Monday, December 14, 2020

A Skeptical Society

One upon a time; we viewed one another from near or far away. Now today we live amongst one another in a skeptical society of the unknowing. 

If we could change one element in this moment; could we change our minds that maybe we contributed to the skepticism we created in the air. With the covid-19, no one has a reasoning into why. So many people had to leave this life. However, what we can control right now; is how we treat or devalue one another in this time of what we don't know of how much is left. 

We all understand there are non believers amongst us; along with the broken, abandoned, mistreated and less fortunate. And the truth is non one owes any human being; anything. Regardless of your relationship or title on this earth.

When you can find a reasoning in a fight; that holds more value to you than anything else on this earth. Will be the moment in which you consider; all people get a turn to suffer. it does not matter how momma and daddy raised you. Who you don't want to listen too; that read you the truth. Life has its own agenda and no man with no wand in hand can change its plan.

If someone is affected by another person; maybe its time you account for your behavior. Where that person has either took in consideration time is no longer on our side. A choice is mandatory right now. 

Be safe, and for the small children who may be sustained in adults choices, hold on change is going to force a hand of us all. 

In Memory of Dee Dee White. And all those we were summoned by TIME; to release back from this life.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Social Distance

The transition is now in process; the concern is who are the recipients. And of how much in quanity is available for the; first then second, and last. 

Think about safety first; therefore the children and elders can hold out, in a world of aggressive behaviors that require detrimental corrections of respecting someone else. Because the entire world is exposed to each others; ill mannered habits or avenues of courtesy. If not confrontational aggressive attitudes for "I choose to not mask up mood". In a pandemic world that is not impressed or shows prejudice towards any age group in gender & race.

-Earnest Hemingway wrote "The world is a fine place, worth fighting for". Some may choose to differ or think nothing. While the remainder may agree with the 2nd. Why, because humanity has shown until we respect each other. Some people will always denie the word respect. Of that same respect that some people refuse to possess in themselves.

Taking time for granted, and fighting ourselves in unpecedent times of a diverse class of personal behaviors; keeps all progress separated & as a people dismantled. If some not all become dehumanized.

If we just could of agreed to ourselves; to mask up, stay 6 feet apart in either direction. And cover our mouths from fluids flying throughout the air. Maybe one day soon we'll figure out what's keeping us apart in time we are loosing our social connections.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Globalization The Underground World

Early in the morning around the globe. What is the motivation that rises up the real hustlers. 

First, with an aroma that smells of fresh ink, a printer and the artist sitting out in the wide open. To perfect complexity take years to master of a process. Along with a bag of school supplies including  ink, paper and printer machine. To process power that lays in the ingredients; of knowing the equal parts to mix in the mind of a scientist. 

Second, the belly of the beast never sleeps where prostitution is progressing. And in the area of the epic center little people are forced into human sex trafficking. Keep these children safe from the belly of the real beast.  

Third, in every hustle the leader is the brain. The most vicarious piece to a masterminded plan. 

Fourth, the war on drugs is at its peek; of a final tsunami. 

It's critical to know and weigh how much to place on your plate; if not the entire operation will break. In the designs that are critical to all in presentation; passed around the world to announce a statement. "To make money, To make money". For we have proven behind every wall is the power of money; talks.    

Success is part of taking a risk, by touching, hearing the sound of clarity, and smelling the ghost in the background of a finishing texture that the weight is layered on top of ; colored paper. 

The Final step; marking the goal to reach the couriers. For the lottery payout will consume the masses of all classes; unto the underground world of madness. 

The sad part any crimes against another should be forbidden. No matter what type of cloth you are provided of the blue or white collars. Murder, conspiracy and human trafficking is massively revolving around the product & demand to sought out investors for hired workers; back on the brick in American History is where you will find the footprints of humanity.    

                                                            "Narco Wars", A platform fully seated with world class viewers. 


Saturday, November 28, 2020


The brain sent a message to the body and said; either you utilize me or figure out that you cannot do anything without me.  

The tempter then rose up and said to the brain; you could of reminded me to not get overheated. The brain responded I been patiently awaiting in the same place, the entire time, awaiting for you to consult with me. And if you had of done so you could of avoided; the mental & physical stress you have now exposed of the remainder of this body.

The body then ached with pain overwhelmed with the temper that stressed out the brain, which lead to the domino effect that opened up the “mouth” releasing 40pounds of air. To blurt out all kinds of crazy comments with the “hands” in motion all over the place; expressing what the mouth did not fast enough say. Motivating the noise to flare open and signaling the feet to “keep it moving”. While disturbing the knees to not bend and get some rest. Because the back had something to say as well; every time I turn my back on you there is always a problem affecting the other. 

