Sunday, March 8, 2015

Single People & Marriage

I received some calming news today. People are really getting engaged but not to the other people they entertain; temporarily. And the reasoning is simple to see; how a person can lead another by playing on their trust and vulnerability if not lust. So on this journey to finding a soulmate remember this person will either decide to make you their husband or wife. Or this person will show warning signs; hesitation and procrastination not wedding preparations.

I fell in lust one day. I learned what to share in a moment of time. I learned to respect over time "how trust and loyalty to some people, don't mean one thing" is when I  took the quality time to love myself. After foolishly attempting to love everyone else. Then immediately I snatched my heart away from people who made me the example of how "love is just another word spoken everyday" until you express it genuinely.

I witnessed how people either choose young to avoid growing old, or missing out on that baby boy to hold. Or you either marry old to avoid being alone. Or people marry to make a statement. But sometimes people really do take the time to find their soulmates and live a fruitful life.

Everyday I treasure this compliment; why has your heart not been stolen yet". I chuckle and cordially say; over my entire life I made a few mistakes but God had a plan and so did I. By managing to infinitely love so many people at one time. So I was not aware when there was not enough love extended for myself. As I enjoyed loving and pampering everyone else.

A former married man shared with me everyone will not agree of this writing. I responded with this statement "when has man and woman ever equally agreed on all things". Therefore a written life experience can either be someone else's truth because man and woman or destined to decide if they are equally yolked or not in this life.

So before I say yes the first time. I will clarify; that I am destined to be someone's soulmate and not just another wife.

Friday, March 6, 2015

In The Mist of It All

When you are facing emotional moments in your life whether happy or sad. It's ok to take some time to deal with what is on your heart and mind. And in those moments when the world will seem dark and cold; it's only because people and their compassion grow old. Is when you will figure out why religious beliefs is a  personal choice not an immeditae repair. And what this statement says is that; somewhere in our individual live's we must find our own "BALANCE" to survive. Because the truth of the matter is; we live in a world of blended personalities where the heart is not always seeking to spread joy and peace.

I heard a radio personality say "we should be happy just because life chose to give us another day" but the sad part about that statement is; somewhere in humanity we either choose to absorb one anothers infirmities or benefit from our own unhappiness in adjusting unnecessary things. Such as calculating ways to bring one another more sorrow and pain.

In The Mist of It All; find your peaceful space to endure life, happiness and some pain.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weather Alert

The weather is cold and streets are slick but businesses are still opening for employees and consumers money "Please drive safe" in case the road conditions will not allow the wheels of your vehicle to remain in 1 lane. And for the experienced drivers around the globe; only mother nature really controls how this story goes, so please disregard taking for granted the warning signs and oblige the bill collectors to wait in line. Because life does not allow real people to make arrangement calls.

The weather report sometimes  contradict what is actually going to take place. But heed the message anyway to plan a safer trip accordingly.

One gloomy day people slid into work to commit themselves to other people, working shifts or attempting to pay a debt. But on this particular day the weather man provided an exact forecast; unfortunately several employees did defeat mother natures destiny.

This young lady worked as a temp so being employed was vitally important. Unfortunately there was a delay on her journey when another vehicle stirred into her lane. Immediately red lights arrived at the scene, but this young lady refused to be seen. Because she could not afford to be late for her "first day". She presented a smile but deep inside things were not right. And before the end of the day this lady took a restroom break but never to exit where she went in. Why, because "she died" inside.

The system is calculated so you will pay between the 15th and 30th day; regardless if it's once a month or bi-weekly. Use your mind, time and PTO wisely.

The company message on the website reads for inclement weather conditions please "use your best judgment, but drive safely" slightly conflicting. Ages ago people took pride in working a portion of their lives. Because companies valued their employees lives "back then" not just the company bottom lines. And this scenario will point in one direction of our current times;

If you are not struggling financially; it's a beautiful space to be. But not everyone is exempt from their individual reality, so respect the fact real people do make a significant difference.

