Sunday, February 16, 2025


DUPED to be deceived are tricked. Unfortunately by, what should of, could of, denied of, distracted by. In being blind sided of. What eventually prevailed; could of possibly happen. To anyone in being human. In this entire world.

We're All innocent. Until being blindsided. We're All wide eyed and open minded; to any type of opportunities. But we're also well aware; of the pros & cons. Of what is needed & wanted. Verses what eventually comes with; heart filled emotions, betrayals & sacrifices.

DUPED; it's an action that's happening with more confidence. Throughout this entire world.

DUPED; it's accepting that it occurs. In more repetitive trends & patterns. Of cycles in this entire state of Human Affairs. Around this world. 

DUPED; it happens without warnings. No boundaries are limits. With acknowledging the Why, no title or description is exempt. In doing the act to each other on Earth.

DUPED; believe it or not. It happens to the human part of US in All. Before mortality eventually occurs throughout the world. In a world filled with mysteries; influencing what's unfolding. And Finding what is of Faith & Hope. In restoration of one self.

It's the feeling of weighted down inside. While the eyes remain open wide. In the physical state of hopelessness. Until a reality check occurs. In identifying of oneself. What is the mental state of being. After wandering around in a state of isolated consumed; impacted fear. For Predicting what is next to occur with each other in this world. Overwhelmed with feeling; emotional relief or distress. Remember during the transition. It's one state of one's own premonition. In the mind. In this physical realm; of the human skin. Is Mankind.

The moral is this; bounce back. In Civilization with resilience. Knowing your own level of human confidence. That every game has been repetitively played in this entire life. And why, there is absolutely nothing new, that has not been done Under the Sun. Are verbalized throughout humanity.  Of what is are will occur. In being calculated. To determine what is next of an; check & balance. Also is of an expiration date. 

Why, Time has to run it's natural course. By the Natures of it's Law.  For Life gravity & weight has proven to show up in the US. Is All. While we are only allowed allotted Time. To gather these personal affairs in order. To get it; right. Of what remains wrong. As we're observing. Time is All we have. Until Time reminds the world; we've run out of it. Time evolved with or without our human existence.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Anti Christ

Books are written by manmade hand is & ideas. Life is lived of human beings.

We're not like each other. We are the extension of; human existence.

Faith in the Spirit exist of the things; not seen. Through the physical eyes of mankind.

1 John 4:2-4

Proverbs 3:6 Lean not unto your own understandings. Are understand for what is searched for the knowledge and ideas of; man.

If any man taketh from what is written of The Holy Bible & Holy Doctrine and Testimony &  of The Spirit which is Omnipresent. So you will not what is not in the presence form of the physical; is Man. But you will taught you believe what is of the physical of the visual in the Human Flesh. To translate of what is the idea of Truth vs. Lies. Both has to exist in; in our Personal choices. It's a Freewill to choose of what we translate - transfer from own understandings. In regards to the state of man in the physical existence. And the existence of faith is what is of Hope in. For the absence of the Holy Spirit & the spirits in death. Exist amongst US in the living. In a state of; Omnipresent. 

Knowledge is a gift. Proverbs 2.

Man is the extension of its physical creation; from this state of inner being of knowledge. If not so. Then where did this gift of knowledge; begin. Even before the existence of humans?

If The Anti Christ can reference The Holy Doctrine to exist. Then Why, not the Spirit be Omnipresent?

Freewill is a granted permission. To choose. If we do good or bad; will man continue to judge of this flesh. And forgive of our Discretions. But what If we forgive ourselves; of own inner discretions. Are we exempt from the Judgement through man of this world.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Food, but before we digest all the description. Let's collectively; pause for one millisecond. Of what has broaden our cravings of food; the type of food. That is preserved to be allocated, divided are an option to; afford.

Now allow US in All to do some homework. In identifying determining The Books definition. 'Any nutritious substance that people are animals eat or drink'. Are that plants absorb in the sunlight. In order to maintain life. And growth. Along with water, nurturing, seeds & supplements.

