Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Rated PG

This is not a question this is statement that was made.

That women think about sex just as much
as men. And one question is why do woman feel they are never satisfied, from being
penetrated just in between their thighs?

Sometimes you got to ask the right questions. Mix chemistry with the correct ingredients. Patience with one person at a time. To get the ultimate satisfaction for whatever it is to fulfill your deepest desires.

So why do men feel that sex is what all woman need to satisfy the most pertinent things. Such as giving her attention and listening with understanding. And why do woman feel sex is a bargaining chip to get a man whipped with control to keep a strong hold. So have I not grabbed enough of your penetration in thoughts? Are have you been aroused in places you avoid. Cause giving yourself to anyone is unfortunate. But sharing yourself with the one should never be wrong and complicated.

So does being placed in the friend zone mean you can cross boundaries and then later act as if nothing ever happened? In invited places to satisfy temporary sensations. And what could happen if we were a people of more patience; could we actually find ourselves not laying by any kind of persons side. Where questions may or not arise; just to be in a physical position to be satisfied. In between a set of thighs
Unfortunately people lose interest. In places they have or lack to pay more than enough attention. First, stemming in communication. And yes making love or having sex does require some acknowledgement.  In what has proven to last for years.  Or end in heated moments of physical attraction. Depending on the persons. Everyone is capable of offering something different. 
We can choose not to tell the truth but both male and female constantly seek substance in what is a required need.  And only you can relate to what is not being gave.

I waited and waited on the perfect match. But instead I constantly experienced some good and bad disappointments. And no, I don't limit my talents to sex. I'm referencing stimulation outside of the bed. So finally I figured out what my anticipations and being satisfied was all about. I needed to further figure myself out. Before I attempted to pleasure & please the next person who blast on immature needs, demonstrated in their reckless ways. Instead of having a more mature level of acceptance and appreciation of their own needs.

Eventually we figure out that pleasing one another. Is not limited to satisfying ourselfs.
And knowing what is missing is not solved in one mission and multiple positions.

It took one man with patience, not from my pain. To convince me of what he had of passion in his strong ♥ and hands. Is when he initiated the time to show me what appreciation feels like. And because of this man who showed me; how a hidden treasure should be protected.

I lived the majority of my life knowing appreciation may not always be reciprocated. So why should settling ever be negotiated. Where we are guilty to shut down on having something new in life for excuses in misery, then death?

Monday, June 12, 2017


Is anyone home? Love stop bye with a telegram. But only if you’re prepared to sign for it.

Some people claim LOVE no longer exists, while others refuse to live and not have it. So if you are NOT SUPPOSE TO CARE ANYMORE, THEN ASK YOURSELF “WHAT AM I STILL RUNNING FROM”?

And when a person says they know how to for fill a need. We’re not going to assume their talking about everything; such as being touched in those fragile unkissed places. So what do I mean is this some people have been burnt if not heart broken, abandoned, and rejected if not blind sided? Unfortunately life has its own directions for all of us to experience.

A mother can love her child their entire life. Daddy can mentor and protect for his allotted permission in time.  And once the both of them are no longer around; the time will come for babies and children to mature, think and stand as grow women and men on their own.
I have no regrets in being positive in the negative. Caring with tenderness and affection at times with a person who rejected it. I have no doubt time will change any human feelings. And just because life takes 1 turn for the BETTER OR WORSE. It does not mean we have to wait for permission to be HAPPY, again.

  • I’m not saying we’re all going to reciprocate and appreciate the same feelings regarding being loved by one another in this life. What I’m saying is we will all learn having what we want, is not having what we need in the END.  

Double standards contribute to more than an abundance of heartaches in men and woman. And people will bring out the real you; giving LOVE a purpose in slowly changing the things you claim to never do.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Tattle Tale

It’s easy in this life to get what you want, than to have what we need. So people reject the truth to not accept change  that requires maturity. In what another woman or man will allow them in continuing to do of childish ways and attitude.

Single people have to be careful when crossing the line into married people’s lives. And married people have to be more committed in what they both took a vow to do; with one another no matter what life takes them through.

What is it about the truth we refuse to accept?
When someone is always going to blame the other for not; communicating, stepping up are being in love. And there is always going to be the next “woman” or “man” available for whatever they can have in their hands. With no commitment.

