing classroom work; home to further practice helps better understanding. Then the next concern is what is the Communication from the instructors unto the foundations. In a timely turn around. In The Villages we do face Conflict Resolutions & Ammicable Communications. Why, people got other life situations. And we just can't judge; according to assumptions. It's what we also together figure out. It's not about who did what. Are delegated a human role to who. These children are facing more than life, beyond the classroom and bullying. It's about a more stronger; presence in their Lives. To collaborate & voice on. What is an option for the children. In society they are in the education system; seen as a count in human students. Who need more information. And clear direction to locate all available  resources. To obtain the State of mind. Where opportunity exist in & out of Community & Class. The State of Texas has reserved resources. If not then why expect a long overnight success for these kids who are struggling; in or math. Without tutoring to assist.

The moto is if this math defines; their level of educational comprehension. And hinder their future; to retain the same grade levels. Then there is another issue. For any crack in any  foundation on earth. Takes down an entire structure down in education, as systems & homesteads. As we have another generation in-between this current & last generation of identitying structure in education. trying to figure out. How to get; the money & tools into mathematics back into the classrooms. While resistance to service certain communities. For the future is already approaching with challenges for All in humanity. Depending on each other, for the extension will evolve around Education & knowledge.

This is not an human insult. Are a human competition. It's real life struggles. And for these kids; time is moving. This is mandatory. Children possess human rights. For immediate attention. We thank the educators  who are not retiring. Who are officially certified. Not just by a scam of documents. But education. Humanity is facing many challenges in The Board of Education. The laws are complex. But not without whom possess; the seat based on their history of education. In acknowledging where there is Unity. There is the success stories; in every class. In every seat that sat a student. Back into the World.

Tell the children; we're advocating. From behind many walls, petitions. STEM programs & Villages. But where there is Division. Drives confrontations over who gets what done. Where economic investments; play a strong role. 

It takes a moment to deep dive. Where investigations are underway. If money is the template to set children up or facilitate them out. For improvement; to higher scores & sustainability of the knowledge. Throughout the State of Texas. one day; the world is full of sears. One day the walls - doors no longer exist. One College opportunities; pass on legacies in families. One day humans struggled to keep up; knowledge in another generation. Who depended on education; to reach their own life success stories.

Then why ask why, what happened with generation YXX. When the system has; broken boards. As the conversations are advocating the Narratives. The classrooms & test; is humbling in the Attention. That can't be any longer disregarded.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Mental State

In Civilization Mental Illness; does not discriminate. It's in every environment. Humans are acclimated in. Are exposed to. And the advocacy regarding Mental Awareness; is public information. Are people sharing private personal information. The end result; is. How, is mental illness managed. As we hold some type of accountability. Before addressing the conversation; between humanity & society.


Note the word Community Care Providers, 'Adrenaline, Anxiety Personality Disorder,'. Then apply it All & Below to Human Services. All over the World. Is every Village & Society. We're All human; and in need.

Therefore, we must educate ourselves in understanding the state of our own human affairs & well being. It's how we co-exist; amongst each other. To establish how to eradicate; health & well-beings amongst each other.

Why, being offensive. Are defensive. Where the affect is a domino effect. In families, community & Society. Because we don't All experience the same; health-wellness. We are of many genetics throughout Civilization.

In research of the Narrative. All people don't deal mentally the same; in our human wiring. Are neither are the Villages we are apart of. Meaning our situations; are personal but how we handle life. To the level of confidential. And we can agree or disagree. Medical Attention is or not an option; acknowledged. However, if not managed professional remains; needed of a strong support to sustain; psychological emotions. That will eventually pour over into every; public & private environment. Where Intervention is needed; immediately. 

In the anatomy and science; we can research. But in Society every human being; Cohabitates.

Mental Illness, Rebellion are dealing with Depression. We're All cohabiting in acclimated environments. Are in Society; is the state of mental awareness. 

As babies develop the process continues through children into Adult stages; we operate physically & mentally in reaching by sight, sound & touch. As the body responds to how it internally; functions. 

Where we cannot refuse to deny with; what reforms back to human behaviors;  ADHD, rebellious behavior, grief, bipolarism.  Just a few. In every generation is an emotional phycological type. And any type of trauma could cause; human relapse.

If we could; check in on these kids, family, neighbors are associates. Why, we in a Society, we're entertaining not speaking on it. Are avoiding the reality. That again eventually turns into life changing; events. As, we're still watching over generations. The response to 911 calls. Officers are in a state of; adrenaline. Due to unawareness of any environment. That maybe even be a distress call. Are a call to deescalate a situation. We are not educated enough; about how life has changed People. And what triggers the emotional states; amongst one another. As these officers are trained to service the type of call. Not physcoligically make  dissertations; on if the human being is suffering from a mental illness episode. It's undeniable regarding the uncertainty in the world.

It's undeniable in Society, All humans are dealing with; the stress. And emotionally is of the  mental & physical. And some of Humans do depend on a community that had the access to Human Services. It's getting to the point; there is distress call for families & Villages. Needing a resourceful addition in the Community Gardens. A community that supports; each other. It still exist. In every culture. If only we could figure it out. How to unite.

What is experienced in the real world is human differences. And from that cycle starts of the; Abruptness Confrontational, the affect of poverty, food insecurity. Hate & emotions, Aggressive human emotional behaviors toward one another. Because Life does not exempt any human being from emotions. And we're emptied out. To be refilled. It's Cycles back to how we cope with Life's adversity. In being human.

We are through birthrights. The offsprings in DNA. And only in genetic testing. We can further investigate. To be educated & understand. Who we are. But how we develope in these four walls; of skin.

In small dosages; we confront how to deal even with children. Whether they are Genetically patterned; to our own traits. it's what will reveal in our DNA. To resonate with whether the differences of a person or persons possess a mental illness. Again, our associations do not limit our lifestyles Re physical needs. It's how we function mentally with each other; in world of diversity.