Ask for permission of yourself to search; the conditions of your own hearts. Eventually the brain will say to the body; in unity we function together on one heartbeat. But apart we cause one another problems; internally. And if we continue in disrespecting this body; the heart will find rest without us.  

Coping with Anxiety

 Listen carefully about time.

We spend 50% of our lives catering to other people. Raising our children. And providing the best financially  for our family.

The other 50% of our lives. We deal with ourselves and the choices and decisions we either accepted to make or not. 

Overall; time came about. Somethings changed over the course of time, some people changed over the course of time. Then on Mar. 16, 2020, a  pademic progressed. To change our minds in how we have another choice to make a decision and live.

Crime & Hate progressed; and for generations we made a choice to not end slavery, abolish the laws that segregate the gentrification in this generation, end this social injustice in our CJS now the chains we all bare in every of race of men, woman & children in all communities. 

Poverty did not find rest in any race of faces. Where in time we took more than what we could of shared, acknowledged who contributed to what makes a country great. In a time we are divided in anger, greed, jealousy and hate; with The Have & Have Nots if this makes any common sense to heal the situation we are in.

Anxiety today is the mental chains. Once worn on human ankles & necks. Chains created by the hands of our past forwarded into this generation.

So when a black man dies; dont assume his intentions were any different than his own black man or any race of stress. We are attempting to fight against the time to survive one another on any given moment; for a peace of mind on any day. That "freedom is crying & yelling in the streets over bloodshed in all races of man", stop pulling the trigger & remove the chains. Because now all children can't breathe.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 A new year even though we must obide by the rules.

1. No elbows on the dining table this year.

2. No long hugs & kisses. 

3. No crowding in the kitchen for second, helpings.

4. No eating off of one another's plates.

5. No tears of sorrow; we are still on earth to serve a bigger purpose. 

However there is 1 thing we are safe to do; pray together for God to bring us through.

Happy Holiday!  


Three things as a human a being you must be confident in yourself to do. When you are faced with

1. Criticism; Cross examine it or keep it moving in the event it does affect you in relevance. But if it is conducive to your growth; acknowledge it, process it, and evaluate who it is coming from that is a positive influence in seeing you elevate to your next level.

2. Discipline; not every comment is of common sense to respond back to it. People can freely posses their own opinions. Therefore just listen, and closely watch to determine if you are looking for their permission or advice. Or you just sharing what's on your mind. Be wise about what u share in a space with people who may or not have your best interest.

3. Respect; always hold your self at a higher level of courage, loyalty, commitment, integrity, accountability and leadership. If not you can be lead into a mental place where you will disrespect all of the standards you could of held in yourself.

People watch; as we talk. People listen to what they want to hear. People respect what you hold of a higher standard within yourself; regardless of the situation or position we represent or find ourselves in.

Monday, November 23, 2020

People Matters

I wanted to share with you; some commentary regarding BLM's. Hate crimes, racism and all people involved.  

We again formed in unity to protest against the oppression. As we assemble in our minds what has, will or can we change. The most important element we missed is how can we first make the change in ourselves?

The elders wanted to share with the younger generation there is community resources; the challenge will be whether the help that is extended to them; is accepted.

The youth represents strength; the concern is some youth are killing; a generation of my brother and sister.

The world is in the mist of silent wars abroad a pandemic. People are in desperate need of everything uncluding structure. While Children are frightened and hungry for knowledge if not a missing paternal parent. Elders are limited in their movement but not in their wisdom. Leaders are forced to show up in what was dismissed of problems; now a global situation in all races. 

So what does this have to do with BLM and the generations of people around. Well history shaped us, people change us and time reminds us 

1. 2021 Tax season is approaching; and consumers will spend more that what they loss of finances in 2020.

2. Child supports payments will be processed; but will the finances be maturely used toward the child or children it was applied to. 

3.  Healthcare is available at cost; and welfare offers  TANF, Medicaid and Chip. But not all providers will accept and extend service to the children. If someone is willing to step in and assist 1 child from being a recipient of the benefits. Then that child has a chance to understand struggle is not always required for someone else to settle. 

4. Homicides are on the global rise; unfortunately we all love our people in all races. No matter what they are capable of doing.  

5. The 1% is the makeup to the world's wealth. See what happened in this COVID-19 when the revolving doors are stuck. To making a cap on money through denials. It was a taught not yet learned as a generation we cannot control time, while taking it for granted. Material things either add or devalue in worth; when we feed into the world of fantasies & "intense power", we discover what if not who we become. 

