Saturday, November 12, 2022


For only a God of compassion could of planned an exact date and time of our; chosen mother's,  father's and bloodlines. For there would be a process before the birth rights. Through our bodies, then here on earth. 

As a mother and dad anticipated patiently for months, days, minutes over nights for your final arrival date. A mother prepared in protection of her body to ensure you would be safe, loved, nourished and for 9 months a warm place to rest your precious body.  

And then it happened in the blink of an eye. The biological clock said "it's your time". As feet clicked and clattered. This water began to reign from eyes, to places of belly aches. monitored of rapid hands moving on clocks as we ran. And before we could manage controlling our breathe. this rush of anticipation made us break into this 😓. At this moment my body stretched, blood pressure rose, and heart raced. Due to the calamity of contractual pains. To ensure you  were born healthy and finally revealed to a mother and father in this light; called life.

Through the intense moments. Finally you were conceived and immediately given back to me; outside of my body. As your little warm body wiggled. I could hear your first sounds. Is when we would be formally introduced as you were placed on my warm  chest; i immediatelty bonded with your ❤️ beat. It was in that moment of time I still can feel; your tiny heart beat ontop of mine. This feeling yearned for eternity. Even in the living. But now even in death.

They say love is temporary in life. People grow in, if not out of love everyday.  People lose the desire of patience for each other. People forget we are all people of paternal father's, born from a womb of a woman. But a mother's and father's true love.  For any child this mother is either the protector r oppressor. And in every season this female made a final decision to carry of child in her womb. And this male he either intensely plans to be the best father; for this child is the blessing of his bloodline; to finally arrive. and no matter if this was not or is not your story in life; you are the birthright to a bloodline. So lets mature in ourselves and move forward; with time that is not on rewind.  There is a higher interest now involved. Either these arrival dates is anticipated or not. There is a life depending on "real love". And eventually there is this one day, but not right now. In the Book of Life it is recorded for all in humanity that reads; our final resting Takeoff dates. 

We can plan for a life with each other. We can be surprised by the unexpected in our own human participations. But we can also deny God is not of the spirit. Debate that Life is the final existence before claiming death is not or eternal. but where in mankind is the proof; where the spirit resides? In a world we created of "Life". 

Love is the greatest gift of All. No matter how much we give r take. In remembrance of each other"s Arrivals & Takeoff dates"

Love never ends. The truth is destined to surface. If the reality is it's in Faith that live's through the Spirit. 


Friday, November 4, 2022

Prince of Darkness

If the grid shut down, and there was no light in the entire world. Where could we run to; for the light?

If nothing has not really been done new under the sun by mankind. Why is death; a surprise? Or could the response be. We always knew the impossible is possible in what we are capable; of.

What if it's the associations that exposes not only our truth but how we cohabitate with each other. This desire to attract and retrieve the attention we seek from each other. where in this lifetime; has mandkind witnessed one human being that lived their entire lives with no human connection r emotions on earth.

If our truth is based on a religion, taught if not trained human morals, values and belief. And our rooted connection and identities is evident in the blood of lines through human birth. What separates any of us; from being mortal in a form of human existance..

We see the evil acts, in mankind of good often bad in man r woman. We desire the physical human being that kills another human r animal life. Whether we are trained or animalistic in our human natures, opposites do attract. So what are we lead if not follow of other human beings. We seek of our own birth identity, comfort, compassion and love from another human being.

So why, is God not of man we contest, but satan is this God that is idolized through our human flesh. For if we obtain material things through our own arrogance and vanity. we reign over each other on earth. No one talks about the experience; that occurs after life in death. And the truth research is a freewill. The reality is not one human being has returned from the process after death; to tell where the spirit is living. 

Often, ask WHY. If we all think alike and act alike; would we argue over our own likeness,  kill our likeness or control what we are in of a likeness. And if we see the earth is this round space. How do we navigate each other's thinking; to not see what we collectively see. Then what is the gravity that connects us towards each other; mentally and physically here on earth.

