Thursday, January 4, 2024

Speed dial

Have you ever listen to what people are saying? I mean in a way of distingushing if the form of communication is a; statement, remark or a comment that leaves a question mark?

Because not every one is seeking a response, sometimes people just need you to listen.

Have you recently ignored a Text message? And later answered with a delayed response.

Has another person ask; you did not have a good year, last year? An  attempt to troll through your head..

Have you told yourself  lately "I love you, more". Before quickly replying back " I love you to". With no hesitation.

Have you ever wandered are caught, whose watching each other; around a room, space, place in this world. As you are focused on what's directly ahead of you?

Wonder why, 8 am causes chaos? When human choices is optional.

In any moment from now; watch & listen, for "Talk To Me", is body language speaking outloud.

Have you wasted or spent quality time. On yourself or maybe something or someone else? Ever Repeated the pattern over again. On another day, in another moment.

If this world is made up of human interactions. Then how do we not know; the action of two way communications.


When in doubt; breathe, sit and figure it out. By taking inventory of those last steps, moving forward.

It's just inevitable to predict what the future will reveal. However, what is within our individual control is; prayer, plan in meditation. If not it's being impatience, and over confident arrogance to making quick moves. 

Things to investigate Is how much, if not how less. And when do or they will make a next step. Depending on the circumstance and facts. Again this is life. People's perception is we're all competing guest. Playing in a gaming mindset of  checkers, chess if not russian roulette. And no title of a human being is the exception of exemption. Why, in this life, humans act as if there is still something NEW to be done, under the "SUN, observed by the "SON".

Alway's remember to understand self-care is to love on oneself. Are this journey will appear to not be; clear of what is seen, heard & heart felt. 

On this journey I listened to a voice speak 'ma People got issues with themselves'. I eventually resignated with the speaker's main point. Is because of this "pain" we are destined to feel in humanity. As we attempt To identify if and when is the "what's next" from each other. Because in humanity each person is humanly accountable for oneself if not blaming someone else. Even in places we deny ourselves to be healed. Of what is broken inside. That reveals the WHY. We fault one another. For being broken by the actions of each other. 

Once life has taken it's toll on our human hearts. The filter pours out in our human thoughts. Of what should be based on; of how we see of each other; if not ourselves. Without thinking twice. Into what we've managed to do as humans in this life; that affects & has affected one another overtime.

If we could only tell the truth about the secrets in these human hearts. Eventually healing could start. In places  money can't buy; accountability, appreciation, respect & agape love.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Good morning, Good evening & Goodnight. Around the world as the sun rises; it also sets. As well, as of We in humanity.

Doomsday is a discrimanatory word. Each if not everyone across this entire world has seen of some course of nature if not heard; in literatured conversations. And whether we pause, plan to react or just sit still. Time can only prevail what this word actually has planned accross this entire world.

Live life to the fullest. Fear is this most Powerful element to driving vehicles of; chaos & insecurity. However, Respect that time will settle every debt. Once Time appears at any given moment. Why, because there is nothing in this entire "Universe", that has not been birth, and done on earth. Under the sun is mankind.  Beyond the waters & oceans. To the deepest of the Earth's core; of it's original created foundation.

Ghost Writer


Friday, December 29, 2023


It's Time that will prevail. The Beauty & Ashes of this World.

To all of one, may peace be the guide in our individual lives of storms.

Love be the Tool in every life currant. 

Peacec of Mind be the safe place to pray. If not seek of Hope to restore Faith.

One day the Truth will set the Tone in the Light. Where freedom will breathe full life in this world. Of darkness that struggles to dwell.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


To All of in ages; around the world. Gather up Boys, Tots, adults and Girls. So much of life has happened, over the years. But yet we're still here!

So, let's gather in a comforting space, nestle down. And tell our stories. The stories that will set the tone. That even a child is anticipating a feeling of comfort & peace of mind. 

One day the music paused, laughter was silenced. And peace was in this world. Is when Time stood still. 

