Friday, October 23, 2015

Divine Intervention

Romans: "For when we're yet without strength".

Change could happen at any moment, to anyone, at any point in our lives and there several stories and reasons why were DESTINED to CHANGE over and over again during Time. And the focus point is we're not limited to CULTURES, families, children, associates, strangers or friends.Now allow us to begin with where our stories started so that we may write how each one will END.

In the beginning there was the heaven and earth, Adam and Eve created to be the father and mother of the next generation to lead but demonstrated disobedience for all human beings. Who were destined to be a mother, father, sister, brother, aunt and uncle then individually the opposites would attract a mate to vow in unity through holy matrimony. And to celebrate these two they had to agree before the gospel and consecrate then replenish the earth with new born babies then multiply the family bloodline. And I wonder if this is the reason why we celebrate "FAMILY REUIONS" every year as a reminder of who we are and how far we have come.

One day the seasons would change some people say it's "DIVINE Intervention" but eventually those family leaves would wither away but the root that grew those branches together would deeply remain in one PLACE.

One day People that make up our lives would struggle or surrender with Time. Children will wonder to find their own understanding and place in this life and for many Disobedience would lash out their instructions to more suffering. And some of their Peers will have the right direction if their Attitude was not in the Wrong direction of saying "I'll continue in doing what I want too".

One day a diagnoises called Hypertention would surface in the body from ages 0 to 99 and it was not only intended for those held against their will in capivity who was rationed what was left to eat. Why, because Hypertension was already implemented in body with time hiding genetically waiting for the mind to overload with "I control what People live with" buried down in our dark concious. Is what we refer to as"Stress". And no human being or creature was desinged without it. So one the body rejected the weight impacted and people and creatures of all ages reacted in parculiar ways until the diagnoises was Borderline if not Infected mentally with Hypertension, Weight gain and Anxiety. Because we were not built to last, but only to endure Time while we can. And once we allow our immortal thoughts to take residence in our consumed thinking change will occur and breakdown what we need internally. The reality is be careful of how you use your body to treat one another or yourself unnaturally.

One day the world would suffer internally but the writing will make people think if I only had more MONEY it would change some personal things. But the reality is it's the Dangerous thoughts in our Heads that create flaws in Time that disturb Peace in Life.

One day Single people or Married would declare I'm "Lonely if not Desperate" to satisfy this burning feeling inside. But the writing was on the wall if we were not Self Prioritized we could detect what we seek to find of Joy, Peace or Contentment if not ending up the Victim buried  6 " ft deep due to another person's act of Insanity. Read in Romans "for when we're yet without strength" is where we can find direction if not answers to our concerns.

One day Laughter would carry an alterned tone due to the situations occuring in the world or in the privacy of what we don't want others to see of our Glass homes of twisted reality. But somewhere a family is dealing with their generational curses so they don't loose one another or time that is not on our side.

One day People will admit were not really that different because all of our Happiness or Situations is part of life's Design to remind us of who really controls Time...

Love, Famine, Heartache & Pain on anyday could be any given persons Divine Intervention.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Men Questions

Today I would like to address a few CONCERNS requested by young  boys and men.

Question 1: Why do women feel the intense need to be MARRIED?

Question: Why is a man a bad person when an establishment does not work out. And there are some women who entertain the area men are talking about.

Question 2: Why are women so EMOTIONAL? Once they know what they have signed up  for?

Question 3: Do women really think having babies is the answer to making a man stay or say “Plan the wedding Date”?

Question 4: Why should a man feel GUILTY about stepping out, when my WIFE or GIRL is not pleasing me or no longer appreciating me?

Question 5: What’s wrong when a male sends pics of his PRIVATE stick, married or unmarried and still I will defend “I love my wife and kids?

Question 6: Why do women stay in a RELATIONSHIP and loose HOPE for a Marriage that has yet to happen for 2-10 years?

Question 7: Why can’t a man be committed to his kids but not devoted to the MARRIAGE?

