Friday, June 26, 2015

Same Sex Marriages/People Differences in 2015

Same sex marriage has finally been passed down. Now let’s loosen our faces and place our bibles to the side because a few people have decided today’s FAITH. Of what was once a questionable move to make. So the question is who is now choosing or aiming at who to legally give into them of what is now legalized to do. And if you’re unsure to what this riddle has to say you will learn and watch society divide or come together in unity.
The argument about the direction of RELIGION is no longer the issue at hand. The reality is that people have activated their own PLAN. And many believers have accepted their places on what they believe and stand. Because someone knows the truth of what we’re held accountable to or not to do.

Today Americans chose to fight and won against the battle for same sex marriage rights, yesterday many women, children and men died to STD's and disease. While healthcare is still being strategized. Which will determine who lives or dies.  Meningitis is showing up in newborn babies spines so young girls ask your Doctor for the test while you’re still pregnant. And to all people of any religion who enjoy the pleasures of anal sex wrap up tight before your AIDS or HERPES TEST COMES BACK positive, human trafficking is happening in our USA homes, blue collared workers are struggling to maintain their retirement plan and pay down if not own their homes, education is now an investment of who is able to pay for higher education,  utilities and homeowners insurance are rising every day by the hands of elected officials who strategize how much we use according to head count and space, welfare is rationed to young women and men while the elders struggle to live on  fixed income to pay what will keep them physically and mentally capable of being a residence of the STATE,  illegalized or legalized weed is no longer a fight eventually children of all ages will take a nice ride if we don’t pry into their lives, toll and bridges are creating more consumer taxes on taxes, red light cages were created by a third party entity and negotiated with the County, society will educate your kids on same sex marriages and the reason why is that you’re too busy with keeping up with LIFE, the teenager who feels abandoned and without an identity will finally find their place in society, riches, power, sexuality, pornography will feed into your fantasies because people think money and false illusions can persuade you into  anything. The IRS will allow you to live in your dreams just make sure you pay up before April 15th. The major or minor crimes you commit will either be dismissed or labeled A, B, C misdemeanor or a felony. If you don’t choose the "PLEA" bargain deal that will 0nly black ball how you LIVE.
The reality is the hell is here on earth lives inside people who fight for what they value to have in their own lives.

I’m not against any person and the choices they make.  But never ask yourself the question why the things we as a people once denied, has now taken over our LIVES.

How many believe that the work is plenty. But the WORKERS are few. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reality Check

Have you ever fallen upon hard times and the people that you would least expect; have your back. And I’m not referencing hard times with less money or negative in the bank account. I’m talking about when sh!# is not going right.  For example the car breaks down and it’s the first of the month, grown adult kids are acting as if they are out of orbit, adults are questioning the attention you give to children because they can no longer get your attention, the land sinks into the ground which causes the house to take a shift, and why is the insurance agent quick to say they don’t cover it, the mailbox is full of bills current and past due, kids or out of  college and school, summer daycare is due before 5pm before late fees kick in. And don’t dare ask anyone else to inconvenience themselves, those caring friends all of a sudden begin talking arrogant so they can suck you into enlightening their “foolishness”, and let’s not forget about the family who will pitch in; but only for a wink in a moment.
See the reality is some people will swear they have not dealt with real situations like this. But the real truth is people really prefer you don’t know what they allow themselves to go through. So allow the truth to enlighten you; when going through life’s journey you will see people who choose what they want to believe, you will deal with non-logical thinkers that sound influential in
your low moments, and you will hear the truth but respect a lie simply because you won’t to continue in doing what is comfortable to you. Children will be disrespectable no matter what age they are but you will justify their wrongs to make it right. People you know will bring you joy or pain; just remember this “we all are destined to change”. And just in case you find a person or people that are conducive to your life; be more grateful that sh!# s going right.
How times have changed significantly from the importance of understanding wisdom to living in a false reality.
To a young girl who has given birth to kids and the fathers or father show little, some or no interest.