Drive cautiously and plan ahead in case of life's emergencies.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Slim Pickings

Remember hearing the 1st impression it is either the best or could be the last? Which is often determined by society and the other is non judgmental attitudes. Who care less about determining whether you fit into the social scene, posses good energy or signs of negativity. My advice would be; stay prepared for everything. Because life is destined to change; where attitudes will either adjust or remain the same.

My big day came and I was prepared to deal with a few things, rationally think through challenging situations, heal from disappointments and walk away from toxic relationships to get better acquainted with myself. And  properly communicate in the corporate world of foreign faces;  Indonesia, Malaysia Philippines, Cairo, China, and Mexico. Were countries that would have only remained a dream. Until I discovered how to brand my contagious personality. That brings me to this theory:

We the people being of the same physical components and senses; collectively if not individually are predestined to be propositioned in this life. And the characteristics we posses will be challenged by other people who exist with their wired  characteristics. And you don't need a college degree to make sense out of a statement that people will either believe, see or disagree.

Therefore never limit your self in faith. To be Slim Pickens on someone elses plate.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Court fees

Outlawed in the U.S.A over 200 years ago. Is when the U.S. Supreme Court expressed "Judges cannot send people to jail, because of their disposition to financially pay court fines". Pay attention closely to how money targets land to implement a term plan.

In the case of Bearden vs. Georgia, which held; that a judge must  consider 1st; if there exist the "ability to pay, but refusal to pay a court debt that exist". It would behoove you to understand legal formation rendered from the judges hand but written in our Constitution. So the format of "willfully" not pay does mean one thing. That people are destined to serve time behind court fines if money is not exchanged, to zero out what remains.
The amount of time spent online should be more productive or else people sabotage their own lives.

Publication information is detrimental to your present situations.   Research law. 

1st Of The Month

A single mother awoke today with a case of some anxiety. A working class household has stretched the limitations of both payroll checks. An elder is laying weak; because they can no longer afford to pay the pharmacy, regardless of medicare or medicaid. And the reason why it's the first of the month and bills must be paid on time. To avoid the rapture of evil economic times where only a fool would think; money can buy everyone and anything.

Unfortunately ordinary people were handpicked and trained to act in vicious ways, depending on the bill due date. And before you adjust your noise and cyclone attitude please grasp the importance of the messages below:
We live in a "Right To State" which means any person can be fired, at anytime without "recourse". But in case you are safe; turn away from what affects another person in a more crucial way.

The Koch Brothers have raised an estimated $889 million for the 2016 Presidential race. Now it's your turn to figure out who stands a winning chance "Red or Blue" for another term. If people decide not to stand in line and vote next term.

Once you put up collateral for a bank loan make sure you understand the full payback with interest terms. And just in case you are going to pay late; you better notify the head person on the prerecorded phone line, backed up with an email line. So when this debt is paid in full; you are due back ownership of your initiated collateral. Unless there is a scenario number 2; where overdraft rules is when the bank has allowed you to spend money in which they knew did not exist. Is when that paid in full collateral is now at the mercy of the bottom line list.
The Federal Trade Commission should be your next move to investigate how our Constitutional laws written by legislature will either assist or deflate a alternative plan to payback what should have been originally avoided. Also, check out FTC v. AT&T, LLC "mobile cramming" maybe you have an interest in the future settlement.

The term lease means temporary. And rent is due on the 1st if not the 3rd. The water addendum implies the bill is due 15 days after the rent is paid. Then why is it included on the 1st or 3rd, and on one entire page. If you dare to ask, be prepared, to be referred, to the water company provider in your residential area. And lastly the late fees begin at the end of business day, payment drop box has been sealed, gate card access taken away. But in one year be prepared to be greeted again with a smile and pen. To lock you in once again.
It would behoove you to research the "Tenant's Union".

