Friday, February 19, 2016

Bipolar/ Post Pardon Depression/Rebellious Spirits

The symptoms are sometimes obvious. But most of the time people require a diagnosis, or sometime the problem exist where most people conceal or attempt to manage it. And the sadness begins when you observe how people struggle with more than they can cope with. And what I mean is if you're not "chemically imbalanced" but in a relationship seeking your change from another human being, if you're in denial of your actions but seek instant gratification through self-medication of alcohol, sex and drug abuse, are maybe you’re that person who preys on people to always encourage your "excuses". Then you have a situation on your hands that requires an immediate self-examination.

There is reasoning to which we become in our "fragile mind bodies and age" while undergoing life's thrills, sudden emergencies and change. Where the "mind" no longer processes what was once transmitted normally, and the body changes drastically in weight are in lingering pain. Which could happen to any human being, ranging in any age? But most people fear to ask for help because of what other people will judge and say. Or simply to deny them, HELP so they remain the same. And I know many of you have dealt with life challenges; a death, birth of a child, job loss, unhealthy relationships and the burden of carrying extra responsibilities, over worked and stressed exposing our bodies to unhealthy conditions.

I spoke with a mother today who look wore down but did not complain. She said God is going to forever bless me "knowing" in her heart that people use her up. I simply said although we are obligated to "forgive one another" and "help our sister or brother in distress". God would not approve of people taking other people for "granted". And one day when you're gone what will those kinds of people do "on their own"? 

Breaking the Cycle:
It's a situation in all cultural families. But sometimes people refuse to deal with the things in themselves that require a "drastic change". And I know some of you were warned to walk away, some of you will burden yourself down trying to figure out another person’s internal change, or some of you will humbly assist the best you can, before releasing the strongholds from your weary hands.
Take some advice if trials turn you away from praising his holy name. If people make you lose hope, and family members break the barriers of your mind, friends leave you questioning your commitment over their disloyalty, and when the love for money has robbed your identity. It's time you change or continue in living with the generational curses. So plan ahead beyond what you see to be prepared for anything. And allow God full control, of everything you can't handle.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Broken Pieces

There are things in us that need to be broken; self-pride, rebellion & disobedience, selfishness and arrogance. So that God can repair it for Promises, Dreams & Wedding Vows, Healed Hearts & Trust, Families & Homes, and Friendships that should not be broken.

You can break a woman down temporarily but only God can recreate a "Masterpiece". Because it’s Gods purpose to use these pieces for a powerful purpose.

You can deny a man, imprison him, and remove him from his family. But Gods love and grace will eventually unite them back for an eternity.

In the chapters of Matthew: Mark, Luke and John it speaks about broken pieces until God revealed to them their real purpose.
Today is Valentine’s Day but it is written you find your own place & purpose every day. Let us not be broken in heart from being wounded by weary men & women, let us not wonder around in one another's prideful plans. Now groom your children, pray for the family, get your mind prepared to change the things you can, courage to accept what you can't control and pray for more wisdom and direction to identify the difference. You can make it no matter if you're at the peak of perfection in this life, broken or think you're without purpose. Keep on through the storms of life, eventually there will be light. Now let’s keep it moving because we're running short on time.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Human Error

One day it was bound to happen. A conflict of “understanding would occur, due to our non-verbal communication in the air”.   So what I’m saying is at “any time” or at “any given moment” of the day any person’s attitude could “explode” in every way.
Animated people don’t need to make a sound, because there body language “speaks out loud “too draw in a crowd.

Instigators are sometimes intelligent people with “too much” time on their hands. While some instigators “hunger” for attention.
Shy people tend to seem as if they are easily intimidated. But the reality is they may just like their own space to figure out your true face.  

Silent people demand respect and communicate once related with. But cross the line and you will deal with what is lingering on their mind.

Verbal communicators are people who don’t require direction or enormous attention. Why, because people identify with two options; “selective hearing” of what they have to say or either take the opportunity to “debate” on whatever topic they can create.

Social butterflies as myself, are not seeking validation to identify ourselves. We embellish open opportunities to unite people of every ethnicity in communicating "freely" referencing everything, so that we may respect one another's space because we're mature enough to understand “opposites of opinions" and reasoning.

