Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Today; reachout to a young girl or mother. And ask if there is any goal you are trying to succeed towards. Why, because our young girls need some old school motivation. 

Today down in the Bayou below, a young mother levees broke. And it's sad to say 1 comment was all she could take. Before she took her own life. She also laid her 4 children to rest. 

We don't know each other. We don't all mature in change at the same time. We don't all look alike. God did not create duplicates of All. But what we do share in common; is a life and small children.

One day the levees will shake in our lives; no matter the Ethnicity are Age. Financial status or who we belong too. Time wears on material things. How not a human being.

Check-In on our young mother's. There is stll children are a child of all colors. Who still need our Love, Understanding, Patience & HELP. To assist our youth through this Life of Endurance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 In a Perfect World there is no sadness and everything and person is a beautiful creation. In a transitional world there is human differences. And in reality there is generations if not this word called "culture" that is the makeup of different morals, values and beliefs. And for every corner of this entire world; there is alloted space to embrace an opportunity to lay in the sunshine of our diversity in every race, in peace if sought of.  Every wonder why the 70's were such an assorted diverse moment in time?

Now that we have processed our differences of views, beliefs opinions & most importantly our Life Experiences. Allow us to rest our minds on a soft sheet of understanding one another's 


2. Idea's /Statements and Opinions 

3. Creations/ Innovations

4. Peace/Solidarity 

5. Friendships with people/in near & far away places. Of No violence. No hate, no poverty, no famine and pain. Children can wonder around the neighborhoods with no indiscretions on the media pages & news. Families are gathering with smiles, neighbors are enjoying community cookouts. How so, because we have found a common ground for everyone equal equity, education, respect and social justice. 

Therefore on the next comment to the commentor; one more person has no space to assume All humanity live in Peace of this Perfect World in a limited space of ideas. To avoid the next post are blast to expose of another person's or community disparity.

If All Books were to be judged by the covers; there would be shelves left empty, shelves filled if not a shelf at All.

Let's respect that Life is an adjustment no matter what your point of view or statement is about. In this Perfect Place called earth. In which humanity has experienced of their individual trials written on pages of chapters. 

They say crime is increasing. A comment posted on social media. Information is appreciated according to platforms people follow accross the world. And Although a few believe bad things just don't  happen here. Well, maybe for the many good things there are  people who will never know. As the minority to share various real topics of peoples life story's to educate the world, of how we are changing the pages of our history.

If money was an incentive to showing an act of respect if not kindness. Who would dive through life's wide or narrow lanes to gain?

Monday, May 24, 2021

Guns & Roses

Once the House Bill is finally passed. Allowing Gun Carriers Permitless for All with a few guidelines for criminal offenders. The exceptions around arrogance. 

The people anticipate as All await Governor Abbotts initials on the final page. Of a model in America History of Gun Laws endorsed with a justifiable focus; on Public safety.

Also, we In Acknowledgment of House Bill "929", Bo's Law. In Memory.

Another Final decision of Leadership in the best interest of the People. Are maybe even the Fear progressed in this History. To justify or validate on this final date of a Generational judgment; it is declared of what we await in anticipation to see an end to People violence.. Decrease on Covid-19 cases. And a run for the races to process a

     "Tragedy or Triumph"

In All races/families in every household & communities; we all have shared in suffering to violence across the world. And in the history of mankind. We due process in the acknowledgement our Rights to Freedom. And Indirectly & Directly we are shamed by those same freedoms we now debate. 

The switch gears of intensity is now our own accountability;to fully mask up. And educate, protect & mold the minds for our TBD lawful empowerment in our "2nd Amendment Rights". 

In respect of All Human Life. 


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Panic Attack.

 A state of feeling overwhelmed and out of control.

First; breathe slowwwly.

Second; gather your surroundings.

Third; ask yourself who do u belong too. And just incase u resent God. Are simply not a believer. It's ok. The Anxiety is a part of whatever it is you are in charge of; handling on your own.

I am thankful for knowing what courage feels like. And more greatful to my son who walked with me; as we learned together. Trenches is where u put in the grunt work. And nobody is entitled to remove it from you.


Bullying IQ

We could say to prevent it; by allowing it to happen. However this is an option that would not voluntarily work for or on; everyone.

Bullying occurs in some parental guidances, communities, public/private, education, gang affiliations, work place conditions, debtor collector's,  relationships, CJS and in society. Bullying a group are individuals causing distraction by implementing a force on a group of other's or person's for Power & Attention. And age or race is not a dominating factor.

I say parental. Either you grew up in someone's else's madness. Are you the provoker of the bullying. If not View It, Agree or Disagree and move On.

The commission of Bullying with the intention to dismantle a person of their self-esteem. The benefit of Bullying to feel empowered over the dismantled. 

Bullying a vehicle used in driving force of rising suicide rates; over the last decade. In All races & ages. And the result is it's on the behaviors that are even interested in changing..

Tough skin. You either grow It Stretch into It. Are rest with It. Why, because Bullying is not an action of compromising. 

In today's society there is Hate/Racism. Compassion/Communication. Amongst the weak/weary/strong. You don't have an option to not choose. You do possess the power of having the access to using common sense; around knowledge in knowing the difference. To surving It..

Anti Semiticism

The heart of Isarel is facing a climax in adversity. And Jewish communities are facing direct attacks in the USA. 