A single person chooses to lay alone or with someone for companionship. A married person has a mate they know will eventually fill that space. And when life happens boundaries are crossed. Because people shut down to justify “feeling themselves”.  So what I mean is; we don’t always have a justifiable excuse to do what we think is greener on the other side to do.

As I rock myself to sleep tonight I ask GOD if LOVE is the greatest gift of all; then how did we manage to damage one another. Instead of building up each other. And why are there so many people who act as if they are not looking for companionship; just sex. Then find themselves even lonelier. Because people will remove some precious jewels out of you.

June 9th, 12 am
I spoke with a friend who expressed trouble in the marriage. I just listened to hear; I don’t feel loved and I’m hanging in there for the kids. Because my mate does not comprehend how to “reciprocate” or “receive” love or affection. I’m thinking how in the hell is this possible. But the reality is people do adapt to it.

The friend continued to say “this person remains selfish and contempt in ways”.  I said when was the last time you both communicated and “prayed” without walking away? The answer was I ask to do counseling, the answer was no. My response was I been a single woman my entire life because I cared for people who did not want to grow with me. And instead of walking away I wasted time and stuck in there for change. Then one day I learned to take baby steps & first identify if that person had the most important ingredient. Which was an open mind to always be open to work on one another. And if we can’t fight together then we have already lost the battle.

And as single woman I can hear what this person is missing. But it's not my responsibility to satisfy whom he really desires. And it's not always the person in whom they choose. Sometimes people need time to heal their own wounds. 

I see woman and men surrender help in weaker than stronger SELF -ESTEEM places. With good and bad intentions. Because both men and woman prey on people who don’t require change in what they have not been taught to see. So how do we respect WHAT we have yet to appreciate. To always blame something is wrong with a person who desires the drive to see we can have more? 

I hear people say I been with that person for years. With or without kids. And in some relationships "people say they have arrangements". And what does that mean? So the question is do you grow together or separate apart? And can you ever reciprocate or show someone else you care. Once you have figured why the person who never returned mentally. After walking away physically?

I see people say I'm deep in love. Or is it infatuation after numerous sexting with limited communication. But yet we're not looking for nothing. To end up with nothing. After sharing everything. Including meeting the family. 

I hear men and woman say "I don't wont no relationship" but they search all night on social media land. To find "what is available out there". And in those hardships and lonely nights where they are ashamed to reveal their true self's in a different light. You would be surprised about who never showed up in their shaken times. 
I commend the old fashion ways. Maybe it saves some of us from our reckless ways. Then maybe we can admit to why; do some men or women date for years. Or common law marriage without; a marriage ceremony ? Do we really believe we can play full house for life and manage to hold onto what it will take us through for life. Marriage is no longer "respected" and some people's focus is more on who will next upgrade my shoulder. But happens when father time takes roll call and the physical, material things and money; fade away. Who will walk, where the other remains. I foolishly stayed with a man who said "I'd rather be dead" than to have some one care for me when I'm ill. I said hardships, reckless choices and death will break any persons spirit. So why would you entertain a full life with holding onto people who could possess no desire to be by your side.  
And no, not every human being in this world is filled with hell or disconnected. There are people like me who love life and anyone who cross our paths. And I have not forgotten about “father time” and the husband or widow left behind. The reality is everybody will need somebody in this life. And although we don't get to choose who we will love of our family, exes and kids. There are some voids that can only be filled with a different type of LOVE. People are showing they no longer have. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017


I heard this young lady crying out loud as she said to her mother "after two babies" I don't understand why don't he love me anymore. I said to that young lady "it is required that we first learn to love ourselves" before we can identify being loved by some else.

Praise God in the good and bad. Praise God in our no boundaries of relationships. We've got to work on each other. Regardless if we don't find forever. There is still power in what we need and expect out of one another.

If God granted us permission over our life choices. What are the chances we would take advantage of having our wants instead of our needs? And if we could prove that money is the key to restoring happiness. Then would we make a change in our selfish ways. Because money does not buy people who fall in and out of love.  It just brings to the light people who waiver to stick around.

