Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Blink of An Eye

In a world filled with People. A house must be built in our hearts. To see it clearly sitting on a solid foundation; alone or with anyone else.

'ok mom, that's all the information. This is all the information I can contain today. I love you & we'll pick on another day, with a new conversation'. They will attempt to configure this lingering feeling. For the Why, because life is changing with Time. In the Blink of An Eye. 

In the history of mankind; we have researched each other's depths of existence; through our own minds. We have written countless pages the history of generations throughout time. We have recorded history in sold and created pictures frames; frozen throughout gaps of time. We have traveled & wondered. Gossip & Laugh. We have cried & then weep; over divorces, marriages, births and closer in All types of human relationships.

We have studied & taught religions, and fought amongst each other; in every creed. Openly & Privately. At the same time while Advocating, Encouraging, Initiations  Hate, Unity and of street credibility. Creating these world wide Affairs. That turned into Wars, of combat around this entire world. Is  the activities. While Watching in our own communities, homesteads. As in society there is the standing in bold of presences; judgment. Included is systems.

We are at fault by each other; in remembrance, forgiveness. If not the fallen & exhausted over the forgotten. 

We are of those who still sleep & awake  in the breathe of Life's light. As some are planning attempts to vacate; mother earth. The Biblical word is 'there will be no place to hide'. In the same life; we attempt to mentally if not physically escape one. To only run to another. To end up back in the same spaces; of each other. Why, Time, Width & Space holds the All the mysterious answers. As humanity we just evolve in this Life. A life that's not negotiated humans to dictate change for each other. But build in plan. For the depths to secure mankind's existence. Because of actions in this life. We in humanity will write it's story. 

Ask one more time; who is without flaws of human presence. To get to the surface of who possess the faults. And ownerships; amongst US in Humanity is Still All.

I'd rather breath a life in Wisdom. Possess faith in my bossom. Than to realize. To be oppressed to exist in a mindset in this world. Of mankind; is not living. Where Power is replaced for Wisdom. While knowing why a world will or may not exist; of Beauty & Ashes, amongst there is human Flaws. Why, a state of  Human Affairs has to exist. And Within a Blink of An Eye. It could be better. But if is change is a struggle in the an Entire World. Then peace be in All.

In memory of Life still exist is Love. Becautious of whomever or whatever is offered as; an Out. I'm a world that's always accounted for in the Book of Life.

Tell the children, in All races, ages, genders, & creeds. Is the history. 


In this life if you're physically capable. And mentally paired. We hold the accountability; to earn.

Earn of what though, EIC is what IRS regulates it is; every Tax year. For the history of mankind will pass this check ✔️ on to generations. However, what is rooted in our individuality. Is how  People are built; internally. In ownership of what they can possess in the physical and mental. To argue & debate. Over who or has the human rights to; what in this life. Of what they have earned or not. And it does not matter who in details hides or voluntarily initiates their grind. We all have benefited from one another in this life. If not from our own independent investments. Of our individual; choices.

In reality we don't owe each other; anything in this life. But a little more respect may initiate peace & change. However, what we have earned is the liability of each other, by a fault. Why, and how. Between one to another. What really makes anyone of us a liability or an asset; in this life. To each other. Is when we feel entirely entitled to one another. Or either we celebrate each others accomplishments. In who has or is earning what. Is that what is still possessed internally in the person built to; perform.

We're not super heroes. I even heard my son being described, out of the mouths is that tongue. We're Just people put on pedestals. In the presence of whomever is gawking. So why, speak on it. The human act is already done. And engaging in any type of human judgement; is the ammunition. To stir around in what type of conversations; continue to control the narrative. Without reasons to find actual facts. Not knowing the facts mixes up the ingredients. Remember even in judgement. There is no limitation in status pro quo. The reality is the engagements is always subjective to be unequivocal. Including associates. Exist the algorithm in checks & balances. Why, think hard what really makes common sense anymore in this life?  If we're to acknowledge what has been said; but deny was is done. In being earned, smithed, commingled, flat out taken. Or in place for reinvestments to flip. Once again. In every relationship in a structure of mankind's craftsmanship.

