Revitalization; in our personal experiences. Society is of the living. And until Redlining & Zoning. Is tribal in passing down the research that needs to happen, why, if we do not invest time. To upkeep our own communities. Do not be disappointed to not being invested in. Of communities. The key is Stabilization. So we move about the earth to and fro. Searching on Google any city or country around the world. if not an island; to rent, invest. if not build. And if the quality time is accommodating. to further research who is the investors in what infrastructure. Then accept or deny. Why, acknowledgements is why People shift between every environment. Throughout the map.
I visited and lived amongst countries in my life. I listen and sat. To sustain an understanding 'Ground Leasing' and Community Land Trust. As in society we fall victim; to the Constitution gargle, quick decision making, comfort zones, claims over material stuff, titles and walls; amongst some. Is no titles, leases are commercial property. It All began for me, a desire for my only son; to experience what the world is about. In it's own beauty. And sometimes it's required to walk away from a type in mindset. To digest this is an whole world that exist. And what plans are planted in seeds for generations. No matter where you stand; who you are. are what you possess of material stuff. It's life and the experience. It's land. No matter what is a smoke screen; educated. Process that poverty, money & access; is in every race of people. And the reasoning I did not say wealth. Is because the reality is from human engagement & feeling life. Their is another version; in truth. Acceptance or Denial. In what we collaborate together. And how we view ourselves. Is two different mindsets. That live with internal human expectations.
I told my son, what do you desire vs. what do you want. Peace of mind, and to see more of life. Regardless of what possessing Wealth is; being educated is identifying; what draws us towards an acquaintance or capability. Exist also the non acquainted mindset. How so, we have lived enough through ages in young & old. To comprehend life. And determine In every generation; human adversity, life-death. And in between the dash. Exist for everrrybody who deals with each other. But responsibility is not one ownership to Carry; for one another. To later face more of life adversity. And I have experienced enough obstacles & schemes, narcissistic & gas lifting. plots. In this life. To identify with repeated patterns. Included is theft; what is it. People work harder to plot. Than to invest in a long-term plan. Of what is taken out; of pride & selfishness. Because we All know we're capable of what were willing to hustle, work are sacrifice. But where there is a pattern; in what people consume of entitlement. angers; other's. And life It's a choice's to re-evaluate..from a clear head vs. Double minded mindsets.
We have searched ourselves; in patterns & trends. Over the history of man. Inherited to birth back; in not All the same. But a mindset that's groomed in a movement in another generation. Under one government. We watch strenuously; idolizing & in pride. To turn back around & argue on who can live the Dream. Why, not the American Dream. Well, if we knew our own people's history. We could process the outcome. Is the present state of This World. Being Divided.
In zoning & property lines, is walls of Fear. If one race owed a Silverado Truck. Are only manufactured parts. Then why would sales be required throughout the world. Are if one Family member managed only one bank account; how would the rest who labored feel. If one person immediately wanted worldly possessions. And no heirships. If we could birth from each other; and decide who will take on some else's responsibility; according to what the Law applies to every human situation in this life. Then cars & trucks would only be sold and bought in one location of the world. By one type of consumers. Then all life's problem; would be addressed ,& undressed in the same; justice. The same would remain reported of statistics. And there Would be only one class of human Poverty or Access to its own existence. In every corner of the Earth's is still one infrastructure. In the universe.
If only certain areas are supplied fresh products - grocery stores. Then half the world could sustain in health & wellness. As the other half would decline from limited resources. Throughout the world. Is healthcare. But without the nurses & doctor's compassion & education -knowledge; we're still having a generation in aging crisis. And money is always the Narrative. But again if there was one only one class of People. Then who who would control Father Time in the world.
If only certain classes of humans, not titles are associations, parents are legal guardians, court documents and routing numbers & addresses attached to demographics. to include in every corner of the world; existed. To sustain life should be according to Mankind's feelings. We cannot remove the stigmatism about; human history. When All people. Not one. Are even who was the first People on earth. To breathe in life. To argue over oil, reservations, money, education & land.
What could of, would of, or should of. We will never know. If we only cohabited with one type of people; like ourselves. There would only exist one genetic patter in the entire earth. And one thought in aspects of life. The only existence will reign of one culture, no diversity. one resources. For All to sustain of their own lives.
As we are not just ordinary people. We are one race; humanity.
As we drive back through life. To pull up on each other. Is the Earth's infrastructure. Let's walk to together; to investigate what's valued; of human life.
Under interstate 30, for those over generations. Who passed on or down the knowledge. In understanding infrastructure, community & politics. And why education is a crucial economic development. To build UP. Is to build on. Of what is; complete access. Not so much as a privileges. Why, not every human has any idea of what connected, shipments through opened borders & doors for opportunity. Exist to humans, through sacrifices. That every person possess a human right for growth. And how we choose to grow; each other. It's a different; narrative.
So, now the foundations is shook to its core. People pop out. Disrespect is brazen, throughout human acts. People either continue to abuse every system. Are in All honesty; seek temporary assistance. from the same controlled systems. As other's are trying to live; and just not live as a human being that feels; under valued.
If we All chose to have nothing to solidify; having something. According to human behaviors - emotions. The world would excelerate into a state of; pure chaos. If only every one kept in focus; on maintenance in keeping their own foundations in order.
Now that the universe has shifted into an entire; life situation. Not one move is exempt. Are neither in conversation between humans; intentions. To justify the struggle between each other. Why, we can't help ourselves. And eventually there will be; esculated talks. Beyond civil courts & civil rights.
Why, we are wearing out in patience. For peace of mind. It's the overflow that will push over & out; In humans.
Merry Christmas for a baby is born in a manger. And you don't have to believe. Believe in yourself are each other. fearing anyone or anything. Will circle back to The Bible. That is never been removed from existence in humanity. And if knowing the WHY, is intimidating. The question should be if None of us we're in attendance; on this time & date. Then Why, was Mankind awaiting to be birth; into a new world.
We can gas light or weight in on narcissism, the Bible still reads the poor in spirit shall alway's be amongst US. Religion is a lifestyle of a practice, faith-hope, and teachings come with false; information. of the past is also the current events; occuring on earth. Reading is for your own understanding. it's a human Freewill; or not. What is the application still is applicable; in every lifestyle. we are not the inclusion are the bargaining chip of each other's commission in sacrifices, submission are mental slavery. However, history started; of many events. Included is acts of vanity- immortality. And beliefs also is Biblical of Faith & Hope.
Who promised between humans on Earth. Life exist; without trials. But also, through the trials would cycle back; to one Love.