I know that someone out there has to say "how do you really supply another person needs, if we ourselves have not accepted what we NEED to find a way to be internally happy". Men are the hunters. Which is true but "but a lion does not always have to roar" therefore not every woman has to take whatever he plays her through. And I know there are woman who also play mind games. But remember we established "men are hunters, and females are the prey" So therefore whomever you select to care about and it does not work out. Don't hurt the next person who chooses to stick by your side. Because of this hunter who seeks his prey that chose not to follow who struggles to lead?

Communication and caring about someone is not that complicated. Most of the time it goes unappreciated in the amounts; we pour out. And with men and woman it does require time to see who is growing or struggling to remain a child.

This was not a kindergarten crush when I met a man two years ago. And I noticed his head hung very low. In 2015 I picked up on a vibe and shared God is still on your side. One year went bye and in June 2016 he extended to me an invitation to stop bye; anytime. And yes I set forth my requirements of one day being in a healthy relationship. And it was not limited to having him.  So at this point he had more than enough time to be honest about the things he could not later hide. About his personal life.

If I had only waited on God's permission.  But instead I chose to not judge. That first late night knock on the window pain and key turn in the door lock. And no this female was not his wife.  So I continued on focusing on how he labored. And later on in this friendship he grew aggitated. The moment he began to show me he did care. And in August 2016 his life had a small delay. I said "if you can help me complete this home project, I promise to reward you for all your hard work" We sat down and planned a 4 day weekend on what we needed for completion. I admit he mentioned avoiding relationships. But he also mentioned over and over again how his choices caused him  "disappointments". So how can we judge if both men and woman are settling.

Then in September 2016 this man received a call "it was a prayer answered we once said together that weekend at the dinner table. And yes, I always asked would u pray with me. And he did every time without one peep.

It's not rare people say one thing.  And show you another. Then contradict what happened. So the next few months passed and I remember feeling distant. For one he had to learn the importance of communication. With a different category of woman.

One day at his place I looked into his eyes and inquired are you still married. And if so are you planning to divorce. Little did I know he was missing his first love. He slowly said "YES". I ask then why did you not share your truth the entire time I stuck by your side; then you would of had no reason to blame me for being by your side. Instead of depending on those home girls or your wife. Recently he said to me because a man does not speak. It does not mean he is not thinking and planning. And at the end of April 2017 there will be a change. This is now May of 2017. And if you allow time to rob you of what is not of eventually "us". Then you have no one to fault regardless of the involvement.

It's now been 1 year and 11 months later. I've met a couple of children in a planned environment and assisted in with some personal situations. And we always had a difference of understanding when it involved "I always had my own stuff" and because of what he managed to have of obligations to other woman.  I took notice and cared about his basics. So there is the truth and lies translated in every story line. This man invited me into his personal space
. And yes he stated he had no interest in a relationship. But he always created unfinished business. And never failed to seek me for support where there was never a cricket line answer. So one day he had the nerve to ask "how did you know so much information" because he had planned to walk away May 24th before saying goodbye. I said to him were you not paying attention. It was me there the entire time. So when people don't understand why a woman or man go through matters of the hearts. Maybe we need to start fixing the lingering issues and lies in our own fragile hearts. To appreciate a person more; who refuses not to settle.

To any woman or man. Stop faulting yourself and losing sleep at night for wanting to share happiness and pain in someone else's life. We often give more than the other person thinks of. The sad part is People will try to fix their self inflicted situations through other peoples compassion. With the intention of gluing back together; their own rejected happiness.

Last month I met a new gentleman who did share of interest in a relationship and building a foundation.  And if we have not figured it out; there is a bigger world than the one we choose to shut down. And again I did ask questions before jumping into another situation of financial obligations and undealt with emotions. And to be honest every person has some stuff to deal with. So taking time to work on yourself is not as lonely as people say it is. The price is more rewarding. On the day when the time is right for the both of you to know; working together is working on one another. And that diamond that men cherish the most; will then be sit upon a pedestal.

Did I make a few choices; yes. But they were not all mistakes. This man swear I had the wrong intentions. See how we are twisted. Did I ask God for a husband; yes before I knew the woman God would mold me into. But God had some work in me to do. So the offer of friendship with casual sex and a penis with a man. Never did quench my thirst. I appreciate the communication I have grown to respect in any type of relationship. Somehow this man matured me in ways I will never forget.And I will educate any man who comes for me.
 If its not me whenever you enter into a woman's vagina; she feels it in her heart. And the type of people we choose will teach us the rules of engagement. Therefore you continue to create news relationships" no matter what people say they want. Just be more mindful of what the both of you settle for.