This question was asked of me today; why did Jesus favor the woman at the well and not the Pharisees. My only response could be one or two things. This woman could have immediately exposed who she was.  Meaning she revealed all her faults where the Pharisees chose to judge, and only shared what they were not ashamed of.  Therefore they arrogantly required little forgiveness from God in their sins as if God was not “familiar with” the way we “live”. Similar to the world we live in today. Somehow we make believe in our own made up faith that we were not created the same where our only differences is; in how we demonstrate our characteristic ways.

I’m destined to go places in this life. I’m destined to portray a particular character in my attitude. I’m destined to make choices and mistakes, along the way. I’m destined to recognize my internal change.  I’m not concerned with other angry and sneaky people in this life. Although I am prayerful that Humanity gets it right. I am destined to continuously work on me in getting things right for the remainder of this life. And the main reasoning to why; I am destined to live with love & laughter in my life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


People often portray mixed emotions when referencing the word “money”. And what we as a generation have yet to discipline and learn is; once dollars and cents are “debited” it must be immediately “credited”. Because what you “want” today may not accommodate what your children and family will need of access to the envied “green, money”. So this scenario may not apply to you today “financially” but let’s not forget how we depend on voted in “candidates” to manage our “financial banking” system.
In today’s society we have grown profusely into the new “sandwich generation”.  And what that means is the budgeting elders can no longer rely on their “nest eggs” to live out the remainder of their lives. Why, because the next generation prioritized their “emotional wants in fluctuating credit lines”. And how dare you say to a nation of people young and old who either “understand or refuse to except” learning the difference between credit, capital, interest and liquid assets. 
I’ll share a short story with you if you’re willing to listen of how we identify ourselves daily with the world of “numerical systems”. Instead of researching our own business we settle for suited up answers. 

One day I realized how “financial hardships” could destroy a generation of families over time. This was the day I decided to see with my own eyes how decisions can screw up your life through “titled people attached to business” or “personal relationships” that appear to be honest but work in one  “module pyramid”. Which is find the weakness and seek a return on it.  

 “Credit card utilization is based upon how much you spend on a monthly basis of that approved credit limit now this is what you would call the “metric” where credit is calculated by algorithms” now you can see why our children understand the math of what will keep them in financial debt. Personal loans can occur in two ways “business or personal relationships” with a promise to payback “Money which is printed information on a colored bill that carries a lot of “respect & weight” but most of us will find ourselves in financial debt and broken relationships; because of our “ego’s and pride” to think money will last with our “attitudes and choices” over a lifetime. 
Today evaluate what you “want or value” what you have invested in for a “return”. And many of the working people will say “I owe this for the next 10-30 years” but at least my bills are monthly paid. Then adjust the credit extended to us multiplied by the IRS unpaid taxes- personal and business obligations we attempt to financially balance. And if struggling to manage in a structured system is a civil crime. Then we as a nation are guilty of not serving our individual time. 

Humanity cannot be afraid to respond accordingly in regards to what people or business would like of our financial interest. You have to decide if you have the financial strategy and strength to carry 1 more of what is less of another” personal or business” financial burdens.      

Monday, February 8, 2016


I am an optimistic person which is the reason why, I first took a deeper look inside before judging the thoughts hidden inside another person’s mind. Often leaving us to ponder with why "does God allows so many struggles" to conquer in our lives. Which took some reasoning and time to realize; how I made it all about me and allowed people with whom I entertained, endured and allowed to cause me more pain before humbling myself to fall down on my knees and praying to God "please help me" to "let go" so that I would not fail my God anymore.

The seasons come in four "winter, spring, summer and fall" Sometimes it only takes a moment to absorb a situation into our minds. Sometimes it takes years to process, death. Most of the time we are the confusion in our own inflicted mess, Sometime we take the time to identify with; whom and what we refuse to deal with. Sometimes we pray for our own movement to find a resolution for the people in whom we choose to change. And in doing so we already know that the problem that exist has been years of established "comfort patterns". So the question is "why do we endure" other people whom causes us the most pain. And then “reject” the people who can see why we need drastic change?  

By the age of 2 I obtained my first passport and lived in another country where men and women were stationed for war. By the age of 9 I witnessed the changes in my body and mind; by the age of 13 I endured the levees of adult stress. But found prayer warriors who had my best interest and this was how I chose not to let the demons rob me blind of my promised life. By the age of 17 I began courtship. And after graduation I began to make "mistakes" and “choices” but I immediately recognized the repeated patterns of my generation line. By my twenties I met a "slick man" who prepared me for many test. Which led me into people’s ambitions and games they chose to play with God, only to rise then later fall. Is when I removed my mind off man and suited up to work in Gods “purpose and plans”?