Yesterday has happened. So today, what is the next or old Topic?

Paternal Instinct

Acceptance or Non acceptable is based on the request then submission if not just history. People make history together. However, figuring out each other's truth. May be a request or denial to actual testing, of factual evidence produced. Why, printed ink only concluded an official signature or signage has been overlooked, observed are just initiate on a piece or several pages; in this life time. But what was the state of mind? At that time? What was the real raw history involved? Who was the names & faces  including families involved that know the history in the living of All? And what was is the real concern. Concerns in this life of fragile hearts still lingering. In the physical & mental places that still have questions. We just don't know each other's facts in business or relationships. But the signer's and those involved. Can confess to what was an investment or compromise in that print, then documented. Which begins in All of humanity; of our own real life story lines. 

Why, knowing the truth has been proven. At some point. Even if time staggered on. Why, text messages, interactions, recorded real time engagements. And conversations revolve around a world of continuous types of communication. Which is not a formal lifetime agreement. Even if a contract is created. People compromise with each other everyday. People share common interest or non interest to form agreements everyday. People have interest of all types. Including birthing bloodlines to carry the ownership in heirships. Invested in the history behind; their family names. People possess heinous intentions in these human hearts. Are people just need some type of established security. from each other. But When People have unsettling personal &  business affairs of 'All types' in this life. The arguments will arise in due seasons of life. Based on whose feelings is now damaged in this life. And most of time. Life again; did another Roll Call in humanity. At the exact time of those faces casting the human judgement. Then 'pulls up', in those 4 corners on earth. Now the money will validate the access. In which enforcement of the laws of this world. Created for the People by the People. In People is the Constitutional Rights. Of the People Judicial Systems that will roll in. To listen to both sides. To deliberate on what is settled are not. But given of a temporary or long-term rights of conservatorship, heirship or who can heal or remain to have a broken heart. It's desperately an attempt to band-aid the continuance in peoples 'restoration'. Of human relationships. However, the system works in it's own flaws. and even  Without concluding in All the physical facts of human history. People really never are emotionally restored back  Together in one physical or mental piece.

Why, often because emotions run deep. And where there are a world of Children  involved. Unfortunately it's take a Village to know what the real Village;  investments are of in these Villages. It will reveal the history. In why we as a People need; genuine from the heart emotional love. A strong sense of Belonging to someone if not each other. If not the People in these bloodlines. Of petitions, Rally's protect, gatherings and including is the play date. In all are great; but once adult,twice a child is Biblical in this life. Until one day the youth will grow weary. Into becoming adults. Then Elders that will operate in a life stage of dementia. Around the generational gap. Is the Mental illness that is reveal; in the faces through faith. While this entire world will judge. Based off old case law. But in this life it's the struggle to accept; in these bodies, and minds. That are destined in each other to change; with time.

Just talking to People in life. Listening in those secluded spots. And even deeper listen sometimes to what we talking to each other; about. The night before my son's, descending. We exchanged our love conversations. I can still hear the calmness in his voice. I can still feel his heartbeat in the spirit. So, I'll be short but on point. Prior to his untimely or Timely passing on earth. I ask my child now an adult. In the physical mindset of a human person. What could of happened in these human hearts on earth? His humbled reply never change who you are. 'We live in Cohabitation of each other'. And people just change in the blink of an eye. No matter the relationships or strangers passing bye. Just 'STOP', talking to All of Them. Why, if we're living or no longer here on earth. People will say anything, do anything they think they can get away with. By assuming anything fits the situation, to create chaos & judgement. Just to validate not even themselves. But I have lived a life filled with knowing your genuine love. Amongst a few good people that also loved; me back. Because they knew the love I shared. Grew back to love in themselves. And to God  I continued to pray everyday about me. So, I'm good with my human choices to change. From my own internal human thinking ways. Thank you momma. For loving God; first. In your human lifetime.