Question 8: Why is a woman not my PROPERTY? Once I make her my main choice and throw away the HIT list that allowed me OPTIONS?  

Question 9: What is classified as DISRESPECT if a woman advertises all of her natural assets in any ENVIRONMENT for attention?

Question 10: If a woman wants to be RESPECTED why does she use foul language and sleep around with any boy or man who promises to stick around?

Question 11: What’s wrong with shacking without a commitment?

Question 12: Why are women so honest about their PAST sexual relationships?

Question 13: Why can’t a man love more than one woman at a time for different reasons?

Question 14: Why do women choose not to BELIEVE some men can have it both ways. Until their READY to actually say “I’m GAY”.  

Question 15: Do women really think they can find a FATHER figure in relationships.  
Question 16: Why can’t a man that’s in a relationship continue to see or still visit an OLD FRIEND. Without being accompanied by the woman in whom he is in a RELATIONSHIP with?

Question: Why do men date younger women? Some people think it's a preference for better sex, some think it's a preference to avoid older women and their baggage. Some people think it's a preference to feel vibrant.

Question 18: Not every man is embellishing into casual sex or out side entertainment. But if a man is not intimate OVER a period of TIME keep in mind there are only a few things he could be going through; erectile dysfunction, physical infirmity, depression or something new and that’s on you to Figure out what is not WORKING OUT.   

But what forever reasons a Man chooses to make his final choices. Someone has to REMAIN or LET GO of what has no ROOM to grow.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Angel L

Today I shared real Life Stories from our experiences with a sheet of paper and pen.  
Today I did something that someone told me I did not have the courage to do.

Today I shed some insight on what people have been followers of most of their lives.
Today I challenged a mindset from average minded thinking of what is reiterated through someone else; with not thoroughly investigating the information for themselves.

Today I separated cluttered thoughts into solidary thinking; today I healed a wound that experienced a rape, incest, domestic violence, abandonment, co-dependency, human trafficking, slavery, divorcees, financial illiteracy, suicides and generations of chains breaking away in their life.
Today someone is confident to know they fully comprehend that Attachment to “TITLES” goes only far as people will accept of “wisdom and knowledge” to grow beyond poverty thinking. Relationships will endure “hardships”, and marriages survive based on two-party communication and commitment, leadership, preachers and servants are appointed for Gods assignments not PEOPLE”S handwritten commandments.  Today I encouraged victory over tragedy if people will allow themselves to escape Pharaoh’s strong hold; of bondage and fear of what they lack in wisdom and choose to know .

Today a child has re-connected with his or her self-confidence because he or she did not allow life’s circumstances to DESTROY what was rooted in them; passed down through generations “FAITH, FIGHT and The WILL TO SURVIVE”
Today enemies have been redirected to the chapters of REVELATION, friends may or not abandoned ship just remember what “JOB” did, families will fuss and fight then seek the journey of Abraham and Lot, workers will seek the story behind “fishers of men” but their truth will be hid if they seek it in WOMAN or MAN .

Today freedom is not limited to the United States and race. The word Freedom is now a mission to conquer GLOBALLY.   