Now the quiz is who in being a  human or animal, does not need of the earth production of food Vice versa why not the animals are earth need; human attention for growth and food sustainability.

If we All see life from one human perspective. Which is our own intentions for each other in being human. Then what will the other humans in life; depend on. Of the resources to survive?

From a human beings definition of Food. We All need substance for development & growth. We All need something from the Soil Animals and of The Earth.

'Have you not heard, Have you not seen Have not known'.

I remember as a children hearing the roosters and chickens at the early dawn. And how supper always appeared on my family's table in between generations. Throughout family reunions.

Now the final question is; whom are what. Can benefit from a seed. Planted of; common sense alone. To deal mental with life experiences Experience. The personal experience is the root in our inner connection. In any & All of dealing with each other. In this state of the world. Is the state of any environment on earth. We live through a a mindset of; human intuition. As we all are researching throughout life; talking to each other. Why, not one self? Well let's ask If any human possess All the knowledge in the entire world. Then why would one person even need any human contact; with another human. of its own common sense. Exempt of street & book sense.

Until we are pushed beyond mental & physical boundaries. To simply appreciate; existing the breathe in life. We will first learn; it's adversity that motivates; surviving. Throughout a life we are the human beings; completely dependant. Not just in each other. But helplessly dependent on Earth's; entire resources. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Before the topic is addressed & dismantled of the Integrity of what the Holy Bible Doctrine Reads. Of Heaven & Earth. The Birth, Spirit & Prophecy. Let's set one Narrative. 'Christians &  Religion'. And let's be clear about the personal intentions & objectives to minimize GOD. When speaking in regards to The 1st, 2nd and 3rd events that occured during the transformation to the descending. Is the human argument. Of what transformation took place in the Physical flesh & Holy Spirit on earth. And not one human in Mankind on earth. Speaks for the entirety of this human race. That confess to living their daily lives; in are not of Christian beliefs.

Why, the act of SIN, is not evaded by one human being. In earth.

Why, there is not only one Religion in this entire world. There are nations of many believers & non believer s. That confess Christianity are another religious practice or belief. And just for clarity. Even Satan knew the Biblical Words. Of the entire Biblical passages. Is the rise & fall in the world & spiritual world.

Lastly, knowing GOD is not of a physical; man. And Satan is not of a physical man or woman. But good & evil coexist in the body of many spirits on earth. That no one in Mankind has ever proven to see; of what the spirit is. In each other. Of the inner human bodies; transitioning is of the spirits. 

Inside the inner body is these human hearts; of female & male on earth. We find ourselves as humans debating if GOD truly exist. We contest each other's Faith in Religion. But we never address this inner man of the world. In what this inner man or woman; inflicts upon each other through the spirits. The internal spirits that live dormant inside these human bodies. not seen with the naked eye. But through emotions & human actions; we just can't deny. To referencing the why in Spirit, and why Religion is the issue. When humans practice of what they choose; to serve & believe on earth. As the conflict grows regarding what Christian Belief is. And what a Christian should; look like are whom a Christian believer should serve. In the image of what humans demonstrate in the physical; actions. That reflect in the entire world.

So, we ask each other; what's happening in our human hearts.  The reality is the spirit and the flesh; are at war.  

I did not Disregard the Holy Spirit, the spirits in mankind. We are of the world. We are at freewill to not be conformed to it.

The Holy Bible when was it created. And for whom? And why do we as humans argue over the pages of the Holy Bible & Human Practices in the world. We judge of Christianity. In each other. In this inner skin. Is the human blood, flesh & bones.

If we All live the same way, project the same way, eat the same food, pray the same prayer the same way. And live the same way. According to the laws governed by mankind. Then who decides who serves the Holy Spirit. Of the spirit that lives within; our own internal existence. And Who above of man in All mankind. Decides what we know & how to live. Of one Religion; to serve. As Christianity is of one debated  Religion in mankind. Internally we connect with the inner spirit of; our own emotions. Did mankind place these emotions in one to another bodies. And why is GOD the argument of our disagreements between human existence. If we are directed to serve one type of mankind; by mankind. In the physical not the spirit on earth. Then Who proclaims Christian Beliefs; is false are bias. According to mankind's handwritten doctrine. We have lived life to not question; man made law. Over the why & reasoning. In every generation still exist GOD

The beginning of life; Alpha. And ending; Omega. Of mankind, is the middle physical transition during the Dash, is the between in the physical on the earth. 