Being human should not validate who becomes responsible for another human being feelings. Why, we know in humanity everyday in this life. Human choices were made. Because of what has been said, been mentally & physically done. However an action to resolve the issue or concern; remain a life filled with ❓ marks. Change is a challenge. In ourselves alone. But when other people are involved. We can't continue to make it about ourselves.

Again, we give birth to one another in this life. But when life calls Time to step in. We then realize it was never about US and what was acceptable or non acceptable. But now if respected or not. Somethings need to change. To be corrected, communicated, completed & done.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Foster Care

In this life. There is the System. Including Health Care Systems, Wellness vs. Well being. That every human will resource for a physical need. From one to another of; human attention, support through compassion and empathy.

First let's acknowledge mental health care. In Poverty is the state of lack; in one's  and All in a shared environment. As wealth is possing the access in a shared environment; but is not exempt. From services rendered of  any public services, included is foster care, the health care systems, Wellness vs. Well beings. Why, because we're all humans trying to understand who we become. And what does who do when real life happens.

We are the creation of All types of people; with impairments in the physical & mental. And disabilities does not discriminate in of who gives birth to a child we all were born from a female with the DNA of a male. And married is a title in which Humans interacts in matrimonial, and then their is the types. In society of labeled relationships. Not exclude is a parental guardian. Are even who has or not; of associations, money, knowledge, accolades or access. Unfortunately & Fortunately life is the dictator. Of it in All of what is happening.

Insomnia, Bipolar, ADHD, Anxiety, Schizophrenia & Depression. Forms in  the physical of Old, Youth, Babies of every age, gender in creed. Of All nations of any color in race. In this world people they just naturally; Cohabitate. In every typical or non typical way. We in humanity struggle and debate each other; with the logic or non logic. Regarding what do we do next. In dealing with each other.

Until, we deal with identifying with the personal, or maybe hereditary or unexpected issues in our minds. Some people will advise don't respond to them, those are that person. Remember someone also showed you compassion. I stand to believe in communication. Regardless if it's acknowledged or dismissed. We in humanity all have our breaking points to further deal with each other. When the other refuses to change and listen. Why, internally these levees will bend if not break. And what child or elder if not an entire family in a society of All people will or not be impacted. Knowing we're All human in this world. And eventually we will need; each other to survive, live amongst one another. And To figure out how to heal.

Again, here on earth. There is the pure in hearts. And the evil in hearts. Is many text and conversations. Masking the brokenness that moves in silence. And  continue to make human choices.

The sad news is; they're are those In the presence, awaiting and  who were always watching each other. The Trembling affects is knowing in this hour of this time. The Mental Health and the lack of knowledge; is beyond a world in Awareness. 

All people get busy in this life. More than often our busy bodies are running to and fro with each other. But if money, can't restore patience with empathy. Then time will reveal the resource to help from one to another; humanity is still ina greater need; in this world. That Something has to immediately change. In the human self assessment; of ourselves.

Experience gets people to talking. So, Ask a child in any age range. Including  adults in any age range. When was the last time you were happy, depressed are mentally & physically motivated. And if there is an honest answer in this life; then ask another of  each other. This same question, on a different day.

Real talk, over generations and even in this generation. When life happens for  All people, are destined to feel mentally & physically. Including death on this earth. The reality is the weight left behind for another to carry is even deeper. In the hearts of the living. 


In real time pardon each other's expressions of surprise. Of who has or is mimicking your real life testimonials. And the relationship or associates is not exempt. Just watch what is moving in silence. Or acts of shenanigans 

One day look around into a room. Or this space in life. We All can relate to; once or still standing in today. Of many, before a few or maybe the presence of the same in old. After those in whom have passed on.

The moral is we keep asking what happened. And who adds up to the Why.  Reality is there are those that insist to hide behind the Truth. In the next of generations, familiar faces are strangers passing bye.