Also, with children. Again, it's a fragile conversation. People In Cohabitations. And figuring what is the genetic pattern. In the individual human body. So, if we are in multiple Cohabitations. It's a human right. That every human being knows. And including children; involved. by state law supported in CogAT testing. Why, All children deserve a chance to verify their own level of educational, and self understanding. of what in their own skin, they also can learn to grow with. And If you research Education & what is of State Laws. Why, to interfere with one. To purposely are not recognize stunted growth. Does not stop development. Because not every educator or villages is following Life's Protocol. To cover those who; push the narrative of growth harder. So we are confronted by each other's; petty behaviors & debated concerns. If not pettiness; of angered attitudes. Regarding each other. But remember we are the product of each other. And knowing some will lack; these children. But not All. Why, deep within we're All capable. If we seek the guidance - put in the work; together were bound to change a life. For the better.

My background; my mother was an educator & counselor. I am the product of generations in scholars, classes of military services, volunteer of community services, gang awareness, genetic & triggered mental awareness, incarceration, clinical depression, and villages of Trigger's. All people managed to survive. Through life's catastrophic events. Including what occurs in real life; in All humanity. Included is alcoholism & drug addictions & DV.

It's acknowledging the WHY, health-wellness. In Society requires focus, education and proactive; Villages. To cope and seek the Tools to change the stigmatism. We are not capable to heal each other's internal wiring. However, we are equipped to support each other; to understanding more of  human dispositions. 

Health-Wellness. Is a World's State of Immediate Concern. And no age is exempt in Civilization.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Revitalization; in our personal experiences. Society is of the living. And until Redlining & Zoning. Is tribal in passing down the research that needs to happen, why, if we do not invest time. To upkeep our own communities. Do not be disappointed to not being invested in. Of  communities. The key is Stabilization. So we move about the earth to and fro. Searching on Google any city or country around the world. if not an island; to rent, invest. if not build. And if the quality time is accommodating. to further research who is the  investors in what infrastructure. Then accept or deny. Why, acknowledgements is why People shift between every environment. Throughout the map.

I visited and lived amongst countries in my life. I listen and sat. To sustain an understanding 'Ground Leasing' and Community Land Trust. As in society we fall victim; to the Constitution gargle, quick decision making, comfort zones, claims over material stuff, titles and walls; amongst some. Is no titles, leases are commercial property. It All began for me,  a desire for my only son; to experience what the world is about. In it's own beauty. And sometimes it's required to walk away from a type in mindset. To digest this is an whole world that exist. And what plans are planted in seeds for generations. No matter where you stand;  who you are. are what you possess of material stuff. It's life and the experience. It's land. No matter what is a smoke screen; educated. Process that poverty, money & access; is in every race of people. And the reasoning I did not say wealth. Is because the reality is from human engagement & feeling life. Their is another version; in truth. Acceptance or Denial. In what we collaborate together. And how we view ourselves. Is two different mindsets. That live with internal human expectations. 

I told my son, what do you desire vs. what do you want. Peace of mind, and to see more of life. Regardless of what possessing Wealth is; being educated is identifying; what draws us towards an acquaintance or capability. Exist also the non acquainted mindset.  How so, we have lived enough through ages in young & old. To comprehend life. And determine In every generation; human adversity, life-death. And in between the dash. Exist for everrrybody who deals with each other. But responsibility is not one ownership to Carry; for one another. To later face more of life adversity.  And I have experienced enough obstacles & schemes, narcissistic & gas lifting. plots. In this life. To identify with repeated patterns. Included is theft; what is it. People work harder to plot. Than to invest in a long-term plan. Of what is taken out; of pride & selfishness. Because we All know we're capable of what were willing to hustle, work are sacrifice. But where there is a pattern; in what people consume of entitlement. angers; other's. And life It's a choice's to re-evaluate..from a clear head vs. Double minded mindsets. 

We have searched ourselves; in patterns & trends. Over the history of man. Inherited to birth back; in not All the same. But a mindset that's groomed in a movement  in another generation. Under one government. We watch strenuously; idolizing & in pride. To turn back around & argue on who can live the Dream. Why, not the American Dream. Well, if we knew our own people's history. We could process the outcome. Is the present state of This World. Being Divided.

In zoning & property lines, is walls of Fear. If one race owed a Silverado Truck. Are only manufactured parts. Then why would sales be required throughout the world. Are if one Family member managed only one bank account; how would the rest who labored feel. If one person immediately wanted worldly possessions. And no heirships. If we could birth from each other; and decide who will take on some else's responsibility; according to what the Law applies to every human situation in this life. Then cars & trucks would only be sold and bought in one location of the world. By one type of consumers. Then all life's  problem; would be addressed ,& undressed in the same; justice. The same would  remain reported of statistics. And there Would be only one class of human Poverty or Access to its own  existence. In every corner of the Earth's is still one  infrastructure. In the universe.

If only certain areas are supplied fresh products - grocery stores. Then half the world could sustain in health & wellness. As the other half would decline from limited resources. Throughout the world. Is healthcare. But without the nurses & doctor's compassion & education -knowledge; we're still having a generation in aging crisis. And money is always the Narrative. But again if there was one only one class of People. Then who who would control Father Time in the world.

If only certain classes of humans, not titles are associations, parents are legal guardians, court documents and routing numbers & addresses attached to demographics. to include in every corner of the world; existed. To sustain life should be according to Mankind's feelings. We cannot remove the stigmatism about; human history. When All people. Not one. Are even who was the first People on earth. To breathe in life. To argue over oil, reservations, money, education & land.

What could of, would of, or should of. We will never know. If we only cohabited with one type of people; like ourselves. There would only exist one genetic patter in the entire earth. And one thought in aspects of life. The only existence will reign of one culture, no diversity. one resources. For All to sustain of their own lives.

As we are not just ordinary people. We are one race; humanity.

As we drive back through life. To pull up on each other.  Is the Earth's infrastructure. Let's walk to together; to investigate what's valued; of human life. 

Under interstate 30, for those over generations. Who passed on or down the knowledge. In understanding  infrastructure, community & politics. And why education is a crucial economic development. To build UP. Is to build on. Of what is; complete access. Not so much as a privileges. Why, not every human has any idea of what connected, shipments through opened borders & doors for opportunity. Exist to humans, through sacrifices. That every person possess a human right for growth. And how we choose to grow; each other. It's a different; narrative.