One day a young girl read what I had to say and asks the question “do I feel like a loner some days”. And I kindly replied as a young girl I lived a full life with tons of people who influenced the choices I made. That were not always great. And I said "do you understand there are real consequences in the choices you have made. Because every choice is not a mistake. Immediately this young girl looked at me with a strange stare in her eyes. Is when I kindly replied "until you have lived life and clearly comprehend the choices you make never attempt to analyze what you can't understand until you have knowledge in experience to understand WISDOM.
To any young girl or woman; you can’t raise a man but you can guide him. And before you try to control his life with innocence that grows inside; first do a reality check of what may be your “long term commitment” then you will have the wisdom in knowing not to challenge a mother who made the sacrifice to carry this son to a full term in life. And the reason why this statement was necessary is because what you give up is powerless until this boy grows into his own mature man.
People do not have to progress at the same time. But you must develop a mature STATE OF MIND.

Friday, June 19, 2015


This word requires all nations of men to comprehend its meaning. And the reason to why is that people were destined to alter one another in some extraordinary way in this life.  And one day you will face a situation or circumstance in which you will or not ask for “Forgiveness”.

The reason why age and people progress over time is because we’re supposed to physically and mentally grow our minds, bodies and souls.
I spoke briefly about the sinners prayer and ask that God would heal men of all nations from everywhere. And someone may say I don’t need “Faith” “I have enough Faith” or “My family is ok without ‘Having Faith” in a nation of people who are “ROAMING” around trying to figure out what is going down. God please have mercy on our souls for what is yet to come. As we struggle to become one in our individual storms.

Most of the time people assume that one man’s struggles is his or her destiny but how about struggles were designed for every PERSON WITH A PURPOSE that was born into this life. And the reason why some people can’t find EQUAL peace is simply because of other peoples’ ‘REBELLIOUS WAYS’ to manipulate SITUATIONS so they may give up on having “FAITH”.

Take a look around the world today and see how people present themselves to be genuine or fake. Because actions do speak louder than words regardless of whose OCCUPATION is making the STATEMENT.
Every wonder why the question is never advertised “if the gun was legal or illegally” used in a violent crime. It’s time we pay attention to necessary information in our states; visiting the voting polls because of laws that will be written, passed down and made into rules that will determine what people are orchestrated to do. Our prayers go out to the families of Emanuel.   

I heard a man say HATE is not generational it’s STRUCTURED into a person’s mind but what about ANGER which is demonstrated in many ways, Haters of all ages operate through rage with a master plan in place, Missions are kept TOP SECRET for years so that many ORDINARY people who feed off SYSTEMATIC organizations, interest groups, mass buildings and fellowships are geared into operating off a ‘STAGNATE STATE OF MIND”.  Eventually one day things that never happen to you will be your reality of HEINOUS CRIMES that rest on people of all cultural minds. 
One day people of all nations will open up their eyes to how we LOVE and HATE, manipulate ONE ANOTHER WITH OUR energy through using religion, sex, money, politics, greed and vanity. And no passion for understanding in situations that call for acts of individual self-conviction; family, neighbor, enemy and friends.  

And no I did not make this riddle up. Humanity decided to find comfort in it. Instead of asking and praying for ‘FORGIVENESS”

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sara Baartman

Change the dynamics of the way you think and be more confident in your own original tenacity. Because the truth of the matter is even the most beautiful people are defined on how someone else feels.

Beauty fades overtime. But what is Authentic ON THE INSIDE AGES LIKE FINE WINE.   

Every girl young or old wants to be resemble a model. And I’m not talking about the model that cat walks on the runway. I’m referencing the molding of someone else instead of being happy about your physical and inner self. And if this were not true then why ARE women and young girls seeking and paying to add more ONLY TO DESTROY THEMSELVES. JUST TO FIT THE IMAGE OF SOMETHING ELSE.

