Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Humanity is nations of All mankind in every kindred of bloodlines. Of this  decadent contrast in every; race, gender  & age.
Angel L was inspired by the history of life experiences. And again, suffering is the makeup in our legacies. And for every cause of social injustices is the action of a reaction. Written & spoken testimonials based through vast vessels of voices. Due to current of continuing past events. We as the People live in. Because we are the People writing the continuance of our own human history. Of Life experiences in every world event. Included is  my own color of people, your color of people, their color of people; because we live. In a world of People we are the make up in DNA; of many but a physical body. Searching as a movement of 1 set; foot prints, rewalking the paths of our ancestors. On this earth. We long for protection & direction from each other. To figure out either compassion if not fear, is this emotion that has been bottled up. Inside of our own skin tone of every color we struggle into grow & mature. 

This sacred place, of society, prayer & worship. Many seek, some find it internally, as others rant in blasphemy. Of its literature & others beliefs.

The human call for help over the history of mankind. A call often made through All in of our Religions, Hope & Faith or existence. Imbedded in our  individuality, is a society of diversity in the People; freewills. The sadness is how come the news only advertises to the world; the mental bondage. Sign of the times knowing People will not allow; the mental bondage to be turned around.  

This 1 key in mankind for All to possess of their self value in human Morals, Values & Beliefs. As it is this element of Time searched for through  human history. To forfill the expectations; each other has searched in each other; over generations


And if we continue to fiercely debate the internal of the external faces. While transitioning in a life of uncontrollable diversity. Without one of these 3 elements, we will have All surely discarded the real course. To live in harmony. As we physically wander back & forth. To mentally  wonder; why our structure is segregated by the scope of racial tensions "hatred, lies". Causing our understandings to be for generations segregated apart. Based off the education systems spilled over into our foundations. The roots in our own history. Used of that vehichle driven by  decision making; towards one another. Leaving our fragile Hearts & Souls unsavored for each other.

Rest my son. 1991-2020

-If we in humanity be the Salt of the earth. Then what happen to it's Savor; from knowing the past. To educating truth moving forward. From our last generation; to see our only chance of reshaping the future.

Monday, May 8, 2023


The Good or Bad karma, we, us are them; sew into the soil of this earth. Eventually will return back to All; a Good or Bad seed in every season. 

The moral is this. 

Gems, don't possess the physical or mental capabilty of hiding their own; original authencity. Are neither, whether it be images. Or human being's in the skin. Gems are often overlooked & misplaced. Because of the bad seeds planted in places of what was originally never protected & cherised. But eventually it will be revealed of what has resurfaced. From the history in All; of the past. Birth forward of the Gems; born into this generation.

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Over millions of networks. Data is stored and then released; across the world. 

So we ask, about Privacy concerns. And how safe is anytypes of information; from the threat of Ransomware? Anyone can be the victim. Not limited to credible information needed for justice to be fully being served. 

As digital currency, is a hot topic. Money is still the highest commodity. Amongst Gold & Silver. Oil barrels and Blood Diamonds. 

This world was created for this unit called family. And then there existed the basic needs. For many days ahead the world would change. But not the need people seeked of products verses the demand. Managed by the distribution. As the real hands of every Blue & White collar surrendered each of knowledge. Some educated, some trained, some internally gifted whom selected to service as others were chose to lead. The reality the shifts never ended; over generations.

Have we yet to figure out; Algorithm vs. Math. People vs. Family. Economics vs. Demographics all based around the element of "Time and Era's of human History".

Education is not limited to what we're only taught. Why? Often the resources are not allocated so understandings fall short. Is why life teaches every; culture, race and age of People that change is inevitable.

Friday, April 28, 2023


Every now & then. A trip is mandatory. Why, because any person including a child. Moved to the front of the line of the TSA precheck is worth it All. Because we are those in humanity wearing multiple hats. And time has destined US to need a getaway; from all of the monotony.  

So for decades people & passports continue to travel; worldwide. Including foreign, international or domestic. If not finding hidden gems within our own hometowns.

But as time changed our environments, so did  People shift. Is when we reflect to a past or present time in our own life. While traveling to and fro amongst this world. Does not always mean we are All moving in a state of physical mobility. So I took inventory of my own life. And noticed where the world is filled with amazing scenary. The reasoning to why I planted seeds of travel in the mind of my only son. But an early age he could one day look back & mentally reflect through his own vision. I wanted him to know there is two sides of your real life. The world we are patented through parenting from our natural birthdates. Often I still wonder is parenting about; knowing one day we will emulate the seeds sown in us. From what was of themselves. In order to apply it the world we All will eventually venture out; into. To better understand where is it we fit in. While learning more about other People, Cultures & most importantly the real vehicles that cultivate a world around growth & expansion.