So, now the foundations is shook to its core. People pop out. Disrespect is brazen, throughout human acts. People either continue to abuse every system. Are in All honesty; seek  temporary assistance. from the same controlled systems. As other's are trying to live; and just not live as a human being  that feels; under valued.

If we All chose to have nothing to solidify; having something. According to human behaviors - emotions. The world would excelerate into a state of; pure chaos. If only every one kept in focus; on maintenance in keeping their own foundations in order.

Now that the universe has shifted into an entire; life situation. Not one move is exempt. Are neither in conversation between humans; intentions. To justify the struggle between each other. Why, we can't help ourselves. And eventually there will be; esculated talks. Beyond civil courts & civil rights. 

Why, we are wearing out in patience. For peace of mind. It's the overflow that will push over & out; In humans.

Merry Christmas for a baby is born in a manger. And you don't have to believe. Believe in yourself are each other. fearing anyone or anything. Will circle back to The Bible. That is never been removed from existence in humanity. And if knowing the WHY, is intimidating. The question should be if None of us we're in attendance; on this time & date. Then Why, was Mankind awaiting to be birth; into a new world.

We can gas light or weight in on narcissism, the Bible still reads the poor in spirit shall alway's be amongst US. Religion is a lifestyle of a practice, faith-hope, and teachings come with false; information. of the past is also the current events; occuring on earth. Reading is for your own  understanding. it's a human Freewill; or not. What is the application still is applicable; in every lifestyle. we are not the inclusion are the bargaining chip of each other's commission in sacrifices, submission are mental slavery. However, history started; of many events. Included is acts of vanity- immortality.  And beliefs also is Biblical of Faith & Hope.

Who promised between humans on Earth. Life exist; without trials. But also, through the trials would cycle back; to one Love.


In society. People express their emotions through; human activity & human actions; that occur. Why, The state of mindset; has to exist. For the state of occurrences. And remember everything happens for Life's purpose. Then why, not request; a wish for a rich man. What about about; a request for a rich woman? I did not say, it was not a voice in the world. Often as humans we clap back asking Why. In the form of asking ourselves; another question. The content written is based on a Society in Civilization. Is a collaboration or related request, from human to human needs or wants; surrounding human thoughts. In expectations, fantasy's, ideas and statements.

Believe it or not; we're not All in. Based on what is in these human; natures. Of entitled to each other's lifestyles, money, families are to dive in these; human hearts.

If society has not taught enough. Of what has been revealed; as some people will do almost anything. I mean anything. Birthing offsprings is Included. Of any other immortal act to be associated with each others; sacrifices, they will. play on love, to sit in a mindset or in reality of a lifestyle. Associated to the money. And then there is those who are humbled by each other; and experiences is enough to know. Why, life happens when exposing yourselves. And dealing with types of people. Then lastly there are those that broadcast ever move on social Media, to each other; they make out loud. From the top of their own heads. Is whatever comes out their mouths.

No, one ever denied speaking on where does; this request. Fall in line with abundance of love, protection, prayer in sickness & health. For the  peace of saying it. And in All things read, live. If not walk away with; in a  broader mindset.

There is a society of People searching, waiting, watching & listening to each other. Specifically on people seeking; someone's else; attention. Which it may not be for  the state of love. It's a chance for worldly lifestyles. But we cannot assume there is not in society; of filters & thresholds. People are by fault, angered aggressions, arrogance and idol minds to be entertained. And the most targeted in age. Is any human with a discretion or disposition. Are no restrictions. Just be cautious; sincerity is discreet in this world of humanity. Why,  again the broken, the survivors, the vanity in feelings, the jilted relationships; some body owe me something, or the valley's of loneliness. In an physical state that speaks out volume in society. So, materialistic or a worldly request it's not a surprise. Again, what has not been done under, are spoken between humans. Under the Sun. Pain is the extension from any human secrets that are being  brought into light. Why, eventually life pulls up;  and happens for US All. Just a society different faces;  are familiarity in spaces. As a repeated reminder. Change is good, but also disregarded.

Social media has advertised profiles to the entire World. Anything about another human is accessible. And it's often their own initiative. Regardless of the responsibility in the user's; filters are block. People shift in patterns. To disguise themselves. With false pics & body images. To intice. Eventually Time will shift; a society of thinking. In a healthy or non healthy mindset. For the mission is; whatever is a desire or obsession in the heart of  a male or female. On earth.

But if that's the status; preferred. Just know what ever is accomplished. Of the intent; in a transition of  searching, and wandering to have wealth. From a rich man or woman. Oh, let's not forget the request or mindset; in I don't really want nothing. Just looking around the world. To find someone human to do  something's with. We All need something. It's what we will settle for; to obtain or access it.

Pray for the state of All children. Why, not adults. If the adults can change the environment. Then the children mature. And better process in their own; mindsets. Check in on each other. Why, in Time is a quality investment. To reacquaint with.

Can you imagine how many people depart this life with a mental plan. Can you figure out why, we are still here on earth. Looking for Money, access and lifestyles. Knowing life is priceless. But it's in our human emotions; feelings get wrapped around whose Sacrifices, I need now of those of as well. In a matter of time. Every human must work or hustle; towards a harvest. Sometimes people find each other in life; looking for the same things. And Often people align up; each other strictly focused on worldly gain.

I spoke with an elder. That stated I would like fortune. But I also pray for good health to enjoy it. 

I heard the youth say. The providers are leaving the earth. In All ages. As some of us have a plan. Other's are in a circle plotting on each other's downfall. No worries it's in every race of people. But the same people who desire another's human sacrifices for the Lifestyles is attached to the money. And it's sad there is nothing to stop the behaviors. On Earth. But in God's timing; in the blink of an eye. 