Sin cannot exist without the act of mankind's behavior. Life cannot exist without a mortal female & male. vice versa living creature. Both female and male cobtribute to a type of birth. Death cannot exist after the act in the body of absence from breathing life. However, the spirit lives; but where. This spirit that is truth it exist in life, so who knows what really happens to the spirit after Death. Who is really doing the talking in the living. 

We must figure out if we really want the truth, cuddle a lie r not knowing anything of wisdom to gain the knowledge. It appears "confusion is this key" of what we have to turn platforms of the communications toward this conflict educated in each other. over the course of life. even if we could coordinate the algorithms, systems and manipulative communications to debate the "Process".  Of what we need of each other; to believe. That during the "Process" of death the body is silenced. However, the residence of the spirit is a mystery in questions?

The events prior to my only son's death. There was a "Process", in the physical, as the crossover was occurring". In death the soul vacates this state of life. The  energy surges in a transition from breathing life to death. And if you are inclined in the relationship your sacred spiritual place. Then you can relate to what and how the "manifestation" is revealed in it's own  form of clarity. Seek for your own understandings in this life; you shall find, but also knock and the door shall be answered. Of "Overflowing in Wisdom".

When we can live on earth in denial. We can also respect our individual truths don't need human validation. 

Monday, October 31, 2022


When life grants second chances. It's not on purpose. There is a cause for every affect. Vice versa; there is an affect for every cause. 

Just remember at that place in darkness, of vulnerability if not uncertainty. Of what it was; you asked for in mental silence  Sacrificed for. Fast for. Prayed for. Are bartered with. For in every story of life the stage has been already set. For

Who is going to lead. 

Who is going to follow 

Who is going to fall.

Who is going to be humbled.

What is going to shut down the stage. 

Just shield this fragile heart & sometimes cluttered mind. And know we all have a purpose in our own life. Only No one really can tell another of their's; over time 

Monday, October 24, 2022


Our past is asleep, why not allow it to rest? Unless we're still trying to find unanswered questions in it.

To all my viewers I have one request. Which is please do not take this passage personal. This is not being sarcastic in a world filled with jokes. Where people forget to laugh and instead grow colder and lose hope. Before searching in each other to understand our own struggles.

I'm approaching the end of this chapter in life. And throughout it I remain at a lost for words even in my own emotions. Because we as a people swear we don't understand how we went wrong. So tomorrow I'll pick up another story in another day in time. To check back into the memoirs of our not so perfect self's. As we progress to figure our own self's out. Then hopefully one day we will either discover; the contributions we make and the seeds we plant into one another.

One confession that has proven it's truth is how pain brings out of us the best stories to share with one another. Our laughter softens the hardest hearts. And only time will spot light on who we have become.

But before we change for anything in this life in our understanding is where we must decide which way and who is going to set it up; right. Or else when we shut down in our own pivitol thinking. We have to be more cautious of whom we choose to close or open a door 🚪 too. And It does matter who they are.

I told my son If I leave behind nothing else besides love, wisdom and laughter in this life for you. I pray over your sanity. well being in a "hedge of protection"strong state of mind. But never confuse this agape love we share. to find right in any wrong doings. We all have sinned, and some will continue as wolves in sheep's clothing. Because life will deal some sour hands. Through people and for unknown reasons in every season. And this I would share with any daughter or son. Because I was blessed to be a parent of this "one".

If you believe in love; be prepared to face challenges. Not everyone is prepared to experience something different. They just show you a different face to hide their real intentions. Love is simple not negotiated. 
If you have to let, let go. Trust has to be earned. Not to be buried through for the real TRUTH.
If you have to move, move on. Time will not allow us to push rewind.
If you know you were not wrong, be prepared to live with it. Don't waste to much time trying to fix what remains as it is.
If your heart is hardened,  and you see no sense to change in it. Be prepared to remain in a small capsule of insanity.
If you're a giver; sometime prepare to be taken.
If you're a taker; prepare to be a giver. It's impossible to rob your way through life. Without paying a price. 
If you don't believe; suit up for reality.
If you are a liar; be prepared to face your truth.
If you are a changed person; be careful of what or whom could contribute to what you convert back into.