This is how real life stories began, and how we live in it will determine our end. Therefore, in order for the next generation to lead it will require this current generation of today to put away its childish games because tomorrow is destined to come, where time will not wait for people to get their affairs up to date. 

And just in case you are one of the many people who arrogantly think; that life has dealt you the best or worst hands. Please think pardon your attitude and think again; outside of your own self prioritized plans.  

Human Nature

Once you decide to implement change in your life. You will lose friends, disconnect with family and figure out; what those relationships are really about. Why, because change requires a commitment of your time and it’s a lonelier place at the top once people figure out “you desire to work harder at having more, than they want to change of having less in their lives”. Have you ever wondered why people or politicians always down play the person who is proactive in implementing change; instead of making their own point of views clear? They naturally smoke screen the real intention hid; which is a plot to take that other persons IDEA.

I read a bloggers post on the internet that said “believer’s do exactly what the bible says”. I opened my eyes and closed my mouth to observe how demonic spirits move about the earth, and communicate throughout humanity. By influencing people to believe that God does not exist. So instead some of humanity find themselves under the submission of men, women, lies, ideas and images.

 I listened to
1.       Widow women who could not find happiness, only companionship.
2.      Married women who swore to remain alone once their husbands passed on.
3.      Single women who fell in love over and over again. Until a changed man took her hand and kids, committed to this relationship. Then proceeded to plan a date with a wedding band.
4.      Dating women who never unpacked their bags. Allowed people into their space like a revolving door. Why, because there was no real man to commit in taking her hand.
5.      Divorced women marry once for love. Twice for security and three times to not grow old alone then die. So remember this women are nurturers by birth and love in depth. But when the trust is broken; pray before you go looking.

I listened to
6.      Widow men who missed their companion. But moved on cautiously to not be alone, internally.
7.      Married men that valued the family, some were candidly sexually searching, and some where always making promises; to divorce the wife and abandon the kids.
8.     Single men snooping around the world for a decent girl, a wife to mother his kids or a model chick to forever sleep around with. And one day they promise to give up the pass code, black book and options.
9.      Dating men who were looking for a commitment. Once they figured out the amount of kids, career status, debt and your baggage.
1.    Divorced men just be cautious of falling in love with who they were. Because a man scared is different than a woman scorn. So remember to pay closer attention to what he promises but fails to commit. And if he is confident about moving on the second or third time around there will be assurance in his presentation, instead of delayed promises to do what he has already done in the first marriage. 

Naturally we operate emotionally. And it’s in our Nature that we respond accordingly. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Carrying the Load

Before assuming you understand how any human being manages to “carry the load” you must first understand how “your and their” story goes, where nonverbal communication is universal.

A man of foreign decent stood beside me today with a sigh of relief. Before asking immediately why do we as a people do “things repetitiously”? I responded with this “it just depends on a person’s response and action” in a real life situation. The gentleman said what is it about “life and change” that have people in fear to remain in doing the same “old things” in the same “old ways’? I responded again and said “life did not change its idea and image of what it is” but it is up to us to decide how we choose in improving our “views” and  "attitudes" in “living” life. The man said thank you for the clarity in showing me it does not matter what culture we claim. It’s how we look at life and view our ways.
Do we really understand the question when being asked “what are your strengths and weaknesses”? And the reasoning behind this is; we can’t understand life until we understand our “strengths and weaknesses” and what makes us move in them.  

I firmly believe we all have the strength to conquer a few if not many things. I have a weakness in dealing lightly with revolving in what is a “choice” or “mistake” when operating in repetition, and expecting perfection.   

Time will not allow people to manage it. Time will only allow people to utilize it.  