Single moms understand you are not damaged goods. Because you don't need extra hands in your present situation without a working plan. Instead thank the lord for your kids and the commitment you give. Because welfare is no longer prejudice, against any race of nationality.

Some people love to mock other people who are either clueless, show minimum interest or lack in finances. Some people posses good intentions while other people thrive on power and control to restrain a strong hold.

I mentioned earlier the big 3. So before you reach for lent and in some of our cases that is money already spent; visit the website to verify why you are being denied for paid, due or uncleared "credit lines.

Life will set you up for change, logic is crucial, words or prolific, people play mind games and if money is not  the bitch people say it is. Then what really is?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Toll Tag/Selected Fees waived

The difference between zip cash and toll tag is a 50% increase in cost, towards processing and collections fees.   And for many drivers who did not heed to the NTTA news; of how the administrative fees will cause you the blues. Unless you pay the minimum fee but you must call to ease your curiosity.  Then the next step is the toll tag rate that is multiplied by the travels you make up and down the camera lit freeway. So before you cruise out today, please check the toll rate in your state.

Scenario: I no longer own this vehicle; then make it a point to visit the DMV in your state to verify all required documentation, to avoid the extra legal obligations.

Scenario: In case of a car rental toll fee. First verify what agency is collecting the third party fee. To avoid paying the obvious of excessiveness to both entities; and then set the GPS to skip the remainder of tolls down the road.

Scenario: I received a photo of my license plate. But I halted at the red light before crossing the white line. My advice is to notate the day and time. And for some people they may think; who has that type of energy. And my advice will be "there will be a slight delay in the routine of your ordinary day" because the Tax Assessors system has already been tagged, to halt your "registration tags".

But the good news is that TX Dot has adjusted the toll tag fees for a selected few; disabled vets, Purple Heart or Medal of Honor recipients who possess a specialty veteran license plate. And you don’t have to do one thing, because the adjustment is discounted automatically. But please verify and see how you qualify; by visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles website.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Traffic Jam

How often do people start their day either in a rush or initiate the proper time to ensure they have crossed every “T” and dotted every “I”.  Because there is a reason why some people really believe that time is on their hand. To complete unfinished plans. 

One summer day a mother was traveling down the street and on the window it read "BABY ON BOARD". Which is a sign to warn drivers on the street to "please drive cautiously". Then out of the blue there appeared a driver out of control and slid into the mother's vehicle. Immediately people appeared from every where to render aid. But in that moment you could hear a mothers cry that ranged out "where is my child". Is when a voice yelled out "I see her tiny feet". As she lay rested in the street.

One day a few classmates decided to leave the school campus to take a break. But made one mistake "to car race". Unexpectedly one of the vehicles spinned out of control and slammed into a tree injuring all three. Immediately the news media arrived to the horrific scene of the crash. Unfortunately mom and dad where the last to know "one day there babies were here". And the next minute they were gone.

One day a driver decides to unwind by enjoying a few cocktail drinks unfortunately this waiter or waitress did not follow the guidelines of TABC. Which resulted in a casualty. And if either party would have started their day by crossing their “T”s and dotting their “I"s there could have been a possibility that time would have been on either of their sides  to avoid the "traffic jam" of life. 

Interested in a flashy set of wheels. But before you buy read the warranty and recall line to save yourself some time. And the reason why is because several people have suffered injuries and died all because of  a manufactures failure to advertise the malfunctions in their bottom line". In the future be sure to research NHTSA's database, before it's to late.

If only this driver would have taken the proper time that morning to cross his or her "T"s and dotted the "I"s. Maybe time would have been on either of their side. To avoid the traffic jam that burdened precious lives.

The purpose of this message speaks through our daily lives. Which is "nothing happens that's not apart of life's purpose and plan". While people move in motion.