If you are a Silly Person is this life; be prepared to be judged by people who don't take a long enough look back into the mirror at another SILLY PERSON dressed up in our best. For what is ahead of us in many TEST. Now that the ELEPHANT has entered the real world we can no longer remain little boys and little girls.

One day, when these people in life who showed love for you. Knew in their hearts; you were the least expected to stand Still and wither their storms.

Often its those who are left behind that ponder if not figure it out. Did any people who had time to know, you for themsleves not appreciate this friend who would answer in the midnight hour. The friend who never had a lot of money to give; but saw a need and stepped right into share. The friend who had their own burdens to carry in this life. That friend who valued themselves. Because they knew their own self worth. that friend who would make time to keenly listen in, and help. The friend you thought was being taken by you advantage of. Thinking GOD did not see every move. And would not alway's take care of them. Even when they were no longer here on earth. The spirit still lives. How, think about one human being that has the power to prove God is not of a spirit watching over the entire world..

If you want to expose the FAKE, allow people to think they are smarter than the "PROCESS", and do evil in this life. But not smarter than the process; of what the name of "GOD" is capable of working out

Friday, October 21, 2022


For generations, we are born, groomed, and.  instructed. Then acclimate to when,what, whom and how. Until one day we finally figure out when, and where do we process years of information. Unfortunately no one really ask if this information will be  conducive to the year's ahead. For life is destined to change; what we see, and how we individually feel. After our own l8fe experiences. 

We are the makeup of females & male's. Both human beings that think; but express our opinons because of differences. either we progress together or apart, groom in wisdom are remain in a state of neutral.

lf you can deny your own; guilt. The truth is manipulation is a behavior that anyone can fall into. thinking right is wrong. but wrong would mean acceptance has to occur.

Life is short, and until we mentally accept losing is ok. Just accept it. If it occurs in the same place. of the same type of mindset. then change the approach; not attempt to play other people. winning.

So as this puppet sits lifeless, its the master of attitude behind it.

Tomorrow is coming, and not one living being is invincible. whether you, us are them wake up to see what tomorrow holds.

Friday, October 14, 2022


 She is the makeup in all races and ages of this female; anatomy. This female of dimensional curves. sometimes "she"is soft spoken; this woman that is desired of.  sometimes "she" needs to be heard, often she yearns for attention "just to feel appreciated". But so does this male her companion created on earth..

She is often desired. She is sometimes unrecognized. She is of resistant passion and desire. She is also a student continuing of being educated while learning about herself; mentally and physically in this complexion of skin she wears. 

She was birth into this universe; to give life unto our sons  and daughters. This female created in the human flesh.  United with a male called man. This man the father, son and man of many titles. Born to also nurture, protect and provide u to this woman known as female who will add if not subtract. Life in one universe of All of life of 1breath in 1 mankind. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


The elephant is the room. Has been recognized in every space around each corner of the world. Of every generation. So if the myth is this elephant is always expected to appear. Then what is the end result to understand why the elephant; is always near.

We ask; why did this happen..

We ask; who could of done it.

We predict; but not underestimate our own predictions. 

We judge; but not judge the process.

We eliminate the threats; that may are not ever existed.

It's expected to occur. But no preparation has every been thorough. 

We enjoy entertainment. We feel disrespected by unannouncements. 

Who is We, Us are Them. If the Elephant is always expected to be an expected; guest. Then what is not to be expected in a world we question of what to expect by following, leading if not depending on of "trust the process".  

Monday, October 10, 2022


In life we ask each other for forgiveness. And more than often we deny "of asking forgiveness of ourselves. 

In life we make promises. Often the same promises or inevitable of being broken. Not always on purpose. It's life and circumstances that just happen.