Then, again. One day came. In a new season; of contrast of colors & sounds. Good news had finally arrived. The birth of a New World was born. Because of the GIFT. This gift of life; for All in Humanity.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023


A New Year is closer to 2024. And preparation is an excellent start. For whatever you envision of your next chapter; will be written. By a Best Selling Author. Based on our individual life experiences. Thanks to Time for being non discriminatory,  24/7/365 days a year. It was alway'sTime that recorded US; in All of mankind. Even  amongst borders, secrets and fine grey areas in lines.

In memory of yesterday. Why, because The legacy of life. Is still being written patiently. According to Time. By every Author who  has documented every step of each other's & our own life. Is many stories about ownership, and trademarked of personal journey's. Stiched on in every case recorded. Of human life; including sensitive documented & undocumented history.

In acknowledgement of the; babies pure at heart, youth & elders stay keen in thoughts. Wisdom is a gift. And it was humanity that fufilled every story in life; eventually you will be tested. Because Power is Knowledge for every seed planted; somethings grow in roots. For our legacy to pass on. Makes up the worlds history. And just incase we are called to release of those in the missing of this life. Our tears, sweat & blood still lives. Although we can't plead a case to reclaim of your natural breath to resune a place back in this life.  Moving forward  every life on earth a story will continue to be written. Until Time turns these days of light into permanent night. And the final compilation n All of humanity; is entered.

The course is ran by All in humanity. There is nothing new, that has not be done Under the Sun of A Son. As it was The committment that tested our human; faiths. While the Truth vs. Lies shined light throughtout Time in every move made in humanity. Of the who, the what, the when and the how. It All started & ended. Of what was enforced of obscured Obligations. That divided, US in All in focusing. On who would stay in Faith & Committed; to stand for the final World ending

History writes it's own story. We in humanity just fufill every story.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


In this room I can envision beyond lifes challenges, obstacles & sometimes life has its plan for our real time adversity of broken moments. For in this room filled with gentleness. Is the light & magnetic forces of flowing energy. That reminds me time; offers a space of security, comfort, tranquility & peace. 

In this room I can stare through the clear glass, beyond it is trees, and the mist covering over the landscapes of color & beauty. My eyes fill with expectations over the experience. Because of human life. I am encouraged, for knowing every season and holiday that pass.  Another season will bloom; moving forward.

So, always ask Why, is Time changing. Reality is No one really knows. Therefore find a reason to decide what is it we allow ourselves to live in? If not exist of? For a short or long term. In the presence of life precious moments. And before Time reminds Us All in humanity; to Cherish & safeguard a state of mental peace. 

Remember the "Why", we do posses a freewill to live in this life. And without reservation or permission from one another. Find a room you can "feel" the Ambience; to unwind, reconnect, relect and take inventory of one self.

Monday, November 27, 2023


At what age does setting boundaries start? At what stage is boundaries; respected by All.. Well, until understandings in our personal feelings & needs are figured out. We can begin the healing if not maturing in; self expression  in honoring of our own set in human personal boundaries.

Question, how do we begin as human beings to recognize that even children possess their own form of setting personal boundaries? And more than often boundaries are overstepped. In knowledge or uneducated awareness. Which occurs at every age on every type of association & relationship category. 

Why, until we figure out suppression of our own personal feelings disturbs finding a "Balance" in ourselves. Where we possess any form of limitation that is set in our own lives. Of what is allowed to figuring out. Who is in control. Around time desperately needed; to figuring out more about ourselves as people.

We know children are born to a set of DNA, paternal & maternal people. These same people is the makeup to these born babies. As the developmental stages of growth progress. So, do we as these human beings in our individual feelings. The reality is progression does not always occur; at the same time around stages of any human development. 

In the real world; it takes a village to raise 1 child. And a familiy in unity is not limited to individiual families.  In humanity we have cohabitated in a broad way. With or without every human beings respect of consistency in personal boundaries. But also, is our individual common sense of human understandings. Of identifying with what is allowed of a resources to assist, support and educate each other. In how to move forward in progression to emotionally heal. Because 1 day we will become these same parents of all people in this world. And what we are groomed & educated on. To personally grow will influence & impact us individually; in All. 