Whether we chose to believe in scientology, exorcism, supernatural beings, religion or super HUMAN beings we all were born with a specific purpose, talents and mortal not immortal cloned genes. To embellish one another in life  not justify re-occurring events in this new day from past centuries of what has not change in humanities attitude, beliefs and ways; The Good Samaritan reappeared in 13 years once 911 had the world in tears, The Prostitute currently “Women and Men of the night and day with one mission to get paid through pornography are simply feed their sexual fantasies”, The Adulterer currently is the danger you attract just to be in a relationship , The 187 once was Cain and Abel,  The Thieves who hung in misery simply ask forgiveness and mercy; currently misdemeanor and felonies, The Parent who plays favorites currently Rebekah the mother who misled her husband in order to manipulate one gift and deny the chosen kid,  The pleas to be delivered from Financial debt currently a plead for insanity for killing the entire family, The Tax collectors who came to collect on a debt but the mother had no money to pay so instead the collectors threaten to take her kids is currently the IRS, Physical attributes, butt injections and attitudes was once The Strength of Solomon who thought he could resist “the power of manipulation” of another persons intention, Direction as the Children who were lost in the wilderness currently the entire nation that has grown out of LOVE into weariness in every direction, Sodom and Gomorrah sealed their faith with "lust and a kiss" currently a law passed for same sex marriages and I'm not judging your preference I'm just writing the acts, Leaders who took on the challenge of building Noah's Ark manage to save 8, but obviously the new world has changed in to "conspiracies and assassinations" of leaders who aim to make a difference. Which bring forth unwanted change.
The book reads of a servant name Nehemiah who prayed over a plan prior to kneeling down in front of his masters hand. And in return the king declared a clear path for Nehemiah's journey to go and rebuild his city and in our new prayer request we seek if not "change, healing & deliverance" to win the lottery, overflow our closets with fancy clothes, fancy cars, adjust the natural beauty we were born with in exchange for implants, sex change and fake butts to bleaching the surrounding of their anus, expensive homes that range above our financial status. If not leaving someone empty and grief stricken without children and marriage. And until a situation affects our individual lives some unfortunate elder, grown up and child will have to struggle if not die.
And no I'm not perfect in anyway but to write what is written I had to live and learn from my choices and mistakes. Then humble myself in order to change my foolish acts and boxed thinking. And just in case any human being finds fault in what is written in the stories of The Days of Our Lives remember everyone plays a "Free Will" role in how LIFE's story will be TOLD.

So much of life to talk about  
On Kindle: "The Burdens of Heavy a Heart"
Coming to Kindle: "The Compilation 1,2,3"  








Fifteen years ago today we still remember the “mourning” of  9/11. 
As the dawn breaks through our window pane families immediately arise with the anticipation of starting a new day, children wrestle to wing themselves from their warm beds, as fathers tuck their heads underneath the covers to steal another wink of sleep before starting their day in providing for the family, mom proceeds towards the kitchen to prepare a breakfast feast, to ensure her crew has the energy, to defeat whatever obstacle they should meet. But who could have seen the calamity coming in the air that would silence the world with a desperate glare.  As fire fighters attempt to catch human life  flying from the twin buildings of fire. Many miles away brave pilots attempt to stir for a clear landing. Passengers are preparing for their final calls to warn their  families "I want be home" and in that moment other passengers did risk their lives; in one mission for all to survive against the bitter faces of death that ceased one opportunity to rob PEACE, FREEDOM and UNITY.

In Memory of “All The Lives We Lost”

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Perfect Season

Life has a funny way of showering on our dreams of imagining how our love life should be. And once you've been heartbroken it looks as if the rain will never end. Just because of a person who no longer love or desired you the same way, no longer appreciates you, or maybe they did tell you the truth; about it will no longer work out between me and you. Eventually the seasons will bring about change, with new love interest or new found interest about yourself. But unfortunately the process of overcoming emotions of hurt feels like a HOT MESS.

The winters are cold and beautiful, the holiday parties are filled with cheer surrounded with close friends and family. But there is someone special missing in your life or either that particular person moved onto another chapter in his or her life.

The spring is full of colorful scenes a serge of elated energy fills the air but without someone by your side, you can't fully embrace the beauty in seasons that change before your eyes.

The summer is blazing hot and everybody's looking for a cool spot. And for some unknown reason people tend to lose their entire minds in the summertime. Could it be "they're happy to be outside, from being closed up in winter the time". But keep in mind love is in full bloom this time of year, couples either remain together or see it as a season for "temporary" change. So enjoy yourself, protect your heart, compliment your pallet with some new taste and stimulate the way you think with new thoughts; plan a trip to paradise, go for a bike ride, take a journey on the dark to skinny dip, jet skies in other countries, road trips in tucked away places, summer musicals to see what is in season this year. And if you're not sure of what you really need how can you be confident of what "you want" from season to season where people change in different ways everyday. So know when it's time to let go of what is or now seasonal.