And after all our differences. I ask this man when you get your finances together what will you do for me? He looked at me and said "let me see" about a road trip just you and me. And to be honest it took all the drama to get him to say "those words for one moment,  I believed on that "day".

As young girls we do fall in love with the fantasy of make believe. And once we mature into young ladies and young men the “reality” teaches the both of us; more mature things in the false and truth in fantasies. So why is it or not important today; of how we invest our time and thoughts in fairy tales, story lines, monetary things and physical attributes. To end up struggling with what we want.

 "If u work on me, I will work on you". Until then there is more work in us individually to do. 

Monday, May 22, 2017


The struggle is real for this entire world.

It has been said that believers in the “Christian faith” struggles are extreme. There is still tenacity in human expressions; because of how the African American people were treated and still affected. But has life not proven to us enough; in the struggles that are real within ourselves of every faith around the entire world?  

When people communicate in any language we can relate to; HUMAN animation, tone and pitch, body language in every point and statement, and explanations of our deliverance.                                          DO YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING?

So the question is how did we even come to format the idea that Christianity or being Human with needs in any race; SEPARATES us from our real struggles we fight internally, in a life with changing adversity.                                                                                                                                                           DO YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING?

A young man said to me: do you have moment to listen closely. I said please proceed and be wise in the Point and or Statement you’re attempting to deliver across because time is an element we can’t rewind back. The young man proceeded to say; there is nothing new that one human being in this life; has not done under the sun.                                                                                                                                DO YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING?

I replied to the young man “please continue” to express the information you have the desire to share. Of what has been compiled in your head.

The young man said I was not born with all the universal answers. I was not given the option to choose who I would love in circumstances. I was appointed to my family who would in return mold me. To receive the power I possess mentally. But not until I was groomed in a space of non-cluttered and enslaved, Thinking .                                                     .                                                                            DO YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING?

I said young man now that you have figured out your inner peace; you have learned to see and appreciate life and people with more clarity. The catch is not to always figure out what is not being understood. But when making a Point or a Statement deliver it in confidence

I place my self in a position of  opportunity and conversation. Only to meet a former member of a Cult religion. And what I walked away with is that; any human being can change. So therefore it may require some time for an individual to figure out in themselves; why.  

Even if your heart and works have good intentions. Be prepared to except that Not everyone person is seeking some form of compassion & understanding. Just ensure you can stand on solid ground of what you believe in. Now DO YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING?

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Domestic Violence II

We're only bent, not broken in our struggles.   

Since the first blog I tagged on Domestic Violence. I took some time to not so much understand why it has to happen. But what can be done “in support” of to end the ongoing violence.   

It does not matter what age we are, female or male “domestic violence and abuse occurs even in the tiniest of youth” around this entire world. Unfortunately society is filled with distractions. And the abuse repeats in our own homes where some will loose their will to make one move.

So the question is how does abuse gain trust? How frequent are material things involved. And how can a person find refuge even in children? Why are there not more resources in a growing population of human beings; with substance abuse, chemical imbalances and lost in hope to reason?

The abuser preys on trust. Children show innocence, adults demonstrate vulnerability even in areas they show strength. Systems are doorways to implement hidden inhuman acts. People get weak in decision making. Elders hold onto their independence, but feeble is what the abuser seeks of opportunity? And on any day a family member, mother or father, old friend in beginning of a new relationship, a person of interest or a husband or same sex partner can “mentally or physically” increase from 0 to 1,000.

Mental and Physical abuse can make a person feel embarrassed, used and hopeless of being valued. This person feels lost and out of control if not mentally depressed and unnoticed in the eyes of their family and peers. Small children act out and seek affection and attention especially in environments that demonstrate unequal foundations. When someone has hurt you and tells you it’s ok. I love you and don’t leave I will change or stay for the family. If you are hurting in any way today; ask yourself the question what is making me stay and do I love “myself” enough to walk away; without taking one thing?