In life we seek shelter, love and security in or from each other. It's those higher expectations we place not always on ourselves; just on one another.

In life it's inevitable we grow weary if not tired. It's obvious finding a peace of mind is work but priceless.

In life we assume our differences are a priority over each other's understanding; when all it takes is; a little time to initiate some communication, respect and patience.

In life we expose each other. And more than often accountability is this debate. So somehow we either remain divided in. If not end up of many platforms; the world is watching, listening and judging each other on.

In life we agree the children of all races do suffer the most. But if  we were to change the narrative in our own stories, struggles and differences; still there will be some people who would make the difference matter with no reservation, other's would debate the change to continue living in dysfunction. And the remainder would simply setback and be OK it's not affecting them "today".


What could possibily be at the end of the world. Another place of this world. Created in man's imagination. Of a world that only a few not many can exist; once the aftermath has taken place here on earth?

Religion is one's choice, science is this study of earth, mortality is found in the living. Life is for all and it's natural inhabitants on earth. And beyond any place in the atmosphere. Where is the last of Facts r paper work that human or any existence is the new beginning on Mars. From whom exist in the present. Of the last of morality in all existence on earth.

Time is the element no man can change. The universe is this space no man can control. Air is this one vent all of mortal existence; breathe's through. So what are we running from of each other over time. To find in this 1 space called life. To reincarnate of our own timely existence. Of another world human existence on mars. As we presently no longer respect the value of living here on earth. To humanly believe Compassion for one another; exist in another after life. That can now exist. Within 1 plan "for a few in humanity to live a longer life. Of human existance over many" on Mars.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


One day came again. Is when the sun will rise from another sunset. In this space called Life. And on this day in every corner of the world. 

Car engines roar, humming birds; sing. Coffee is brewing, orange juice if not apple juice is set on many tables around the world. As the bacon and eggs are shimmering in a hot pan. The toaster is about to blast off. As the children wiggle out of bed. There is an elder reading the paper in that comfy rocking chair. Are maybe someone he standing, outside. succulently consuming that morning brisk of fresh air. 

All around the world is the element called "time". And all around the world there is this existence of "life". 

One day a parent called; to a familiar voice. And the on the other end. This voice answered with excitement, and said "Good morning". One evening the exchange of this action of "communication" occurred. Where a mother and adult child ,"listened and shared", another life experience as the roles never differ.

"Today, Minnie me had a hiccup mom", the mother replied to her own adult child. "Baby no matter how old we are. In this life we're destined to have a hiccup more than once r twice". The child began to laugh in the background listening to the dad talk to his grandma,". Together they learned a valuable lesson that even adults also can a day with a hiccup. And because of this hiccup. This trio will never forget a moment in time. Where parents share, about their own children. And children feel comfortable to share about their own good and bad; life experiences; big or small. Even though, the child earned a Rainbow. Grandma, Dad & son will never forget; how a 🌈 Rainbow came after a hiccup" and how  they all shared 

Life is short. Listen more. Time is all we either have. Until we, are time is no longer..

This Rainbow; symbolizes what we share under it. In life of our own personal human journey's. And one we will share; the outcome after one, two or maybe three  hiccups. 

In memory of my beloved ♥️ 1991-2020. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Gas Light

1944 Film "Gas Light.

In a manipulated technique used. On another person; through their own mental space. Where the seed is planted. And the manipulation is taking place.

In the mind is a strong or fragile place. It's time and uncertainty that wears in any human state.

How can it be, we can manipulate each other; through a form of communication. To possess this physcological control. Of a freewill soul. to question; their own human ability. To think, speak are act in a manner of their own mindset.

The old saying is "blind, leading the blind". Vulnerability and insecurities is a dangerous place. So what happens when you are aware of one's self. This whole individual person. That is connected in this skin of which you wear. As another human being without a sense of touch. But through conversation detered you into questioning your own self. Remember in the brain is a strong or fragile; place. Protect your sanctuary in a small space. That only you control of your own individual thinking. 


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...