I will always remember my dad's walk as he gave solid advice. And my mother's life experiences came with human sacrifices. My son's first;  expressions & timeless life experiences that stretched him. His personal passions & human accomplishments. And lastly his true loves that loved him. And throughout the generations; of roots in the history of  our own genetics & bloodlines. We All belong to each other; not each other's sacrifices are worldly stuff. We're All physically different. God created mankind with a purpose in the design. We All in Humanity will reap are manifest; what is sewn are snatched out of the each other. Are the earth. Because of our personal human choices. Made in the living on earth. To look over what we as humans; accomplished in life. To leave of our own works. At the end of the day. We can live angry or in a state of peace. No, disrespect, we did it to ourselves.

It's the love. If you're blessed to experience it. From one human heart to what's dormant in another; heart. is the greatest gift in All. And having wealth is appreciating what we have learned from; each other. Not leave on earth; to devour.

Surely the thief if anytype is lurking. In a manipulative mindset. To take anything. Breathing are sitting still. To possess weight, to leave this earth with nothing. 

So, once we're in this world trying to figure out; what happens between life, the dash and death. Life opportunity to possess one's own fortune. And why, some people will experience not being wealthy. But may be a state of wealth. It does not dismiss; in humanity there will still exist; genuine love, misfortunes, betrayal and deception in this world.

Tell the truth, as we surrender our souls to desiring lifestyles. To Safeguard your minds, and deal with  what is a  tingling sensation in these hands & pockets. Not always of the heart. Eventually the curiousity will always exist. From one human to another.

But what happens through patience & prayer, may be an adjustment. For the experience of the reality check. 

We have lived amongst humanity; in a mindset of poverty in spirit, and wealth in spirit. And we have lived amongst; oppression and betrayals. And not any design of money are any material stuff. Made it into one coffin once we're no longer on earth.

Time, so much could be accomplished. As humans are overwhelmed with if I only had; access to a life'style. Are found somebody to share their accomplishments. I could get something. Are I could add my self worth in value. To another human that desires; the same. Then Together our journey is structured. Because the investment was made. On the successes with the both US; together.

What is money, without respecting we All need some people with some more stuff; are emotions to conquer. if not possess what we both can live equally in peace with.

Monday, December 16, 2024


Technology with All the brilliance & cleverness in this entire world;  perfection is not a solid deal or sale. Why, Not one system on earth has proven to block; any life occurrence.

If so, then what date will manufacturers explain to each other; what is your patent to override each other's systems. Affecting All  consumers & personal business obligations. And crucially is needed of re-establish Trust, in this world needing trust; in restoration.

To be honest, every human has been violated of; a type of human right and privacy right. My life experience as well.  It's undeniable no one human is exempt. From what or who took what was Stolen & Profited. From someone else's; sacrifices. Included is the wrong will of intentions of human relationships. Why, we All have an interest, and bottom line.

And if there is human rationalization; on earth. That would mean digging up why change will trickle affect down; into an entire resolution. And movement.

Until then the shift in mankind continues; You rip the pieces from Peter. To sale back to Paul. And manage watch over; the running back and forth. Waiting for Justice & Systems. Society & Conflict Resolution. As citizens debates; what is normalcy. While engaging on the largest Ferris Wheel in the universe. 

The hamster wheel, throughout the history of mankind. In every generation of; representation, repetition & retention. To run, run, run.

Black Sheep

Black sheep, and we're here to start acknowledging. The why there is for; generations. A disconnect at the root of anyone's stable or instability on the foundations on this earth.  

Embrace the word 'Reproduction'. Now apply it. Into the world of human interactions. Why, in the beginning is Life. And between is the Dash; of what life was doing in real time. Right before the Ending is Death. The pattern of Life. Everything happens on a specified Date & Time.


The conversation, started but the reality & rationalization is; to not speak on it. But we as humans talk to each other. Which does not validate how far or how deep the damages is. Are whether or not; we chose to believe what is it just happened.Of what has occured or occuring; in any type of life engagements on this earth. Where the human messages & messengers still exists. In this skin we wear as humans beings. Is the human intuition that will determine it All. By being in a physical state of; Proactiveness. Is to sit in silence to watch, listen & learn. To what is being told & said; especially amongst how the children are responding; mentally & physically. Around a world of adults identified by age. Included is the aging adults; knowing something is happening. And the root of the problems. Stems from what has not been; addressed. In All fairness is not being dealt with in the world.

When two People are involved. There is a whirlwind behind their own reasoning. And once real life happens; and it Will. It's discovered of what; did or not happen. But occuring during the transition of Generations in Cohabitations.

When this new presidency transitions; there is the state of awareness. I did not implement; stress & anxiety. Why, people have made choices, voted & demonstrate their is mental struggles. That comes with; life changes. And over a lifetime humans have decided their own faiths with each other. to sustain management of whatever in this life is; just going to happen for everyone. Of a projected algorithm or forecasted situations. While the systems; remain sustainable. How so, Jim Crow error did not exempt; an error of problems, or pain for the argument. Dually noted. Every human has ridden on the backs of each other's; human history. How so research the human history throughout mankind. The humans did it. And the history is a reminder to  US in every generation. Our Human Affairs & Human Freedoms; is still the configuring the state of our own human existence. So, is any generation of Criminology, Society & amongst Any World Affairs is many Nations. And The State of our individual Human Affairs, of All nations. That debate around; Cohabitations, birthrights in genetics, land, oil & gas, money, sex & religion.

Ever notice why notifications alert; transmit signals at certain times. While information is being transferred through servers. As systems are interacting in moving abroad. As people move abrupt throughout the earth. Just listen to the silence. Then the loudness. To feel what we may not immediately identify with. Are believe in of; a human face. Still exist of human associations. According to the human patterns. And alerts through system's.

Why, where there is a Bureau of Statistics & Technology. There is the society surrounding politics, government is governed; education, Constitutional rights to a freedom of speech, religion, and human Cohabitations; included is gang Association, criminal organizations. In one civilization; of All types of people. Is the human resources; healthcare management, mental awareness & Management, group homes, around the state of the People's aging, trickle affect into economics, food insecurities, Crimes & Theft, death, birthrights, human violence, welfare is SNAP assistance passed down of the state of existence & access to housing, prosperity, infrastructure; roads & bridges. Is taxes & inflation among education. And All types of life circumstances; awaiting. That surround humans crucial mental need of; self awareness is the support in systems. The concern is how effective is in All human types of skin and barriers; is accelerating informative human education. between one state of existence; is a new population of offsprings. In  cohabitations and beliefs, beyond barriers of social justices or injustices, civil services & Human social behaviors; self or not managed behaviors or systems. Where people or in private or public; invited or involved in human interactions. And If we're not more mindful; in how. Are why the state of human affairs & activity overwhelm the Narrative handled in discussions & judgment between People. On parental backgrounds & people relationships in the entire world. Throughout every pattern is the repeated human history; And the depths of how humans started the involvements; between themselves.