Self-examination of our selves reveals several things; confidence, beauty, low self-esteem and vanity which is a conditioned mind of non reality that some women or girl sustains to gain attention from you. Why, because perfection was intended in the creation of all women and men not solely for the purpose of labeling who represents “Real Beauty and Rushed Innocence”.  

Which brings me to a close of what people in society place strongholds on “association, classifications, and physical presentations” meanwhile their real identity” is lost in what someone else “believes of what is artificial beauty”. For the love of self-gratification people will drive you into the state of “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME” portray what I need you to believe of my outer beauty. And the reason why is because we need one another to survive in a makeup world of people who are self-absorbent in this life. No pun intended but due to an unfortunate circumstance which revealed Rachael who represents a model image.

Always enhance your naturalness. Flaunt your weaves, wigs, finger tips, luminous lips, padded butts, breast injections, and body wraps to obtain an 'IMAGE" OF PHYSICAL BEAUTY. Then one day when that outer beauty begins to wrinkle, droop, malfunctions or simply just fades away ensure you have invested enough time in your life to deal with what is left on THE INSIDE. To a young girl, single women or wife.   

In Memory of Sara Baartman the original booty queen in our history. Where a people labeled & mocked her “natural authentic beauty”, rest in Peace.




Saturday, June 13, 2015


We are in a war and every one is looking around to see who may be targeting the US now. But the problem began a long time ago within ourselves for pursuing ways to see people not grow and progress. And it's no longer acceptable to think our children and families are safe in a place our hearts struggle to love, against hate. And know I'm not the Taliban or a terrorist but what I can see clearly is what the world has no excuse to miss. Because the enemy does not always carry a gun, plant bombs, wear hoodies, labeled with a misdemeanor or felony and speak with a foreign decent. This was a stigmatism planted into our heads so that we may segregate from people we fear to love, with hate.
WAR was created by man and there is prelavence to understand how stereotypes in today's society affect our entire nation. And that is why people of all colors will struggle to live in peace and organize unity until we collectively realize and accept change is of relevance.

Peace. Love. Happiness-2015

Friday, June 12, 2015


Today I visited a check-point in my life to re-evaluate how much I have grown overtime by taking inventory of my life. And the reason why, is sometimes I’m guilty of assuming I have it all figured out until I allow people to involve me in things according to their checklist is when one situation turns into dejavu and confrontation.  But no worries to the person who thinks they have it all figured out. Because your choices will prove to you how we can’t resist the things we do.  
The element of surprise is choosing the battles I can live with. Which makes it personal between me and my GOD who judges.

Today I was quoted “Satan was once an Angel so be careful who you trust. Now this is a message I’m familiar with but this individual thought they needed to share it. Only after I refused to get further involved with what they thought would benefit them of me too fall.
Today I made preparations to see someone tiny and precious. And what I was reminded of was why I continue to have hope in "LOVE". 

Today I spoke with a child of adult age who feels the emotions of “entitlement”. And the reason why is when this friend or child called they were seeking the same advice without saying clearly “I continue to transition in redundancy”.  
Today I'm preparing to fly far away but I have no interest in calling upon old girl friends. And the reason why is because I recognized the good and bad intentions of another woman's mind. Because once upon a time we lived life to the fullest at a young adult age. Until our interest, bodies and minds changed about; relationships, marriage and kids, living our dreams, situations and men we either settle down or settle with. Unfortunately sometimes women place their emotions in the wrong place to accommodate the demons they refuse to face. I just decided to change my ways and company. And no matter if you're single and happy or married and forfilled everyday take a look in the mirror to say " who am I".
Today I caught a flight to check on a friend we did not how to make love I understood his circumstance. I only wanted to see how could I lend my shoulder and a helping hand. Remember sometimes good girls finish last. And the reason why, some people are committed until the day they die. So if you’re a weak minded person who thinks their strong allow situations to test what you are made of.