Why is Christianity, and Christian belief. Taught & judged severely of what man chooses; in how we believe & man's serves each other. Implementing Religion. And how are we chosen to serve unto the State vs. Religion. In respect of the Holy Spirit. If we are to be deceived; of our own existence. What is it about Knowledge &  Wisdom. And the transition of the Power in the Spirit. Exist in the breath of life. The entirety of our human existence. And what happens with the Spirits. In these bodies in mankind. Once the body is in a state; of complete silence. 

James 1:26. And if any children ask what is Christianity. Pure & Undefiled. And if we're prepared; without one ounce of SIN. Beyond our own  Human Intelligence. To narrow down what really occurs during the transformation in the Physical & Spirit in these bodies.

God 'I Am, who I am', there is no other is in comparison. In All the world of mankind.

Religion. Love. Have we lived enough of life on earth in living of Religion. To teach & show each other; love without oppression. During the transformation of the physical state. Unto the spiritual state. And what in the inner skin of this physical man. Is Transformed unto. Once the process is completed.

So much to learn about our  inner selves. Before intervening in the transformation of each other on earth.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


The highway's is filled with All types of moving vehicles. And amongst all types of these moving vehicles; is the damaged, new purchases, antiques, used, rented, motorcycles. The moral is for every vehicle on the road; that vehicle carries of a load.

As time fly's. Every human being has some place to arrive. Often at a slow, to rapid speed. In aggressive energy. While driving is the designated drivers. Who is the pilot of his or her; precious cargo. That sits to right & loaded in back; of passengers. In every race, age & gender. 

So, the question is if we're all drivers & passengers on these busy roads & crowded streets. That would mean we All have a destination to reach. In a matter of Time. While rushing through life. To reach our final destinations.

And if this is accurate information. And today, tonight and tomorrow humans repeat the entire; same pattern. And trend. And time is the same element. We are All running back and forth; in. Of a world of people; in movement. That exist of the All these drivers & passengers. On the roads. Is of these moving vehicles throughout the world. 

If there was only the vehicle to drive itself. Without any passengers. Then what direction would any vehicle reach of its  own final destination? 

And if we investigate into what is it. About needing more of Time. It would take time to look around the world. At what vehicles is being driven, needing passengers to exist. If we're all in this aggressive hurry. At different or the same Time. That dictates if we're ahead, late or behind.

If we rush to get to work. We would still wait for Time. To evolve around a weekly, bi-weekly are monthly payment schedule.

If we rush to give each other a response, statement are opinions. We would justify, debate are challenge. Each other over who is right or wrong. Without addressing the Narrative or topic. 

If we rush to get to the next event or location. Then that would mean. Time is granted; to unwind.

If we rush to be the next in line; somewhere. We still will wait on each other. For a service to be rendered.

If we rush down the freeway's and highways of life. Including the neighborhoods. We still would not watch the signs. Run through the flashing lights. Dash through the cross walks. Swear at the pedestrians & middle finger point at every moving vehicles. And still park.

If we rush to address. Each other as human beings. We would still not meet each other's; human expectations. Why, until it has to happen again. It's just unbelievable what continues to happen. Every time it happens; dealing with human beings.

If we rush in or out of a situation. We would rush back to find company. To create a new situation.

If we rush to be ahead of each other. To save a milli-second of time. We would still find time. To find ourselves patient are complain. About waiting in the next line.

And if we arrive at the exact moment in Time; according to our perceptions. We would still wait for our names to be called. Whether to be seated. Are addressed of our questions, answers are concerns.