In real the streets of life. Is the reality; physically that walks on curves & Parlays on the concrete. And it's a mystery to why People feel deeply mentally invested. More in of the infrastructure. Than what appears to reflect of life; it's own community of society. How so, individuality & involvement. Of what is a portion that is a contributed factor; as leadership records, deliberate & communicate; systematic projections. Of the types of situations. That is hurting the world. Is people's internal pain. And once the accountability is uncovered. There is resilience & anger; for knowing is acknowledging. 

How did the world end up in this disposition. And Why, do children & adults feeling emotionally, jilted, betrayed, abandonment & lost. As could any human person. We will travel down different; physical state of existence in this life. Just trying to mentally figure out; what is the struggle really about. Of the feelings in aloneness in a world of people; the statement is it's Lonely AT THE TOP. repeat  from the top & bottom. Exist of saying I love, is also showing I hate. And once everything is out of place on earth. Finding Hope is a lonely; are accompanied journey.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Tracking, the tracker. Overriding the systems. But before we begin in Civilization to get; mentally over confident. Let's first recalibrate & gather All of our own personal thoughts; in regarding our entire society, interactions in Cohabitations of society, our personal stored & disposable documented or text messages. If not shared of; in the physical is the verbal; communications. Of confidential information, business affairs. And of course. The anxiety to share. Every detail regarding those intimate details. About one's own if not each  other's jilted. Are success in a personal relationship.

Why, although we as many People would like to think. Our information is airtight. Even in each other's hands. IP addresses are confidential. As confidentiality is privacy rights; is human right. While being overly confident is a mindful surprise. To think into; How so, and, What happened. If not, Why not. 

There is no information in this entire world, that's hidden so deep it will never resurface. How so, People talk; especially out of their own feelings. And about other People's; personal business. Whether it be a Tracking system used. Are tracking another person. Even recordings are photos. It's been happening since the beginning of Time.

One angle to approach with respect of the gate keepers. In the midst of It All. These types of People monitor who gains access into the Affairs & Services. Of other People's; disregard. Are extra layer in management.

Well, management is used in every type of way.

For example street code; some will serve the time. While other's commit the crime. In every race & worldwide. Still social media has a increased; flow of traffic. Where people can say or do; almost anything online.

For example the children are under the supervision of someone else's; who manages the actual occurrences that should not; resurface. if not each the children manage each other. If not the selected; types of caregivers. 

The banks are fully employed by  Personal. Some of those employees are scholars with levels of degrees. Some are trained with a high school diploma, some are working from life experience. Are a reference. We are All customer's to each other in the life. Being serviced by an; audience. Is each other. 

The CJS, a full staff of Personal; officials & non official in titles. They are the gate keepers in different backgrounds & cultures. Included is political powers, public officials, court clerks, librarian's, and throughout the entire; Judiciary systems. Is title and names of officials & non officials, city worker's. Tax offices, DMV, Vital Statistics, Social Security Administration. We are interacting & identifying with People. From within our own society. People we travel on the freeway and never; gesture alway's kindly. In every community is the same faces; we are either neighborly are stalking. We are the consumers, provided of services. By servicers that manage if not review; a world of Humanity in civilization. Included is health care. We live amongst every human with a file or portfolio. Of confidential information. References back to a data Base.

Let's track back to tracking in All. Whether it's a vehicle tracking system, cellular tracking device, social media, burner phones are coded information. By design anything is capable of being found. If it's a priority. In comparison to anyone is capable of being tracked; missing or found. Depending on public interest, public announcements, human interactions & human intentions. We live in a society of; public-private surveillance. Traffic lights, OnStar devices, Air tags, and Entertainment Venues. And any other form of human contact, humans result to. We feed off resources. To evolve in staying in connection. To reach each other.  For the next level of communication.

Often we believe to track each other. It's through devices, data bases, people & patent systems. Are maybe a physical conversation, phone calls are texting. Private Investigators. Are people invitation into our own homes, neighborhood awareness, are just people walking, watching & listening to people; interactions.

The conversation started with, there is tracker. But it was overwritten by a device. There is a guardian; but something did not go right; around a village of people that knew. There is passwords; but the passwords got hacked again. There was a dissertation in the visitations to not advertise the present locations. The issue is if you're in any system. That just means. The data you provided has been processed & reviewed again. On a different occasion. By another entity. Of  humans that had the  authoritive privilege of gathering your information. To circle back to Conflict Resolution between humans. The reasoning was several people were involved; in the same location. Are either invited to the same location. Is where the cohabitations & relationships; originally occured. The reality in the outcome is the address never changed or was never updated. If not the same Cohabitations. Just with different Associations. In other places.

Online you can research for a fee; credit cards, new car sales, vin#, public & private information, marital status, property addresses, entities, property taxes, associations. All types of People with information. As thieves roam & wander, through the day & night. Scrolling & Trolling. It's not alway's in the images; we consume to think. It's the Access to anyone or anything; for the statuses &  locations. that is a possibility. 

But the question should be is how much knowledge is behind; personal security in our own lives. While Notifications are not always; on real human time. 

In Humanity; if we figure out the Why, we don't know enough about each other. To protect more of an interest in; our own ourselves.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


In the Days Evolves of Time. And occuring Time Evolves Life, Motion & Death. Until the Motion stumbles upon; love. The one emotion; that will adjust the attitudes in this Universe. Even if the opposite of emotion; is hate; that remnant throughout the earth.

Celebrations is Identified as one body. of many in Unified, symbolic or a representation of symbolism; around the world. Which ignites a passion; for the desire. To experience life transformation. In one culture to the next. 