When we make it an assignment to tear another person down. The question has to be asked; of who is accountable. And responsible for your outcome. In your own self made choices; of many choices in this entire world?

Baby Baby

This is just the lyrics. The real history wote itself.

Baby daddy, we invited each other into this space. That we both decided together to cohabitate. Yes, but baby mother' s of this earth. Your invitation allowed me in. To spaces we both needed & need time to. Work on more of our own mind, bodies and souls. 

So if we surrender our bodies;  to each other. Over & over with one to another. Who will be the Gatekeeper in our decisions. Once time will send test in our lives. To climb the highest of mountains that we have yet; grown up to seek more depths of in human & life knowledge. To better prepare & stay equipped to fight together, apart. If not identify obstacles, drama or life itself. Until Time ends it All. To end that challenge; we keep going around in

Thank you in those mother's for not just attempting to be the Bestie. For the mother being the melody in a young man's are men heads. And knowing The levees in their hearts; are also subject to be broken. The reminder you planted in these boys to men. So one day in time they could understand more of themselves.

When a child is made aware. That child who becomes an adult. Better accepts the facts in why, mom and dad. Also made these same life choices. The same life choices that either mom and dad or man or woman. Female or Male. Withered in of the test of time. Or broke in those levees in their own hearts & minds. As Other's tore down The levees of  the past and future generations; in rhetorical choices.

Thank you dad, are for the men and young men and woman. Who, saw the absence of this enduring love; desperately needed. It's your sacrifices you made & make. That are sometimes underappreciated. Under valued. Are expected because of your pureness in heart. Knowing you knew there was work to do in yourself. Because you recognized much work was needed to renovate the work the other person denied, avoided are was aware to fix in themselves. 

Black boy you are the history of your bloodlines. Not the trending or ending to the story of life; people judge in. Knowing subconsciously they also are denying judgement in themselves. You have God's favor in timing to rewrite just remember humans are filled with good & evil hearts. Do your best work in yourself; first. And all a child needs is; time & genuine love from the pureness in hearts.

Black girl, Kings are born in this entire world. A wife is born of many in Virtuous Woman. And no one owes another of his or her; soul. To only please each other's wants vs. Needs. We're All accountable for knowing the history of our own history. 

And before night falls. So we never fall out of this generations of inheritance in love. Over crumbs, spite and pillow talking. On this day, the world was not created for You, US are Them. The seeds were planted in the Trees of Life & Knowledge. So that we may produce productively in increase. From the Alpha will be the Omega. In gifted treasures in  those Trees of Life. Was the beginning for mankind to live out to see the fruits in its Ending. 

Stop asking human beings. Including any race of woman, female, girl or mother. Is also a donor, dad or father. Real life is no storks gave birth to humanity. For what has happened in the dismantle of these levees. 

In order to start generations of healing. Baby Baby, eventually if life don't mature US in All. The levees that continue to break in these fragile hearts. Time is going to  show; for All in US.

Ghost Writers 

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 We're All destined to attend, announce, speak at, arrange if not interact. In some form or type of engagement here in earth.And for the respect  of time. To speak with proper etiquette; so communications floats abroad. Everyone on earth will engage in some form. With one, alone, together or with another; of an engagement.

Predators or amongst us. In evey design and forms. Candidness is amongst US All. Charisma is a behavior dressed up are down; depending on whose wearing what; today, tomorrow are right now.

 Oops I, we are them; caught each other watching. Now what happens now? In a World; the light has always been shining on?

What Good deeds of seeds is sown into the earth. Of those in bad roots of evil that continually; grow.


Upon millions of souls in many nations. We are nearer; to one nation. Separated by these same souls of many. Is the pure in heart. And the hearts in evil.   

This heart beat that's the life. In All of mankind. Again is the pure at heart and those of evil hearts of driven in minds. That roam in this entire world.  A gift life. In the world Created for the life of mankind; the final convenant; Not written from brother to brother, neighbor to neighbor. In every hood, community, society or establishments. But this covenant covers all covenants; including the 10 commandments..