As we coexist in a world of searching if not in each other. For security of our own; identities.

Scenario; death separates parents, families and children. Not limited to blended families. Regardless of the status people are affected; emotionally & financially. However, boundaries will shift. So, does the human expectations, types of communication. And reality of real life human situations. 

We All are people of many races. That belong to generations of bloodines in DNA. A relationship does not establish the history of our self identity. So, we search in each other a sense of belonging to each other if not individual; existence. 

The moral is we in humanity of All people "Judge". However, no one was created in this entire life. Without roots tied in DNA. Every human being is born with an identify. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Business Affairs

The good news is partnerships stretch accross the world. And yes, there is always the downside in everything & form of communication.

That starts and end with clarity, respect in anytype of long & short term business relationship.

The idea Business Plan starts with the "Vision, Purpose and Execution". For the business is to flow in success. Meet the product & Demand for generations. however, the prospects don't always flow in the created Algorithm.

Why, is business successful but complicated. The inevitable is not All will ever find satisfaction with the Time it requires of real talk not pillow talk in communications. To manage a level of  ligitimate Options. For the Pace is alway's under if not over; projected. Due to the much needed; Knowledge & Patience. To delivery a variety of  "Inventory", for ALL types of people. 

The moral is at a turning point in this life, we All possess basic human needs. However, to understand there is a process for All to succeed. not necessarily at the same time. But in respect of our individual human understandings. It will require the Affairs in this life to incorporate; each other we are attempting to package up. To be received and  open for proper & improper forms of how we approach one another. And note it's not alway's formal, sometimes informal to reach a negotiation. In, Accross and Around this Entire World. It will always exist deliverance of a narrative. On platforms to diagnois under a looking glass. The Affairs of this Life. That will interrupt the balance & flow; of what we in humanity needed in one another; to simply prosper &  learn how to approach the growth in each other. 

Monday, November 13, 2023


There is a direction provided in Biblical Scripture. But we, us and those must determine; if or not in our Faith or Service of whom & what is it we Trust. 

There is two paths offered in this life. One is the path that is Narrow & long. And the 2nd path is Broad & open, we in humanity get to choose. Depending on what we desire in this flesh to believe. Of what the hands can touch, tongue can speak, ears can consume, and naked eye monitor of our every move. That Will determine; a cause for the affect with no scheduled reservations 

And we can accept to acknowledge are deny it. Of the actual beginning & final ending (Light vs. Darkness).

The State of Affairs; is this moment, we're All in the THICK of it together. Where the struggle is so real. For a Solution to just Heal. While abroad is that pushing vehicle; motivating doubt. 

Truth is what can be proven of any of our own human ideas, instincts, myths and reasonings in this skin we're All covered in. Once knowing SIN. remains the actual state of affair. No one has escaped in this entire world.

The beauty of life is; we have proven to not be interrupted of our human choices. For this gift of life remains disrupted. The reality is Salvation and acknowledgment of the paths are available.  Eventually All in humanity is destined to cross at any given time on Earth. Noted fear is an option. And awareness is confidence in knowing it. 

Time who can predict it without a clock or in darkness if there was no light? Deliverance who can determine it, as these bodies desire rest? While judgement of each other is time consumed; being wasted on earth.

Friday, October 20, 2023


Right or Wrong, wrong are right. The reality is accepting the accountability.

The blurred grey lines is no one wants to accept; at fault, of failure or setup for a setback. If not setback for a setup.

Why, over human history we have all struggled based on someone else's choices, our own decision making if not reckless behaviors throughout this entire world. The good news is Time is All humanity has in this final place of residency on earth. To fix our wrongs to rights, to face who should of, could of but chose not to see of the light. 

The world was created in the image of uniqueness. Mankind was birth to exist and breathe life into a world through relationships of All sorts. But over generations division stirred the relations off course. Throughout the history of mankind.

Hope & Faith still exist, only if We All aligned in Time to bow down with grace not embarassment. And acknowledge it's in this Hope & Faith; we shall All see Mercy is destined to make the world of humanity change. If not find rest in a state of Peace.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...