Today I contacted an old friend just to check in. And again I got no response not because we had sex this was a spiritual and heated relationship. The reason why is because as a woman I chose to babysit his bad choices in transforming from a boy to a man. Which is reality to me after I did not receive the invitation to attend due to an “incorrect address”. So I chose to “let go and breathe” of a friendship because eight years ago this person showed me one thing and chose some else which taught me to see things clearly. Now I’m the bad person who chose “not to agree” with what he desired of non-logical things.

Today several people shared their secrets with me about some else. And if this person knew what the other person was up too it probably would or not change their minds of what they thought was a friendship or relationship. So I chose to manipulate the words I shared and said “maybe you should re-evaluate your relationship only to ensure you’re both growing together in it”. And the reason why is sometimes being someone’s friend is tagged with “high expectations”.

I chose to not pick up the phone today for family and friends. And it’s not because I don’t love them desperately. It’s because I need some time to “compose my mind” and deal with my own reality. Before accepting “high expectations” with limited boundaries.

Today at work I witnessed people smile and turn away snaring and mumbling as they walked away. And if I choose to make it my business to share with someone of what may be in their best interest. The situation would turn on me; simply because some people live in a “Fantasy” marking me the “silent” enemy.

Today I witness people take offense for trying to discipline their “disobedient” children. And the conclusion that I had to came too was my “child is not perfect” in this life. And “neither or other people & kids that live in it.    

Today I chose not to take a stranger or friend up on a date to go out to eat, for drinks or to a movie. Now I’m the woman who is cheating herself because I heard what was presented before the invitation of backrubs and selfie picks. The game is sold every day so why should I buy into what other people “seek savagely”.

Today I attended church. I observed the beautiful renovations and processed the deliverance of the message while filling the passing buckets.  And immediately after church there is a window to exit for the next service. And there could be several reason whys I don’t focus on how religious people live their lives. I can only safeguard my religious beliefs because people will reiterate to you whatever they want too.

Today I evaluated my obligations and decided to change a couple of things “not making myself available” to people who choose whatever they want too.

Today I took my checkbook out to make some sense of what I can’t keep up with. And it has nothing to do with obtaining “College Degrees” to get an understanding of “Life, Money, People and Greed”. I made some choices in life to try accommodating what people entertain “wanting things they don’t necessarily need’ or just to see “what they can do to manage of how you move”.  

Today I visited a check point of my life and I realize my purpose and how personal it is for me to continue “survive”. 

College allowed me to for-fill personal accomplishments Church allows me to “fellowship”. Dating taught me that anyone can make promises it’s whether the person decides to keep them. Family motivated my “grind’. Money surrounded me with friends, material things and enemies. Organizations earned me respect. Love taught me how to deal with my feelings. Single parenting groomed my “strength”. Struggles stretched my “faith” and people who I thought would remain my friends revealed to me who would leave me in the end.  

Life continues to teach me valuable lessons; learn from yesterday. live for today and pray for tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bad Girls

A bad girl" does not require a sound her presence is notated all around. A bad girl does not walk with her head and shoulders hung down. A bad girl is not always hunting down advice. A bad girl knows there will be choices and decisions to make. A bad girl knows she may stumble but not fall, and walk away standing tall. So no matter if you're physically big or small, attractive or decent, light, dark or brown skin. Put an arch in your back, hold your head up high and keep looking towards the sky. Because you were created by design and given a purpose in this life.

A bad girl does not mind staying on her knees. And praying to GOD for what she desires of her needs and asking for good health to enjoy the harvest of her seeds.

A bad girl has different titles; aunt, daughter, grandmother, mother and sister. A bad girl wears many hats because she was built for it.

A bad girl is not always looking for any type of males species. She requires a man who can complete MISSIONS.

A bad girl has been LET DOWN IN LIFE, LIED TOO, TALKED ABOUT, MISTREATED and at times USED AND ABUISED. Why, because this bad girl had to figure out who the players were and what life is all about.

A bad girl does not always have a hustle in mind. She just knows how to PLAN AND GRIND.