So, I ask a child what would be the final outcome. For All human beings. Are always in some fashionable; mindset, hurry hurry. Of being in a rush, are rushing to each other. To reach each other, to arrive some where in the presence of each other. To watch out. Are monitor each others movement. To reside with each other. Are to just pull up next to each other, park, lock up. Are turn in. Are out. Of a spot, doorway or exit. If not a new entrance.

The child responded, every human would realize. The rush was really managed All by the element of:

Time, in that hour, of a minute, & second.




If the RIP is occured. Really In Process. What is re circling in another shift of humans. Down here on earth.

If one day is of Time for humans. Then what is the actual time. Of  accuracy from yesterday. of the last in All human history.

If we're told to not expect life to happen. Ever ask why the calendar once published certain dates. The same published info is now Removed of certain historical events. That emotionally will not be; revoked. Why, humans live it. 

If RIP continue in producing profits. Figure out aftermarket classes. In whom has suffered a bloodline & generations in losses.

We just can't make the behaviors & attitudes up. Regarding what is going on with humans. In the world. If We are living it. Then who decides what is erased of it. Money is an object. Through Power is human an action attached. But human lived history will just one day out of blue; be deleted? We lived it already. And living in of what was it's history of humans past .

Moving forward; The Tea while the Tea Kettles are boiling. And the coffee cups are flowing.  On every tables in every culture of human history. Is one story; All history.

If the souls in Mankind are experiencing an internal shift. Of what in the next generation will Really In Process; be handed down. From the State in this condition of this World. Will  anything be left of empathy also be physically are manually removed. In these human bodies is the veins & blood that functions to the heard of man. Any new idea of dealing with how humanity feels emotionally towards what is being adjusted in the wiring of our mentality. Fir so many generations the pain still exist. Inside of this skin.

If love is the objective to justify an action of every  human indiscretion. Then what is Really In Process; to minimize human existence on earth. Is to damage how humans feel internally. And who really has the tools to undo the wiring in every human being. 

Freewill, is a Freedom of declaration in one's individual decision making. As State of the World validates how every human reacts & thinks.

If money is the entire process. Then is Really In Process; destroy the respect of investing in it.

Now we're passed the drama. Pull up on the history and mark it. It's been said History repeats itself. The raw face is History was written by man. For how man; could be managed on earth to live.

Now we're all feeding into the Anxiety of Fear. It once was only about; the money. Used in improper ways. Beyond the arrogance of humanity. But what about the poor in spirit. While balance out the checks & balances. Including is the Banking & Criminal Justice Systems. Not yet excluded is every system man created. Of another people in mankind that were told not how without flaws. But what to build on. For the future generations of themselves.

Let sip the Tea, and Fall back. Put the human tongue in Silent. And think about All the directors & directions set up for mankind. Of every Life-Dash-Death. In Mankind. For every Power used of Laws created in State relied on Religion to represent itself. 

Until Time shifted what was already present in this entire world.

These Humans Intentions & Human Interactions throughout these Cohabitations of Relationships in which humans breeded; a world of Offsprings. Thinking one day by State & Religion; the master plans for division would then add up. To what is an action in being subtracted & rooted by it's own numbers. Is humans version of the final sum of what we teach of State Prophecy. But the Algorithm broke down the infrastructure & science of the earth.  Mother Nature remains the birth of seasons in joy &pain. Death silences blood lines. But why is Life a threat. If no human is capable enough to predict.

Earth's existence of Earth's next revolution; for the days, nights and minutes remain. As huma beings dismantle the emotional side between; the hope of what is in the physical to see.

Really In Process; To attempt to Assassinate Human History. For the dispute is man's own human beliefs of State. To argue with how to exempt  Biblical Religion. Without removing its own Doctrine. That has to coexist. For the State of The World. Is of how humans; mentally & physically. Choose in what is to follow; Man or GOD.

