If in All humanity is the negotiation, entertainment & fellowship. In and out of these human relationships. Knowing the rage of fire brews in the hearts of those who possess silence Envy-Jealousy. Then who decides of a human. Is enough, is enough; for one day. It will end All over Jealousy, hate and spite; in death on earth.
We are the breathe of life. According to the Book of Life. Is the story of Saul's heart. That pumped in rage. Over the Jealousy of David becoming King. A man who was dearly loved. Even by the children of Saul.who silently watched in envy; as his own children stood on behalf of David. Sauls heart grew deeper for David. In pure Rage & Jealousy.
Let people talk, Let people walk. Sometimes cry out in the dark. And if you're not a believer. For a believer who understands his or her own purpose in GODs plan. Why you're never alone; there was always the warning signs. We're Just not all equally yoked. As we struggle in ourselves. To settle in struggling in our cohabitations in the world. Humans are of puffed up pride. And the pure in hearts. It's our own accountability yi internal change. Even if our Associations or Cohabitations are; neutral but some how life changes US. When you are loved as human being. The respect will always fall in alignment. According to God's will for your own personal purpose. Not under the standards of mankind's contradicting conditions; to use you are temporarily love you. Only for or your God given purpose are human ambition. To continue in SIN, is the real opposition. And then be judged by it. We're all Sinners, offered the same to be saved by the grace - mercy. Through of repentance to GOD. Not of man or woman.
I still possess a mother's intuition. In why a child would even say 'I wanna do my own thing'. And why do I need another human who struggles in themselves. To make me feel lesser; of a human in myself.
The way we treat each other. It's just not equivocal unto one another.
And where is the respect on earth. Knowing those who wish each other; human joy. Are then treated in being of human in this flesh. To accept being burdened by another human. In the heart; with their selfish ways to influence pain.
The message is now for the World to see. The Why, it's overdue in time. To place a higher stake; in priority of permanent personal change.
To much Jealousy is on a compass. trembling in the foundation of the world. If only we knew exactly who was prepared; to under mind Time. Right up under our own noises. As the red flags are waving in the presence of each other. But for some human reasonings; we are the gravity to bondage. Attempting to save. If not change these mechanicals. In one another.
Encourage yourself, pray over yourself and shut it All down. Once in the spirit life speaks unto death. You have outstayed in my body is of; the Soul. That is connected in mind & heart; is exhausted. Of your entire overdue welcome.