Friday, January 29, 2016

Love Calls

This morning I was awaken by a gentle caress against my back. And the funny part is there was no one lying next to me in my bed.  Immediately I open my eyes and gave thanks to God for being alive. So I will never neglect how love touched me in a special way as I slept through the night, hoping to see another day.
Love calls us all in different ways regardless if we require the human touch to make it feel “real” to us. Because love has no set limitations on how much it gives. Those limitations are set by the people in whom we invest our time and hearts in. Exchange for the reciprocation of what they promise but may not give.  
I fell in love many times before. I’ve made several mistakes and put my soul in harm’s way. I eventually got it right and a lot of people left my side. But it’s ok they were not meant to remain with me on my journey. Then one day love matured me in demanding appreciation of my time, mind, body and soul that was created for love, to be caressed and appreciated. Love found the key to open my eyes and expose to me “motives and intentions, someone’s infatuations and knowing when the word "options" is involved identifying whether it is a necessary requirement, a plan with me involved in it or one hit and run mission.

I am love calling you but for some reason you can’t find your way back to me. If only you were not afraid of being lonely I could teach you how to love unselfishly. Allow me to touch you without entering into your womb but through your mind and overtime your every desire will not be forgotten in time. Allow me to show boys and men how to make love without the use of your hands, allow me to shower girls and women with my rays of sunlight and by night they will never ponder with who will hold them tight. Allow me to make you happy just by embracing you with every opportunity not to miss a chance to share encouragement. Allow me to walk with you even when you’re not aware I’m present. Allow me the chance to see the woman or man behind the face you display with a fake smile and sigh of relief. Allow me the time to make our dreams a reality. Allow me to show you that hard times are really good times for me and you. Let’s set a date to make time for me to re-enter back into your heart and mind, but first you must release the resentment, hate and jealousy for the person who did not for fill his or her vows, the person who left you alone when you missed them the most, the person who walked down the aisle without you on their side and the promises made but broken a million times. Allow me that one chance to assist in healing your wounds from that person who disappointed you.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

35 Pounds of Pressure

One day the pressure increased beyond its gauge. And instantly it blew out of rage. One day in time Humanity shall collectively experience a change or figure out where the stem of our frustration, resentment, control and entitlement came about. And there will be two sides we face internally; one shall carry many burdens we will bear in our lives’ while the other will change someone else in correcting a “cycle” in their lives.

I heard this old cliché the other day “people don’t move and change in the same pace” Which is a true statement. But how can you expect “progress where there is lack of motivation and interest”. So instead we puff up our attitudes and judge, mistreat and plot on one another who execute a plan to move “forwards and not backwards”.

Before a man and woman species meet they are automatically attracted physically. If not consuming time to learn what is on one another’s mind. And here comes the twist that complicates this courtship which is “sex” before the real test. That will challenge every promise made whether it be emotionally, spiritually or financially. Because all of humanity seeks security, love and commitment to some form of long lasting relationships. But when promises are broken and love is only for a season people change and the children they made will find it difficult to appreciate what you invite people in to take. So remember the next time a person says she or he made the choice or mistake because they were in a predicament watch how the weight gets great once the other person chooses to walk away. And if this is the response of what people will do in the name of love and “wishy washy promises” then maybe it’s time we stop following in love with the same old lines. And figure out what we're really missing within ourselves, before prioritizing everything else.

I see parents who attempt to measure out their children. And what I mean is all of our children are not the same in age so how can they progress with stress if we're always interfering in their test, all of our children will not heed experience unless they learn from their own lessons, all of our children will not respect the sacrifices we make so why cash in all our harvest knowing they resist change, all our children are not on the same path where some will bloom late while the other will blaze. And never wonder why "change" will affect us all in a positive or negative way.  

Why do we assume “our time” is relevant where being “on-time” is a requirement? Eventually we search for the answers roaming in the sky of why time is never on our sides. Humanity if we continue in choosing not to “respect one another and time how do we expect change” to occur on the exterior first and last internally? What if people stop assuming that other people would like to bear unnecessary burdens?  How is it that some people always feel low or never have enough but are quick to find time to invest more of their attention to meaningless conditions due to their inner contradictions?
What if we were serious about being self-motivated and not always seeking validation from other people’s opinions? And why do we assume other people have the answers to something they have yet to conquer of our experiences. So you have to wonder if you’re really seeking the truth or justifying the cycle you continue to live through.  

Take accountability today of someone or yourself who is always in the way, sighing, frowned up, wearing an arrogant face, hissing and puffing in open or secured space. Maybe it’s your time to release the pressure building up that wears 35 pounds of pressured weight on your heart, mind and face. Because every person has a “choice, option or plan" to decide where and who they shall find Peace or Contentment if not internal happiness in.   