State is of Design in Doctrine written by man for mankind. Biblical Doctrine introduced the way mankind lived out through chosen Religio. No one explained whose religion & GOD is. of what is taught & lived; of morals, values and beliefs in All mankind. Is the Church of a physical building. Physically built by humans. The same humans of a People that fill the buildings in All infrastructure, that visit locations aroused the earth, that Cohabitate under shelter is humans with each other; boundaries are respectful if not dismantled. The Occupancy of this entire earth; is of humanity. People that exchange the human emotions; in human natures is our human behaviors in bad or good. The tool of money is for humans resources; to live if not survive on. Attached to human these Emotions that handle; on what is State of Humans. And the Doctrine of The Bible. Why, can not one human rewrite The Biblical Prophecy. We have never lived in the Previous years. So, how did man write it's own version for the World of Mankind to live. Based on it's hand to hand. Everywhere on earth is the living & breathing of Air. 

Stop asking what happened. The story is the writing on every walking human. It's been said to  humans. What is history. At the beginning of the creation of man for the Earth. And how did Power work in Man & State vs. GOD & Religion.

Let's simmer down. Why, it's Tea Time througout the world. And I'll sip on Clementine. While The conversation flowed in every corner of the world. 'What if everything we been taught regarding the life our parents lived over generations. And passed down as those same Adults. Into seeds mentally planted about State & Religion. That concluded SIN an action that still exist in this human skin. Spread throughout these hearts. In one world. As the eyes of every human shifted. And every voice trembles. What is spoken on. Is also the next question is 'what are you going to believe', from the tongues verses the life experience. If it was then and is of now.

Then who can be trusted. Verses what has or is being; done.

Before releasing the energy on this Tongue. Think about what humans; already lived & done.

Nothing, absolutely nothing. New under the Sun.


'I Am, Who I Am, Doctrine.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Human History

Human History will forever exist. How so, try to erase from the internal skin is what covers up. All races in mankind. And what was & is. Of existence in the physical & mental. Is this skin. The same skin human beings shelter in the physical. And experienced every state of its gravity & weight; is the mental. Why, ask Mankind. Who could of established human beings.

You can deny any human; verbal communications through a discussion. You can implement distractions in Civilization; through chaos & disturbances. You can even disregard the Holy Bible context. Through removal of  teaching any Religion. And what applies;  to who in being human in this entire world. You can even print All the paper money as long as their is INK; available & involved. You can hide & seek; the money & humans. from each other on earth. But GOD sustain of an Omnipresent. That sits in silence. Where every law states  privacy rights; that is no longer a human right. Without a human compromise. You can isolate Hope. Using a system of anytype. Around infrastructure to create; division. Built up of borders & walls. Including is prisons. You can set a default by design for All human; mental boundaries. The breathe of life; still breathes. Where zones & restrictions. Redlining, Policy & Protocols  Existed over generations. To manage sustainability. Of access is the restrictions on earth. Remains Civilization; in one space. While the Power is of arrogance in confidence; is usage of 'Blasphemy', to tear down & dismantle; hope. In obtaining these manmade things;  without human Hope. One would believe in no sustainability. Even with a warranty.

But what will not be removed are denied of; is the Breathe & Life, Time, The Sun & Moon, Heaven & Earth & in the Sky. Of  The Stars that light up the Darkness throughout the World.

The reality is we're All uncertain about what's next. As the demand of any human rights; is now the mission. To address of whom is going to straddle the worldly fence. Of what role in a religion is; are of non bias. It will not remove the type of  SIN in the world. The SIN that burns in soul. Many will not be afraid to  testify. As many will enforce power. To sustain the burning from inside. 

Thank you for the manmade laws created. For the life of humanity. Is The Freedom of Speech. So that All men of every race on earth; would exercise. In their own decision making. Of whom will attempt to surpass another human; in a world. Of escalation in human judgement. Is also manmade laws. For it's a Freewill to exercise one's religion, voice & beliefs. Without violence. To stand on what is to remain in tact. Ontop of this world; will demand of the laws of life to.respect; the entire existence of earth. And what experiences every human has dealt with in this entire lifetime; in dealing with each other. Consider the Holy Spirit is not of a physical man. Mother nature is not of a physical man. Science is a study man has researched over generations. But who is of man to disqualify every human choice; made on earth. For it was mankind. That One day came to pass. Of this final hour. The summon recorded in The Book of Life.