The reality is this; pressure is boiling over in the streets. All over the world there is a surge of violence. Unfortunately no reconciliations are preparation is taking place to cure this catastrophic moment.

We often ask; if our history could of changed if not advance. Would time have healed this pain. If not heal the things that caused the cruel ways people are against one another. For the challenges & divisions throughout our cultural histories; that contributed to the wearing down of humanity. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Social Media Outlets

In a generation we got it All figured out. So it is advertised of what was a concerning comment which read "BM kill BM not rare", on Social Media. The reality is who is not dying; to violence.

With All due respect; we all have a point to make. And Freedom of Speech (1st Amendment).

The concern is this; what is the argument about. If for generations our ancestors fought for our freedoms. Our oppressors continue in heated debates; over the state of our equal equality. As children ask "about death". Who are we to judge each other. If not correct our history we continue in fighting of our own Black Lives on social media pages?

We face 2 evils in All humanity. And it no longer matter's your race. One evil is the denial we struggle with in ourselves & the other is the real monsters who patiently watch; over the trenches of  those who beef up The Struggle is Real. 

The masses say it's the select Rapper's whose Music that motivates their inhabitions to why those black men are killing themselves. And it's the drugs relationships that have progressed in gang associations creating their own disparities in All communities.

Follow me; God is not of man; But GOD is All knowing. Satan is not a follower; however Satan strategically works through followers. Let's keep it moving. Foodstamps & low income housing is the hook line in a verse. To describe the struggle in every hood. That catches the attention of All who watches on urban, hip hop and mainstream social media pages of the masses. In the messaging spoke on is the packaging, real faces & plays made over history. To validate the struggles is REAL to exist on a platform of contributions to what others believe; of is making America Great Again w/o you.

If you got thin skin; your time is limited here on earth. This is about to accelerate in full speed no matter your representation or location. If you don't require a crowd to validate the image snitches r warned don't speak on. The least of your concerns in this moment is SELF affixiated street credibilities. What I'm saying is this; overtime this generation has managed to expose themselves. And disregarding ain't nothing more gangsta than having access to credit & banks to leverage exposure of the overinflated wealth.

Pull in closer in the Circle; hold on tight for each set of cards is dealed to every Player's hand. Uhm! Pride comes before A FALL Prov 16:8. Where there is no negotiation in space on this earth; to isolate The Survivors# vs. The #'s of Takers.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Chicken Wings

The news related 1 Indian Variance has been found in Dallas County. Be wise & mindful as their may be an extinction of chicken wings. Yes, during this Pandemic it has affected our neighborhood farmers in Production. As well as Cost of feed and Human Labor Issues; of people to hire.

Thank's to Mother Nature. I respect the Process. Just don't remove All the Chicken Wings out of rotation..

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


The state of feeling no enthusiasm. If not a nose dive in low motivation.

Whether are not you are a person that is proactive. Are waiting to be activated. Any state of boredom is dangerous. Why, the mental isolation & physical entrapment will stirrup behaviors that seem not normal. 

If any adult finds themselves in any state of mental & physical confinement. How do you think children & the elderly feel; who are dependant on another person's assistance. That is not self motivated or focused in attention?

The moral of this pasage is during this Pandemic weird behaviors have been demonstrated. People who were busy bodies; were halted in their steps. Shakers & Movers temporarily shut down. Hustlers & Manipulators had more time to conceive another punch line. And home bodies; immediately figured out; confinement is no longer an option. 

We can choose to change our minds, habits & lifestyles. Are wait till time changes US; in the blink of an eye.

Coping w Domestic Violence

The reality is any human being can be a victim; of violence. Age & race is a nonfactor. 

It's the intense need to possess Power to control the feared. This abuser are abusers could be family, father's or even a mother, an aquaintence, neighbor or friend. A stranger or connect ties to an extended relationship with an intention to mentally & physically dismantle a vulnerable person. Including elders & small children. The both of these types consist of A person of insecurities, a person with low self esteem, a person of neglect if not feeling of abandonment. A person with lack of efficiency in money to care for themselves. The abuser & the made victim mentally share in a rare sense of emotional disposition. Are accessibility to an innocence space..

The deepest threat in this violence of acts; is how eveyone at any point of time a direct victim. Including family, communities, co-workers & friends. 

The 911 calls were made; unfortunately help arrived to late. So what can be done to save those who are struggling to find their own; human strengths. And who will get deeper involved where children are unable to make a life urgency call? 

The news flash reports globally; of yellow caution tape is progressing in silence around the world. In every zipcode, age and of every race; of Domestic Violence has caught up to this generation. 


Polyamory "The practice of engaging in multiple romantic(and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved".

If there is a safe mental place of conversation to introduce or even talk to our own children about sexuality. If not physical emotions of attraction, love, lust and obsession. In both sex of men and woman. The time is here. If not they will hear the information from the world.

So many struggles our young people face. Without the years of experience & knowledge in so many emotional & physical areas of their minds & bodies. So easy to guide them in an unprotected space. Before they have to learn life is not a game. Where people will play on their minds due to misguided information, for their eagerness to experience areas that are  evident of their own vulnerabilities. 

Real people in this life; struggle to stay in love, deny themselves to find someone to love and loose their minds for not knowing how to love themselves. While the entire time children are born out of love, in love if not left for no love. As some people in the world; sit back & watch for the opportunities to educate others on their idea desires if not experience in knowledge. Are reference biblical scripture; new & old history. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...