Monday, February 9, 2015

When a Man Loves a Woman

“When a man loves a woman she can do no wrong”.  But not before the man and woman both mature beyond certain struggles they neglect to deal with, before finding one another to love.
In Memory of  -Percy Sledge 

This mature man’s heart is wide open to respecting a mature woman’s most intimate thoughts. And to my young girls please understand that even a boy can be properly molded into a mature young man.  But just in case this particular boy or man falls short of not meeting the expectations of your unnecessary wants. It may be you the female species who is not in tune with your mental, physical and spiritual capacity. So therefore an attempt to fill a mandatory need is improperly turned away. Because the most important part of the lesson was missed by not understanding how a mature boy or man is waiting to hear your requirements.

According to your check list not his:  

A boy has wants. A woman and girl aims to please. And true love begins from the inside out and not from the noise down.  

A mind is a terrible thing to waste where physical attributes and curves takes it's place.

Beauty is admirable. Confidence is sexy. Classy is intriguing. Flashy is inviting. Bold is a challenge and Insecurity is a sign that you can be easily misled into what anyone says.

Confidence does not require a word where a woman's or a girls worth is instantaneously observed.  

Compliments are a treat but a promiscuous conversation only brews heat behind closed doors. Unfortunately he does not remember your name or number anymore.  

Freedom has no limitations. Obligations are a priority but a window of time “women and girls” should be a warning sign.

Lust only requires two people to mate and it does not discriminate in capability. But passion requires the mind, body and soul to work collectively in order to meet a required need.
Sexual healing is a remedy for any man who is emotional capsizing. So “women and girls” clearly understand how a mature boy and man can really appreciate, a cozy fitted space.
Tact is a trait a woman or girl must initiate. Because a man or boy will clearly see who will eventually past the test of obtaining his last name and sharing his life long dreams.  
Texting is a convenient way to get what you want, with little words to say. But a conversation requires your mind and time to invest in appreciating the finalized conversation line.
Women and girls chivalry is not dead. Please allow a door to be opened and chair to be slid, before you instantaneously open your legs.
Women and girls fairytales do come true if you will begin or continue to pray and take responsibility of treasuring your heart and pearls. Because the truth of the matter is you were already predestined to be a “PRICELESS” treasure in this world.




Thursday, February 5, 2015

Job Termination

One day, somewhere, someone will bear the burden of bad news. And on that day this person will either feel relieved or misplaced because of the position they played has been phased away.

Jobs are a necessity to maintain in a life that requires people to manage their basic needs to survive. But what happens when a job loss occurs and people begin to run scared. As others remain behind close doors in their chairs.

I witnessed a man weep with tears in his eyes because he was trying to spotlight a system that required needed change but corporate preferred it remain the same. To maintain the high expectations of meeting the profitable gain. So in the end this man felt his battle was lost. Only to figure out how things are not meant to change, and how people stay comfortable to maintain a few rationed material things. 

I witnessed a mother who lost a paycheck because of an unscheduled illness. Unfortunately the job lacked respect because this woman had invested enough time to qualify for what they passed down to unqualified friends just to get them in a high salary position. So this lady did not give up on life because if it were not for people who thrive on other peoples hard times this woman would not be alive. The truth is all she really needed was to rest from the job related stress.

I witnessed people snap not because they received a pink slip. It was the order in which the pink slip was delivered in. And if people would allow other people time to breathe before walking in squared face and arrogant to snatch back what is already a entitlement. The world could be a better place if people exempt the minds games.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


A brilliant design to monitor people moving in time. So now you know how your privacy rights could be compromised are maybe the ACLU can shed a different light on what is taking place in these wired times.

Check your STATE before you drive to avoid paying for TIME". Where local authorities believe this is a measure to stop "criminal activity" by capturing drivers on the street. Which only means someone will take full accountability. And the question is who is not a suspect attached to their own or someone else license tag?

It would behoove you to read and understand the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, if  you intend to drive and not be aware please understand why this plan was implemented for "DRIVERS EVERYWHERE".


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...