The next generation is destined to repeat our foot prints made in history. This generation will also leap into this world. Filled with their own state of being in curiosity. Anticipating those new adventures & relationships. Unfortunately it's inevitable of time. That we posses the human capability to teach them every direction. On many journey's; they are destined to reach of detours until figuring out the approach of being rerouted. In those seeds that grew in due season. Of what we plant in them today, that will grow inside of them over-time.

If we ever needed to Allow each other action of respect. The respect of  just knowing why. To grasp a moment to breathe, sight see & reminisce together. if not respect sometimes the divided space is more appreciated, apart. In places we are destined to cross each other's path. And for a peace of mind; regardless of where our travels take us. If visiting to another country locate the American Embassy. Are simply register with

A well planned trip alleviates some unforseen mishaps in this life. As we continue in moving abroad. Of a time that is priceless & precious.

Celebrate the life we  equally cohabitate in. While living in spaces together; divided by human boundaries. There is a positive light. Knowing the inevitable.  There is vehicles accelerating negative narratives; traveling abroad.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Over the history of  human existence. We have witnessed; collectively in every culture & race; the progression of the human race.

Over the course of life; it remains a mystery to why; were we born to find our individual purpose in a world of purpose for mankind. As a human race we have Lived & demised in different eras of each other. A history based on on our past & future legacies. Breeded  biologically because of our roots to DNA. 

The DNA that flows in our human bodies. Traced backed to validate; a right to human identities. Is where our birthright's began. of life on earth. Of many races of mother's & father's. Who acted in cohabitation with each each other. Creating the seeds of  human life. Prospering generations in mankind with children. So, yes it's undeniable. For every human being in this life. The makeup is every biological root in families that traces back; to our original identities.

If we were to even attempt to unravel why  Religion is a strong belief in humanity. We then must address our own human actions. For it has been over centuries of  argument; to why did the judgement lead to the final persecution.

If time is not tangible. Life is this vapor of air & space. Then who in humanity is the chosen  of Power to dictate; one human race. Of all was chosen unto a life given of freewill.

To choose or not to; believe. Is still knowing the difference. How so, because we are the makeup of life. Born unto each other. Educated by each other. But created for a purpose; amongst another. 

In All knowing; mankind has watched closely the progression of it's own existence. Throughout the course of life. It was the history for mankind was given a purpose in life; originally written for a course over time. And for every human act is the details of our own history. Where dates & Time has proven Humanity has either chosen; right or wrong. So we stand in the presence of each other around the world. To continue figuring out; purpose. As we judge each other. It's our goverment identities that bound us in civilization. And our human roots & the connections over time; that bring it All together, moving forward.

Friday, April 14, 2023


Money, has know conscious. However, people do. So, what is economics;  money that is invested then allocated. 

Money is relevant, however people are not. What blends the two together is who handles the both.

Guidance, is an action. And for every action is the effect. We where created from a woman's womb. And often raised according to a females; perspective & views. However, it is relevant  we do not dismiss the male. who completes the "DNA" traits. Of all our family in generations. That we value to pass down of every legacy, each of US will claim, surrender if not be denied by blended and severance in family ties.   

The reality is the State of existence affects Us All.  The privacy rights for generations has been tampered with, infrastructure divides communities, roads and bridges, violence affects society, banking; is justifying red lining. And for retirement, the age limit is reaching beyond the physical & mental; capacity. 

Money, the strongest currency in the world. THE money that impacts the future of every living soul. 

The sins of our past do not alway's have to pass down. Where our Emotions vs. Rational changes is invested.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Juvenile System

The children are our future. Look at how far we have come from birthing the children; in this world. And although we cannot deny it was a females body that carried this child for 9 months. We cannot deny there is the paternal father who is also the DNA makeup of his or her bloodline.

All over the world our children is facing; adversity. and it adversity does not discriminate DNA. 

All over the world leadership is facing backlash. Regarding the systems to decifer if change is necessary vs. what is the makeup of a broken; system. 

All over the world People are changing their views regarding; economics, infrastructure, religion & education.

Incarceration is not limited to walls & bars. Mental Incarceration is possible to; spread in  every culture that denies what struggle looks like in real times. The reality humanity just did not plan on that 1 narrative; that was destined to change the entire world. What we, us are them  decide today. It will be the children that is destined to write our future.

Monday, April 10, 2023


This entry covers the entirety of the world. Because the money is transitioning around the Globe. As Leadership has shaken hands from several world countries. To finalize; ammicable communications over negotiations. Research the BRICS. And no the general public is not educated at this point about; the authencity of the insider details. 

So, the outcome will eventually conclude of the fiduciary duty to release unto the public a notice. By the bankers to the investors that will proceed in doing of local, international & global tradings. 

Remember if you hold stake in anytype of secured or non secured investment. It would behoove you to reevaluate your institutional relationships. Why, the  entire world is changing in the Blink of an eye. & the FDIC insures up to $250k. Unless other blanket securities is in a holding.  

So, what about Government assistance & Medicaid? Well, voting & registrations is still a freewill; its public information of the age requirement. That will determine our future & status. That domino affect that will reach every family financial foundation. We are not destined to live the same lifestyles during a turbulence. However, what we are educated today for tomorrow will determine; Pro Quo statuses. 