If you're reading this passage; it's because you're in the living. If you're breathing no matter the physical condition; your still in the land of the living. 

It took the only one sacrifice, that was judged, body broken & blood shed. Intervention in this covenant for we in mankind shall live. And once the passover in the hour; that's near will conclude. The mystery unfolding. To why, we in humanity were and given this allowed; additional time. That no man will be able to teach to each other. What this covenant will reveal in the open. Of this entire world.

Today the lights came on again; and in the light was good & evil; smiling, lurking, Listening, preying & praying. In the paths of  our own fragile feet; will cross over of many.

If Any man, continues to sacrifice another in blood. Are teach a lie is the truth. The blood will also have its day before the Judge of final Judgement. In the final hour drawing near. The real issue is no one is on Top of the Time; it's just going to happen in the Blink of An Eye.

Friday, July 12, 2024



Once the lines have been drawn. Ages have been respected. If not the eager desire of angles directed. Permissions are no longer; appreciated. Climaxes are overrated. And lines are being crossed; in every direction. Then where do we go? To explore more of our self. If not dive into; of figuring out. What permanent pleasure is All about. 

We talk about love, infatuation, obsession & lust. But yet discovered; how to respect. What about what is released of ourselves. Unto this submission, from one to the other. Where the beauty & definition bodily awaits; of the experience. In releasing into unset boundaries. Is the expected trust; unto each other. Before the US find out; why appreciating the Time. Sometimes is not fulfilling as we anticipated. Of what has to continue in the both of US, to learn about each other. In a world of human attractions. Without human restraints. We disregard; even our own bodies boundaries. Why, loneliness is a; beast. When these human emotions in desires run deep. Of anticipated low, medium & intensified heat. Before can we figure out; the factors that need to waiver & balanced out. As somethings are a hit or miss. Before acting out. On the instant attractions. In first sight; of the physical Anatomy.

So, how do we teach our boys about; their bodies, feelings, caresses, and types of relationships. Before diving into uncharted places. Of their own emotions? The same way we are. Or not teaching our girls; about safeguarding  those pearls. Female or Male. The both will require ample time to both physically & mentally mature. Before dipping in, and diving out. One must first learn; how to understand and owner operate a work; in one self. Before inviting in someone else. Who has yet familiarized in themselves; personal relationship with safeguarded boundaries.

We are breeding the birth's of an entirely new generation in a generation. And everyone has their own human judgement & opinions; on these  stereotypes. As humans are in a race. In and out of relationships. As fast as turning off & on; of a light switch.  And if relationships are the news status in this world. 1 Corinthians 15:33 also exist in chosing. Unfortunately, affection & love. Both require time experience & patience. Why, two-way communication is still universal. In this entire world. In times the human packaging & deliverance; is quickly sold to each other. Then immediately broken of the seal; is trust & loyalty. That Leaves the inside untouched; in a state of emotional neglect & abandonment. Then comes the justification in the why. To remove all the old memories. And seek immediately. Of the next to satisfy. If not just take personal time. To refocus heal, breathe & love life.

When these physical mechanicals; no longer work. How do we fix; the mental state in each other? Before, fixing what's loose in ourselves. And even children of youth are in their idea minds of a type in relationships. A strong concern. Until we  educate enough in ourselves; to teach. Is to learn who we are; in ourselves. To suggest 'claiming' to know more about each other; beyond intimate contact. 

Life did not come with a manual of instructions. But we are accountable to teach each other. And Learn what is equipped in these bodies. So, who will teach our children; about fantasies is make believe. But experience in love is Powerful. And what happens when once we repeat it to one another. Or feel the falling in love. Of sine ingredients we have yet learned. To control in our own individuality. As human beings.

I remember my son was 13. And so was his body changing. I knew as human being. The female and male is equipped differently. Both Psychologically and in Anatomy. However, emotions are based in Individuality. The physician ask would you prefer; confidentiality. The reply was, no. If I am to understand myself as a young man. This is an opportunity for US in the room; together to understand, mature & grow.