Finally fall has arrived and you either feel glad, sad or happy inside. Due to the changes in seasons that groom and give us purpose in life. So never feel like you're the only fool who fell for love just think about it like this; what did I make of a first PRIORITY in my life or whom have I made an OBLIGATION only too feel JUSTIFIED. And avoiding the truth of second guessing "LOVE that was originally blueprinted inside all of us". So when a person has no desire to return the same feeling back to you it's not an error, or mistake, it's simply time to let go, and move on your way.

I've come to full circle with the fact that people are the extension of how they think and act. Their children will mimic what they see in their parents life, their failures or success is based on personal choices and determination, their will to survive depends on what is alive or dead inside, their relationships will survive or die depending on who they deal with, the people they choose to follow either feed into their co-dependency or dependency, their TRUTH is often found and most accepted when it is presented in the form of a lie, their hidden issues are a choice to suppress or finally take action to deal with, their families either strengthen or damage them. And lastly the bitterness they hide is always JUSTIFIED. So my reality is; some people will "be ok" "some people will figure their lives out" "some people are ok with living a life of doubt.

Power and The Money

There is a unique difference between the two; where one grants you ACCESS the other CONTROLS you.

People often separate themselves into different categories such as “IMMA BOSS, ENTREPRENUER, HUSTLER, HUMANITARIAN, and VISIONARY OR PLANNER” it just depends on the position you stand in BETWEEN Power or Money that is or not in your hands. And no status, titles, religion and race is NOT AN EXCEPTION. Because people would prefer to believe because you look a certain way and carry the masses name it has to be the “RIGHT and WAY”.  
What is money without the power? Now that’s a question you have to answer yourself.  Now what does a man profit to gain the world and lose his soul? Now this will be the challenge you will resist or struggle to unfold in exchange to self- absorb POWER and MONEY the two things people will pray, die, rob and cheat for.   

There is a positive side in every gesture and situation we attempt to accomplish in this life. The only problem is people are always trying to out think the purpose of real POWER/MONEY by inflicting drama on other people’s life. And if I could have of chosen a better life for myself I would have only been “A Fallen Angel”. And I’ll explain why; because of all the important information I would have missed out on in my life through struggles, heartache, disappointment and pain which only prepared me for the real ending” of interferences implemented in places to sustain “what some people collaborate of chained ways in thinking”.

And when life has you overwhelmed, in doubt or feeling stressed use this module to make you laugh; our lives are divided into numerous portions depending on how much baggage, weight or pressure you can carry of the following roles; parenting takes a portion of your life, friends entertain your life, spouses or relationships are suppose to add too your life, jobs weigh on your life and care giving is a reminder to share compassion so once you have scattered yourself in multiple places and there is a string of life their within yourself raise your hand and understand how you have accomplished to do THE BEST YOU CAN.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Why Do Fools Fall In Love

Love is not a game it's full of characters role playing through fulfillment of; expectations, happiness, joy and pain. But when someone breaks your heart and tears down that trust no comfort in the world can rapidly heal what you feel. It will simply take time, room and your initiative to relax and reflect "on who, and not what love did not do".

I could aim for the million bestselling novels. Write a million love stories stand in a forum before a million people filled with their own expectations and illusions of what LOVE really is. But if we could process individually the real texture and meaning of LOVE is not just a bunch of promises, people searching to find their happiness in someone else, high expectations of what we want until we get it, paperback books and fantasies with wish list made off of emotions, hopes and false dreams.