In a generation of Black Lives Matter & People fighting if not debating over old history.  In the midst of Covid-19. Today what is your priority? I had nothing but time to share what if not but how we All exposed to the world on A media and in society of many platforms. And what are we really in control of. That will be an endless fight in refusal to mentally change them, me are us?

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 In a story line there are characters; and each character has been delegated a role to play. 

In every story line each character gets a turn; to either add to, subtract from or repeat the story line. They are portraying in the presence of the audience.   

The first time, the audience watches, and listens collectively; in a place of many actions of a role being; betrayed. 

The second time, after intermission something or someone has been watched, repeated if not recorded to play back. Of a significant moment that caught the audiences attention. 

Third time, once the story line ends and the characters reveal themselves in a light. Of the audience applauding these characters for their significate roles played. Into a story line of  THE BOOK OF LIFE.  

We all have a storyline to tell; fiction or non fiction. From the Beginning to End. A story made of real characters; no matter what role we've claimed, delegated if not held on this journey of life. Time will reveal  

1) Your side 

2) My side 

            and finally the   

Truth. That can no longer be hid; behind the Lie's people tell if not already told. 

Friday, November 20, 2020


In 2020, we are not the victims to this world that has changed. Remember people changed the world we are now; living if not co-existing in.

This is a generation of Covid-19 cases, tension, depression, suicide, homicidal violence. Now add a serial killer behavior to the climate; of mental & physical stresses.  

This generation is struggling in many facets to adjust; in COVID-19 which has impacted all races of life , even money can't buy a peace of mind. A life of overwhelming famine, heartache, hate and pain. We have become acclimated to one another in entitlement, betrayal, greed and hate. Not knowing who we can humbly express love and compassion, too. Before it’s too late. And what I mean is this “Time has a plan, pay closer attention to time not man”.

In COVID-19 we cannot waiver or either leverage on “problems”. We are now forced to search ourselves for accountability; in our demonstrated behaviors. For this generation we will leave behind many scars; left unhealed for our love ones if not small children to feel.

In 2020, we are witnessing a solemn generation of orphaned children left behind. Because of one day a parent or parents started their day; with kisses and hugs before walking away. Into a world of people that chose or not to mentally change.    

We can waste time placing judgment on a stereotype of lack in parenting, types of crime & violence; occurred in what locations. But our current reality is this; a generation that has progressed "drug usage, distributing if not the supplier who is forced to make it legal, domestic violence including children, people vs. people of all colors in hate crimes on television; generation of issues and problem transformed into a new generation of  situations seeking accountability in all of our own personal behaviors. One day "DENIAL" demanded its time, for the "TRUTH" to be accepted.    

One lesson I have learned in this process of life’s course; is death reveals the truth in people. Betrayal is not exempt from any person, persons, families, titled associations, or friends.

PS: no one is capable of loving you. More than you are capable of loving yourself; FIRST. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020


The news reported another homicide has; occurred. And the cries are growing in despair. Because no one has a real plan; to heal this generation.

We hear our children mourn "when is mommy or daddy, coming home"?

We see how parents grieve over caskets and a percentage of families set up Go Fund Me Pages.

We march through the streets yelling "I can't breathe".

We keep silent; knowing the killer has another target. The question again is who will explain to our children if there is no love they know to raise them.

Does it really matter in what race of man; who is doing the killing? And if so then why do the streets remain silent. Why is "I cant breathe" being; watched, seen as we march in progressive numbers through the streets; until another life is taken. Why has homicides increased in every state & community. As we scramble to judge one another about our behaviors. But yet we mirror one another's cultures. Look around at the truth. Of what we cannot deny by telling a lie. 

If God was to finally judge the world in this moment for our disrespect of human life, hate, greed and manipulation. Could we answer back to God regarding "what did we gain, for murdering our own people", as the next persons watch, stand and still breathing. No pun intended, or did we forgot not everyone is a believer in God and ok with their conscious. Also, what we have learned through our leadership, community, CJS, social media and the news about homicide is this; 99% of the time it is the people sitting next to you. For its the history in why Saul envied David's life.

To say "other people kill each other too", is a reality. Then who is accountable for the people that are being murdered by the people or associations closes to them? And how can anyone argue over a behavior; that we are not prepared to accept are expose in our own violent doings?   

Life is temporary; death is painful. Yet, we are still accountable when judgement catches up for whatever we have done; to another human being in this life. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...