The song writer sung B-HUMBLE. And before I judged the
lyrics. I had to B-HUMBLE in my own spirit, in order to listen to this ARTHURS message.
The time is now we will learn; a full lesson in
APPRECIATION. And it may not be obvious today. But time accounts for all our
human ways.
If you have ever done something for someone in this life; because
you could afford to share a small portion of time. That for generations lacked the observation in compensation. To do a compassionate act without the intentions of expecting anything back. Just a confirmation of improvement in our attitude of mad dash choices. Then would we still be so HUMBLE to offer time to check in. And see if we could lift a person up in their
feelings? Now let’s be clear no HUMAN
is perfect. Including myself. But we are not clueless to what we will take advantage of; in our own desperate situations.
So in this life when that next door jams to not open. And its sworn people are for a season. Because you feel that you no longer need
them? Be cautious of whom you cross over to rise up on your feet. Where the ground
is still stable and our human feet grow weak.
Everyone is not meant to excel in areas u sacrifice in, but if you find your brother
or sister in need. Check in and see what we struggle to defeat. And if they
have no plans still assist in areas they hold a limited amount of vision in.
Why, because someone is going to seek the MEEK. To be the escape goat for the choices they make. While
some of us are on a MISSION to building structured foundations.
In my monologues I write real stories by real people. Who
are maturing in life lessons. I communicate globally so I’m not in my feelings of what I don't understand of differences. Or either will I outcast myself in communicating with the world. I refuse
to accept a broken mind in return to stay ignorant for someone else in any RACE. To comfortably feel sanity. Is redundant thinking. I intentionally encourage "positive" because time will show-up all the
negative. I expect all things to happen in balance, right or wrong there will be storms. I will never be broke
another day in this life. Or neither will my family struggle with small things that are destined to rise. Because I have learned real riches don't exist in man's promises & loyalty. Riches exist in WISDOM. Where we don't share the same PATIENCE, LOYALTY & VISION.
B-HUMBLE and mindful in what you assume to hold a LARGE deposit in. Because tomorrow will spot light the LESS of what we require of more KNOWLEDGE.
B-HUMBLE and mindful in what you assume to hold a LARGE deposit in. Because tomorrow will spot light the LESS of what we require of more KNOWLEDGE.