I lived this story as a small child. I myself covered the scars and sheltered my mother with intense love. It was "her will" to survive that kept her children alive. So the trauma did heal overtime. We accepted there was nothing we could have changed about ourselves or we did wrong. Unfortunately the abuse could occur at anytime. And one day did "take time" to replace the value back in ourselves.   

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


If you have ever experienced pain in your life. Seen a few things that changed your life. Eventually you will settle for closer to nothing in this life.

Is it possible for one human being to be the head of his or her house for a lifetime, and if not then who is matured next in line to pick up the load while there is still time?

If people seek to do whatever they want in this life; eventually time will teach us in our GOOD or NAUGHTY BEHAVIORS; why.

On Friday (May 5), in a signing statement surrounding the $1.1 trillion government spending bill, the president singled out the Historically Black College and University Capital Financing Program as something that allocates “benefits on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender.” And the next generation of HBCU recipients will do what in regards to finance programs? Some people may not understand in comprehension of what is not clearly stated.

A young lady met a gentleman online to spend some quality time. Little did she know her face would make the story line; because of this man’s NAUGHTY NATURE.  

Who is going to save us from ourselves? If we have not managed to figure out what is going around the world.

Who is to say a bad boy only does ruthless things and looks a certain way. Have we not digested around the globe; how progression in race is growing out of control?

Who is to say a bad girl has to physically fight to eat? It seems as if men and woman or now the prey. So who are the real hunters in today?

Who is to say Dating sites, Strip Club or The Gentlemen’s Club caters to a certain class in audience? Is it not true we’re all human beings seeking to fill our fantasy of what we hide from others to judge in what they see?

Who can say that “Naughty” behavior is the act that is frowned upon in any race; but not forbidden in any human acts of violence and sex? Who can confess that the dollar bill has been spent in frivolous ways, but not denied in the investment of inhuman ways?

Who will tell the truth that every medical prescription approved by the FDA; will heal every patient who seeks a resolution in life’s altering movements?

Who does not believe in a higher power if not in themselves; or have we ever taken ACCOUNTABILITY of how we seek to possess a measure of control not in ourselves. But other people.

Why are human beings not satisfied more than half of the time? Have we evaluated our naughty behavior, maybe then we’ll find out why.

Monday, May 8, 2017


Since "Lost" was popular in the beginning. I decided this blog would compliment the ending.

I believe that “internal happiness” is how you feel about yourself. And “external happiness” is the extension of how being with another person makes you feel. 
When life happens big or small; it does not consider who we are. Female or males were all "wired" 2 different ways. So yes we’re bound to see things differently and make many mistakes, along the away.    

Before I begin this selection I want to compliment one man who inspired me this last year. In one valuable lesson of acceptance & respect; people to find  their own happiness in the sacrifices they're willing to make or acceptance of what they are willing take. It's not always about ones self in showing human compassion & understanding another person. Show me a male species who can live without female affection. We all desire one another even where there is no human connection. So we're all destined to learn what is it we really need in a world of men and woman. Now let's proceed so we can consume more human understanding.

A young man ask me in his later 30’s how do you know what you need to be happy? I sincerely used this scenario; have you ever been lonely, alone or in a relationship, or married with kids. The young man said yes” I have been divorced and married again, and sometimes I seek outside only to eventually appreciate "what I found of new happiness in my life". I ask the young man this next question: What is it you can live with or without. Or does this happiness make you feel you're never without. The young man said I see where you are going with this. I then replied "you knew the answer the entire time" and silent as we keep it “we’re all” searching in one another for some human direction. Now figure out for yourself  what is your happiness about.    

It may not always look familiar in change. Just consider for yourself these important warning signs;
·        People talk a good game; misery invites company.
·        Family has your best interest; but they also slickly implement their own great ideas; of who or what “is good or not” in your personal happiness.
·        A friend’s hurt is not always your destiny; just listen to hear if there were any valuable lessons learned & if they are willing to transform or continue to repeat in repetition.
·        Any type of time invested with a female or male creates a bond. And a separation does not grow together when you’re both stretching apart from each other.