The moral is; life was once a blank canvas. Until existence of All particulars in form; we're created. How so? Close your eyes to believe; what's not visible. Open your eyes to imagine; what is visible that exist. Life occured once the art was molded to purposely be placed of every curve, in of contrast. Was the whisper of breathe. From the Authority; to exist in Life.

The Beauty of Life is what occured once the obstacles, where in full Motion during the Dash. Until Time ceased the Motion. That Ended the final conclusion of one's life on Earth. To be shared in Eulogy's of  those life frozen celebrations. Design in limited editions, artifacts, print & memorabilia. A summary of footprints; Good & Bad memories. Continue to Flow through life. In these expressions redacted of thoughts over lines. Engraved in the chambers of; these fragile hearts & wandering minds. 

In the beginning was Life a blank canvas. Until summoned was the existence of Civilization. And no deposit was required. Only it's physical occupancy. Created in one image; humanity. To facilitate  residency on earth. Throughout the world.

There is no doubt; what the Ending will be. Anything is possible. Whether it's believable or not. Until the fullness in understanding. Is equally Yoked with Life's knowledge. What has been spoken in languages; that Humanity teaches us or not n All. It's undeniable life's experiences.

Is a Truth, that will surpass even Time. Once hurt causes a life filled of pain. It's love waiting to heal; the pain once again. Because it's imaginable of knowing a type of Love. That is patient enough to have created; one world.

This is a Divine Love Blog, lived in a Life; over Time. Now it reads volume into One World.

~Angela's Life Lit


In Civilization how is the Law; affective. If not what about the structure of Manmade Laws; has stretched the effect in every Society. In one World of Humanism. Is a cycle back in Human Affairs.

We don't have to care; about anything; getting Resolved regarding All conflict resolution. Are Political awareness throughout The World of Affairs. But what wil occur; for humanity is; undeniable changes. Are going to occur. And in the transition of change. It's the stretching in human emotions that we are effected.  In expressing social psychological behaviors. Initiated in how we Cohabitate in every Society; across the earth. A repeated physical & mental pattern exist.

It's not inhumane to; think as a human being. About what has a personal; affect. May not emotionally effect; another human being. in any race or age. We are humans with filters. Are either we are accepting identifying with; how humans emotionally disconnect including All types of criminal activity; is an entire mindset.

We live in a World; of acceptance. Of each other's human; behaviors is through the observations. To later be angered or find confidence & comfort. In validating the same mindset over; whether we're in or not of; a state in human DENIALs.

It's undeniable as humans; it's disregarded of acknowledging; what makes up the difference; in our decision making. Exist of human emotions & logic. Human Freedoms; is. Without answering to why there is one footprint; Humanity. Then why question the human adversity. Humans will expose every human weakness & strength. On the surface of Earth. So, we don't conclude; every conversation is taken in offense. In Human Intelligence is a pattern of Conflict Resolution are Intent to create the conflict through created; argumentive context when communicating.

It's not imagining; what is visual are visually seen in the sky. Of what the naked human eye is witnessing or witnessed. During the Night & Day. In the Light are Darkness. Human movement never stops.

It's immortal to think; humans can turn a switch in each other. to feel & express expressions. Are even replace a bulb or battery for what; does not exist of a tool to manage; in a mental state. It's how humans operate. In the physical. No offense every wonder why; once released from a state of  confinement in observation. Are under the influence in anytype of; environment. Is the human interactions. Of patterns is behaviors in movements, of repeating, pacing & patting of dialect or a rythm. Why, from what has occured in damages of the internal wiring; in ourselves. It's the nature of physics law. In  being Human.

In this world; is humans by design. Created of filters in these internal emotions; we identify each other's behavior. Dialect & how; we adjust or acclimate to environments. Is where it Begins in the physical; observation.  In how we want to see each other. Regardless of our own state of existence. To filter through each other's humans; mannerism. Why, else we as Humans would think; we know more about each other. Than we expose to each other. Of knowing more about ourselves. Why, we don't protect each other; without intuition. Through physical interactions. Therefore we Fear what we don't see. But struggle to understand. We are a human race of Cultural differences.

However, we are the humans. That stretch to survive off each other's resources. That links these human needs; back to money, politics, human emotions. Of culture is; individuality. 

If humans were to sit down. Just to Recalibrate & research every database or manual records salvageable; of titles, ownership, birth certificate, marriage license, including citizenship. Whether destroyed, disclosured, if not dislocated. For over generations exist Human Cohabitations. And it's offsprings. Of rebirth. Of the next in generations. Of DNA traits. Is our physical differences, but internally is the roots in our human relationships. To why there will alway's exist A State in the World of Human Affairs..

Therefore there is no secrets in mankind. No, Human Affairs that will reform. From the presence State of Existence on Earth; circles back to moral, value & beliefs. And The Laws created for Governing the Existence of All humans in Humanity.

So we're discombobulated on who in humanity is who of; human being of a human right. To verbalize the Bible. Of many races in teachings & human lifestyles. Is human practices of every human being at rest are in the living on earth. It's undeniable human resilience is the root. That humans seek to uncover;  what is of the knowledge. In what was Prophecy that would be sown 'life & blood',  in the earth. Is the human history, after  the creation for earth. It what remains in Civilization of the the state of human being. Is the breathe that control human existence in this world.

What is knowledge? Is it in All human existence. And why, is their the weak in Spirit. In the breathe; of life. Is the state of existence; of human souls. As Humans we Feel through emotional experience; entitled. To each other. But judge of in; our own state of human unawareness. But mom before I depart this life; just know I talked to God. And All my human affairs is resolved. Therefore shut it down; upon the final call. Why, child. They have never listen; to accept what truth is. But it will be the same truth; that will divide US in All.

So, How do we know what Time has in store for All in humanity. Knowing the truth; why & how Time evolves throughout the universe. Knowing what Father time is capable of. In this skin is the clock that controls; the wiring in these human bodies. Of  mechanicals. As we in humanity; as  humans deliberate. Over who lives are no longer; exist here on earth.