LOVE is an intoxicating energy you cannot feel with a touch. But yet we yearn for it which makes it real to any and all of us.
Love is the act of what the mind, body and soul desires of people to do in return. And until you have experienced a spiritual connection deep inside yourself there will always be a chance of dealing with life's circumstances, expectations, happiness, joy and pain individually or with someone else. Eventually you will meet the right person who desires to embark on an unknown journey with you in this life and experience what is in his or her body, soul and mind. Something we yearn to release but struggle to hold; is allowing loves intention to take full control. 

The Walking Dead

There are different types of people in this life. So you have to know who you are in order to strive and survive. I hear people say many have given up on the coming of Jesus Christ in the world today. As they either “choose to or not pray” but continue in living in their flamboyant, arrogant, casual or worldly ways. Because there is something worse off than Death itself; it’s walking around “every day alive, but silently living dead inside”.

A young girl needs some direction today to heal from the choices she has made but whom can she trust if her elders are making the same choices or mistakes; birthing a child with the wrong boy or man who never “intended” on making her a life plan, falling in love with another girl, boy or man whose only “motive” was to enjoy her body with no “intention” of sharing life’s responsibilities. Dealing with her inner addictions to cutting, physical and mental abuse, drug use to escape the family drama or parental rules, joining cults to find the truth, or dealing with strangers in sexual innuendos because she can’t feel “Real Love”. But the auntie, uncle, momma and daddy do not see the” signs they think that money, friendships with a child and gifts can’t fix; inside of the walking dead.

 A young man got arrested today while riding in the automobile with his new world of friends and the real problem is society is mixed with all colors of kids. While mommy and daddy are busy trying to keep up the pace in life the amount stashed was not his. It belonged to the friends he chose to ride around with. And in that hour; mom or dad where probably living the American Dream stationed at work waiting on retirement, presenting their proposed plan to another fisherman, or a stay at home parent caring for their other children. But this Public Servant did not have time to verify this child’s “credentials” of a decent or hard life to avoid a misdemeanor written up in “black and white. Which would eventually resurface overtime in his life unless there is an implemented plan of “expungement” for juveniles who are destined to make a choice or mistake before they grow –up and get it right.      

 A married couple is struggling to build their relationship on a solid foundation. But what happens when someone is no longer, HAPPY? And unless you are financially rich; money can’t buy material things to restore another person’s feeling of happiness. So what happens next is either one or both of the mates is “COMMITTED” to the kids. While the other if not both becomes “CONTENT” in his or her marriage.       

A single person compliments there time to find companionship online, singles ministry, social events or through a mutual friend. But what happens if “the space we think in, is not the real world we live in” of people bound not to deal with their own conflicted emotions.

Sometimes people will be “OK”, Sometimes people will “Figure it “Out”, Sometimes people will walk around “Alive, while dying inside”.


Monday, August 31, 2015


People’s emotions are like open and closed doors; one minute the mood swings right and the next minute the mood swings left. Similar to an elevator that goes up and down at a slow or rapid pace until it reaches its final resting place. So no one can really GRASP THE reason why people change either gears “LEFT or RIGHT” in this life until something occurs in TIME which leaves them AT PEACE, BITTER, LONELY, SPITEFUL OR JUST BROKEN INSIDE”. So you can either LIVE IN YOUR DENIAL or EXCEPT THE REALITY OF WHY WE as a People need DESPERATE CHANGE INDIVIDUALLY IN OUR LIVES.

HUMANITY WAS CREATED WITH ONE MAIN DESIGN; eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet which function off a “HEARTBEAT” IN ALL ETHNICITIES. And it’s inevitable we as a human race of people will not suffer with “Disappointment and Heartache” or either embellish “LOVE and PAIN” depending on the choices we make and the people we choose to EMBRACE OR ENTERTAIN.