The Good news; education has a diversified portfolio. And one question will alway's be repeated "what does this mean"? And for generations, of red tape & respirations. The impartiality of answers will never change. 

If a child is educated on the value of every bill. That child will figure out the quantity in pennies, nickels, dimes & quarters is the coins that eventually add up to money. And if a child knows soil is beneath the ground; they will eventually experiment & identify with; what is built, sown then grown on the Land above it. 

The wording that establishes an Institution & Systems are designed for the people throughout life history; of investments in whatever. By the allocation of; the services. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Privacy Rights

The structure was implemented of branches in Goverment. However, the guidelines & protocols. Will require every consumer's prompt attention to seek the resources to be further educated; by pardon if  one to another. 

The moral is this if Our  world continues to evolve. The next level of education, is critical; for All.

These small Children are the next generation of  consumers to face life changing challenges. Of what we currently are of as Leaders, Families, Parents & All People  Transforming in; of who makes the Powerful decisions; today. That will dictate the choices in what has or not been genuinely communicated  about. The change is drastic. And knowing how to approach anytype of transition in life with the Power of Freewill will determine; a measurement in progression. Towards a future no one can project  of it. In a Climate or undertermined Climax. 

RIP the old days & ways, our thinking must change. For this New World we must All be educated on a few critical facts to motivate more Growth; in our indivual self's.

Ghost Writer "1991-2020".


All over the world; our educator's known as  teacher's are preparing lesson plans. As Principals are securing the premises, school board officials are reviewing the projective budgets, and ratios of academics. As all races of children is to be expected in attendance. And even Pre-k students is expected to attend. For our children to excel education is crucial. In the early development stage of their own life journey. The Public education starts with Plans to prep for success. By reaching & retaining all these children around the world. By showing consistency in supporting the path of their next level; of graduations, college degrees, trades, professional careers, job training skills. If not enlisting in the military. And pardon on behalf of this entry, of any anticipated discretion. The Reality is our World is right now; shifting. With or Without; the necessities desperately needed of tool's to further the education systems; throughout the entire world children need our undivided; help.

So what has transitioned in education? First, lets review the Narrative. Second, learning is expected to be the first developmental skill that is educated at that childs foundation. And lastly, a strong support system and role models is the pillar of that childs encourgement. That will shadow all races of children. 

As a child, my mothers profession was in education "special needs and counseling". Did I have 1 advantage. Yes, I had a solid foundation. That changed the narrative with encouragement to further seek more education. And yes, this characteristic was passed on to my only son, and he then passed. But should this chracteristic pass on; the question is are we All educated to a level to commit ourselves to All progress in knowledge. I remember the approach taken attending pre-k, elementary, middle & high school, then college History vs. Sociology. Knowing The foundation of education is still the makeup of  History. Of All People of many cultures. Of many human actions. From causes to affects, and contributions to accomplishments. That created a chain reaction in humanity of life changing events. This history including every country that remains open for platform's to address generations of Q&A's. Why, we still lack in understanding more of individuality in History. That has not changed it's actual occurrences. It's what is presented in the classrooms of historical events. That reshaped our understandings in education over generations. Is the history that is reiterated but "paraphrased". So no culture is thoroughly educated about each other's "authencity". And historical facts is not hidden in books on shelf's. The books are written & available resources. But for generations we have become accustomed to what is educated in the classrooms. If not society. That remain; greatly debated amongst ourselves; and Platforms around the world. 

So, in reality can we honestly respect we even know enough about our own generational history. To educate our own children in this new generation. So moving forward they alone can engage individually through the diversity & adversity. Knowing education is still segregated by what is taught about the real People who make up the original history. 

All children will face life obstacle's. Thereforce they will face diversity based on their; economics, social skills, educational backgrounds, job skills, academics, and scholar advantages. Even to attend Private Sectors. Overall, public or private safety is another level of human conversations; mental illness is a condition in all ages. While around the world we are attempting to figure out; of who & what is to be done in peace; to save ourselfs. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Simplified; the way a culture stereotypes a  women in a dicriminatory way; in every corner of the world. 

So, how is. Are who are the electives that identifies a Culture; that separates the existence  of woman & men, boys, and females. Where both were created at the beginning of the world?

And what is Sex without a woman; to produce this child birth. And Sexism be the topic of this same woman. Are is it the "type of female", in a world that makes up the population. Amongst men & boys. Made from the DNA of this female & woman. 

What is it about each other; over generations people have managed to cohabitate together. Until people manage vehicles that implement the division; amongst each other.  

What could we have managed of survival & manifested in bloodlines without a woman. And how could we of multiplied without the seeds of a man's DNA. Judgement of each other. Does not erase the history together men & woman created.


Unbelievable! If anything could ever occur. In this lifetime. That's in reality unbelievable on earth. Remain in tact. For what & Wh...