We stand in the light of World. Violence is the concern. As many nations. To be addressed according to each of a title. Circles back to justify why Religion. And of whom through a religion commits SIN. But excluded is of mankind who also exists; is of non religion. That is non exempt in commiting; the same in SIN. To declare of another human to removed based on bias are non bias religious beliefs. According to mankind's; view - knowledge. Of who in humanity; is of acceptance on earth. Amongst each other. Is a state of human existence, that judges in confidence. While using influence; for the state of sustainable confusion.

In All these things why not human beings. Learn from our human experiences. in these human relationships. And how much. Did Love vindicate; every injustice. Performed from an action demonstrated through human behaviors. Logic or non Logic. While it's humans that walk the entire earth. Throughout generations; is the human history & the life humans exist in; created for earth. If not for earth. then how did we as humans assume a state in conforming; unto each other in this physical state. We have lived through this life of human experiences; Together in one Civilization. Bound to each other; mentally & physically. abroad many nations is of a Religion. To circle back through the life experience to believe. In the transition of our own human transformation. Is identifying with being managed of our individual human emotions; by other humans. Of whom created manmade laws. For the usage of over consumption. To control  the essence of Life & Death amongst humans. 

It's identifying the why, is Knowing the final Judgement; led US in All. To meet here. Under one nation; on earth. It would be in this state of submissive; human emotions. Unto each other. We stand Face to Face; of All cultures. In the Light of The world.

Again, if one human was given by GOD. All the Authority to possess All the Knowledge & Power to sustain the management of the entire World; alone. Then the aging of humans. Would even surpass the element of Time. And why, is Religion a battle for each to decide. Of a human Freewill. Now compromised of human Freedoms. By it's own manmade Law. Of demands by the same laws to; remove Religion. To extract the human history. To devalue the Church  for the  Love of State. As we are learning collectively; the WHY, In Fear; is death that destroys Life, Hope & Growth. 

And in Knowledge & Wisdom there exists Power. Amongst  humans on Earth. Of whom is given of this Gift Not given of man. But feared of who is of the Spirit. That man fears in the world.

To respect we are not of our own human creation. In mankind To respect humans did not infrastructure the blue print. In engineering of this earth. To respect the flesh is this inner struggle of self. We stand in All of our individuality on human feet against State. And Once this final choice is made; of whom we are commanded to serve; of State it Religion. It would reveal the why  hand written manmade laws; would one day repeat it's  human history here on earth.

We acknowledge as humans not of all a participant will. Not of All consumers to ever Bill. But as of freewill in being; human. Of what is possessed of the Power; in Human freedoms. Gifted at birth. As every Tongue that will confess; unto one another. That speak; in Fear, or speak out in Knowledge & Wisdom. 

What will not be shamed is Time that continues to exist over generations of All human history. On earth it's All occured in every human event; based on the lives according to the human life experiences. That  shall not be removed. Because of the Spirits. Because of life & death. In between the DASH. That represents every foot print in human existence. Marked of a human presence on earth. While the attempts never ceased. So much bloodshed. And disrespect over time in humanity.

To silence; the legacy of human Birthrights. Over history. In this hour remains of the living. In every breathe of life; that still stands in All of humanity.

To conclude the final ending. But it will not be the ending  mankind is predicting; of their own desired plans. Why, the stage was set. For the the original story was created; for the existence of humans. Would complete the entire Prophecy throughout life. In how humans. lived out the Biblical Prophecy amongst each other on earth. 

             'Human History'

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Top of The World

What about feeling alone, At the Top. Really is saying from one's own self examination. Once I have accomplished meeting a level of  personal goals. I feel is of my achievement; not yours. I never expected. To look by my side; and the people I held close in my heart. Would physically & mentally be standing so far off. If only those repeated prayers in the dark valley's were really about; how we would make it through together. In the real storms of life. 