So what is hidden of your BROKENSESS; a missing hug or kiss from your parents, an unhealthy relationship, a job loss, a kid, a death, financial distress, selfishness or just pure acceptance to not find a reasoning in having HAPPINESS.  And the reason why this TOPIC is of relevance is because the majority of people in the entire WORLD are struggling; to deal with their own inflated or obtained UNHAPPINESS with the exception of “MENTAL ILLNESS, NATURAL DEATH or BIRTH EFFECT”.
I SPOKE BRIEFLY WITH A PUBLIC SERVANT TODAY AND THE OFFICER LIT UP MY FACE. HE SAID “ I also suffer from brokenness but each day I deal with it the best way I can, by eliminating people and things in  my life that keep me from being satisfied”

I met a lady that was excited about traveling out of state to catch up with some old friends and leave behind her distressing situation. And not to long after her landing this lady figured out that PEOPLE are also struggling with their own choices, mistakes and relationships. So she made a quick U-Turn to what she was already familiar with “her own problems”
I spent some quality time with a celebrity who was happy just to see someone one like me “a person who understand what struggles are like regardless if your are in the “DARK or SPOTLIGHT

OLDER PEOPLE ARE FINALLY FREE TO RELEASE THEIR HIDDEN OPPRESSION FROM THEIR PAST OR CURRENT HISTORY. And I will say this with no shame “if we take accountability in researching our own history their lies the truth of why and what we continue to put ourselves through “ADDICTED PAIN”.

At the end of the Day it’s the People’s Choice and the role they play. So no one can say I no longer love you the same.

Loving yourself first means not waiting on someone else to love you second.   

Friday, August 28, 2015

Casting Roles

People are not hard to find when they often “enter into” and “exit out of” our lives.

Associates are not hard to get along with. They’re just casual people you chat with depending on the situation.
Friendships however take time to figure out what a person is about. So when you decide to invest the time in inviting these people into your lives; remember how “preconception” plans for them to stay a lifetime. Then one day this person will change and either stay or walk away.    

A Girlfriend could be a girl or woman, boy or a man that has your back regardless of your reputation and troubled relations and past. This individual will “stand their ground” and does not mind turning your cockiness into a frown. This individual is not afraid of a “call being delayed”. This individual is not threatened by “your new found friendships”. This individual is not jealous of your new found “relationship”. This individual will break bread when all she or he has is “crumbs”. This individual prays daily for your success to come. This individual also has their own trials in life to deal with; but you will never expect and grasp his or her “HARDSHIPS”. And the reason why this GIRLFRIEND is hard to find is because people would rather live in a LIE than deal with their own TRUTH coming from SOMEONE who sees where you are really struggling to “GROW” through.  

Relationships can take form in many ways and emotions are “always predestined “to get in the way” and since people were not created with a light switch “protect your heart” and thicken “your skin”

Spectators are always lurking around to witness you “rise and prey on your fall down”. So keep your eyes on the prize no matter what challenges you will face in this life.
I can attest to all these SCENARIOS because God hand selected me to star in a “MAJOR ROLE” of hardships, happiness and life’s predicaments with people, associates, employee-employer established relationships, church members, business opportunities, parenthood, family, unknown enemies and friends. So one day I decided to renew my “MIND by Taking Inventory of My OWN Life” and I found out what ROLES PEOPLE really play and no matter what you GIVE of good in yourself it will never be enough for other people to “APPRECIATE AND RETURN TO YOU THE SAME WAY”.

Promise yourself to 'TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR LIFE" so that you don't always believe you can't survive without people who were predestined to "enter into or exit out of" your PRECIOUS LIFE.     