It's inevitable for mankind to exist alone in this world. Why, Without knowledge we lack in understandings; of ourselves and each other. Therefore it's impossible for children to not grow up. Asking questions to figure out. In knowing the differences about themselves. In a world of education, is also intimidation. And good reads stacked on shelves. Of romance novels, there is also relationship experts, forums and inspiring love songs. And in the real world is those awaiting to step in; and start the real raw conversations. Knowing the possibilities in this life; of Cohabitations. Is destined in All. Of time will eventually cross paths.

Why, In a world of humans that yearn attention from one to another. In our struggles we seek; comfort, security & direction. That will completely validate; each other's passion or desires. Why, the idea of possessing fulfillment. Of meeting emotional wants & needs. Of finding the forever in You, US, Them & Me. If not her or him. Eventually we figure out in time. What the real me; really needed. Was to figure out; what was sought of in my own emotions. Is this anticipating feeling; for some one else. To invest back in me. As they are also seeking; for the same emotional investment in themselves. 


Often we say it's something else. Or maybe this time it's someone that left in US, a remotely feeling. The type of feelings that is bottled up; in our individual emotions. 

The reality is if we never met these or those. Or 'I got it handled'. If not that particular person in this lifetime. Or even if it was our own direct family or someone else's; of the invited. This Heartache is what challenges US in All. It's being human towards each other. We surrender in these; emotions of forgiveness because of love. Anger because of spite, abandonment, and hate. That will bend, mend or fold; of Humans in All.

I often mention my only son. By birth rights. Birth rights is the breaking news around the world. And so have other's mentioned in this Lifetime story; through subliminal messages. Or the authentication is real raw facts. Of their own personal testimonials. And Of course the world views are collective; and debated. If not deliberately deliberated through human judgement. However, it's the credibility in human patterns of history. That write the reality; of who played. And continues to reveal in mankind. The characters in our day to day; lives.

I often speak on children. Why, we are this human race that birth life. And this word that identify's whose a baby daddy or baby momma. Is the identity we in humanity; have labeled for our selves. Then carry the weight of the same judgement in our belly's, of mindsets and hearts. Of our own. Because of the Cohabitations of human creations. 

I often talk about systems. The systems did not create themselves. However, humanity fights about whose; losing & winning in the same system of countries & states. Created by the people for the people.

I touch on leaderships around the world. And how for every country. The unthinkable exist. From internally being divided. It's by it's own natures of desires, politics & religion. That spill into the world of disrespect in debated conversations. However, our human lives are not always aligned. Due to the consequences & conflict created by design. Here on earth. Because of our owners of families history. Dividend by categorized platforms & structured boarders in adversity. Amongst the foundations on which this earth; was allowed for All Mankind to birth life. Through generations. But somehow man decided for one to another. What is of your own way to live. 'this cannot exist, this has to be handled'. In our own  moral, values & beliefs; shall exist the  lives. Amongst political, spiritual & worldly weapons of warfare. In Humanity.

I touch on a world designed to assume every human of any culture will or not  marry, divorce, practice celebasy &  March for freedoms in expressions of; one's desired self. Is the inclusion included of many, in All of this entire world. And then comes the laws of the land. Offesting organized human confusion. Which means if we listen closer, watch & learn. Who are we? Is really who we birth. Of being the accepted. Of one to another in this entire world.

I touch on greed, murder, abuse, DV, SA, CA. The Family, Civil courts & Criminals Court are again created by design. Within it's own flaws. By man for mankind. But even the argument is a strategy. Knowing what mankind is capable of. In offenders or non-offenses, is Authority's. Managing repeated records & technology of history. And creed is nonexempt. 99% of the victims is repeated history. Based of acquitted; patterned behaviors. That's in human denial of it's faces. In who has lowered, or disregarded of those in them; to be pardoned. Of equals justices for another chance in hunan freedoms. Knowing the same human threats. Walk amongst the earth. As we encourage silence. Is don't speak on it. Our willingness to end the corruption & violence; never ends.  To tune in to Continue to watch, mock and put God first in every Commandment. But deny in ourselves. Of even the same Justified Judgement. In Justices to All still remains; to address of distress throughout the earth.