One day you'll look up. From a place your head was held; low. Standing in a crowded world; of familiar and stranger people. But the anxiety will humble whatever is in these human hearts. To process why without the people that we're expected to remain in a mindset of celebrating the US. In how far we came; together if not faded apart. Because of our personal growth. We were to never leave out the genuine love & emotional support to protect of each other. Because life happens to All humans. Even if our accomplishments are not the same; it's what emotionally for each other changed. No matter who succeeded in what. A dream is inspired in All humans. It's the reality of reaching the dreams. And figuring out; who endured the real struggles with each other. The real personal struggles in life.

Time is a journey every human will take. Some people will relapse, some people will make a tight come back. Some people will whine & plot, consuming every emotional interaction. they can to persuade of another human. To believe no matter what they give of themselves. It will never, never be consumed of enough is enough. Son, I see the disappointment in your eyes. We are just People. It will never be enough between People & our human expectations. Why, silent regrets, it takes an entire mindset to not give up on; oneself. And where envy & jealousy rents residence in these human minds & hearts. Any human can feel hurt. And cause internal damage to another. And for the record no human title is exempt, not a one. But GOD forgives the SINNER, and judges the SIN. Therefore the exhausted respect the power in repentance. To see the better version in you is of me; my seed. Even if we don't always as humans. Agree to Disagree. In this human judgement we as humans cast on one to another. You my child figured your life out; and it was on earth. You my son my only child. found your soul inner purpose through faith. And praying to GOD.

Remember every human emotionally hurts. And humans heal or hurt by the actions of US All in being humans. Even if we deny what is Received of a Gift out of love. And whether People of any race believe in a higher power GOD are not. Son, everyday I will make it my personal mission. To Keep a planted seed in your mindset; to keep praying and taking to GOD. For every human birth was given an assignment on earth. Because of this gift of Life. Human beings will it figure out. What to value first in; oneself. If not every human will feel; the state of being devalued & smited of life; and cast their judgement on another. In the Blink of An Eye. In this one world. Called Life.

The day started off; I spoke with a woman of diverse color. She sat with her small children. In a time of a new generation. I replied allow the child to sat near you. I understand the why, they move around with happy feet in the world. Until one day I experienced a shift in Life. my only child; was gone from earth. In the Blink of An Eye. Is when I recalled the gift left in this world. One day you will also see from a different eye lense. Your tiny children will eventually blend in the world. She replied how so. One day they will grow in size of these tiny feet. And eventually birth a new generation. Of an even better version of the generations before them. is of you & me. Her eyes grew wide & she smiled. I never looked at life through that lense. I said we're all children to Mothers & Father's. But one day this life is destined to show humanity; it's favor. Eventually we will all see as human beings. What version of US remains in All the children. Did we produce in the mental & physical as boys & girls, men & woman. And it will reflect in these human hearts of this present; small version. We're still; growing up. Around a world; of each other.

Eventually our human feet. Will cross paths. And more seeds will be sown in this entire world. Whether we grow, are not together. Growing & Maturing is part of the human breathing process.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


The definition describing  conducting Business, whether providing goods are services; to many of nations, states, countries. Is the society. Established of a multitude; is the consumers. That are drawn to what is solicited; for a business profit. 

The human definition of prioritizing personal business. Is an individuals state of personal accountability. Of one's own obligations. If not; a mutual agreement. Made between two or more people; addressing what affairs to be addressed. Of what is not are a life changing; priority.

Throughout time. Humans have dealt with some type of business affairs. In this life. And your age and status is non exempt. The world revolves around Capital. Through the types of Business;  Humans invent to solicit. Then rendered down is a service,  demonstrated by All types of  people. 

And of course there is a responsibility. In spreading awareness. To the general public. Why, we're All as humans. Invested. In a market. That trends, in velocity of patterns.

Even children have figured out. They also have business affairs regarding education. In this life. And let's not limit their mental thinking to pages of books. The children also are developing & progressing in this state of; the world. In these emotions. Is also the full experience through what is internally stretching in this skin. As the children are also identified; as individual human beings.