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I heard someone say “all I see and hear is negativity” in the world we live in TODAY. I heard people say “things have surely changed”. I notice people don’t talk anymore instead they TAP, TAP click and whatever comes next” I witness love ones cry “my son, mother, father grandparents and daughter have died or committed suicide”. I’m watching to see if “there will be a splinter of chance in seeing social society by 2030”. I heard someone say “utilities are inflating rapidly”. I heard management summon “be at the work clock 5 minutes to 8, or someone else is a candidate to take your place”. I heard someone make false promises “to always be around when things  go down”. I heard a married person struggle with he or she does not make love to me the same way we did when we first dated” I saw the hurt in a child’s eyes, I heard a baby cry because mommy and daddy have lost track of time and their “IDENTITY. Or maybe its just the grandparents have picked up another shift to step in. I see an audience tickled PINK as grown people twerk with toddlers and babies that have yet to learn their ABC’S.  I read the FEDS are engineering a plan for future interest RATES “as people struggle to pay their current MORTAGE, HOMEOWNERS AND SINK HOLE INSURANCE,  FIRE AND FLOOD rates”. I heard the IRS has been hacked again which will delay peoples “already earned” and “taxed money, again”. I witness “RACISM is still the cause of violent deaths” in all communities around the WORLD. I heard another WAR is coming soon “but GIVE PEOPLE TIME TO REMOVE THE DEAD BODIES THAT WERE LEFT BEHIND. Then notice how this time generation of people are shifting sides and the reason could be people are finally fed up with “POLITICS, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, MENTAL ILLNESS, DEPRESSION, DRUGS, LIES and GREED” illustrated from both sides.  
The world watched as gangs range in age of grandfathers, brothers, uncles and dad's. While being body checked for brawling in the streets. Someone's wife and children wonder if their love one will make it home to eat. 
I watched the news and viewed as funeral homes neglect the decease. Then smile at the camera and reapply for their LICENSE to bury MORE precious bodies.  I witness a landslide, sink holes, floods and levees devour millions of human and animal life, and it’s sad to say there may not be enough checks to RESTORE those communities. I saw a man FEAST while a CHILD lay out on the WINTER streets. I witness young boys and girls who are blindsided to the world of DISEASE because of the lack in knowledge of knowing their “MATURING BODIES”. I have dealt with GOLIATH on several occasions THROUGH rent, car sales, government assistance, lack of pay and burial arrangements. I viewed the news and watched an offender made a woman scream before she fell into a deep sleep. I found out kindergarten school is offered online in a time where PEOPLE have lost their minds. I feel the ANXIETY in the AIR as people WORK themselves to DEATH.

FDA approved the blue pill for men, libido for women and monitored legalized weed to cure diseases in adults and children. What I'm trying to say is that there still exist a fine line in what is considered a RISK OR CRIME.  

I believe and watch who is advertising and extending the act of prayer, around the world. Just be aware of what SPIRITUAL RELIGION is being shared. In a world of FALSE PROPHETS who claim to be sent in the name of "GOD".

I see students walking the street after 8am but class has already began. I see young boys and girls between the ages of 11-17 strolling the streets from January through December on any given day of the week when they should be headed home are fast asleep. And the reason why I know the times is because I had to sacrifice work several jobs, attended college, care for my child and parents at night then manage to write the DAYS OF OUR LIVES.

I understand the meaning of HOPELESSNESS, I have experienced a gentle kiss and hugs that some people still miss and deal with at all "AGES". I HUMBLED myself by accepting it’s not all about ME. IT’s what I allow to creep in of NEGATIVE and POSITIVE ENERGY. I understand the difference in being POOR, RICH and WEALTHY. But the average person will go insane just because the rent may not get paid and the children don't have enough to eat to get through another day. And it’s not because some people have not tried the real reasoning is in someone else's CALCULATION OF ECONOMICS, DEMOGRAPHICS, DATES, INTEREST, TAX RATES and WRECKLESS TIME.   


I see people LAUGHING, CHANTING and DANCING while people are beaten to the ground. I felt the vibration of a small child screams as they were being beaten into submission by a MAD MAN’S FANTASIES. I saw prejudgment passed down as a good SAMARITAN attempted to lend one stranger a helping hand. Is when I heard a mother mourn as she watched her son HUNG and LEANED HIS HOLY HEAD.

This is JUST A FEW TALES OF the INVISBILE TRUTH in what people proclaim they need to know. But many will be angered because of their “FREEWILL and ROLES”


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...