A bad girl is not fearful of implementing a dream. She had to learn how to look beyond judgment and deal with self-esteem.

A bad knows she is deserving of the best and refuses to settle for anything less.

A bad girl carries herself in a certain way and watches the things she does and says.

A bad girl doesn't always take a fight to the street. A bad girl sleeps tight while her enemy tediously thinks.

A bad girl will never limit her title to being called a "Bad Bitch" because she does not require the negative validation.

A bad girl is not the make-up of what society says you must look like; enlarged breast and hips, erotic dialect, skin color, long hair with an arrogant attitude. A bad girl is simply a female who knows herself better than anyone else.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Journey

To a young black boy and girl this passage is written with you in mind. As you proceed on what will seem to be a “twisted journey in these questionable times. You will be challenged and tested but keep in mind the key to finding “balance” is managing your “attitude and time” so that situations don’t always determine you’re move in a society of unbalanced or balanced people, who are watching you.  
Today you will struggle to make the most important decisions of your lives “and it will determine whether you survive or die”. And I know this statement may be harsh to listen too. But society is in a fragile mood. And I’m not singling you out but I am making you aware of what has yet to be figured out; of fear and anger, people and politics. 

Today you will figure out what growing up is all about, you will be instructed by people, you will learn from other people, you will be driven by situations created by people that will test your wisdom and strength. Please think before you give into what people are situations will prompt you to do .

Today you will feel the anticipation in the atmosphere but before you allow things to escalate first “THINK” before making one choice. Today some of you will experience your ancestors past history but don’t be afraid these situations are meant for you to break. Simply acknowledge when you are physically on the verge of loosing it. Today some of you will complete high school, community college or attend the best colleges. Today you will remove your self's from the responsibility of someone else. Just don't stray to far from home  until you have learned the importance of utilizing wisdom.

Today you will be challenged with "motivated moves, negotiations and unequal rules". Today you will change your minds and manage your time wisely. And if you don't believe it now; watch what happens today, or tomorrow that will show you how.    

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Printed Paper Money

Life is too precious to give up on. But there are situations and things that people will either create or resist to see you not change.
Have you looked closely on a dollar bill to read what it say's? And I'm not talking about "In GOD We Trust" I'm referring to these two words 'Promissory Note" and if you are unmindful & mindful of what nonvalue and value means you will emotionally spend it on ungrateful children, entitled and non deserving people & unnecessary things.

Have you every spent money on things to accomodate another persons 'mistakes, visions and dreams' or just to feel validated about yourself too do major or minor things. Then later realized the investment or move you made was not that great!

Have you invested your money in any type of long or short term plan? Why, because people who are driven by money place their values intentionally not limited to who they will invest time and a plan into. Now the question is what is your Long or Short term plan just in case certain promises are delayed and who can you call on with "liquid assets" not borrowed credit, and debt. But a legit understanding of how "money and credit systematically works".

The barter system dates back to 6000 BC. The currency law has went into effect and the chances of the American dollar loosing it's value is a possibility not just another threat and some people admit it's been over due by 15 years. Every person does not have to obtain a college degree to understand the concept of analytical and methodical thinking. But investing in "Commodities" sounds like a plan just because resources said it is. Meanwhile bodies scramble throughout our branches of  government trying to figure out what could possibly take place with value for 'Printed Paper Money'. 

Some people may never look at life beyond what is taught in a book or what they can see of another person's investmentsWhich transitioned my thinking into logic and reasoning of how we are wired to believe what is programmed into our minds of placing value on money through a system designed which bargains with time by working on our precious minds.

And until this operation of transaction takes place value your life instead of stakes that are high to manage or sustain tangible things for "Printed Paper Money" attached with taxes, fees and strings. And if your curiosity is relaxed, you're financially broke or maybe feeling overly confident then why is there consistency in restructuring of welfare, unemployment and the intense need for people to have more or some access to money. A silent global threat of what is to come of, Next.