So, when the statement is made. I got personal business to attend to. Are why you in my business. Think about how & why. We All dealing with each other. On some type of general if not of our own personal business; throughout the world.

Tippy Toes

Tippy toes, throughout the day & night. Is the mist of what is behind the smoke. Which is not discriminatory; in this generation of time. Are neither is it bias against any gender or race. And it's sad to accept the accountability in acknowledgement; what about the age limit. In any space on Earth. Just setback after midnight. Pass the water & blanket. For the next shift. To cover why it's 3 am. And the smoker's are dressed & creeping in rare form. Of changing angles in every shift. Working towards that ultimate goal. 

So, what's prohibited in any locations of these smoky environments. If the smoke is being sold throughout the world. Of what is clearly; not a privacy violation. But visible. And it's unbelievable once the aftermath. Of the smoke clears up. Amongst whom; is recovering from the smoke now being reminisced about. Throughout the world. 

Then who human can sincerely say; what happened at anytime of the night or during the day? Did anybody see anything. Where everybody is smelling; what's going up in the Air. 

Time what a precious gift. And sleep remains; priceless. As times rolls up on the night & day. Amongst All these smoking clouds in the Air. Is also the smoke screens. That displays the state of; the world. And what is it about; the mental state of addressing denial? To 'say it ain't so'. Of what is; being passed on a handle. Of what is that mystery smell in the Air. On the real. Is the Smoky Smoke lit up in the World! 

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Betrayal, a human demonstrated act. That causes a  state of mixed mental emotions. In every environment that affects an entire atmosphere.

Remember why, it's ok, we don't All have to believe. In anyone or anything. It does remove the reality of the why Heaven & Earth shall not be removed. As Earth is the one space; humanity is of one occupancy; Life.

Time is infinity. With or without humanity. As we process the what is happening. In every moment of an hour. What was predestined to occur. Over the history of our human Cohabitations of existence. In Civilization. Today it appears the valley's; are darker that one could even imagine. How so, the physical & mental experience. In this valley we will become; better aquatinted. How so, our Attitudes will reflect. What has affected us in All. In these four walls; of skin. In the inner female or male. In being human.

But continue to remember; while in the fog. Being distracted is a normal human emotional reaction. Attempt to refocus on what is; good. What is; pure. What is; love. What is the difference. In what in this experience; is being felt in this moment. Of this skin. Of what I still believe & see; of me. In the mirror.

I referenced how words are hurtful. But betrayal is gut drenching. Once the bridges are dismantled. The work will require trust to build back up; what was a total loss.

Life is still good. Even in this FOG. Remember the journey that was taken from one generation to another. Think about how many of us in All; made it over.

If it were not for our past history to celebrate; Everyday. We could of not been better prepared. For the present history. Of how we're still standing. Ontop in the Light that once was the darkness of the World.

Do not be discouraged, disconnected, and hopeless. Why, Things, meaning the material stuff is; replaceable. But not one, human life. When we think about over generations. Of how & where we've managed of what; to pass down. Of one gift that is priceless. A gift that was 'given' not earned. Through our birthrights. Why, not earned? Love did require we change for each other. As we of All humans have worked. In our individual gifts of laboring & services. To obtain what has been of material things on earth. And in acknowledging of diversity in cultures of history; of All births in mankind. Love still proves what is required. Of US in All; change. To just figure out; to alway's be better prepared. To face the inevitable adversity in life. Where human disobedience & rebellion; dims lights. But where there is obedience is better than sacrifice. patience & repentance reveals a Love that will alway's show up. To rescue; in the world of valley's. 

Why, did any State of Affairs In the world; occur. That did not change how we humanly feel.

Today, watch the sky, feel the breeze of summer.  In the transition during this season of winter. Why, the seasons are moving IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. So, will this unexpected,  shift of spirits; immediately occur. 

Have you not known?

Have you not heard?

Have you not seen?

What? There is nothing new under the Sun, absolutely nothing new done. By any human. That has not been recorded in The Book of Life & The Book of Lambs. That has not been predicted. In the Biblical Prophesy; regarding mankind & it's history.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...