If we were to detect what's misrepresented in our human packaging. And really listen to what is being spoken on to each other. Of this ground being walked upon by All of every creed in every race of mankind. If we were to address immediately the dysfunction. If what fuels the frustration. In the dynamics if this life. Of all types is natural infrastructure. Of the inserting is our individual natural gifts; no one would hold a disclaimer. For they themselves were not exempt. From the gifts I'm this life. Life Handled it before our first; breathe.

My only son expressed the night before his life was abruptly taken in a sit second. I have lived my life over again; on a different day. With what they thought. Was limited in company of  company's. In humanity Cohabitation continues in living. Of cycles in life; is  months, days, hours, seconds in time. of every calendar year that I'm we see of seasons; appear. Of what We in humanity utilized of time. In our own lives to justify each other; is the judgement against one to another. I am young in age, but time has aged my mind. Of maturity stretching my mental thinking. I am still loved. How so, I have been respected, rejected, trusted & feared because of; my own knowledge as a Human being. I have carefully spoken & listened & watched with a compilation of levels in emotions. Even in types of evil mankind cover up on this earth; walked in the presence of each other. I have built foundations in relationships. Beyond my own skin color. I have mental notes of education, religion and a world revolutionary Systematic thinking. I have sit in confinement behind walks & doors To see who held the knowledge; shared with me. I have fed many the knowledge & length for them to break bread. Often at my own table. For some bit my hand. I have healed from a broken heart. I have grown to know why love; carries deceit. For forgiveness is priceless. Because I myself figured out the Why, life is this gift. And although they in US of All. Think death smites it; love. The truth is we're just human beings. In one universe of Time as Travelers. Figuring out that. Peace of Mind & Accountability; sits in a is state of. But many of US mask up. In diguese to live in distress is using The struggle is real. By know the

Why, Time was always happening. We just got caught UP. In what each other; was planning.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Mother nature; is in full control. Of which way the wind, water and earth moves. In every crevice of this world.

As those prepare to vacate to Mars. Even the solar planets dictate; wind, air, water and long if not short term shelter.

Project 2025. Is rambling the world of Voters. Why, what is it. We're seeing in humanity. Of who gains or loses; what. But this time there is will be no further argument to deny. Every form of a privilege or access. Will be; judged under each other's eyes.

People ask one to another. Look at the state of the entirety. Not the estate of the inheritance. But what about the estate of the world. It would behoove Us in All. To read a book, print or the writing on the WALLS. As talking so much; amongst each other. Stirs up to conflicting information. If not human confusion.

Reiterated of & in the Laws of The Law, Human & Nature. Is the ❓ 

Why, would a child's response. Be I can't read'. Awaiting a sigh, response are disregard. In the blink of an eye 'No worries child'. Just because you have a pair of human eyes. And just because your small in size. Or even if Our human minds in All humanity; needs maturity, and the time to expand. Sit still, Watch closer & Listen; to the plans.

Wealth said Poverty has to exist. Poverty said to Knowledge where are you hidden. Books read what was sold by being Told. Until life; revealed itself. By who has been telling on Life. Of the Life we've been born in; over generations.

The weatherman warned this only a projection. Of the weather. However, the prediction for course in the types of Storm, Tornado are Rain fall. Will be determined by the Power & Force of what Mother Nature reveals to US. 

The struggle is real. For every reason exist. And why; we can get prepared, continue in talking to each other, are inflate the cliche 'those types of things don't happen here'. As Time will determine what happens in the 12 seasons of this Life. And in All mankind due Project some type of change; to be the affect in the effect. Once it will occur.

Aging Water

Aging Water, I will not dwell on breaking down the knowledge. Humans age as we as Water. We have so much to learn regarding mother natures r...