Sunday, January 24, 2016


I answered a late call to here an old friend say "my mom has passed tonight" immediately I told that friend everything is perfect now and on God's time. And I know many of you wonder why. The reason is I knew this family a great portion of my life and they were the hands and eyes that helped and watched over my family in our hard times in this life.

The stories I write around the globe are real occurrences in people's life that will never reach other people to know. So as we fight amongst each another regarding "money and power, constitutional love, manipulation and control" this is what people should open their eyes to see of what they blind themselves to know. Of how one day could be a global "emergency".
I've always heard other people's reasoning & challenged by differences of opinions. And what is still a reality of what we believe is one of two things; the situation is either "right or wrong" or it just depends on who is affected by the storm.
One day the negro slaves made a call to the master who created the world. And while waiting to be free these slaves did not lose focus here on earth. As they labored, bled and thirst. There was no money extended to them for the labor of their harvest. During the daylight they worked with their bare hands and sung old hymns in the cotton fields. The living conditions were poor but the families made due as they resided on splintered wooded floors. The women were favored by the color of lighter or darkened skin to reside in the master’s residence. They were an inflicted people with no rights, oppressed through systems designed for the entirety of life. And you don’t have to travel far to see the past of our future history. 
My son ask "mom why do always call me to ask if I'm doing all right". I said son you're grown in age & my days are truly blessed. But while I'm here today no one is going to take my place of caring about the test and journey you will face. And just to hear your voice on the opposite end is another day of God’s grace and mercy.
Eventually the Emancipation Proclamation freed some of the negro slaves. But the rules still applied only twisted in their constitutional rights. To observe of the “progression” throughout the duration of time. But it did not stop the strength from growing inside of the negro man, woman and child’s mind. And due to their inflicted oppression they would be acknowledged as “African Americans" that made a new era of American History. 
A call was made throughout history to answer the reasoning to why black people had to fight only to die. And in 2016 some acts of tenacity continue to ask why do black people still feel left back?

A new century is humanities reality. And the past that holds some resentment is now clearly in the care of a racist hand, with no clarity of the color on the opposite end of that pen in motion. But keep in mind of how the world has never stopped watching time rewind. In our society or through a strategic system kept in place that only encourages segregation of Human Civil Rights.

Many have died for answering the Freedom Call. While many continue in a fight of many races to challenge; if or why it still has an effect. In how we presently live.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Pearl & The Swine

To a woman or girl why do we pleasurably hand over our precious pearls to the swine? Could it have been the promises we long to hear being whispered in our ear? Did the swine promise to protect the pearl that lies in between our thighs? With one plan only to rob us blind? Or did the swine neglect to think there was no connection to a warm heartbeat. So again we find ourselves faced with the question "why do we pleasurably deliver our pearls to the swine" who continuously break our hearts by robbing us blind”.

In a moment it was the love that we fantasized about embracing from a prince in the night. In a moment it was a romance novel we read in a book. In a moment we felt an empty obligation to answer to a “hooked line".  In a moment he was the king in our minds we brought to reality. In a second we were safe to be free and believe this was meant to be. In a second we were defenseless.

One day a diver took a journey on an excursion into the deep blue sea. To hunt for hidden treasures buried beneath. And after several attempts of coming up empty handed this diver eventually grew weak from the gravity of the sea. So he began to return back to dry land as he stumbled across this precious gem. Immediately he wrapped it tightly and placed it against his chest to secure it from being lost again.

One day it was a tender voice that made our heart skips a beat. One day it was a glance in a lonely moment that was meant for only our eyes to see. One day it was ok to feel liberated and free. One day a swine came with a smile and promises to always be our best friend, our king to build a family and foundation. Then one day become our soul mate. And eventually the seasons changed and so did the swine who promised the same things with "a new face" and a different name. Eventually this pearl began to feel abandoned by life, betrayed and worthless, searching and unsatisfied. So now you have the punchline of what is in a female’s heart. Regardless if she prays, reveals or hides her scars.  For every woman has her own story line and were not all looking to be loved from in between our thighs where the swine feels his "ego" is obliged.

Ladies and young girls no one is exempt from being "tampered with". So treasure your gifted pearls and most of all don't be afraid to wait, too see what diver is patiently searching for your pearls on his appointed journey. 

Matthew: 7:6


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...