Until we understand ourselves how can we place value on what is a "Promissory Note" to you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Female Dilemma

To a female of any age who has been disappointed at any stage in her life but refuses to let go of a male ego who has moved on. First, consider this before you intensely seek an explanation out of any man who has demonstrated his truth by making life choices with out you. Ask your self the question why is this person of further significance in my life. And the reason why is most of the time Men do show you the truth to avoid not telling you what he plans to actually do. And  there are many women who will continue to intensely seek any explanation to further hold onto a man. Only to avoid the fear of not being in a relationship.

And maybe this scenario does not apply to you but any pattern of redundancy requires you to change to avoid the fear of being lonely. And it's ok if my readers take an adjustment in their attitudes then  maybe this will change "views" of what we think is ok to do. 

Women and girls comprehend there will always be a choice of woman for any man. Because every woman or girl does not mature at the same pace. So therefore a 'players game' is not subjective to change. Only the females it entertains. And before you play the game of Russian Roulett take some time to learn about the consequences behind a man and his 'options'.

Plan out your life before you choose to:
Think that having kids will keep a man, think again. Why, because any man or boy can have sex without an intention of commitment.

Separation from your kids and feeling the urge of loneliness because of a mans absence in your life. It's time for you to re-evaluate what is taking place. Because loss of focus will drive you insane from focusing on the most important people and other things.  
Secretly find yourself waiting around just to see if this man will call in to check on you. This might be a clue for you to occupy your time. And ease up on consuming this man in your mind.

Financially support a grown man before taking care of your own children to accommodate them to stay. Never wonder why things are always stressful in your life. And just incase you are one of those people who think that money can buy anything. Then why can't money buy LOVE which is free. 

Sleeping around with another woman's man is not a guarantee he will walk away from his family or heart felt responsibilities. 

Ladies and gentlemen our younger generation is watching the choices we make. And it's pititful to think some of us are ok with the way we think. Because of what a man and woman think they have figured out without GOD. Which is how to jump on one page of accepting what the other is about. Until one persons insecurities shows of what the other person can no longer control. Why, because time will allow people to do a few things in this life. But “repeats” of the same things is not a bargaining option with time.   

Monday, May 25, 2015

Young Girls Do Get Weary

A young girl gets weary, very weary waiting around for a young boy to turn her frown upside down. A mother molds her boys into gentlemen and a father grooms his sons to be wise men. So when this young girl gets weary show some tenderness and she will never let you regret it.

This world is not a simple place where love is an emotion expressed freely everyday. And the consumption of another person will get you hooked to where you can't let go of what you become addicted too. So young girls be careful of being disrespectful in this life; first in yourself. Because the people who you think will be by your side, will only prove to you 'it is that deep' now that you have surrendered your heart and soul into their control. So listen closely to what I have to say, so that you may value yourself after being disappointed for falling in love with someone else.

Promises are meant to be broken and it's ok just make sure you don't continue in making the same mistakes. And once your body feels overwhelming with anxiety take sometime to figure out what's going on in your heart and discuss what's lingering on your mind. Because a young boy can identify a young girl's eagerness to experience something different. But making babies and having sex does not establish a real relationship. And what I mean is that even a young boy listens to what a young girl has to say regarding her 'dreams & fantasies'. But what she really needs is the experience and comparison.

One day in my young adult age I'm not ashamed to say I thought it was love with a young man but had no one else to compare him with. So I experienced broken heartedness. But it was not my mother's fault for not teaching me certain things. It was my inexperienced young girl weary way's that got me caught up with this young man's selfish way's.
To a young girl who may be wondering why has love hurt me so badly or why did this boy or man leave me with kids? The answer is women were born nurturers at birth so we were predestined to love whole heartedly on this earth. And once that boy or man decides to walk away allow them room to either change or make the same choices in their Weary Way's.

Young girl's the truth of the matter is; you may or not see it right now but there is a properly raised young boy or man searching to hold onto your heart in his hands.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...