Grandma I want you here; forever. My child I don't desire to live here on earth; forever. One day in my life I searched for a reciprocated type of love that would surpass; time. And  eventually I experienced a divine love in the Spirit of GOD. But we also, have some bad news today, Grandma. And You're the last of your own. And that's why my child, I must leave temporarily; knowing my work here is done.

How do we know who gets a human title; to manage over conservatorship in another generation of people. All the Infrastructure on earth; destroyed & rezoned. Is the state of existence of life - death. Human have deliberated what  material things to be held of possession from one to another. In prioritizing power to sustain authority. Over the Human experience; is the pain. And backlash that Exist of; labor. Is paycheck or payout if not in terms. Resignate the argument over lack & abundance. In the physical; is the state of Minds. Someone stole my daddy's truck.. as someone violated; another human. It's the algorithm systems are systematic in destroying the preservation; of human lives. And what is a natural course for the LAW; to feel the balance. To apply the Law affectively in Civilization. To Repeat what's  reproduced from the depths of the roots in the; earth. To sustain survival on top of the earth. In  the existence that moves in patterns; is the formation of life. Humanism in the physical. Of humans that move in motion. Of cycles and reproduction; is a transition: thrusting in  Life. But who dictates the preservation of Time for we are just humans; living to survive in one Life.

Whose human knowledge; was sought a priority to create a world.  above the Heavens existence of humanity is also beneath the core of the infrastructure of earth. To dictate as a human being. To All humans What to facilitate for life. Unto whom will possess All of knowledge. Before the Prophecy of Life. Before humans were in existence in the physical form. To functioning in one human motion; in movement. Throughout the state of existence of Time. And what in archives of science. Any human on earth possess the infinite knowledge. If we in all humanity we're created. On earth for the experience of life, is education. In this physical experience is expressing individuality. And the gathering of sharing of life's resources. Humans use day to day in communion. From one to another; through teaching; each other. Amongst rebuttal in  fostering; of each other. Is the state of space & gravity. We in humanity mentally & physically. Practice of Human Beliefs. Titled of Human Intelligence; is the existence of every human nature & flaw. Transitioning in humanity is the Beauty of being human. Is also, the emotion of anger & jealousy for knowing.

What happened in death; for my son. In All the Earth of your loved one's. A human transition & soul transcended from this earth. Of where the bodies are physically laid to temporary rest. . Until we have fully endured; suffering on this earth. As We continue in civilization to choose love, hate & religion as a practice of one's individual lifestyles & faith; in humanity. We don't All have to agree to anything. The Governed Law states; on earth it's our Constitution Human Right. And Freedoms.

The conversations started; we're to continue in helping each other; according to the Bible. But for how long. Human history is the human argument in challenging the Biblical application to a Society of human behaviors. And what is taught, read and lived through the Biblical Prophecy. Reflected in Civilization is  propagandas. Over who is the laborer & servicer; unto each other. To be later be serviced in judgement through the Manmade Laws for Humanity. Is the human natures; we ourselves are in Cohabitations with. In of internal struggles; between each other's human existence on earth.

Then the question cycles back to; biblical & the present existence humans are in. What amount of more time. Does the next human roles resume another shift; on earth. Amongst each other evolving of new offsprings. Is the same repeated behaviors in patterns; not concluded of The repeated confusion.  Cycling back to The State of Human Affairs.

The moral is this; what humans created the first life in Humanity on earth? If Time is of order; over it's cycle. Then what human controls what was created for Civilization to exist; On earth. That needed human existence for human reproduction. For mankind; to exist. A transformation took the initiative. It was the behaviors in mankind through human emotions; to conquer & possess. In All humans is the knowledge. Throughout the entity of life; is through 1 breathe of Life. As Humans repeat themselves. In the physical of patterns & trends. Is in between Time. For also Death is a part of the cycle; of humanity.

In reality humans know the truth..if not why do we argue; over our own individuality & experience.

We ask; what time was it. What happened.  Who was involved. It never happens here. How so, if it exist. Then it will happen; in patterns. Of what will occur in time. To then be judged; through manmade LAW. For The condition of any human state; is one's freewill. In any state of; our own human existence is morality. In the Universe; of transitioning cycles. The algorithm is footprint of human patterns.  

One World, One Law; of order in organizations. To operate manage infrastructure for Civilization; is a Human Race. Of many Cohabitations is the birthright. Only through offsprings. In every root is the human patterns & genetic traits of life is the breathe in every generation; exist the state of Human Affairs. Exist in repetitive; relationships & associations. 

Confirmation, conformed of being Human's. So, how do humans re-establish on Earth it's own human rights. In what already created; for  the birth of Human Life? 

One day, while mankind is asleep or awake. During Ammicable talks are in confrontational wars. As Mother Nature's appears in every season of the year. Humans are affected by the natural catastrophic event on earth; why, the shift. Transitioning through Time. Is the same Humanity; functioning & operating. Physically running on, and run out of Time. Trying to figure out; who will famine or feast. Who, is GOD. Some commentary state; imaginary. Other's believe a Spirit. Either belief turns into; a Religious debat. That fuels the entire human race; in emotions. As humans are entertaining in deliberateing. Removal of not the entire sky. But printed commentary on wall calendars; of life's dates. To physical remove Daylight savings Time; not the light or darkness in the world. Exist a world of Civilization, on earth. Infrastructure is borders divided by lines, countries divided by waters, zip codes allocated to demographics, and community's labeling amongst societies.