In this cartoon Tweety always found a malicious way to keep Sylvester’s focus in place. Poor Sylvester did not stand a chance in keeping up with Tweety’s plot to arouse his focus. In life distractions will grasp our focus, maturity stretches in hardened places, and human beings rattle our emotions. But knowing the difference “empowers” us to find “internal peace of mind” sometimes females and males have to re-evaluate “who am I, today” from yesterday? To figure out what do I really need to be internally happy.

Some people will say I don't need nothing or nobody. But if we really had what we needed in the physical man then why are we still searching in places we're deeply lonely in the flesh.   

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2nd Chances

Our previous generations may have suffered in oppression. But the mission was accomplished to show us in compressed times of how to manage what we have by not loosing our "strong will and minds" in days that will pass away. But our works will live on from yesterday.

In the event of what we accept in this life. Sometimes become the things and people we regret in this life. Until we grow up and accept there is a higher power in “wisdom”.
In every age group we are destined to change and deal with a number of things. And the reality in how people think “age is nothing but a number” but maturity will lean us towards the brinks of whom we are. Are become in the reality of life’s possibilities.    
One valuable lesson I’ve become accustom to throughout my years of maturity; is to not envy or enslave my vision in the ends of “Have or Have not’s”.  But to re- evaluate myself at every milestone of age in my life. And at the end of each day I can look into the mirror and see; who really counts in this space I breathe.
Maturity happens at different “stages” of our individual lives. And no matter how intensely we try to attach ourselves to the people we love or interact with. Life will reveal to us: each person is required to initiate their own steps. 

Maturity & growth, situations & problems often occur.  And time will not alarm us to get prepared. In what we should be or have not reached a level to have “LEARNED”. So why is it at this stage of our lives some of us are gravitated to assumption; some people have it all figured out in this life, or some people are perfected. While other people scramble with “WHY” not take an alternate way around. The paths in which our feet our inevitable to stumble on rocks and stones.

Our burdens over power us in thoughts, weight us down in our hearts, trouble our minds from rest, and wobble our fragile legs.  It's obvious in this present generation of all ages. Our actions being demonstrated. Because “we can’t have what we want right away” of what we have not matured in places to appreciate.
Our second chance is RIGHT NOW. The writing is on the WALLS. And if any of us refuses "WISDOM", be prepared to repeat life the same way, on a different day.      

Friday, April 28, 2017


In trials you find out who you are. In struggles you find out who really has your best interest. So if you’re a force of nature by yourself. Then why not “commit” with another beast of human nature while we have time?

It may not always be the person you expect; to grow with you in a movement. Just be prepared to deal with your and allow them to deal with their “emotions”. Because of one lesson we’ve figured out; is that true love never fades away it just grows in new places.

A male hunts his female prey, so females stay in your lanes; and allow that lion to chase. “You got to own it, if you want it” no matter what “treasures” you seek in this life. Remember everything tarnishes and changes overtime. Regardless of who is involved ‘US” is the key word that keeps our focus alive.  

So have you figured out which lane you’re rolling in. Where “US” is used in context.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I truly believe if God continues to allow us the time. Some of us will eventually figure out; that true love does not end in disappointments or long term relationships that grow apart for different reasons. But the chemistry in that love allows "US" another chance to love all over again. 

So an old friend calls you from back in the day and would love to catch up on old times. Meet the family or that new person in your life.  And once that meeting has been established and takes place; be prepared to walk in with an open mind and confident SPACE. Because body language speaks louder than words "in any type of relationship" of what someone is feeling, but not said. And this may not have occurred to you in this life. But relationships do take work over time. To shut down any form of speculations we shadow in our minds. And these relations include marriage, shacking, dating or casual conversations.

Time is not objective, it does not argue or process how we relate. Although we play it as if we posses the power to replay it. Something any class of people will either accept or struggle to grasp in an old or new relationship. Where “chemistry” mix or not exist. But don’t get nervous, just be confident in what you bring and both genuinely establish. Even if it has been said “people are for a season” some will stay and some will walk away. Where emotions are broken and ties slowly unwind. So just in case one day an old friend or new one shows up in your life; get some grounding on who you are and be prepared for "expectations" to be met, but not yet established.  

The reality is whomever we fall in love with or for whatever idea we work through passion with; the first the time around will always be a part of your past. But not the end to finding a new future. Issues occur when we have not managed to move past  THE old baggage. So the power of that old chemistry remains buried DEEPLY.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...