But before we lose our entire mental state; over  which is more human than the next. Of a belief is a Freewill to chose & practice Religion. In All of Human existence. The struggle; is real that involves money, land, ownership, Birthrights, genetics & material stuff. But never has one human argued  what is outside the Galaxy; maybe what happens beneath the deepest of waters. But never beyond what exist in the Universe. To brief back to humans on earth. But if it's a reason in Justification; humans will collaborate or communicate. It through channels. In a broadcast, narrative, platforms are communication resulting; in any human being staging communication for confrontation. Why, humans are easily affixiated by challenging; each other's are libel slander of each other's character. Before aknowledging time is an element; Humanity needs for sustainability; of human understandings & human patience. As we await each other's research according to Mankind's decision making. To judge on what is the basis of any argument; on earth. Between whether humans feel what is emotionally imaginary or emotionally believable; are entitled to argue. If the LAW is written for humanity. According to our Cohabitations in Civilization; and the end results. That reveals every human judgement. Is needed as a public service in settling; on a court ruling. Over our human differences; in society. still exist undocumented & documented. To justify the make up. Of life affairs. That dictates in a society of; human behaviors & human patterns. We are groomed to think one way. But react only to be acknowledge what is structured according to Laws. That sustain humanity in the world. We are not All properly disciplined to not question; life adversity. We we find ourselves vigilant about anything; that changes & shifts the balance; in our Cohabitations is also the human pain. It's just inevitable in All of humanity. Even military human soilder's are trained; physcoligically & physically. So is public officials. Parents train; generations of children. Into adults. And the cycle repeats itself. So, why, is any human not accountable for their own behaviors; but yet we are oppressed for not in All feel the need to be submissive to others.

But it's the mandatory Law of the Land. That requires affirmative; actions. To be deliberated unto all in humanity. It's undeniable social injustices still references back to the Biblical history. Of every human act; created the human Prophecy. Done in humanity. But the argument is based on human beliefs, & disbeliefs. Circling back to question the world of human relationships. And what is religion; in a world of human beings. While immortality  occurs. In the Cohabitations. Of real time on earth.

The Human reality is human struggles; exist within ourselves. So we struggle amongst each other; just to keep it real. 🪽

Thursday, December 12, 2024


All around the world. People are  whispering or counter planning; on how to get some or more money. But who is educating with All  the resources in technology in the world. The management of usage of ATMs, credit cards, crypto & currency in coins & bills. It would behoove us in All. To research the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, FTC. To understand print & patents. Of every design in money- systems. So, we in humanity are not offended by who has or not; human life experiences. But what occurs; in the flow of the currency throughout the world.

The reality is Humanity's dependency is highly invested in; our world wide systems. And Trust. But not All in 'GOD'

The conversation went like this. The introduction has to happen. The offer & negotiations. The payment due date are plan. To be completed, in a promissory note, are pending if not posted charges.

In real time the expectations is; it's going to eventually get done, not happen. Are reflect in collections. The reality is what if; Time is mandatory. Where the systems are delayed in every response. For that purpose. Humanity over Generations; acclimated into a mental state of normalcy. When life happens. In being Responsible; we're not all in a  state of; collective reasoning. Why, Accountability; is acknowledging we made our individual choices in life. Understanding the terms are not.

And for the record; life happens for US in All. Environments shift; from sunrise to sunset. People change; their priorities. Politics and views; affect the world. Where money is involved. Empathy & Compassion; appears unstable.

Again, what is to much information. Of the same information we in Humanity; need to process. In order to properly plan. In the event knowledge is a lack, sought after, as crimes involving the gains of; money is the Pain over Peace in the world. While judging the cluelessness. On the lack of knowledge. And most of the time we're All guilty. Of dependcy; in  promises, proposals & economic projections. If we're not careful; about what we ourselves; are educated in. Before getting comfortable in the answers between each others; real life experiences. We've consumed time to bait; each other. In open-ended referencing resources, resolutions, get Rich quick; to question back our own human answers. 

Half our lives we are told how to think; about generational wealth. And what to think about; living lavish Lifestyle's. To look forward to the next remainder of our lives; to spend overtime trying to figure each other's reasoning in having or not. Throughout Generations. Of what we have yet to figure out. What is systemic in management throughout System's; humanity depends on.

Customer service humanity has attempted to catch up on this; call to the world. To address the data bases created; for human history. And the security measures to manage. Over every jurisdiction is crucially needed of Law revisions; for the Land. Live one breathe of All generations. 

Unfortunately Callers the systems migration is; experiencing another malfunction & time will be delayed. For additional time is again; projected. As the Ransomware is near; another interference date. Of the stored date bases of vital information; to be secured data. Unfortunately some data has been  deleted throughout multiple systems; transfers & those that are  untraceable. But manually there is the; physical crews in shifts. To begin every audit & a probability of 30 day Investigation. As in Civilization continues the human Rush. For what,  to move faster, does not mean time is slower. To obtain some money. In reality; the world is racing in human adrenaline. Of Human emotions growing; in anxiety, and lesser in human patience. For the vehicle driven. Of human expectations; is to gain more money. In a world that Time, continues to evolve; around our debts to each other. Its the state of calibration in operations of systems. Humanity awaits; an immediate functioning signal. 

However, callers would you like to leave a voicemail. Are hold the line. If not settle down; To resolve our Human Affairs. As we chose to  complete or not; another quick survey. For the customer service; provided to you today, tomorrow or in the future. It's undeniable. To acknowledge why, to recover a world from the economical consumption. We in humanity barter with time. Time this element that is not of  human or machine in form; to negotiate 

What is crucial is more of life's time is needed. To carefully recalibrate, what human decisions we're made over history. In prioritizing; access amongst each other. In a world of diversity; is generations of consumers.

Awareness is Optional & Free. Time is moving 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Expect IT

What ever it is; expect an outcome.

Why, the emotion of FEAR; paralyzes  a fight. Throughout generations. Of a mindset in; mentality. As knowing Fighting with internal Love. Also,  conquers what is internal Battles; within ourselves. Where Humanity struggles to settle differences; in the world. The wars are brewing from emotions. Not finding Peace & Logic  in the world.

Whatever time of day; expect it to occur.

Whatever the response is; expect a long or short. If not grey area in response.

Whatever is going on in the world; expect People are going to do,  say, believe or release Positive or Negative energy.

Whenever Crime occurs; expect the same energy. That's lingering in the world. 

Where there is Pain; expect mockery, jealousy, sympathy, remorse, love & hate. 

Where there is theft, social injustice amongst education, Heath care, public safety, poverty &wealth; expect resilience throughout the world.

Where there is Division in Race. There is systemic systems in Place..

Where there is cycles of human emotions; expect Life's State of Affairs. And Why The Struggle will stay real. In the entire World.

Proverbs 18:21

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...